About the extension of craft haughty and self-confident millers

The mills on the Nitrica in Veľké Bielice is already distant past, a detailed report. Specific information on the whitening of three mills are kept in inventory in fiscal 1753. Inventory prepared the County officials from Nitra as a basis for levying the military - the state tax. For historical and geographical situation, we assume their existence as early as 1397, after donations of Queen Maria, daughter of King Ludovicus I. to genus Forgách of Jelenec (related with genus Sandor de Szlavnicza) where o.i. indicate large and small municipalities Bielice (Belech Maior et Belech Minor). Owners of Veľké Bielice community over the years Kvassay genera (relative genus Sandor de Szlavnicza), Mednyánszky (allied genus Sandor de Szlavniczai), Pongrácz (allied genus Sandor de Szlavnicza), Rajcsányi (allied genus Sandor de Szlavnicza), Rudnay, Bossányi (relative genus Sandor de Szlavnicza). Of these, for example, Aloisius Batthyány was owner in 1795 and Michael Kvassay in 1810. In past centuries of feudalism were in the Veľké Bielice three mills. The village was known by the neighborhood and spread about her and the local self-confident and haughty millers - " the farahúns" to spread far. Location of mills recorded map derived from 1807. For two hundred years of maps it is clear that 500 m above the Veľké Bielice towards the river Nitrica bed of Návojovce declined in the 13th century haiku prehradené. Led water channel excavated through chotar called wedges, so the channel called "Wedge water". Returning to the old riverbed at the bridge that stands there today. At the beginning excavated mill feed mill built top (the end of the park administrator hate) was the 18th century on two wheels and mlel two millstones. The second, middle mill was also the sphenoid water now in the village (today there is a house of Dvonč and Zaťko - Nábrežie Belanky No 311 and No 312). Third, the lower mill, possibly younger, was the bridge across Nitrica degrading. Here, in the old riverbed were hot springs and roll to say "In hot water."

Mill owners were feudal suzerain. The upper mill was owned in 1712 by the feudal lords of the genus Mednyánszky (they were Small Bielice). In 1753 the mill had a lease Andrej Kudlatý (crushed in the mill was an obligation for the subjects of Malé Bielice). Of 22 March 1787 to preserve documentary evidence in Slovak that feudal Antal baron Mednyánszky suzerain, the principal fiscal Ludovicus Majthényi (also a relative of the genus Sandor), adopted at the upper mill Joseph Lacko, who Mlynárce there until 1807 and the new feudal lords Aloisius Batthyány. In the middle mill Stephan Ravasz (Anna Ravasz married Joseph Sandor de Slavnicza), the lower mill was Stephan Balicai millers. Lower Mill at that time belonged to two whitening feudal lords with a small number of subjects - Carolus Kvassay (resided in a mansion in Brodzany) and Josephus Pongrácz (comes of Košice Ferenc count Pongrácz 1905-1906). The inventory from 1728 to the taxpayers of Veľké Bielice are already other names millers. For men\'s upper mill Mlynárce Johannes Pivarči, Paul Bošánsky elsewhere with one companion, and turn elsewhere Joannes Duška with two companions.

The period around 1800 is known to report on local tenants in the Veľké Bielice, which is first given the enterprising Joseph Balažovič. Not to be fed craft. Among the tenants are putting the three Jews, for exemple Salzberger.

Elias Pravoticzky *1768 (a relative of the Ondrejkovič family) was a priest of the Diocese of Nitra. Member of Learned Slovak Manufacturing †1839 Veľké Bielice.     

The first spa building in Smrdáky was built by Jozef Vietorisz, the owner of the land near the springs, in 1832-1833. In 1839, Vietorisz, deputy mayor of Nitra, built a huge impressive mansion for his family. The building is still functional after several reconstructions and the manor house with its classicist portal has become a symbol of the spa.

In the village of Horovce is a crypt built in the early 19th century. Ladislaus Vietoris first. The last owners of the manor house are buried here. They had a composersor of another eye with the family of Sandor de Szlavnicza and Madocsányi. The educator and preacher Martin Hugolin Gavlovic worked in the cough. Ladislaus Vietoris first. In 1805 he acquired a cough with lands from the Madocsányi family, partly by the purchase and partly settlement of the composesorate in Bolešov and Vászka, in which the Sandor de Szlavnicza family also took part.

Stephan Ivánka and  his wife Anna Zsittnyan, Bánovce nad Bebravou the year 1845. The honorable lady, mother of the District Notary Stephan I. Ondrejkovič was Antónia Zsittnyan.                                                  

In 1849, his son *1802, Ladislaus Vietorisz (and his wife 1. Josepha Sandor de Szlavnicza +1830 Slavnicza had sons *1826 Nicolaus and *1829 Joannes), was appointed government commissioner of the Trenčín County. The ancient father of Stephanus Sandor de Szlavnicza was the county judge of Trenčín at that time.

Termination of feudal obligations in 1848, negatively affected the first upper mill. Former subjects of the Malé Bielice were deprived of the obligations in it and grind them to better ground in mills closer to the Veľké Bielice and Brodzany. Mill lost their livelihoods, and finished his disappearance fire. The middle mill had better conditions for survival, but even he will need to decline to lower mill competition. The last millers It was Kopecky, leaving his sons in the craft and move out to America. At the end of the upper mill on the weir Nitrica who had already worry. It has become a victim of floods and mighty. Early 20th century has do not know where standing water weir a bullet into the mill stream.

Hussar captain Nicolaus Vietorisz stepped out of the army and in 1851 settled on his mother\'s (Josepha Sandor de Szlavnicza) estate in Vaszka.

Karel Šandor * 28.10.1855 his parents thane Jurko Šándor Composesor for Szlavnicza and Anna Ravasz both Protestants address Szlavnicza no. 10. Parental parents Ludvik Sandor Composesor for Szlavnicza and his wife Bernardyna Mednyansky. The name of the christening priest Jozef Nicena Catholic priester in Bolešov.

Alexander Jaroslavus *07,08.1856 Púchov parents Sp. D. Alexander Androvič E.R.Judex Nobilium Da Antonie Kolkovič R.Cath. krst.r. Franciscus ... ovič a Theresia Kolkovič E.R. offio Vidna Arigo ; 

Pauline *28.06.1857 Veľké Bielice No 53  parents Steph. Balaszovits and Anna Zavodszky godparents Joann. Matula Ludirector and Anna Prokop uxor prioris ;

In the year 1866 the Austrian army of Marshal Benedek after a lost battle at Hradec Králové retreated cross Vlársky pass and Trenčín to Bratislava. In Trenčín accommodated many wounded soldiers, the city brought the cholera epidemic. During the two months fell victim to cholera in the parish Malá Hradná 115 inhabitants. In Čuklasovce it was also Stephanus Kvassay †14.10.1866, married, squire, compossesor (co-owner), 71 y.

Stephanus *30.07.1872 Velké Bielice No 34 parents Stephanus Androvits rc Jaber feuari  and Suzanna Balazsovits, baptismal parents  Stephanus Balazsovits rc Lanis and Anna Zavodszky rc uxor prio.  ; 

Slovak politician, lawyer JuDr. Milan Ivanka de Draskócz et Jordánföld, a relative of Trencin County Judge Stephan Sandor de Szlavnicza after his Mother Esthera Ivánka de Draskócz et Jordánföld was born on October 25, 1876 in Turčiansky Svätý Martin.    

Eugenius Casparus * 06/01/1883 Velké Bielice Nr. 53. His parents were Circularis notarius Stephanus Balaszovics and Maria Bisztricky. His baptismal parents were rc. Ludirector Jozef Bistriczky and Amalia Sztrakoniczky rc. uxor privini.

Millers Kedrovič and Pivarci. After the settlement of Austria-Hungary in 1867, heir to the genus Kvassay (District notary Stephanus Ondrejkovics the marriage with Anna Sandor de Szlavnicza came to relatedness among other things, the gender Kvassay), son in law Louis Birly rational landowner, sold a lower mill enterprise Ján Kedrovič of milling family of Bzince pod Javorina below. He grew up in father Ján Kedrovič already Horné Chlebany. Ján Kedrovič (*1838 †1914) Mill rebuilt and modernized. As the county district Topolčany become the most important regional center of Central Ponitria. Proof of this is the layout of the exhibition in 1882. This year was also open leg Nitra - Topolčany, in 1884 section Topolčany - Veľké Bielice in 1896, the track was extended in Prievidza.

Ján Kedrovič grinding stones changed hands at a new facility Roller Mills. Later drive mill machinery was using the mill wheel, but the turbines, used for electric lighting. In the twenties of the 20th century planned to introduce electric lighting from the Mill to the village, but has lived an energetic and enterprising old miller (bought for the eldest son of Ján mill in the Nadlice. From 20.8.1908 was placed in the mill Nadlice of Ján Kedrovič II. mail). Gustav became heir Kedrovič (*1880 †1953). The financial decline and bring about change in the owner bought the mill in 1932 Ján Pivarci (*1891 †1962) of the Malé Uherce of milling family (but born in Veľké Bielice). He built a mill at large, modern house. Loomed high above the old mill. Mill and survived World War II and even after they cast Pivarci "mletiars goods into kopčah". The tooth of time and changing social circumstances and there caused the disappearance of purpose buildings and premises.                                            

The late nineteenth century in the Malé Bielice he District notary Michael Turba, father-and son-family members Balazsovics, Ondrejkovič and Sandor. On 13 07 1879 had a wedding in Veľké Bielice the local landowner\'s daughter Pauline Balazsovics and District notary Michael Turba

Clemens *25.11.1864 Veľké Uherce No 35, his parents Stephanus Androvics and Suzanna Balazsovics,  godparents Joanes Zsittnyan and Anna Balazsovics. 

Alexander Josephus Antonius *20.02.1867 Trenčín No 73 parents Alexander Androvich Sedria Cott. Trenčín A. and Francisca Kornhoft paptismal parents Joseph Kamin. Capitanus and Antonia Vidna Vavreczky nata Androvic ; 

The year 1753 was a teacher in Veľké Bielice Stephan Fraštacký. In 1767 the teachers 35 Jan Fraštacký annual. Before issuing Theresian urbar came on 24.6.1769 County commission to the Veľké Bielice from Nitra. There were Ján Beznák, Judge judicial officer judicial boards and stools Andreas Schurmann (native of in Dolné Držkovce, allied families Ondrejkovič). The magistrate by landlord baron Antonius Mednyánszky were present Officer Imrich Tarnóczy, sir Carolus Kvassay per person, which also represents and Josephus Kvassay (with  Bielice is linked the lives of Michael Kvassay, whose wife was Elisabeth Sandor de Slavnica, granddaughter of Judith Hunyady of Brunovce) and substitute sir Josephus Pongrácz and sir Imre Bossányi (subjects who did not).  In 1813 receded over Veľké Bielice French soldiers following the defeat of Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte in Russia. For them, they proceeded through Bielice pursuing Russian army of Tsar Alexander I. Wounded, sick and starving Frenchmen, Russians, and then processed and fed the family Mansion ancient grandgrand mother of Mária Ondrejkovič born Turba. Explaining to eat little disobey. Many of them died for exemple when they eat. Disobey, wait until the cold for their freshly baked bread alone it collected oven. The Malé Bielice was the only landlord Rudnay Dionysius, who also lived there. In 1849, he was listed as owner of house No 33 Stephan Balazsovics I. Local school-board of 8.august 1869 - Chairman of the landowner Louis Birly, the other members of the District notary Stefan Balazsovics II. (allied families Turba), Stephanus Androvič (allied families Ondrejkovič) and others. According to the narrative of Mária Turba her brothers and cousins in his 12 years of receiving their first hunting guns and the first time received permission from their fathers to shoot fat birds during harvest for family roles (before 1900). Grandmother Balažovičová of them prepare their delicacy. It was customary for them in fifteen years first shoot roe-deer and shoot the first eighteen a deer. The hunting of wild animals bred hunting dogs jack.

During his studies in Bratislava, Milan Rastislav Štefánik and his brothers often visited just a few steps from the building of the Evangelical Lyceum and the large Evangelical Church to be a national, advocate Vendelín Kutlík and his wife Božena, daughter of ECAC pastor Michal Milan Hodža from Liptovský Mikuláš. It was located in the patrician house on Panenská no. 17. Here, in a nationally harsh environment that had forever influenced him, he became acquainted with their above-average and purposeful daughter Elena.

Helena Amália * 11.08.1894 Velké Bielice number 53. Her parents were Circularis notarius Stephanus Balaszovics and Maria Bisztricz. Her baptismal parents were Josephus Bisztriczky and rc. com A. Kereskény.

In the years 1893-1895 was in Veľké Bielice teacher Stephan Ballay. As a retired, he returned to Bielice.

Mr. Peter Múčka sent Photo Tombstone and extract registers Rozália Sandor de Szlavnicza widow of Dr. Alajos Posta, died in the year 1899 in Spa Malé Bielice at age 30 years (* 08.30.1868?). 


The Primarius now also extinct in Urology clinic Hlboká Street in Bratislava, MD. František Lábady (born in Chynorany) was grandson of Ján Kedrovič. In Vráble was in the year 1928 District governor Stefan Balazsovics, his father was a District notary in the District Great Bielice Stephanus Balazsovics, his second son was a doctor. Daughter of retired District notary Ilona Balažovič was married with Sopko, who manages the family property Balažovič. Retained assets of extended family were seized in the State after 1948.  Brother in law of Ján Kedrovič was sir Ignatius Wunder *1864 †1933 wife Anna Wunder born Kedrovič *1876 †1948, their son was primarius at gynecology in the Jewish Hospital Šulekova Street in Bratislava, MD. Ladislav Wunder *1896 †1990. (Doctor in Scandinavia is also surgical, MD. Tanja Hoffmann, granddaughter of Mária Ondrejkovič born Turba). Direct descendant of men\'s rulers were also great painter László Mednyánszky.

Chynoriany newspaper  No 59

Forward, who was actually Gustav Kedrovič ?

Born in Great Bielice 14.02.1880, where his father millers. In old age he lived in Chynorany where the Lábady family lived in the same household. Mr Francis Labady I. Jolanka Kedrovičová took a wife, and therefore with Gustav was a family relative. Psota lived at the end of the single-house at the famous Garáč. Kedrovič lived with Mr Koloman Šaray downstairs in the left wing of the house. Šaray was treasurer of the Cynorany Peoples Bank, based in r. 1895th The right wing of the house lived Joseph Magnusek as a tenant. 

Mr. Labadie st. worked as a clerk in an insurance in Třebíč. After 1945 the political reasons are released from work. For this it is very unexpected situation struggled until it finally closed the suffering suicide at the age of 63 years. The widow Mrs. Lábadyová the son later went to Bratislava Ferko, who was  

well-known doctor, Head of Urology Clinic at Hlboká Street MUDr. František Lábady, cousin of Lt-Colonel tank. Aladár II. Ondrejkovič.

Gustav Kedrovič left alone and though he inherited from his father a mill in Great Bielice, previously unable to continue in business. He had a brother John, who successfully Mlynárce in neighboring Nadlice. Senior fellow citizens remember the lonely Gustav, who had to leave the aforementioned flat and difficult to stodge life. Often the subject of disrespect by young people (probably like his cousin, old Mrs. Balažovičová (Sopková?) In Bielice, furniture and her house to analyze arbitrarily by local citizens and then lived in great poverty with lice and mice in the basement). The family decided to give it to the hotel in Kovarce where die 13/06/1953 relics were saved and the family tomb in the Great Bielice. 

            Over the school holidays - he writes this article Ing. Edo Cart - probably in 1949, came Gustav, as was the custom, in our pubs to eat. We\'ve always invited him into the kitchen. Kedrovič knew that studying in Bratislava, so I had reason to speak. Boast that he studied in Bratislava and at the Lutheran Lyceum and the addition was schoolmate Milan Rastislav Stefanik! He remembered one experience, the author was Stefanik and his classmates were actors, and hence Kedrovič: 

            Lutheran Lyceum, the students ate in the school canteen. On Saturday evening nevarievali, students residing in a dorm dinner offering received by them issued after Saturday lunch. Saturday received the same group of students as offering dinner only elongated loaf of bread. Stefanik took the bread and pupils are withdrawn for college. It was Saturday, made a little walk through the nearby marketplace. At a public market Stefanik noticed that women Račišdorfu sold cream. Stefanik This gave rise to what will happen should continue. Stefanik classmates said today that the dinner will have plain bread, but bread with cream. Classmates laughed with him that no container in which cream and worse, no money. Stefanik assured them that he has thought through and everything will be cream. Stefanik chose knife, cut off the lid of bread, also using fingers and knives povyberal soft crumb, the bread part wrapped in paper, which was originally packaged bread. Thus, the bread was a large cavity, which should serve as a container. After this preparation, they went to one of the sellers of women. Stefanik asked about the price for one liter of cream. That was eight mite per liter. Stefanik with the price agreed on condition that they assemble on the amount of cream that fits into the cavity of the bread. Štefánik first put a penny on the table selling. When the woman saw that she made a good deal, Kazaa Stefanik hold the bread and she naliala into the cavity of the bread almost three liters of cream. Stefanik took bread, and put him under caution and sensitivity pažu bread to apply and release the arms to the largest quantity of cream soak into the walls of bread. He had enough time to handle because the folding money took a long time. Everyone is trying to find hidden pockets of money, but it was a sham effort because the money was. The result of the state assembly that the table was folded a few cent, not even the cream per liter. When she saw selling financial situation of students lost patience and declared that they had the cream halieriky and burst back into the pot. Stefanik willingly poured cream because of the cavity of the bread barely vytiekol liter cream. Most remained in the bread. Neuvedomila a woman, what with this funny game watched Stefanik that received money for their classmates and cream free. On the way to the dormitory to jokey and fun experience happily admired Stefanik, as his header was a brilliant idea to improve the dinner for free. Once dinner, assume an amusing and fun to experience how each tried to find the bags a penny, although it was not. Kédrovič Finally, with great laughter, remarked that never had a dinner to your fingers from oblizovali cream. 

            Finally, that could be told what to believe Kedrovič was necessary to verify whether it really was Stefanik classmates. For this purpose I visited Lýceálnu library cabinet manuscripts and old prints, which I have provided for this purpose class catalogs for years, when Stefanik began to study the Lyceum in 1890 as a 10-year-old. He completed Prešporok after three years in 1893 as a 13 - year. The catalogs each year, I found a registered Stefanik Kedroviča well, which shows that they were classmates. Entries I have had trace over and attach them. Entries are in Hungarian, which was then the school is required. Stefanik finished in fourth grade Šoporňa (1893 to 1894). Further studied in Szarvas (1894 - 1898), where he graduated. Talking Kedrovič has some historical value, because from childhood Stefanik it knows very little. As this humorous incident was terminated at Chynorany, I would like if it was first published in a newspaper of Chynorany. 

Ing. Edo Cart 
Miro Kováčik 
Mary Šmotláková                        

MUDr. František Lábady 

Urology at the University Hospital in Hlboká Street in Bratislava, where he was the primary MD. Francis Labadie.  

Watermill of Mr. Gustav Kedrovič in Great Bielice     

County Provincial House in Púchov which lived in the 19th century District governor Dr. Alexander Androvič (later President of the District Court in Trencin). Ondrejkovič was related families from both sides of twin. From Púchov it was also Dr. Anton Neumann, who in early the year 1945 he helped save the family grandmother of the author and 84 citizens of village Čierna Lehota.

In 1904 in Bratislava, the wedding was related from Lady Anna Ondrejkovič born Sandor de Szlavnicza and Ondrejkovič JuDr. Milan Ivánka Draskócz et Jordánföld and Miss Elena, daughter of attorney Vendelín Kutlík and Božena Hodžová, granddaughter of the pastor of ECAV Michal Milan Hodža. At this time JuDr. Milan Ivánka Representative of cooperation with Czech politics and business circles. With their participation, he founded the Economic Bank in Trnava (1906). Since 1906 he was a co-publisher and editor of the National Announcer magazine. In 1907 he was elected to the Hungarian Parliament, but in 1909 he was deprived of his mandate for alleged outrage against the state and the Hungarians during the election campaign and sentenced to one year in prison.             

In the period before the year 1910 are situated in the memories of the Mária Ondrejkovič born Turba its aunt, Lady of the court to Empress Elisabeth in Vienna and virtuoso harpist..

Mons. ThDr. Pavol Beňuška, filozof a teológ, katolícky publicista, prekladateľ, krajan rodín Balazsovics a Kedrovich sa narodil * 25. januára 1911 v obci Veľké Bielice.

The period before World War I is a report Lady of Turba\'s  on the tragic plane crash in Bielice in which the pilot is killed. Cumulative children saw that he had pierced ear-thick wire. Even after 1923, was a member of the municipal government in Veľké Bielice for retired District notary Stefan Balazsovics. The fire density contributed to voluntary fire department in 1929 oi Helena Balažovičová, Gustav Kedrovič (Kedrovich), Salzberger brothers, Stephan Országh etc..

In I. World  War at the time of greatest food shortages in the teacher-administrator Lednické Rovné Stefan Ondrejkovič-Sandor regularly sent his minor son, Aladár to Bielice train with a suitcase full cup glass. Aladar suitcase boy gave his uncle Ján Kedrovič who sent him back home to train have a suitcase full of flour.

Teacher Elena Ivánková, born Kutliková with her husband attorney JuDr. Milan Ivánka returned in 1915 to Bratislava. During the First World War, JuDr. Milan Ivánka with MUDr. Vavro Šrobár, Milan Hodža and Emil Stodola. His wife Elenka had already in her forties, she became extremely literary active. She has written dozens of novels. It was published mainly in the National Newspaper published in Turčiansky Svätý Martin. In the years 1916 - 1918 she published more than a hundred works - among them several novels from the then Bratislava - from the life during the First World War. Literary critic Stephan Krčméry also pointed out her work.      

Tombstone of District notary Stefan Ondrejkovič in Great Bielice, the writer\'s great grandfather. On the right is the gravestone of his father-the author\'s great-great mothers noble lady Maria Sandor de Szlavnicza born Marko. These gravestones identified and repaired selflessly to preserve historical documents for future generations, Mr Peter Múčka and friend Mr. Juraj Krasula. 

Aj po roku 1923 bol člen obecnej samosprávy vo Veľkých Bieliciach notár na penzii Stefan Balazsovics. Na hasičskú zástavu dobrovoľného požiarneho zboru prispeli v roku 1929 o.i. pani Helena Balažovičová, Gustáv Kedrovič, bratia Salzbergerovci, Štefan Országh atď.             

River Nitra next the town Prievidza

At the source of the river Nitra is the tomb of the genus Sandor de Szlavnicza and Bossányi de Eadem. Its location symbolizes their social role and position in the Nitra county. He built it in the year 1931 Catholic priest and professor Jozef Stephanus Bossányi. Also he built the chapel of Lourdes and modified source of the river. As an educator sons of the city notary in Prievidza Dominus Michael Turba, which financially supported the activity had an impact on the formation of interest Dominus Gejza Turba, his future collaborator, ally and related through family Ondrejkovič - Sandor de Szlavnicza.   

Josephus Stephanus Bossányi *04.03.1855 Senica Nro 147. Parents Spectabilis Dominus Vincensius Bossányi Nobilis - Cas .Reg. ..., et Spectabila Domina Stephana Bossányi Condors. Rom. Catolici. Godparents Magnifis. Spect. Dominus Josephus Vietoris. Nobili Dominici Rexen at Compossesor, et Director, et Spectabila Domina Sophia Jánosy Nobili - Ano Catolici.

In the 1933 he was appointed Stefan Balažovič Provincial Office in Bratislava as the new District Chief in Kosice took office before Christmas; National newspaper 03.08.1928/1; National Newspaper Volume: 1933, Issue: 12.08.1933/8 ;

According to the narrative grandmother author Maria born Turba as a little boy he Koloman Sokol close professional and friendly relationship with the family member Balažovič where he taught at the Technical University SVŠT since the interwar period. 

Bielice - Baťovany airport around 1933. Between the individual Baťa airports in addition to the regular specials from Otrokovice, the Aero A-35 and the Lockheed Electra OK-CTA and Lockheed Electra OK-CTA and 

Lockheed Electra 10A OK-CTB, Stinson Reliant SR-10C OK-ATP and many other interesting aircraft. Baťa company had since 1939 several aircraft under Slovak matriculation.

In 1938-1939, the District Chief of the Stropkov district Dr. Alexander Lučšek was the husband sister of General M. R. Štefánik\'s and the sister of Father lieutenant cavalry Pavel Štefánik. 

Pictured nephew of general M. R. Stefanik lieutenant cavalry Pavel Stefanik (graduate SOCR in Pardubice and  MA Hranice), a friend of the family Ondrejkovič. He served as a lieutenant of cavalry in Zvolen and Ves, along with Lt. cavalry further advances in active service Aladár II. Ondrejkovič (graduate SOCR in Pardubice and AMA Bratislava), who was staying with his father Dr. Dušan Ladislav Stefanik notary public. 

The first diplomatic representative of the Kingdom of Denmark in Bratislava became the Honorary Consul Dr. Stefan Ravasz, the Slovak Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Tuka officially adopted in this post 11.01.1941 (Newspaper Slovak of 11.01.1941 p.3).

Belo Turba. Soloist, tenor opera SĽS in Nitra in the years 1939-45 and soloist tenor of the State Opera Košice in the years 1945-1960 Karol Ondrejkovič. Even soloist, tenor Z. Nejedly Theatre in Opava in the years 1946 - 1951 Belo Turba The local opera created in a series of characters, among which was also Jeník "The Bartered Bride" a prince "Rusalka". 

Gréta Schmidtová, married Kedrovičová * May 22, 1914, Bratislava † March 26, 1995, Bratislava, a member of the Slovak National Theater Ballet from 1929 to 1942, was named the Primabalerine of the Slovak National Theater in 1941.


Parachutes shooters part of the course which led First lieutenant Ondrejovič. Four Slovakian trainees took training course at Fallschirmjägerschulle II in Wittstock-Dosse in Germany in summer of 1943, cadets Jozef Lachký and Ladislav Pisarčík and sergeant Lenárt.

District Chief in Stropkov Dr. Alexander Lušček was transferred to Kežmarok in 1939. In 1939, in Prešov, 48 km distant from Stropkov was the District Chief Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič. Kežmarok Department of the Slovak Tourist and Skiers Club headed by its Chief of District Chief Dr. Alexandr Lušček was already thinking of putting up a new chat in 1937. In 1940 construction started to be funded. Kežmarok chat was completed in 1942. Viceconsul of Swiss Confederation Dr. Hans Keller, who has often traveled both business and private to Eastern and Central Slovakia (including Carpathian Ruthenia) since 1938.

In connection with the growing risk of mass deportations, Bern has allowed trade marks with both legal and legal value to be part of Jewish traders and Poland with whom Switzerland has been in business. Robert Boetschi, who grew up in Poland and had contacts there, was very actively involved. The transit city was Kežmarok. In many cases, they have helped to save them.

Dr. Hans Keller in 1985 (Geschichte historisches Magazin Nr. 69, März-April 1985, p. 14-23) stated that the quantity of Swiss goods imported between 1939-1945 into the Slovak Republic found its way into the military-occupied Poland.

In April 1944 Equestrian Section (JPO-1) SV Snina, commander of the technical squadron First lieutenant cavalry Pavel Štefánik. 

Robert Boetschi, December 1, 1940 - October 30, 1944 Assistant Schweizerische Zentrale für Handelsförderung. Assistent des Delegierten für die Slowakei in Zürich und Bratislava, vgl. E2500 1982/120 242 *.

According to information from the film artist Gaspar here Perinbaba movie yet filmed. Bielice might have one day attraction of a technical nature, you envied them in a wide area. From the original economy is nothing left.                                             

Daughter of commander squadron Equestrian of Technical Intelligence Section (JPO-1) Lieutenant cavalry Pavel Stefanik, granddaughter of Public notary in Spišská Nová Ves Dr. Ladislav Stefanik, niece of the District Chief Dr. Alexander Lušček and grand-niece of General M.R. Stefanik Tamara Dudášová-Štefániková in 2015 in Košariská the occasion of the ceremony to commemorate the 135th anniversary of the birth of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik.

The author would like to thank Mgr. Peter Múčka of Partizánske who is engaged in activities reviving the history of Upper Nitra. These include, in addition to the publication of the collected historical data, their rescue and identification. Even the tombstones in the photo were identified and selflessly repaired in order to preserve the historical background for future generations together with their friends, Mr. Juraj Krasula, who is a member of the City Council in Partizánske, Bieličan. It wouldn\'t be easy without him. 

Notes:  In april 1944 Cavalry speh troop (JPO-1),  commander technicle squdron First lieuten. cavalry Pavel Štefánik ; In the years 1938-39 was District Governor in Stropkov Alexander Luštek, brother in law of Generál Štefánik ; engineer architect Stefan Androvič was the son of Stefan Androvič brother of colonel infantry Alojz Androvič ; 

Resources: Mária Turbová ; Gejza Turba ; Colonel Aladár II. Ondrejkovič ; Alojz Androv. ; MUDr. F. Lábady ; zbierka Vladimír Kedrovič (born 1907 in Nadlice father Ján), 1890-1943 SNA ; Mgr. Peter Múčka ; director SPŠ in Partizánske Konárik etc.; Karol Kedrovič correspondence addressed to Jozef Karol Viktorin 25 B 49th. (†18.08.1982 Bratislava Honorary Consul of Denmarkand and Konungariket Sverige, the last mayor of Bratislava of 03.05.1644 Dr. Stefan Ravasz) ;   Fritz Manderla ; Ataché of Swiss konfederation in Bratislava Hans Keller ; Letectvo, tretí ročník roky 1938-39 ; Slovák 11.01.1941 s.3 ; Ján Sokol 19.01.2001 Bratislava ;

Note: The author expresses sincere thanks for posting extracts from registers and photographs of tombstones members of his family, Mgr. Peter Múčka of Partizánske ;      

Chronicle of the village Dolné Držkovce  Multipupose device for all  - Trampled history ;




Helen Balazsovics

Mill Veľké Bielice

Mill of Kedrovič

Updated: 13.09.2024