Dr. Štefan Rais, Minister of Justice ČSR

,, Aladar is a good man, but not applicable to the current regime "

JUDr. Štefan Rais graduated high school of "Ľudovít Štúr" in Trenčín and PF UK in Prague. (*8.august 1909 Gapel-Zliechov +April 1975 Bratislava). Father Bernard Reisz *1870 Očová, mother Caroline Büchler *08.08.1872 Považská Bystrica. Wife Dr. Eva Rais genus Baxa.

The general strike in December 1920 is one of the most violent appearances of the left. Strikes, demonstrations against rising prices and, in particular, appearances in support of the Soviet advance and against the dictatorship of Miklos Horthy in Hungary were organized throughout the Republic. The penetration of Soviet troops to Warsaw (Polish-Soviet War) activated it. The actions of railmen and arms against the transfer of arms to Poland were well received at home and abroad. The defeat of the Soviet army in front of Warsaw negated part of the ambitions of the left, but the wave of radicalism did not fade. The Tusar government in Prague and the Minister for Administration of Slovakia Dérer resigned. A clerical government has been appointed. Minister of Plenipotentiary for Administration of Slovakia became the Tekov-Nitra Comes JUDr. Martin Mičura, who in 1919 participated with the commander of the 2nd Division Colonel Šnejdárek to push the Hungarian Red Army out of the territory of southern Slovakia. Leading the left, organized by Kladno experienced Antonín Zápotocký, announced a general strike. The regional trade union council in Slovakia and the left action committee joined, one of their demands was the resignation of JUDr. Martin Mičura from office. Two months later, in February 1921 in Krompachy, four dead and 18 wounded were killed for gendarmes. 

The fourth report of the State Higher Grammar School "Ľudovít Štúr" in Trenčín for the year 1921-1922, pages 10 and 11. The report contains on page 11, 12 pupils II. classes of the future Minister of Justice JUDr. Reis Stefan, Zliechov (Trenčianske Teplice) and future director of the Kvasnice factory in Trenčín Tiso Jozef, Trenčín, on page 13 pupil IV. classes Kočiš Oldřich (future editor-in-chief and 1944-1945 minister of education and national education Aladár Kočiš), Trenčín. Ružena Martinová (future judge, Dr. Ružena Martiny-Brtková, has issued a misleading decision of the District Court of Trenčín "Declaration of the Dead" of M 155/1947 of 13.01.1948 damaging and disgusting families Stiglitz, Büchler, Ličko, Ondrejkovič, Lederer, Kellermann), born in Budapest (Trenčín), Ladislav Kellermann, Trenčín and 1.b class Oldrich Ondrejkovič (in fact Aladár Ondrejkovič) were born in Čierna Lehota (Lednické Rovné). Gymnasium staff changed the name of Aladár II. Ondrejkovič to Oldrich. His family (or those who had only daughters) were family members with a high status in Slovakia and in Trenčín and Nitra (the Minister with power of attorney JUDr. Martin Mičura, District Chief Dr Aladár Ondrejkovič), who was designated as the future head of the family against They objected. According to party number 4, the class teacher of the future Lt. colonel Aladár Ondrejkovič was Vladimír Němec, X., Ch, P, taught Ch, in classes IV, V, VI, P in l.a, I.b, V, VII, Cs. in I.b, 20 h, in II. half a year also in Z at III, 22 h, classes in I.b, administrator sb. Chh, game surveillance. 

Father of Anna Sandor de Szlavnicza, the mother of the administrator teacher Stefan II. Ondrejkovic, that is his old father was Stephanus Sandor de Szlavnicza during the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Comitatus Jurassor in Trenčín County. By the wedding of First lieutenant Aladár II. Ondrejkovič, grandson of Anna Sandor de Szlavnicza, she became additionally related to the greatest Czech lawyer, Mayor of Prague, JUDr. Karel Baxa. JUDr. Baxa was also chairman of the Constitutional Court of the Czechoslovak Republic from 17 November 1921 to 5 January 1937. 

Mansion of genus Sandor de Szlavnicza in Malé Ostratice currently. 10 years ago tripped author ran under § 2, ​​ods.1 Act No 503/2003. He had already secured funds for its repair. Opinion of the competent national authorities but it was incomprehensible to him. Of the genus Sandor de Szlavnicza comes Ondrejkovič born Anna Sandor de Szlavnicza grandmother of Lt. colonel tank Aládar II. Ondrejkovič, father from Pavel Ondrejkovič.  

May 17, 1921, the President of the City of Prague, His Honor JUDr. Karel Baxa, was also the President of the Constitutional Court of the Czechoslovak Republic, whose headquarters was on Dušní No. 17 in Prague until January 5, 1937 when he renounced his functions for his age and health. This office was also run by the Unification Ministry, the Ministry for the Unification of Legislation and the Organization of Administration in the Czechoslovak Republic. 

His Honor Dr. Karel Baxa, the Mayor of Prague, on 9 December 1920 marriage newlyweds, who have been Sir Dr. Henri Revilliod (*1873 †1956), a Swiss citizen and gracious Lady Olga Masaryk (*25.05.1891 Prague † 12.09.1978 Beaconsfield, England), daughter of the first President of Czechoslovakia T. G. Masaryk.

Music lounge with vaulted ceiling are adorned with gold leaf in the Prague residence of JUDr. Karel Baxa where he grew up JUDr. Eva Raisová born Baxa, his only child.

VII. Annual Report of the Czechoslovak State Higher Grammar School of "Ľudovít Štúr" in Trenčín for the school year 1924-1925, p. 12, II.A class 57. * Eva Baxová, Vienna (Trenčianske Teplice).

VIII. Annual Report of the Czechoslovak State Higher Grammar School of "Ľudovít Štúr" in Trenčín for the school year 1925-1926, VI.A Class 21. * Štefan Reis, Zliechov-Gápel (Trenč. Teplice). 26. Jozef Tiso, Trenčín.

XX. Annual Report of the Czechoslovak State Real Gymnasium of "Ľudovít Štúr" in Trenčín for the school year 1937-38. Menus abiturients (Started the mark with the award ceremony) VIII A. .... 10. Mikuláš Dohnányi, 11. Rudolf Feldek, 12. *Juraj Fuchs (future assistant of professor Gizella Ondrejkovičová in the election campaign for the Democratic Party in 1946, later editor). 

The Street of "King Alexander", whose construction and naming was awarded to Dr. Karel Baxa, the Mayor of the City of Prague and the President of the Constitutional Court of the Czechoslovak Republic and the Czechoslovak-Yugoslav League. The official of the Yugoslav part of the league was the editor of the Brněnské "Lidové noviny" in Yugoslavia profesor Andrej Vrbacký. A member of the league in Slovakia was also his father in law, administrator teacher Štefan I. Ondrejkovič, functionary of the Czechoslovak People\'s Party in Slovakia, who also became a relative of Dr. Karel Baxa by the marriages of First lieutenent Aladár II. Ondrejkovič and Miss Alžbeta Ličková. The family Ondrejkovič, politically oriented on the Mičura Czechoslovak People\'s Party was much more closely connected with the wife of Dr. Štefan Rais as he was willing to admit to the public and himself.

Eugen Löbl, Deputy Minister of Foreign Trade, was imprisoned and interrogated in the autumn of 1949. The arrest continued in 1951, in January was arrested by Foreign Minister Vladimir Clementis and his deputy Artur London, in February Karel Šváb, Deputy Minister of National Security.

JUDr. Štefan Rais was appointed on 25 April 1950 as the Minister of Justice of the Czechoslovak Republic. He replaced Alexei Čepička on this post.  

After the abolition of the Cabinet of the Minister, JUDr. Stefan Rais established a college of permanent representatives of the Minister and his deputies and his deputies - the representative for presidential affairs, ie for JUDr. Otakar Heráf\'s lawyers. At the council of judges and lawyers in Piestany 12.06.1950 JUDr. O. Heráf declared, "We are watching the attorneys, we know about their mischiefs, do not suffer their flamboyant speech and attack the bodies of the National Security Corps and the quality of their administrative protocols."

Since the imprisonment of Rudolf Slansky on November 23, 1951, the Minister of Defense JUDr. Alexei Čepička the second most powerful man in the state.

Former General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia and Deputy Prime Minister Rudolf I. Slánský was executed in Prague on December 3, 1952. Czech Ambassador to Bratislava Rudolf II. Slánský said in an interview with the author: "Dr. Štefan Rais had no impact on the course of the proceedings and his father\'s trial". According to his Excellency, a judgment was held on the order of Soviet advisors with a pre-determined course of action.

Defence Minister Alexei Čepička in 1952 ruled that the 2nd Commando Military District (Commander General Jaroslav Tokáň) in Trenčín will be the establishment of a Soviet military adviser.

First lieutenant Aladár II. Ondrejkovič Freiherr Sandor de Szlavnicza, entrepreneurs granddaughter, Charlotte Stiglitz born Büchler Miss Alžbeta Ličková his fiancee, her sister Alice and son in law, Sarlota Stiglitz born Büchler Mr. Jozef Čevela front of the villa at Štefánikova No 33 in Trenčín. Years 1943-1944.

Witness testimony from the Associate Professor LF JUDr. R.A. about activities Lt. colonel Aladár II. Ondrejkovič (the great-grandson of Trenčín County Judge Stephan Sandor de Szlavnicza) in 1938-1945.   

When tennis court in the garden of the villa at Štefánikova No 33 (9) Trenčín mum of author Alžbeta Ličková (from spring 1944 Ondrejkovičová), her sister Alice and daughter tenant Schwer professor of Business Academy in Trenčín the year 1942.

Villa of wife family Štefánikova 9 (33) in Trencin today. There was First lieutenant Aladár II. Ondrejkovič site with his wife for permanent residence here and had a seat and a company that manufactured spirits and traded with them. 

In the year 1943 the villa was Štefániková No 33 obligatory darkened due to its location next to the military barracks and the danger of bombing by Allied air forces. Pictured her window covered with a special light-proof paper towards Štefánik barracks and hunting setter of First Lieutenant Aladár II. Ondrejkovič.

In the years 1939-1945 was besides editor of "Radio Moscow" broadcast for Czechoslovakia. Consideration traveled throughout the military prison camp in the USSR for the purpose of recruitment of Slovakia and Hungary (former Czechoslovak citizens) armed forces into 1st. Czechoslovak Army Corps. The situation of prisoners in the camp Krasnogorsk was extremely difficult. For example, late Colonel artillery Pavol Gajdoš (colleague from Lt. colonel tank Aladár II Ondrejkovič of the Military Academy Bratislava 07.01.1941) to author said that Dr. Stefan Rais gave him a piece of bacon, which died almost as starvation. According to testimony of army corps, if intended to survive the captives, known to the corps.

According to testimony, the former editor of the journal Work Alexander Bachnár author, he testified about years later, as a terminally ill, that is until a week on the arrest in Bratislava and introduced President of Supreme Court Dr. Martin Mičura to the USSR in the September of 1945 the authorities of the State of the KGB. Dr. Stefan Rais son-in-law was a high official in Czechoslovak politic who was President of the Constitutional Court and the Mayor of Prague, Dr. Karel Baxa, advocate in the political process with the Movement for Omladina Austria - Hungary. Dr. Karel Baxa was the nephew of the famous Czech poet and journalist who was Karel Havlíček Borovský. His wife Amélie Jurkovič was the daughter of well-known lawyer from the Croatian town of Opatija. Their only child daughter JUDr. Eva Raisová genus Baxa

JUDr Stefan Rais called not the request for the return of Dr. Martin Mičura through the presidential office. Arguments about the reluctance of government authorities to return the USSR prominet person is not based on truth. The proof is the testimony and issue prominents. One of them was for example General Jozef Turanec (one of commanders First lieutenant Aladár II. Ondrejkovič ktorí mali námietky proti jeho sobášu predpisu H.V.V. A-V-7 § 8, čl. 5), who pointed out that his extradition to Czechoslovakia to shout it from the window of jail. Dr Martin Mičura, here we are! ". Another, issued by the Government of the USSR was also a former defense minister, General Ferdinand Čatloš. Dr. Martin Mičura president of the Supreme Court, Deputy State Council, the longtime chairman of political party Czechoslovak People\'s party in Slovakia was the first president of confidential friends Czechoslovak republik T. G. Masaryk and the whole of his family. The hostility JUDr. Stefan Rais Czechoslovak People\'s party to the family and the first President of Czechoslovakia, T. G. Masaryk and his hostility towards the show and all its manifestations of political activity. 

Minister of Foreign Trade of the Czechoslovak Republic, National Socialist Hubert Ripka signed a secret agreement in November 1945, which gave the USSR the right to use for 20 years all uranium mined in Jáchymov.

 In the unlawful procedure the proceedings number M 155/1947 of the District Court of Trenčín was decided by JUDr. Martiny-Brtková, whom JUDr. Štefan Rais had already recognized from their joint studies at grammar school. In the case, besides Blana S. also lawyer Dr. Alfred Barač. Evidence: also Fourth Report of the Czechoslovak State Higher Grammar School "Ľudovít Štúr" in Trenčín for the school year 1921-1922, pages 10, 11 and Resolution of the proceedings No M 155/47 of 13 January 1948 (Declaration of the death of Sarlota Stiglitz born Büchler).

Ing. Ludmila Jankovcová 25 November 1947 in the government of Klement Gottwald exchanged to Minister of Industry, father-in-law from Capt. cavalry Jaromir Nechansky (friend and colleague of Capt. tank. Aladár II. Ondrejkovič from 8th Dragon Regiment in Pardubice) Bohumil Laušman. 

Upon her arrest on August 16, 1948, editor of the Prague office of the "Pravda" newspaper, Věra Hložková, was an alleged lover of several Czech and Slovak communist politicians.  

JUDr. Štefan Rais was in 1945, among others, the head of the editorial office of Pravda in Prague until 1948.

Účastníkmi porady u Rudolfa Slánského v súvislosti so smrťou ministra Jana Masaryka 10. februára 1948 mali byť prítomní vedúci mezinárodného oddelenia ÚV KSČ Bedřich Geminder, za vedenie ŠtB Osvald Závodský, Jindřich Veselý a Bedřich Pokorný.  

Dr. Štefan Rais, since 1948 he has been the head of the internal affairs department of the Office of the President of the Czechoslovak Republic.

On January 29, 1949, the Košice theater was full. Interviews of official guests came to hear the number of Kosičans. Head of the Political Department of the Office of the President of the Republic JUDr. Štefan Rais read the attended greetings of the President of the Republic Klement Gottwald. Participants were invited by Minister of Health Josef Plojhar, Deputy of Health Milan Polák, Deputy of Education Ladislav Novomeský and Deputy of Technology Professor Jozef Lukačovič. 

Dr. Alexej Čepička, from 25 February 1948 until 25 April 1950 was the first communist minister of justice of the Czechoslovak Republic and in 1949-1950 also the chairman of the State Office for Church Affairs. He has reached the closest, three-member command of the Communist Party and the State. He directed political processes with communist opponents. Upon his inauguration, purges took place in the ranks of judges and lawyers. The independence of the courts has been destroyed, for which only the laws, but also the regulations of the government and ministries have not been binding. Justycia, according to the Soviet model, the Čepička\'s principle, is co-responsible for judicial murders. The most prominent figure was the prosecutor, and the judge had only confirmed his sentence. The Ministry of Justice has reserved the right to determine how to proceed in the proceedings and to decide on the amount of the sentence. He personally controlled the political processes with the Communists. The Law on the Protection of the People\'s Democratic Republic was adopted at the initiative of the Čepička. He introduced offenses against the regime, which led to tens of thousands of people being convicted (in executed trials) and forced labor camps. Over 100,000 citizens have been sentenced for his long-term punishment for his office.              

Podľa nariadenia ministerky výživy č. 236/1949 Zb. z 27. októbra 1949 Družstvo hospodárskych liehovarov, Bratislava, zaniká. Platnosť od 11.11.1949. Účinnosť od 31.08.1949. Ministerka výživy nariaďuje podľa § 11, ods. 1 zákona zo dňa 2. decembra 1948, č. 278 Sb., o Ústredí pre hospodárenie s pôdohospodárskymi výrobkami.

Zápotocký v. r.       Ing. Jankovcová v. r. 

Jindřich Veselý bol v rokoch 1948–1950 prednostom odboru BA34 (veliteľom Štátnej bezpečnosti) MV. V marci 1950 sa neúspešne pokúsil o sebevraždu a musel z MV odísť. 

JUDr. Rais was the minister of justice in the years 1950-1953. 

Alexei Čepička from 25 April 1950 (until 25 April 1956, 1951-1956 also a member of the Presidency and Political Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Party) Minister of Defense. To Czechoslovakia. the Army introduced the "Field Order of the Soviet Army" and changed the occupation of its command posts under the supervision of Soviet advisors. His mandate was given by Gottwald when he was appointed Minister of National Defense. He was appointed to the rank of Army General. At his instigation was Captain Aladár Ondrejkovič in 1950 was imprisoned and convicted by the Military District Court (Hradec Králové) for refusing to order the staff training of the regiment according to the rules of the Soviet Army. Hat Developed Auxiliary Technical Battalions (PTP) where they performed military service for politically unreliable persons. The direct intervention of Minister Čepička was joined by Captain Aladár Ondrejkovič after being released from imprisonment for forced labor in mine of Czechoslovak army "President Eduard Beneš" in Libusin in Kladno. 

Former General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia and Deputy Prime Minister Rudolf I. Slansky was executed in Prague on December 3, 1952. Czech Ambassador to Bratislava Rudolf II. Slánský said in an interview with the author: "Dr. Štefan Rais had no impact on the course of the proceedings and his father\'s trial". According to his Excellency, a judgment was held on the order of Soviet advisors with a pre-determined course of action.      

Prime Minister Antonín Zápotocký (from 03.21.1953 President of Czechoslovakia) has been informed of all the facts in connection with the criminal process rec 2T 399/1953 against Josef Čevela  and his wife Valerie Stiglitz and drastic repressive regulations against Cpt. tank Aladár II. Ondrejkovič and his entire family. A. Zápotocký since 1920 co-organized strikes, which were directed against the Minister for Slovakia JUDr. Martin Mičura. Beyond doubt was the Minister of Defence JUDr. Alexei Čepička also informed of family and social relationships JUDr. Mičura the notarial family Ondrejkovič. Both were informed about the social and personal relationships JUDr. Martin Mičura and District Chief Dr. Aladár I. Ondrejkovič to the family of President T. G. Masaryk.

Colonel General Nikolai Ivanovich Gusev, Chief Military Advisor to the Ministry of National Defense and USSR Military Ataché in Prague from July 1950 to July 1954. The criminal trial of the former People\'s Court in Trenčín number 2T 399/1953 initiated by Minister Alexei Čepička with the commander of the 2nd Military District to General Jaroslav Ťokan and the subsequent action against captain Aladár II Ondrejkovič and his family was supervised by his person and his deputies.                                     

In the years 1950-1953 the economy of the Czechoslovak Republic was fully under Soviet control. Counselors have been involved in initiating, deciding and controlling the construction and focus of military-critical plants and the interests of the USSR. Without their recommendation, it was not possible to build a large enterprise. They were not subject to the Czechoslovak authorities and organizations where they were included. Chief advisers and their military and security representatives were nominee cadres of CK VKP (Vsesojuznaja kommunističeskaja partija).     

Tatrička T57A license plate S-BM-5073 today khaki green ? 

In addition to other property movable property garrison military took over management of 92 June 6, 1953, the private motor vehicle Tatra 57A of captain Aladár II. Ondrejkovič. Currently, the Ministry of Defence refuses to download it.

Qualified lawyer, Minister of National Defense of the Czechoslovak Republic JUDr. Alexej Čepička *1910 1990 was acquainted with the course of the criminal proceedings of the former People\'s Court in Trenčín proceedings number 2T 399/1953. It was at his instigation. JUDr. Alexej Čepička graduated from the Charles University before 1937, and Lieutenant Colonel Bedřich Pokorný, as a former officer of the pre-war Czechoslovak army, was acquainted with the A-XIV National Defense Order, and it had to be clear (too JUDr. Stefan Rais) that State Security and The National Defense Ministry is chasing reserve Captain Aladár II. Ondrejkovič with the family just to fulfill it.

Beyond doubt the Minister of Justice JUDr. Stefan Rais in 1953 informed that during the pre-trial detention Jozef Čevela and Valerie Čevela genus Stiglitz in the context of a criminal trial of the former People\'s Court in Trenčín No spots 2T 399/1953 has been found in their villa in Trencin Štefániková No.33 Sudeten German woman hanged corpse of Liberec, a cook who worked longer in their family. According to the author of the process of the former People\'s Court and the evidence submitted, it had to be obvious contradiction between the merits of the alleged crimes and judgment rec 2T 399/1953 dated 09.30.1953. According to archive documents, registers, state archives and documents from the case file ocher. Court was JUDr. Stefan Rais at least since the beginning of 1953 made ​​aware of illegal handling of identity and property of Bartholomew Stiglitz and Charlotte Stiglitz genus Büchler (his mother\'s sister) in the proceedings of the District Court File No. Trenčín M 155/1947 and OU Trenčín - Registrar for the purpose of gains improperly frustrating and inheritance rights of their daughter and his cousin Julia Ličko genus Stiglitz. 

For its headquarters DM look villa with adjacent buildings where the former Joseph Čevela and Valeria Čevela born Stiglitz. In this family villa wife for Štefániková 33 (9), but before the marriage in 1944 was the site of the occupation officer Cpt. tank. Aladár II. Ondrejkovič and his wife Alžbeta Ličková and after April 1, 1945 with children. Minister JUDr. Čepička decided to get DM villa inciovaním former criminal process. People\'s Court File Trenčín No 2T 399/1953 Problem for the Minister JUDr. Alexei Čepička was Unscrew prescription DM A-XIV, therefore decided to Cpt. Aladár II. Ondrejkovič will be released from the Army in Action "D" and then on Christmas Eve 24/12/1953 of flat with his wife in the seventh month of pregnancy and three young children from an apartment in Action "B" - Flats with other repressive measures against his family. Their result was death the administrator teacher Stefan Onrejkovič disease and his bride Alžbeta Ondrejkovičová born Ličková TBC. In connection with the criminal process file no 2T 399/1953 was in Trenčín regional newspapers referred to as a relative of the family accused the Minister of Justice JUDr. Štefan Rais. Fits into the context of the comments of Prime Minister Antonín  Zápotocký the cabinet meeting in Prague when he ironically asks -Pišto what makes your family in Trencin ?   

Unlawful action against the officer with the DM profession and his family from scandal in Trencin in connection with the criminal process triggered along with ongoing action in "D" years 1952-53 great concern among officers. Was a colleague of their condition, and they mostly come from rural families, teachers and notaries. Alžbeta Ličková illegally cooperated in the period 1939-44 with several Slovak officers (Maj. Mirko Vesel, Miloš Vesel, First lieutenant Karol Ličko, Michal Šumichrast) and their wives (Jarmila Golianová) who served in Trenčín and took part in the Resistance. Their social contacts and the choice of a spouse was limited regulations DM A-XIV before 1939. They felt with the families of the procedure in the case of NGOs and actions "D" risk. Part officers organized a petition against the actions of NGOs against their state. National leadership thing seriously discredited decided to confiscated villa in Štefániková 33 (9) in Trencin Soviet military advisor not accommodate, but DM retained adjacent building structures and part of movable property. Subsequently, the State Security investigated and arrested a large number of Slovak officers. StB unlawful manner also investigated captain reservists Aladár II. Ondejkovič and his wife Alžbeta Ondrejkovičová born Ličková with high resulting in pregnancy had to be hospitalized. Author as a child was a participant and witness. To this day, even against his will he a scandal reminiscent of former officers, soldiers, people of Trencin, more distant relatives, and even total strangers. Sequence of events suggests that the scandal in Trenčín years 1952-1953 was the main reason why the Minister of Justice JUDr. Stefan Rais end of 1953 was removed from office.

