Lieutenant Colonel Aladár Ondrejkovič ( Ondrejkovics-Sandor de )
On 09.02.2019 he did not live to 110 years anniversary of the birthday of Lt.colonel tank Aladár Ondrejkovič Sandor de Szlavnicza (graduate ŠDJZ Pardubice and AVA Bratislava). With his brother Tibor students were minor seminary in Nitra (used to preparation and education of the Levites, clerics, future priests). An unwritten obligation to their parents\' social class was here that sent the children to Catholic high school, where they undergo a Spartan upbringing. Birm father of the two brothers was JUDr. Martin Mičura. Before the election, the son of a teacher administrator (brother of Anna Mičurová born Ondrejkovičová) who engage in favor Mičura Czechoslovak People\'s Party with his brother Tibor distributes its leaflets in Lednické Rovné Rvné, Trebatice and Piešťany.

Great-grandson of Trenčín county Judge (Comitatus Jurassor) Stephanus Sandor de Szlavnicza lance aspirant cavalry Aladár II. Ondrejkovič. According to custom family Ondrejkovič one son studying Theological Faculty, or enlisted in a hussar, or dragon Regiment. As a high school graduate and a senior at the Business Academy in Nitra Aladár II. Ondrejkovič to perform military service, he joined the school for reserve officers in the fortress of Josefov, which was the best rider of the regiment, after transferred to ŠDJZ Pardubice average. Lance aspirant Aladár II. Ondrejkovič had to catch up until the winner of the Great Pardubice milatary.
Building of Small seminars in the Nitra today, where Lieutenant Colonel Aladár Ondrejkovič also studied with his brother Tibor. Their relatives, intimate friend and collaborator Minister for Slovakia JUDr. Martin Mičura, bishop of Nitra His Eminence ThDr. Karol Kmeťko in free time devoted brother Ondrejkovič.

At the Piarist Grammar School in Trenčín where Dr. Martin Mičura studied, Dr. Aladar I. Ondrejkovič graduated in 1908. In the year 1918 it was renamed the Czechoslovak State Higher Grammar School of "Ľudovít Štúr" and moved to a new building of a higher girls\' and business school. Here they were classmates of Aladar II. Ondrejovič and his relative Pongrácz and brothers Bútora. Jozef Tiso * 19.11.1910 †07.09.1981, whose wife became a very good girl, their classmate Renáta Tausová, was a frequent student of the grammar school in Trenčín.
VII. Annual Report of the Czechoslovak State Higher Secondary Grammar School "Ľudovít Štúr" in Trenčín for the school year 1924-1925, page 12, II.A class ... 57. * Eva Baxová, Vienna (Trenčianske Teplice).

Member of LR Sport Club Aladár II. Ondrejkovič, winner of the championship of the Republic of gymastic for the Lednické Rovné Straight in 1925, where he worked for his father administrator teacher Štefan II. Ondrejkovič. Aladár II. Ondrejkovič was before entering military service members of the Peasant driving of Nitra in which he was also active in his future commander, sloviakian general, commander of the Rapid Division Augustin Malár. As captain Čs. Army was the early 30s, first in charge of riding a bicycle training, and later became a military training officer for a member of the Defence Department in the Slovak Earth\'s corps of the Peasant driving.

Minister for Administration of Slovakia JUDr. Martin Mičura, later i.a. President of the Administrative Court in Bratislava, President of Czechoslovak People\'s party in Slovakia, mayors of Veľká Bytča, president of the Slovak Supreme Court. He was birm father and uncle of Aladár II. Ondrejkovič.

