Kishinev - Chişinău
In the spring of 1991 organized the Sealors club in the city Reni for crew pusher ČSPD Inovec bus trip into the city Kishinev. A relatively new tourist coach brand Ikarus Club of Reni to Kishinev was free, the whole trip takes approximately 20 hours. In Moldova, the attraction of alien, all takes place smoothly in a wide road with four-lane no best asphalt surface. (But have experienced much worse). Rest of which is sometimes a bus stop, was so pure like in Romania. After the route the crew observed the endless orchards slightly lumpy country.
The appearance of villages and towns along the main motorway to Kishinev shows that in the last 10-15 years, significantly reduce their construction and repair. This is a significant part of provincial nomenclature Communist party of USSR already devoted only to its interests. Blue and white houses in the ubiquitous fine dust, overlooking the Orthodox churches, the crown of trees. On the not-too-green meadows of here there forgotten rusty farm equipment to feed goats and sheep. Among the endless apricot orchards with less maintenance sporadic socialist construction and its rusted beyond smoking boiler. During stops nazreli even in small towns and villages in the radiant sun. In the countryside all the circumstances indicate that the level of supply in the local shops have shown a long-term decline. After four hours of moderate wabble close to Kishinev.
Enjoyed their typical socialist block of flats built under Brezhnev, ie at the time of Moldova in perestroika times mentioned as the golden times. Around the wide main street came to the center, which appear like a large park and then looked side streets, around which were neglected small houses. Some of them look nice. After passing prefabricated housing estates Kishinev crew surprised TR Inovec view. Self Kishinev center was extremely nice, large park was divided six-lane main class, which no drive excessively many cars.
Provide public transport Czechoslovakian trolleybuses Škoda 14Tr from Ostrov nad Ohří. Ornamental foliage to clean elegant main square (the ubiquitous, but are nicely designed the statue of Lenin from the rare red stone) long occupied about 50 demonstrators - Moldovas activists with ribbon. Their appearance was at the time, cultural and not in conflict. On the question of whether the statue is not Lenin, vague answer. Among the least century was refreshing shade trees and the cathedral of 18 century.
For the statue of Lenin to operate waterworks, recalling Czarist Russia and interwar Romania, Moldova, which included twenty year. Author to visit nearby, the Soviet relatively well-stocked markets. Watched in the city of heavy trucks. Kishinev loaded in the computer, which is then produced in the division of labor for the entire Soviet Union.
Before the coolest in Chisinau Hotel Intourist author watched in awe demolished passenger car with Polish license plates, after which the hood and roof of the night after jumping unknown local malcontents.
The new part of town along the broad boulevard and in the midst of greenery have been maintaining an elegant high rise of cast concrete (we had unrealized technology works) and a dense urban transport operating trolleybus Škoda brand. For the Soviet proportions, there was a good civic amenities. In industrial goods (as everywhere in the USSR over the last ten years) to be weaker. Reflections budili empty capture of perhaps about 10 cm the water. For Czarist Russia there swim river steamers. Our guide confirmed what the author saw along the route to the capital - is the result of intensive cultivation of monocultures in the Moldova agriculture.
"Kishinev was the cultural city of Lyceum, the universities, with its specific, full of coffee shops and beautiful parks," commented sailors lift the atmosphere of the period of the Moldova capital city of their guide, lecturer at the University of Kishinev when these times are mentioned together. Personified the Orthodox Churches, the Armenian Cathedral, the house in which lived in exile Pushkin, several museums, theaters, and interesting parks, where they were in the artificial lakes in the restaurant which he spent sweltering summer afternoon.
In Bratislava Winter harbor weaned former Czechoslovak pushers shipping companies ČSPD N.E. TR Inovec, TR Javorina, TR Magura and TR Šariš. From TR Magura exception was the author of them boarded. In addition to TR Šariš tug which was built in the SLK Komárno, they were built in the Romanian shipyard in Oltenita, where worked until 1989, six thousand people. Built value of push boat TR Šariš produced in the SLK Komárno was much higher than the quality of machinery and equipment and materials used in TR Inovec. The Czechoslovak Republic\'s trade balance to compensate for orders and Romanian shipyards although the technical level of their production did not comply with CSN. Negative trade balance against Czechoslovakia, whose political standing did not meet its economic strength, but they also all other countries associated in the CMEA.