Od 14. septembra 1953 do 12. decembra 1954 pôsobil vo vláde Viliama Širokého minister spravodlivosti JUDr. Václav Škoda. Na celoštátny škandál v súvislosti s trestným procesom bývalého Ľudového súdu v Trenčíne č.k. 2T 399/1953 tiež nereagoval. Pokračoval v nezákonných akciách "B" Byty  a "D" Dôstojníci, iniciovaných Alexejom Čepičkom, napriek tomu, že jeho svokor a patrón Klement Gottwald zomrel už 14. marca 1953. Ako minister mal priamu zodpovednosť za zmanipulované politické procesy v 50. rokoch. V marci 1954 podal na ÚV KSČ spolu s generálnym  prokurátorom návrh na proces s tzv. buržoáznymi nacionalistami, vrátane doporučených trestov. Procesy boli cieľené aj proti dôstojníkom ČSĽA slovenskej národnosti ktorí slúžili v r.1939-45. Následne bola aj skupina bývalých komunistických funkcionárov zo Slovenska odsúdená k tvrdým trestom. 

In 1954, Jozef Lietavec, the Interior Commissioner, was revoked in connection with his implementation of Action "B". However, its consequences for the injured were not corrected, nor were the apartments returned. It was totally unacceptable that, for three years, Minister JUDr. Alexei Čepička\'s chair came to the responsibility for the illegality and crimes committed by the state administration in 1948-1955. Illegal and criminal action against the family Ondrejkovič his exclusion from the Communist Party in 1963 did nothing to solve when the state and party authorities were not willing to correct its consequences until 1989, nor to amend the directives by state and party bodies in the matter.

Od 12. decembra 1954 pôsobil vo vláde do 16. júna 1956 minister spravodlivosti Jan Bartuška. V nezákonnom konaní v súvislosti s trestným procesom bývalého Ľudového súdu v Trenčíne č.k. 2T 399/1953 a akciami "B" Byty  a "D" Dôstojníci, ktoré na Slovensku rozbehli Jozef Lietavec a mjr. Bedřich Pokorný na podnet Alexeja Čepičku pokračoval. 

JUDr. Václav Škoda again served as the Minister of Justice of the 15. juni 1956 to 11. juli 1960, previously he held in 1954-1956 in the second government Viliam Široký\'s post his vice-chairman. In March 1954, he filed a motion on the process with so-called Nationalists with recommended punishments, along with the Prosecutor General, at the Central Committee Komunist party. In the trial, a group of former communist officials from Slovakia was sentenced to severe punishment.

An eight-year-old author in 1955 received from the ČTK Director in Bratislava JUDr. Štefan Rais, as a guide to the relationship of his father\'s family "Pavlík Moruzov". 

Po roku 1960 podal odsúdený pán Jozef Čevela, rodák z obce Babice na Morave žiadosť Okresnému súdu Trenčín o obnovu trestného konania býv. ĽS TN sp.zn. 2T 399/1953. Vo veci rozhodovala opäť sudkyňa JUDr. Ružena Brtková a jeho žiadosť zamietla.

The first signs of the deprivation of the regime of reprisal occurred in 1963 in district Karlove Vary in the rehabilitation trial of part of the convicted executives of Jáchymov Uranium Mines. But he was cautious and inconsistent. In addition, rehabilitation only concerned communists. Not only political upheavals, but also economic problems with the third five-year period (1961-1965) caused the necessity of change (political prisoner, allegedly Yugoslavian agent Janko Siracký, cousin of hausband from sister of Capain reserve Aladár II. Ondrejkovič was prematurely released from jail in Jáchymov).   

