County Nitra in the years 1572 - 1609

Oldest Kongregationsrecord of Komitats Nitra in the years 1572 - 1609

Vicecomes of County Nitra (Alispán, Vicegespanen):

1570-1571 Joanes Lukas de, 1572-1573  Imre (Imrich) Elefanty de, Georgius Olgay, 1574-1575  Paolus Zsambokrety, 1578-1580  Imre Elefanty de, 1580-1583  Benedictus Csúzy de, 1583-1585 Stephanus Tardy, 1587-1590 Joanes Ocskay, 1591-1600 Paolus Bocsányi, 1600-1601 Andreas Bossanyi de, 1601-1604 Michael Zserdahelyi, 1804-1605 Paolus Bocsányi, 1605-1609  Joanes Bossányi de, 1609 - II. László (Ladislaus) Sandor de Szlavnicza. Between the years  1830-40 Josephus Vietorisz 

Notarys (Notarius, Notare):

1526-60 Joanes Literatus Boronkay, 1570-71  Mikolaus Tarnoczy de, 1572-80 Mikolaus Perekedy, 1580-82 Joanes Zsoltay, 1582-89 Valentinus Viszkelty, 1589 - 1601 Michael Zserdehely, 1601-04  Joanes Sandor de Szlavnicza, 1604-06 Joanes Zsambokrety, 1606-13 Martin Ivanóczy, 1609 - Ladislaus Sandor de Slavnicza.

Cashiers (Kassierers):

1569-80 Joanes Literatus Biczo, 1591-95 Franciscus Nagyvathy, 1595-1601 Joanes Sandor de Szlavnicza, 1604-06 Joanes Zsambokrethy, 1606-13 Martin Ivanoczy.

Noble Judges (Iudices Nobilium):

1572 - Mikolaus Bacskady, Joanes Makray, Mikolaus Bosniak, Joanes Dombay, 1573 - Mikolaus Bosniak, Georgius Buocz de, Joanes Dombay, Stephanus Nagy, 1574 - Mikolaus Bosniak, Georgius Buocz de, Joanes Dombay,  Martin Torok de, 1875 - Joanes Sooky de,  Mikolaus Bosniak, Martin Torok de, Stephanus Nagy, 1580 - Georgius Buocz de, Stephanus Kurthy, Joanes Retey, Stephanus Zongor, 1582 - Georgius Buocz de, Joanes Sooky de, Joanes Retey, Joanes Tarnovszky de, Stephanus Zongor, 1583 - Georgius Boronkay, Joanes Tarnovszky de, Stephanus Kurthy,  Joanes Szalgay, Joanes Retey, Lukas Csabay, 1584 - Joanes Rétey, Joanes Tarnovszky de, Mikolaus Bucsanyi, Franciscus Berényi de, Stilfried Burian, Lukas Cabay, 1586 - Mikolaus Bosniak, Michael Zerdehely, Benedictus Csuzy de, 1587 - Peter Sokolczy, Andreas Bossanyi de, Lukas Cabay, 1590 - Franciscus Nagyvaty, Ladislaus Turcsanyi, Andreas Borbay, Lukas Cabay, Stephanus Szalgay, 1592 - Gasparus Papp,  Andreas Torok de, 1593 - Andreas Bossanyi de,  Andreas Torok de, 1595 - Paolus Zerdehely, 1596 - Joanes Hruszoczy,  Andreas Torok de, Franciscus Berényi de,  Andreas Torok de, Christophus Zsambokrety, Stephanus Gereczy, Rafael Frank, 1598 -  Stephanus Gereczy, 1600 - Mikolaus Bolgar, Stephanus Gereczy, Martin Ivanoczy, Staphanus Bosniak, 1601 - Stephanus Gereczy, Martin Ivanoczy, 1602 - Sandrinus Felszeghy, Stephanus Gereczy, Martin Ivanoczy, 1603 - Sandrinus Felszeghy, Martin Ivanoczy, Georgius Szamoly, 1604 - Rafael Frank, Martin Ivanoczy, Georgius Szamoly, Joanes Tarnoczy de, Sandrinus Felszeghy, 1605 - Georgius Szamoly, Rafael Frank, Joanes Tarnoczy de, Martin Ivanoczy, 1606 - Rafael Frank, Martin Ivanoczy, Georgius Szamoly, Joanes Tarnoczy de, Benedictus Zongor.

County Assessores (iurati assessores):

1573 - Andreas Redeky de, Martin Torok de, Baltazar Ujfalussy de, Mikolaus Ujfalussy de, 1574 - Georgius Szeptenczy,  Mikolaus Ujfalussy de, 1575 - Mikolaus Ujfalussy de,  Andreas Redeky de, 1576 - Mikolaus Ujfalussy de,  Mikolaus Boronkay,  Ambrozius Neskerey, 1578 - Michael Marothy, Mikolaus Boronkay, Andreas Redeky de,  Andreas Bossányi de, Mikolaus Erney, Christophus Diossi, Andreas Fornoszeghy, 1580 - Andreas Fornoszeghy,  Joanes Tarnovszky, Joanes Sooky de, Mikolaus Erney,  Mikolaus Bossányi,  Georgius Bory,  Zigmund Csuty, 1581- Stephanus Luley, Andreas Fornoszeghy,  Georgius Turcsanyi, Zigmund Csuty, Peter Patvaroczy, Mikolaus Erney, 1582 - Franciscus Gostonyi, Andreas Fornoszhegy, Stephanus Tardy,  Imre Elefanty de, Tomas Vizkelety,  Joanes Ujfalussy,  Peter Forgach deStephanus Forgach de, Anton Count Forgach government commissioner of Comitatus Abaújváriensis in Košice (1851-1853), Mikolaus Erney, Andreas Cziraky, Joanes Ocskay, Ladislaus Ocskay, Zigmund Csuty, Christoph Banky, Joanes Bossanyi de, Paolus Bucsanyi, Franciscus Berényi de, Georgius Turcsanyi, Blasius Apponyi de, Martin Palasty,  Peter Apponyi de, 1583 - Imre Pocolay, Georgius Pocolay, Joanes Senessi,  Andreas Bossanyi de, Andreas Fornoszhegy, Franciscus Berényi de, 1584 - Andreas Fornoszhegy, Mikolaus Ujfalussy de, Andreas Bossanyi de, Gasparus Bosniak, Joanes Drgona, Joanes Senessy, 1585 - Gasparus Bosniak, Petrus Bacskady, 1587 - Christophus Borscanyi de, Paolus Gyepes, 1589 - Georius Buocz, 1590 - Fafael Frank, 1591 - Stepahanus Deseo, Joanes Savarics, 1597 - Gasparus Bosniak,  Andreas Bossanyi,  Joanes Bacskady, Stepahanus Deseo, Andreas Kereskenyi,  Joanes Bacskady, Christophus Diossy, 1600 - Stephanus Deseo, Andreas Kereskenyi,  Joanes Bacskady, Christophus Diossy, Mikolaus Bolgar, 1602 - Joanes Baronay, Martin Redeky, 1603 - Joanes Baronay, Mikolaus Bolgar, 1604 - Joanes Kalnay, Joanes Baronay, Joanes Turcsanyi, Ladislaus Konkoly, Mikoalaus Bolgar, 1605 - Mikolaus Bolgar, Joanes Kalnay, 1606 - Mikolaus Bolgar, Joanes Bosniak, Joanes Kalnay, Michael Matuska, Joanes Nagyvaty.


Antal (Anton) Sandor de Szlavnicza soldier, his wife was Anna Vietorisz (first bath house in spa Smrdáky built in 1832-33 landowner in the vicinity of sources Josephus Vietorisz vicecomes of Nitra county. This time, the modern history dating spa. Later, in 1839 due to owner J. Vietorisz impressive building was built mansion for his family and him precious guests. After several reconstructions is today. Clasistic portal mansion became a symbol of the spa).

In 1566 there was a lord is a danger that the Turkish invasion or Oponice indelibly linked. As the owner called Nitra County largely Oponice Castle, widow of Benedictus Apponyi to be corrected. As this failed to collect the necessary sum, given the amount of your deposit Joanes Apponyi, son Stephan Apponyi. In 1594 the owner of the castle Georgius Apponyi, this year fell in the war against the Turks. In 1606 the castle was Mr. Paolus Apponyi, co-signer and the Vienna peace. In 1618, it Ugrian Diet appointed a member of the Border and Trade Commission, whose activities cover the Moravian-hunharian Frontiers. In 1622 he was appointed guardian of the crown, was given the title ,,Baro Tabulac Indiciorum octavalium\'\' and nominated for governor. In 1612 the owners decided to Apponyi Castle Petrus, and Blasius Paolus Apponyi Apponyi, that the castle be distributed to counter the Turkish threat. Everyone should give its amount to fortify and repair in order to jointly defend. On 29 April 1613 in the presence of Nitra vicecomes Michael Zerdahelyi and witnesses who have been Bossányi Joanes, Baltasar Bossányi, Joanes Sandor de Szlavnicza, Joanes Elefanty, Lawrence Elefante and Benedictus Kozar, the division took place.

Extra Hungariam non est vita, i est vita, non est ita.

Barbora Snopková born Redeky *01.12.1932 †14.07.2001 Horné Držkovce, Juraj Divéky, daughter Zuzana Gajdošová born Divéky *1863 Dolné Držkovce, Emericus Varényi (parents Alexander Varenyi and Barbora Borcsicka) *1737 †19.01.1795 Horné Držkovce, Christina Anna Varényi born Schurmann *25.10.1823 Dolné Držkovce †12.11.1883 Horné Držkovce 

County palace in Nitra in the form as had in years 1874-1908 where he worked for many years genus Sandor de Szlavnicza of their marriage branched kinship.  


Virtual Tour of County Palace in Nitra, officially vicecomes Sandor de Szlavnicza (in the form secest acquired by renovation in 1908). How vicecomese are worked out and the more blood relatives. Some time after 1918 there offices and comes JUDr. Martin Mičura.


Chapel with the tomb of the genus Sandor de Szlavnicza in a cemetery in the county of Nitra. Sigismund Sandor built it for his wife, Julia and daughter Johanna, who died in the spring of the year 1842.

Bishop of Nitra 1534-1557, Comes of Orava 1534, 1556 to 1574, Ferencz I. Thurzo. His second wife was the daughter (of the 1562) Nikola Subic Zrinski IV, Katarina Zrinski (*04.26.1548 Čakovec, Croatia †26.04.1585 Bytča) from their marriage were born - Anna (1565), Georgius Thurzo (*09.02.1567 in the castle Lietava) Ferencz II Thurzo (1570), Ursula (1570) and Katarina (1571). Her second husband was Comes of Trenčín Imre Forgách de Ghymes et Gács. Ferencz I. Sandor de Szlavnicza his wife Baroness Katharina von Rottal †1638 (her parents were Johann Jacob von Rottal †1622, and Maria Felizitas Thurzo de Bethlenfalva †1624.

Trentschiner Ctts, z ktorej pochádzal Georgius Závodszky v. Závodje (narodený 1569), tajomník Georga a potom Emericha Thurzo. Zdroj: Siebmacher: Wappenbuch, (N. J. XII. 328. – Burgstaller, Coll. Insign.).

Bytčiansky súd sa v roku 1611 skladal z dvadsaťštyričlenného zboru: Teodoz Sirmiensis zo Súľova prísediaci kráľ. súd tabule, Ján Dávid podžupan Orav. stol., Gaspar Ordódy podžupan Trenč. stol., Rafael Kvassay, Benedikt Kozák, Juraj Lehotský, Ján Záturecký, Mikuláš Hrabovský, Ján Borčický, Gabriel Hlinický, prísediaci sedrie - Mikuláš Pružinský, Štefan Maršovský, Juraj Zálužský, Ján Hlinický, Michal Hlinický, Apollo Militius, Ján Draškovský, Mikuláš Maršovský, Štefan Akai, Ján Medvecký, dominantnými osobami boli: prokurátor a palatínov sekretár Juraj Závodský, Daniel Eordeogh slúžny, kastelán na zámku v Bytči Gašpar Bajáky a provizor Bytčianskeho panstva Gašpar Kardoš.

Comes of Orava and diplomat Count Georgius (György) VII. Thurzo de Bethlemfalva (*02.09.1567 Lietava †24.12.1616 Veľká Bytča). When he was seven years his widowed mother married a second time Imre Forgách. After the establishment of Czechoslovakia bought JUDr. Martin Mičura from L. Popper part forest Bytča estate which formerly belonged to the genus Thurzo which previously got into kinship and property relations across genders Ondrejkovič, Sandor de Szlavnicza and von Rottal.

Palatine Count Gyorgy Thurzo, adviser of Emperor Rudolf II, captain in front of the Danube army and Zsofia Forgách *1568 †1590 (with whose family was genus Sandor de Szlavnicza multi-family and property related) had a son, Francis *1586 †1586, and two daughters Szusanna and Judith. Zuzana had four husbands and Judith * 1585 † 1637 in 1607 she married the baron Andrew Jakušič. 

The widow of Comes Imre (Emericus) Thurzo (*11.09.1598 Bytča †1621 Mikulov) Cristina Nyári Cristina de Bedegh married Nicholas Esterházy, who at her death 1641 received a report of Compossessorate Bytča of family Thurzo. The gender Nyáry family was Sandor times more tied by blood and property, for axample Maria Sandor de Szlavnicza, her husband was

Imre count Nyáry of Bedegh. After the establishment of Czechoslovakia bought JUDr. Martin Mičura by L. Popper part of the forests Bytča estate originally belonged to the genus Thurzo of Bethlenfalva which previously got into kinship and property relations through families Ondrejkovic, Sandor de Szlavnicza and von Rottal.

*Red by blood commissioning and asset tied to gender Ondrejkovics-Sandor de Szlavnicza.

Notes: Mária Felícia de Bethlenfalva (daughter of Alexius (Elek) Thurzó de Bethlenfalva and Barbara (Borbála) Zrinski (Zrínyi) de Serin aft †1624 ;  Stanislaus III. count Thurzo born 24. juli 1576 in the Bojnice castle as son of Alexius II. Thurzo and Barbora, born Zrínyi (1551-?). To have 3 brothers, Mikolaus II. (? - 1609), Christophus III. (1583-1614), Alexius III. (?-1597) and 3 sisters, Magdalena, Maria Felzitas and Suzanne (? - 1608) ; Daniel Vietoris * 04.06.1882 L. Matiašovce 21. strelecký pluk Čs. Légií vo Francúzsku ;

Sources: National Newspaper Volume: 1933 Issue: 12/08/1933  ;  Magyar családtorténeti adattár ;   






Updated: 13.09.2024