Aladár II. Ondrejkovič graduated from the Business Academy in Nitra. His classmate was also Anton Petrák born on 14.04.1912 in Vienna, since 1938 active officer, a lieutenant of artillery (graduate ŠDZD and VA Hranice). He served in Petržalka.
Sergeant aspirant cavalry Aladár II. Ondrejkovič with colleagues from Reserve Cavalry Officer’s School (ŠDZJ), pictured on the right in the first place. Beside him sits aspirant cavalry Jaromír Nechanský. son of a civil servant and colleague of Stefan Turba, brother of Aladár mother Maria. Commander sitting in the middle of the red breeches combined with white skin.
Festive retirement lieutenants, graduates of the Military Academy in the Hranice. They were required to attend school officers backups until then as Lieutenants, officers in reserve in another active service completed Military academy where recommendations were the Ministry of National Defence.
Cavalry officers in ceremonial disposal. Graduate Reserve Cavalry Officer’s School (ŠDZJ) in Pardubice Lieutenant cavalry in reserve Aladár II. Ondrejkovič in the years 1941-43 he graduated from the Military Academy in Bratislava (AVA - automobiles Military Academy).
Squadron of the 8th Dragon Regiment of Prince "St. Wenceslaus" violent demonstrations overcoming river inhabitants of the Pardubice. Sabre Mk. 4 inherited from the Austro-Hungarian imperial and royal cavalry wore dragons for its length hanging on the saddle with your haunt aspirants school for cavalry officers in ambush in Pardubice reservists under his arm.
Ministry of National Defence in Prague submitted a binding proposal to the Bureau Ministerial Council in matters of recruitment to the state officers of the occupation. The need to justify their increased needs in terms of officers in conditions of war and peace army needs modernization. In time of war, except by officers from the profession the service of retired officers and reserve officers.Mobilization and success of military operations in the first stage of the war depended on the officers of the occupation. They were appointed to command positions that could not be filled otherwise. The Ministry of Defence stressed that even increasing the number of places the Officers will be provided only partially. Ministry of National Defence addressed to government regulation of junior officers in the next active employment, on which the Council of Ministers passed a draft by the Ministry of National Defence of 24 September 1934. Therefore, the Ministry of Defence could occupy places of employment of officers of the occupation officers lower in further voluntary active service. In early 1936 there were available 1506. As it was the need for a peaceful army officers demanded an increase in the international situation, organizational and material development of Czechoslovak Army and an increase in jobs that already has to meet in peace. Due to the substantial deterioration in the international situation, the Ministry of National Defence pointed out that the armed forces Czechoslovak Republic must be prepared for all eventualities endangering the security situation of the state.Consuming preparation can be executed only by church officers and sergeants of the profession.
Cavalry Lieutenant Aladár II Ondrejkovič for voluntary active status by 16.10.1936 at 11th Dragon Regiment in Bratislava.
King Carol II of Romania and his son Crown Prince Mihai I attended with President of the Republic Dr. Eduard Beneš festive tour 11th Dragoon Regiment on 1 November 1936 at the Freedom Square in Bratislava. King Carol II personally pinned the ribbon on the standard of the regiment since named by his name.
Lieutenant cavalry Aladár II Ondrejkovič took part in the festive tour of the 11th Dragon Regiment, King Carol II of Romania with the President of the Republic Eduard Beneš, at Sloboda Square, as Commander of the squad.
The Vráble. Since the thirties of the 20th century, in the event of bombardment, natural disasters or accidents was organized by the district chiefs in the Vrábľe Stephen Balažovič, in Zlaté Moravce Dr. Aladár I. Ondrejkovič rescue services with the participation of the tests Firemen in, gendarmerie, Samaritans Department of Red Cross in Czechoslovakia (RCS) and army. The district chief in the Vráble Stephen Balažovič was related of District notary Stefan I. Balazsovics (sibling of grandmother Lt. cav. Aladár II. Ondrejkovič) and cousin of Gejza Turba, Stephen Turba and teacher Maria Ondrejkovič born Turba (mother of Lt. Aladár II. Ondrejkovič). National Newspaper Volume: 1933, Issue: 08.12.1933. Štefan Balažovič was appointed Provincial Office in Bratislava as the new District Chief in Košice. He took office before Christmas. After November 2, 1938 in connection with the Vienna arbitration he was evacuated its office in Prešov and its related subordinate office of the local District Chief Dr. Aladár I. Ondrejkovič.
In the 1937, served Lieutenant cavalry in advance of further voluntary active service Aladár II. Ondrejkovič in remont centere in the Sereď. During the active military service in 1938 in Spišská Nová Ves is 2nd lieutenant of cavalry Aladár Ondrejkovič, a young officer stayed with a family friend. He was a Notary Public Dr. Ladislav Stefánik (*16.10.1886 Košariská † 06.03.1959 Spišský Štvrtok) spouse Elena Luštek, children Elena and Lieutenant of cavalry Pavel Štefánik (Major in 1953 in Jesenik crew in action D discharged from the army). Dr. Ladislav Štefánik studied in Bratislava, Prague and Kluj. Brother of General M. R. Štefánik and son of the pastor Pavel Stefanik, who is commonly mistakenly referred to as Samuel. After the coup, he served as county counselor in Levoča, notaries public in Spišaká Nová Ves was from 1923. Lieutenant of cavalry Aladár Ondrejkovič served with his friend Lieutenant of cavalry Pavel Štefánik (graduate ŠDJZ Pardubice and Boundaries VA), the son of a public notary Spišská Nová Ves.
New ambulance emergency services of the Red Cross Tatra T 57 A, which bought the District Chief Dr. Aladár I. Ondrejkovič.
Blood relative of District Governor Dr. Aladár I. Ondrejkovič and Lieutenant cavalry Aladár II. Ondrejkovič Baron Imre Ivanka (Estera baroness Ivanka de Draskocz et Jiordánfold, mother of Stephanus Sandor de Szlavnicza) was the founder of the Red Cross in Hungary. The founding meeting of the Red Cross in Hungary took place on 16 May 1881 in Budapest. May 17 was the merger female league with a newly created organization of the Red Cross, Baron Ivanka became her manager. It was among the initiators of the construction of the hospital of the Red Cross for the purpose of training of professional and voluntary nurses.
Elite armed forces of the Czechoslovak Republic SOS (State Defense Guard) to which the compilation of the Zlaté Moravce and Prešov participated in the period 1937-1939 District Governor Dr. Aladár I. