Count Csáky and womens linien familys

Palace of the genus Csáky related genus Sandor de Szlavnicza through family Szirmay de Szirma et Szirmabesenyő. A government commissioner in Košice Count Alexander Szirmay (1849-1850).
Family coat of arms on the palace of Count Csáky in the Bratislava
Palace of Balassa family in the Bratislava on Panská Street. Of the genus Sandor de Szlavnicza the genus Balassa consanguineous marriage with Anne Balassa de Kékkö et Gyarmat and Ferenc Sandor de Szlavnicza.
Yeoman, patron, Litovskomarský titular provost ThDr. Andreas Ondrejkovicz gave renovate rare wall paintings from the 14th to 16th century church in Žehra, where he left in 1656 build early Baroque main altar.
Year 1646 during the reign of prince György I. Rákóczi meant in developing countries a new stage. In Saros Patak on the border of Ruthenia from Slovakia, at the invitation of his successor György II. Rákóczi worked since 1650 Joannes Amos Comenius. Four years stay there dedicated teaching and research activities (drawn from the Hungarian experience, and experience). Imre Thököly (relative Anna Sandor de Szlavnicza, maternal grandfather of the author) has been characterized as a boy diligence and talent while studying at the Evangelical College in Prešov. Thirteen declaimed as fluent in Latin on each topic. Studies completed in Transylvania. His relative Comes of the Marmaros Fraňo Redey who died childless, he bequeathed before his death in 1671 † all assets, especially Chust and Hunyad.
The castle and estate Tematín monarch gave in to the advances 1638 Joanes baron von Rottal and his siblings, who were being related to family Sandor de Szlavnicza oi through the baroness Catherine von Rottal wife of Franciscus I. Sandor de Szlavnicza. Joanes von Rottal release part of the property Tematín
István Csáky de Körösszegh et Adorján (*03.05.1603 Regeteruszka †10.11.1662 Szepesvára) and his wife Eve, Countess Forgách de Gacz *06.12.1613 †24.04.1639. Suzane baroness von Rottal its share chartered in 1653 Georgius the Lord with which Berényi were family relations oi through family Sandor de Szlavnicza, Szluha and Nyáry. In r.1658 the owners of Tematín became genus Bercsényi, acquired the property in Brunovce. On Tematín was born in 1665 Miklós Bercsényi †1725 captain of Ferenc II. Prince Rákoczi. Miklós Bercsényi was family ties with Count Csáky through his wife Christine Countess Csáky.
Krisztina Countess Csáky de Körösszegh et Adorján, wife of Miklós Count Bercsényi de Székes. He left this world in the Ottoman Empire in political exile.
Images of the sarcophagus of St. Elisabeth Cathedral in Košice. In this fourth special stationary, are the remains Kuruc Duke Nicholas (Miklós) Bercsényi and his wife Krisztina (Christine) Csáky. It is written in Hungarian: Count Nicholas Bercsényi de Székes, died Nov. 6, 1725, and wife Krisztina Countess Csáky de Körösszegh et Adorján, died in Rodostó Tekirdağ April 25, 1723.
Coat of arms of the family Csáky Palace on the Rudnay Square in Bratislava
Virtual view of the castle Budatín which belonged until 1945 Csáky family, kinsmen of the family Sandor de Szlavnicza. The following genera have a common compossesorat. Nearby is the village of Dlhé Pole, which was renowned especially by its native minister with power of attorney for the Administration of Slovakia
and President of the Supreme Court of the Slovak Republic His Honor JUDr. Martin Mičura (a relative of the author\'s family through Anna Mičura born Ondrejkovič) and his family.
Stephan II. Count Csáky Tematín holder, confiscated possessions for participation in the uprising Imre Thököly in 1684 †1705th The document on the division of the estate Tematín 1687 are registered as users of the castle Gaspar IV. Sandor de Szlavnicza (Kuruc ambassador at the court of the French King Louis XIV de Bourbon) and his wife Erzsebet Thököly. In 1704 from him received a financial contribution to his regiment Simon Earl Forgách. Amount contributed his brother vicecomes Nitra County Adalbert Sandor de Szlavnicza. Most of the castle and manor owned genus Bercsényi, who started with the construction of the castle in Brunovce. Nicholas Bercsényi during the uprising of Ferenc II Rákóczi had repaired the castle.
Helena Zrinski (Ilona Zrínyi) *1643 Ozalj, Croatia †Nicomedia in 1703, the Ottoman Empire. In 1666 is maried with Francisus I. Rákoczi. Had children with him: Juraj (died as a child), Juliana and known Franciscus II. Dei Gratia Sacri Romani Imperii & Transylvaniae princeps Rakoczi. After the death of the first husband held out a message over Rákoczi property Regec, Makovica and Mukachevo. In 1682 married a Habsburg uprising leader Imre Thököly and actively participated in the uprising and the rebel bastion of defense Makovica castle in Zborov. Famous for the heroic defense of the castle of Mukachevo, who defended against the imperial army three years. After the betrayal and the imperial army outnumbered 14.10.1688 castle was conquered and demolished. Was interned in Uršulín monastery in Vienna. After three years it Emericus Thököly exchange for captured General Donat Heissler. She lived 12 years with her husband in the Turkish exile until his death. Her remains were moved in 1906 to Košice. Buried a son of Francis II. Rákoczi in the crypt of the Cathedral of St. Elizabeth.
On her tombstone is the inscription in Latin: "Here rests the exploits worthily female soul, the glory of his age and womanhood, the noblest Lady Helena Zrinski, the last ornament families Zrinski and Frangepan, wife of Prince Thokoly and before Prince Rákóczi, both worthy, excellent among Croats, Sibenburgens, Hungarians and his clever hands greatness and deeds, the whole country more famous than her husband. Reversals of fate borne fortitude, modest in happiness, conquering the waves crash, conquering over death returned with Christian humility heroic soul winning famous fighting the Lord of God blooming field at bay Bythyn in the year of salvation 1703 February 18 at the age of 60. "
Košice to the tomb of St. Elizabeth\'s Cathedral in gotic style leads seventeen stairs and found in it four marble sarcophagi, which in the drawing Frederick Schulek they made sculptors Anselm Andreetti and Francis Mikula. Remains of Ferenc II. Rákóczi, his mother Helena Zrinski and son Joseph Rákóczi are in common sarcophagus. Prince lies in a coffin of cypress wood to cushion filled with earth from his native Börse and the Great Saris, where he lived for some time. Hungarian inscription on the sarcophagus reads, the final resting Ferenc II. Rákóczi, Hungarian and Transylvanian prince, died in Rodosto April 8, 1735, his heroic mother Helena Zrinski, wife of Ferenc I. Rákóczi and later Imre Thököly, died in Nikomedia February 18, 1703 and son Joseph Rákóczi, died of the Cernavoda November 10, 1738 . their evil fate of nations blew into exile. Images sarcophagi with the description published here thanks to Mr. who is Peter Petrulák.
The first number of the newspaper Mercurius Hungaricus issued by Count Antal Esterházy in 1705, the second of the same year in May, the August number was released under the name Veridicus Mercurius ex Hungaria ;
Julia Kőszeghy was the wife of Nitra Vicecomes Adalbert Sandor de Szlavnicza ablegát to Onód Diet in 05.31.1707-06.22.1707 ;
Palace of the family Sandor de Szlavnicza in a long-persistent and deferred reconstruction. Melchior barón Sándor of Slávnica (* 1661 † 1723), Vicecomes of Esztergom county.
Michael Count Csáky, General of Kuruc army of Prince Ferenc II. Rakoczi did not use the amnesty on 30 April 1711 in connection with the signing of the Peace of Szatmar on 30 April 1711 in Satu Mare * 29.10.1976 † 07.12.1757 Tekirdag Ottoman Empire.
Military almanac nro. XVI. Schematic of the Austrian Imperial Army for the year 1805 Hussar Regiment no. 6 Hadik Andreas, Blankenstein Ernst. Stab: Brandeis in Bohmen. Ober-Lieutenant Ondrejkovits (Joh.), Zaborzky (Casp.), Bernolak (Ign.), Unter-Lieutenant Bossányi (Joh.), Révay (Bar. Georg.).
Husar Regiment č. 9, für das Jahr 1805. Nadasdy Franz, Erdödy Johann. Stab: Essegg von Slavónia, Maj. Rakovsky (Steph.), Unter-Lieutenant Josephus Sandor de Slávnica, Ober-Lieutenant Tóth (Frz.), Horváth (Frz.) ;
Military almanac nro. XVIII. Schematic of the Austrian Imperial Army for the year 1807. Hussar Regiment no. 6 Hadík Andreas, Blankenstein Ernst. Stab: Veľké Topolčany in Hungary. Ober-Lieutenants: Fabre (Ludw.), Ondrejkovits (Joh.), Driver (Marc.) Revay (Bar. Georg.), Farkas (Georg.), Liskay (Andr.), Fabary (Eman.). Unter-Lieutenants: Kubin (Wzl.), Nozdrowitzky (Jos.), Bossanyi (Joh.).
In the neighborhood of Count Csaky Palace in Bratislava is located on Panská Street No. 27 Palace of Count Keglevich de Buzin, the largest spirits producer in Hungary. Count Keglevich\'s family is not only a relative but also a service of the state related to the families Sandor de Szlavnicza, Szapáry and Ondrejkovič, thus indirectly also Turba. Sources also:
Military almanac nro. XX. Schematic of the Austrian Imperial Army for the year 1810 Hussar Regiment no. 6 Hadik Andreas, Blankenstein Ernst. Staab Rzeszow in Galicien. Second-Rittmeister Ondrejkovits Job, Ober-Lieutenants. Keglevits Graf Alex, Zapary Graf Mich, Bossányi Joh.
Military almanac nro. XXI. Schematic of the Austrian Imperial Army for the year 1811. Hussar Regiment no. 6 Hadík Andreas, Blankenstein Ernst. Staab: Rzeszow in Galicien. Seconds-Rittmeister. Andrejkovits Joh., Farkas Georg, Liskay Andr., Zvolensky Emer. Ober-Lieutenant. Keglevich Gr. Alex., Bossányi Joh., Zsolnay Gasp.
The church mission was also chosen by the native of the Spiš Provost Andreas Ondrejkovicz Nicholas Count Csáky, canonist, Esztergom primase * 1757 † 09.03.1824 Trnava. He was one of the members of the Bernolák stand in Trnava, as was the family member Ondrejkovič Catholic prister Elias Pravotický from the parish of Velké Bielice.
Family Ondrejkovič multiply by blood is associated with significant strains of Croatian origin. For example the end of the 19th century Dominus Casimirus Horváth married to Maria Ondrejkovics, the sister of District notary Stefan I. Ondrejkovič.
Author wishes to draw attention to the name of the boy Carolus Napoleon Ondrejkovics, who was born 05/11/1807. His father was Samuel Ondrejkovics. Suggests that part of the family were preserved reform attitudes from 17-18 centuries after generations Rákoczi and Thokoly.
Currently, the 17 deaths recorded
Extracts from the register of the foreign legal entity and subsequently introduced into its global database
Pauline Princess Metternich von Winnenburg Countess Sandor von Szlavnicza was also a relative of the family Thököly.
Stephan Count Keglevich de Buzin based in Topolčianky in 1882 designed the recipe of the first Austro-Hungarian vodka, an alternative to Russian and Polish vodka. With its production subsequently succeeded in the market.
On October 20, 1906 was born in the village of Smižany soloist of the Slovak National Theater, tenor Štefan Hoza. He was originally a teacher.
At the cemetery in the Veľké Bielice are buried District notary Dominus Stefan I. Ondrejkovič and his noble mother in law Illustrissima Domina Mária Sandor de Szlavnicza genus Marko. Activities oživujúcimi history of Upper Nitra deals with one of the personalities Partizánske Mr. Peter Múčka. These include, among publications collected historical documents and their rescue and indetifikation. Even gravestones from the article identified and repaired selflessly to preserve historical documents for future generations with a friend without which it probably was not, Mr. Juraj Krasula of Bielice who is a Member of the MsZ Partizánske.
The main court official of the District Court in Prievidza Gejza Victor Jacobus Turba was co-founder of the Museum of Upper Nitra in 1924 with the provost of the Bojnice Karol Anton Medvecký.
In the years 1914-1918 he studied at the Faculty of Theology in Uzhgorod Lt. colonel clergy Violand Pavel Ondrejkovič. Staff Captain. spirit. Services Violand Pavel Ondrejkovič was from 09.01.1923 after incorporation into the agenda transferred to 45th Infantry Regiment in Khust, where he remained until 01/31/1926. Since 01.02.1926 he was transferred to the 19-th Infantry Regiment in Mukachevo
(ruined castle in Mukachevo 1927 Czechoslovak state repaired and established barracks in it), which acted as a ghost. administrator regiment to 06/15/1936. Also acted as chaplain 45th Infantry Regiment subsequently served in Brno, where he was transferred to 3/14/1939 3rd Infantry Division in Presov and appointed to the post of head of pastoral care division.
On 01.07.1940 he was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel. clergy, during the Slovak National Uprising was the head of the Roman Catholic church administration of the 1st Czechoslovak army in Banská Bystrica. Between 1950-1955 he was outside pastoral.
Prvá slovenská továreň na koňak, úč. spol., Stefana Keglevicha nást., Mnešice, okres Nové Mesto nad Váhom. Účastinný kapitál Sk 250 000 .- Ročný obrat okolo Sk 1. 500 000 .- Vládny komisár: Jozef Uhlárik. Členovia správnej rady: Ignác Schwartz, Trenčín, Ľudovít Heumann, Ružomberok, Aranka Heumannová a Jolana Heumannová, Mnešice, a Dezider Heumann, Stará Turá. Podnik vyrába vinné destiláty, brandy, borovičku a slivovicu.
A new member of the board of directors of Prešov distillery became the District Chief of Prešov Dr. Aladár I. Ondrejkovič at the end of 1939. On 9 December 1939, he represented 300 participants at the General Meeting of Shareholders. Source: Annales historians presovienses no. 1/2011, vol. 11, Patrik Derfiňák: Industrial Alcohol Refinery in Prešov and its Activity in 1903-1945 p. 121, SA Prešov. Fund Regional Court of Prešov, Corporate Department, Prešov Refinery of Alcohol, i. no. 592. B II 272. box. 53. 40/1939.
The Governor of the Slovak National Bank and Chairman of the Supreme Supply Authority, Dr. Imrich Karvaš, has already reserved a free hand in his appointment. In 1940 he appointed a new District Chief in Bratislava Dr. Aladár I. Ondrejkovič as chairman of the board of the newly constituted Cooperative of Economic Distilleries. He subordinated him to all Slovak production distilleries. Following this decision, Dr. Aladár I. Ondrejkovič regulated the supply of alcohol (for rationing) to producers of alcoholic beverages in cold and semi-cold ways as well as to manufacturers of Bi-Bo-Li fuels for motor vehicles according to instructions by the Governor of the National Bank. Thus, Dr. Imrich Karvaš through Dr. Aladár I. Ondrejkovič also subordinated all transport by motor vehicles in Slovakia and indirectly also motorized units of the Slovak Army, since alcohol was 50% of the fuel component Bi-Bo-Li.
In 1941, the cooperative farm distilleries from Bratislava was represented by Dr. Aladár I. Ondrejkovič. At that time he worked in the capital and at a general meeting produced a document authorizing him to vote for 1,250 shares.
Rok 1941/1942. Slovenský liehový priemysel, úč. spol. Závody v Levoči a Malackách. Účastinný kapitál Ks 7. 500 000 .- v 12 500 účastinách po Ks 600.- Viazaný rezervný fond Ks 180 000 .- Všeobecný rezervný fond Ks 630 000 .- Osobitný rezervný fond Ks 1 600 000 .- Stabilizačný rezervný fond Ks 2 170 000 .- Ročný obrat okolo Ks 30 000 000 .-. Členovia správnej rady: Eduard Okolicsányi, Andor Nitsch, Dr. Gustáv Csáky, Dr. Ján Šedivý, Hedviga Koenigsteinová, Štefan Danihel, Štefan Blažek. Zapísaní prokuristi: Pavol Gundelfingen, Levoča a Zdenek Stašek Malacky. Spoločnosť vyrába rafinovaný lieh, denaturovaný lieh, likéry, rum, borovičku, limonády a sódovú vodu.
According to Decree of the Minister of Nutrition no. Collection of October 27, 1949 The Cooperative of Economic Distilleries, Bratislava, ceases to exist. Valid from 11.11.1949. Effective from 31.08.1949. The Minister of Nutrition ing Jankovcová orders pursuant to Section 11, Para. 1 of the Act of 2 December 1948, no. 278 Coll., On the Central Office for the Management of Agricultural Products.
Zapotocky with his own hand Ing. Jankovcová with her own hand
Sources: Stefan II. Ondrejkovič ; Newpaper Národné noviny Volume: 1933 Issue: 12/08/1933 ; Mária Turba ; Peter Múčka Partizánske ; Peter Petrulák ;šice-Dom ; Palanok ; Patrik Derfiňák ;
Notes: Uzhgorod Comes Nicholas Bercsényi ; The third wife of Nicholas Bercsényi was Zsuzsanna Kőszeghy ; On 10.20.1906 was born in the village Smižany Štefan Hoza ;