In March 1964, Jindřich Veselý, a former commander of state security in the 1948-1950, committed suicide. 

JUDr. Josef Brešťanský which dealt with the rehabilitation of the Supreme Court was 2 April 1968 security bodies found in Babice hanged. 

On June 25, 1968, the National Assembly of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic approved Act no. 82/1968 Coll. on judicial rehabilitation. It was preceded by a discussion in a constitutional committee in which one of the most influential lawyers of the totalitarian communist regime, Viktor Knapp, acted in particular. 

In 1975 at the State Sanatorium in Bratislava as a terminally ill JUDr. Stefan Rais attended editor of the daily work of Alexander Bachnár. On that occasion, expressed i.a. the circumstances abducted the president of the Supreme Court JUDr. Martin Mičura to the USSR in September 1945 from the State Hospital in Bratislava KGB. JUDr. Stefan Rais since April 1945 knew that the marriage granddaughter Alžbeta Ličková his aunt and benefactress Charlotte Stiglitz genus Büchler in the spring of 1944 with the First lieutenant Aladár II. Ondrejkovič himself got into family relationship with JUDr. Martin Mičura and several major Slovak notary families which has a very negative opinion. He openly made ​​it clear the author as a boy of eight years even though he was informed that his father had input from family and professional relationships notarial family Ondrejkovič (for example Dr. Viktor Pavella, District Chief Dr. Aladár I. Ondrejkovič, Dr. Karol Reindl, Head County notary Rudolf Mičura, District notary Julius Pavella, Bratislava mayor Štefan Turba etc.) in 1945 to protect his family members and friends from racial and political persecution. 

Bureau de Bratislava 29.06.1996 procureur militaire principa

Irreversible damage to the interior of the Sandor family mansion in Malé Ostratice, Partizánske district, caused by the untenable action of civil servants. The author also contacted the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic and the relevant monument office. They were informed about the legal relationship of the author\'s father\'s family to the manor house. 

Notes: District notary Július Pavella - a public official, journalist, leading member of the Humane societies (*8.4.1882 Hybe) ; mjr. Augustín Schramm 1948 (*2. března 1907  †Liberec 27. května 1948), Otto Katz 1952, Jozef Vávra-Stařík †1953, Vojtěch Kohout †1954, Miroslav Pich-Tůma †1955, Jindřich Veselý †1964 ; others less important during the Prague Spring, col. Bedřich Pokorný †1968, Olga Scheinpflugová †1968)  ; Alexej Čepička (1910-1990)engineer architect Stefan Androvič was the son of Stefan Androvič brother of colonel infantry Alojz Androvič ;

Sources: Marta Hladká born Rais ; JUDr. Štefan Rais ; Stefan Dubček ; Janko Siracký ; JUDr. Vojtech Novak ; Ambassador of the Czech Republic Rudolf II. Slansky in Bratislava in the year 2000 ; Orbis Praha 1953 ; Alexander Bachnár 2002 ; Mgr. Ivan Kamenec ; Dr. Ivan Lúčan ; Jozef Lietavec ; colonel ing. Pavel Gajdos ; Julia Licko born Stiglitz, William Kamenicky ; Irena Blühová; Aranka Rais ; Lt. colonel Aladár II Ondrejkovič ; Dr. Eva Rais Baxa, Colonel ing. Michal Rjabik ; OU Registrar Trencin ; Bratislava I District Office Registrar ; Trenčín District Archives ; Archive of the District Court in Ostrava ; Bratislava SNA ; Bytča State Archives and the State Archives Bytča branch Bystrica ; Bratislava State Archives Križkova 7 ;     



Min. Dr. Štefan Rais

for Cs.Nat.soc.Party

Father Mayor Baxa

Blanka Sláviková Horn and daughter Oľga Hodálová

Updated: 28.10.2024