SLK Komarno said most of the up to 1989 vessels produced in the USSR. Takes over a register of the state forgave the shipyards or the smallest gaps. It reflected positively on the quality of its production.
Deckhands quickly discovered the magic of local discos, and the mali atmosphere was anyone from abroad for a large part Moldavas pretty irresistible. But their ship is waiting. Therefore, their memories remain as most magical the old part of town full of small, almost rural houses with garden. Kišinev was probably the greatest experience, which could provide Moldova. Soviet small. It was part of it that resist change perestroika. The center was impressive Lenin. Here were grown apricots and wine for the third has produced billion citizens of the USSR. Here are kilometers long wine cellar, which run trucks.
Kishinev was so busy around the liveliest place was the local marketplace. The author was an interesting visit to Moldova, which dominated provincial officials Communist party USSR and elegant, undeniably wealthy Georgians dictates business to market in Kishinev.

Danube and flat landscape in the port of Reni.
Moldavian tug ŤTR 2000 Falcon ex ČSPD Orlík with the home port of Giurgiuleşti on the Danube River km 134,14. The author was at this time a modern craft built in 1965 in Budapest, embarked in the summer of 1970 on the first boats with pushboats. For deploying a cruise in the company ČSPD n.e. six new pushboats were built in SLK Komárno.
Prezident T. G. Masaryk a minister s plnou mocou pre Správu Slovenska Dr. Martin Mičura vystupujú v roku 1921 v bratislavskom prístave z vlečnej parnej nákladnej loďe, neskoršie premenovanú "Váh" po svojej účasti na manévroch čs. armády v Petržalke. Počas štúdií na Právnickej fakulte v Kluži bol Martin Mičura popredný predstaviteľ tamojšieho spolku slovenských študentov. Tu dohodol spluprácu nielen s predstaviteľmi študentov slovanských národností v Uhorsku, ale aj s predstaviteľmi nemaďarských národností. Jednalo sa hlavne o zástupcov študentov Rumunskej národnosti. Po roku 1918 na tieto dohody nadviazal a bol jedným z hlavných iniciátorov politickej a hospodárskej spolupráce štátov dunajského bazénu. S prezidentom ČSR T. G. M. mal vzájomné porozumenie bez výhrad.
Alexander I Karađorđević King of Yugoslavia and Carol II King of Romania in a boat trip in Danube Katarakts.
The murder of King Alexander I in Marseilles on October 9, 1934 was one of the decisive moments that tragically affected the future of the Maltese states and the whole of Europe. The majority of Slovak Evangelical Intelligence, including Dr. Martin Mičura associated with Catholic personalities. The editor of the Prague\'s Lidové noviny in Belgrade, a professor at Petar\'s Masarik Gymnasium, Andrej Vrbacký, was also very much involved in her favor. He was born in the USA, a member of the Yugoslav-Czechoslovak League, until 1941 he was a citizen of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, the holder of the prestigious Prize of the Center of the Yugoslav PEN Club. Dr. Martin Mičura President of the General Court in Bratislava and Chairman of the Czechoslovak People\'s Party in Slovakia had a close relationship with Romanian politics since his studies at the University in Kluj before 1907. In 1925 Crown Prince Carol II. Romanian acted in Topolcianky with President T.G.Masarik, Dr. Martin Mičura, met with representatives of the district of Zlaté Moravce.
Czechoslovakia signed May 16, 1935 a treaty with the Soviet Union linked to the Franco-Soviet treaty. SSI has already registered at the time of the USSR territorial claims against the Kingdom of Romania. In this situation and inflicted government in Prague has become a common appearance of the Czechoslovak Republic and the Kingdom of Romania in an armed conflict with a third party without the participation of France particularly problematic for the state when the regent Prince Pavel Karađorđević in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia gradually changing foreign political orientation of their country.
Katarakt remorquer of Danube navigate company ČSPD n.p. Steamer Liptov during a cruise against the current full of power in the Little Kazan before 1966.
Visit of the President Dr. Eduard Beneš in Orșova Accompanied by King Carol II and Crown Prince Michael I on a new passenger ship "Regele Carol II" built in the Romanian shipyard of T.Severin in 1936.
Special train of His Majesty King Carol II of Romania and his son Prince Michael I he went to the border of Czechoslovakia in Halmeu 27.10.1936 at 17.00 o\'clock. The route Kralové nad Tisou - Chop - Slovak Nové Mesto - Kosice - Poprad - Vrútky - Žilina - Veľká Bytča - Čadca - Český Těšín - Bohumín - Hranice - Olomouc - Česká Třebová - Pardubice - Kolín arrived 28.10.1936 at 9.15 o\'clock to Prague Wilson Station.

Joint-stock company Zbrojovka Brno donated 30.10.1936 Prince Michael I latest car, four-cylinder two-stroke Z-fifth and in Bratislava, Slovak Land 01.11.1936 motorboat. King Carol II Slovak Land gave in memory of the visit of Slovakia silver box with Golden State coat of arms and in her gold coins Czechoslovakia excavation.

King Carol II of Romania, Prince Michael I of Romania, the president dr. E.Beneš and Prime Minister M.Hodža the bleachers at Freedom Square in Bratislava pursue grand defile 11th Dragon regiment in honor of their Majestys. Among the officers of the regiment was Second lieutenant cavalry Aladár Ondrejkovič. When the State visit of Czechoslovakia Carol II of Romania 10/27 - 11/01/1936 Crown Prince Michael I of Romania during visit to Bratislava November 1, 1936 Slovakia donated motorboat. Provincial Committee of the Grand Duke Michael got a riding whip with a gold handle and noble city of Bratislava paid hosts three publications about the city, magnificently bound, his silver medal, silver plates, old travel clocks, leather-wrapped box in her photos and prominent city buildings.

In 1937 he received the Crown Prince Mihai I of Romania since president of Czechoslovakia Dr. Eduard Beneš gifts and sportier Aero 30 cabriolet.
Member of the Small Arrangement Romania was the backbone of Czechoslovakia against the German and Hungarian pressure. The Military Attaché in Bucharest was a strategic post. Until 1937, he was a Lt. colonel GS Helodor Píka when he was assigned to the Ministry of Defense in Prague.
Kráľ Carol II pripína svoju stuhu na zástavu pešieho pluku 45. Nosil čestný názov peší pluk 45 "rumunský" v Chuste.
Prime Minister of the Romanian kingdom Gheorghe Tatarescu on an official state visit to President Dr. Eduard Beneš.
Tatra T 92 for tests in Romania. A significant part of these air-cooled four-cylinder military off-road vehicles manufactured by Tatra Kopřivnice was supplied to the motorized units of the Romanian Royal Army.
Ultimátum Maďarské vlády prostredníctvom sa prostredníctvom čs. vojenského ataché v Budapešti v rukách Hlavného štábu čs. armády.
Employee of SPD joint stock company with his family on the pontoon of Island Ada Kaleh, the Iron Gate in 1939, the Kingdom of Romania.

Festive Christmas church service January 6, 1940 in Chisinau in the presence of King Carol II of Romania and Crown Prince Michael I of Romania.
Violent secession of the northern territory of Romania in June 1940, known as northern Bukovina and Bessarabia in Slovakia winds blew oblivion. Not in Romania, Moldova and Ruthenia.
Bucharest fears were fulfilled in the years 1938-1939 Munich Agreement 1 and the Vienna arbitration in June and August 1940. namely Romania and in April 1939 received from Great Britain and France guarantee its independence and inviolability of borders.
The Romanian government declared that the country became victims of Soviet aggression and Moscow violated commitments regarding Romania\'s neutrality and the rights to self-determination. That was all she could do. British and French (September 1939 were at war with Germany, France surrendered on June 22, 1940) failed to take any action. When Moscow presented 26 June 1940 Bucharest ultimatum, after which it would follow the attack, His Majesty\'s Government did not respond. At that time, the Kremlin contacted Berlin, came the reply: "We agree! ". That view is related to the second Vienna Arbitrage 30 August 1940, Germany and Italy forced Romania issued by the Hungarian half of Transylvania, which has since been called the Northwestern Transylvania. In August, the Romanian government also forced to agree with the Italian request to meet the zoning requirements Bulgaria. Treaty of Craiova of 7 September 1940 accounted territory Quadrilateral (southern part of Dobrogea). After 26 June 1940, the Romanian kingdom (Regatul României) forced to withdraw powers dictate 99,926 square kilometers of its territory. Total losses post-Munich Czechoslovakia related to Munich Agreement and the 1st Vienna Arbitration amounted to 41 098 square kilometers and 4,879,000 inhabitants.
Not only the company Praga and Tatra, as well as the Škoda SpA supplied motorized beam Little Entente allied Romanian Royal Army quantity of automotive technology. The deliveries continued Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. Pictured Škoda car workshop 6ST6L-APD-R its armored columns.
Armoured riverine minelayers V 5 and V 6 from Romanian Danube fleet de Marina Regală Română in time Operaţiunea München of 2. juli to 26. juli 1941 layed niekoľko mínových zábran v ramene Chilia v delte of Danube proti soviet war ships. In the sommer 1943 uskutočnili spoločné nemecko-rumunské sily rozsiahlu operáciu v delte of Danube, v dôsledku čoho zneškodnili more ako 50 min. Five of týchto mín bolo vylovených V 5. Armament: In Romanian service: 1 x 20 mm Oerlikon AA gun, 6 x 8 mm machine guns (2x2, 2x1), 22 mines.
Pálenisko port in Bratislava with the position of RO-RO landing barges RO-RO ramp. Barges RO-RO were built for ČSPD N.C. in Romanian shipyard. They delivered in the context of debt redemption Romania Czechoslovakia. In 1989 already organisationally and materially it ensured that ČSPD of the Danube ports in the USSR to carry loaded trucks to Bratislava, Austria and Germany, and back to the barges RO-RO. In Bratislava in the port Pálenisko was buildet for this purpose a new position. Similar positions have been contracted by the business partners in Austria and Germany.
Pictured robust military Skoda 6ST6L trucks columns Romanian Royal Army. They were supplied by Skoda with of complete technical backgrounds. Not only from Romania, but also Slovak motorized units taken over by the Czechoslovak army and their method of deployment in the field and organizational structure. For the Czechoslovak car manufacturer was the Romanian army, although challenging, but highly valued customers. A similar column traffic its commander Lieutenant cavalry Res. Aladár Ondrejkovič the lorry Skoda 6ST6L been deployed and Slovak Rapid division in identical conditions of deployment Ukraine and North Caucasus.
And eight-cylinder air-cooled terrain Tatra T93 and command Praga AV is proven in deployments in motorized units of the Romanian Royal Army.
The employees of the RaND race take the anchor one with the first six pushboats ČSPD n.e. after repair. Later, these boats built in Komárno were repaired in the Romanian shipyards in order to reduce the passive balance of Romania\'s foreign trade with the ČSSR.
For the Austro-Hungarian Empire before 1918 at the DDSG, for the existence of the inter-war Czechoslovak Republic at the CSD, the existence of the Slovak State in 1939-1945 at the SPD Ús. and even for the existence of the Czechoslovak Republic at the ČSPD National Enterprise from 1945 to 1993, their employees were valued and respected by all citizens, including state authorities and entrusted public administration.
Entrance to Borcea channel in countercurrent voyage is the port of Brăila in the river-km 174. circumnavigate the Strait him Hârșova, port Cernavodă and the entrance to the canal Cernavodă-Constanta. Pictured at the port of Calarasi Borcea channel.
In the autumn of 1943 in the fighting of Axis troops on the Dneper River with the Soviet Army was a lost drainage river steamer "Váh" of the shipping company Slovak Dunajplavba SPD participated company with 280HP and 500 tons capacity. The Slovak 1st Infantry Division suffered a heavy defeat in Zaporozhye on 30 October 1943 in the battles of Melitopol. More than 2,000 soldiers and officers were captured.
Officer of the Romanian Royal Army in 1943 in Odessa. In this port city were stationed some minor Slovak unit. Through Odessa Traffic automobile column PAK is its commander Lieutenant cavalry reserve Aladar Ondrejkovič relevant to Rapid division in the years 1941 - 1943 just passed. Odessa surrounded garrison surrendered April 10, 1944 troops of the 3rd Ukrainian Front. That was the end of the occupation zone Transnistria with the center in Tiraspol, whose creation has got Antonescu regime in isolation (Guvernământul Transnistriei).
Officers of the Romanian Royal Army, guests of the Slovak Ministry of National Defense for a medical stay in the High Tatras in the spring of 1944.
Deutsche Kriegsmarine submarine U 9 sank the Soviet Air Force on August 20 in Constanta Naval Base. Its sub-assemblies were delivered to the shipyard in Linz Compilation and then in tug boat on the Danube to Galati to final assembly. U 9 was again put into operation Oct. 28, 1942 when it Cptlt. Hans-Joachim Schmidt-Weichert crossed the German submarine base in the port of Constanta. In the years 1941-1944 was Moldova (Bessarabia) and Danube ports of Reni again affiliated to the Kingdom of Romania. After the takeover of power by King Mihai I. August 23, 1944 in Romania, the German part of the Black Sea navy he retreated into the Danube River and part was sunk by own crew on the high seas and in ports of Varna and Constanta.
Odessa, May 1964. The staff of the technical department of the plant date, and future crew in assuming that time Europe\'s most modern passenger speed boats race for rocket Personal transport shipping companies ČSPD n.c. Pictured third from right Mr. Peter Simeonov. Odessa in the years 1941-1944 occupied by the Axis forces.
King Michael I of Romania (Regele Mihai I al României) in August 1944 with the Allied Slovak army armed campaign against the German Reich shortened II. World War II at least six months, saved hundreds of thousands of lives can be Milonas. Events staff SPD a.c. surprised the professional part of the elite since 1924 cooperated with SSI, ČsMSS, SMSS still among employees Č.S.D. a.c. To fundamentally changed situation in Slovakia and Romania responded 5 September 1944 (September 8, 1944 has been declared the Bugarian cabinet Constantin Muraviev state of war with Germany) coup Bulgaria (Rapporteur territorial claims of Hungary in the 2nd Vienna Arbitration against Romania), which was finally Germany changed the strategic situation in the Balkans and Central Europe, to its detriment. On 15 October 1944 the struggle of Slovak and Romanian army against the Wehrmacht had already been forced to react to the enemy from fighting in 1938-1939 (successful bidder territorial claims in the first Vienna Award and 2nd Vienna Award with Bulgaria against Romania) regent Miklós Horthy attempt the withdrawal of Hungary from the war. Coup in Hungary and his cast Wehrmacht only limited possibilities warring Slovak Army (1st ČSA), the situation of German troops in the Balkans could chang.
On the territory of the Czechoslovak Republic (military occupation of the fighting between 15 to 21 March 1939 Hungary) from 28.10.1944 in Chust worked Czechoslovak government delegation Minister František Němec and liberated territory Headquarters division-Commander General Antonín Hasal
Steel crown "Coroanei de Oţel".
; Sorea OL Družba ; Maria Tănase - Cine lubeşte şi lasă " ;
Notes: Since 1936 served Lieutenant cav. Aladár II. Ondrejkovič of 11th Dragon Regiment 11 "King Carol II of Romania" until its dissolution in 1939 ; In the years 1924-1945 coordinated Serviciului Secret de Informaţii al Armatei Române (SSI) with 2nd section heads Staff of the Czechoslovak Army or 2nd section Staff Slovak army operate ;
Sources: Stefan II. Ondrejkovič ; Mária Turbová ; Andrej Vrbacký ; "N.W." October, November 1936 ; Cpt. Peter Majerník ; Peter Simeonov ;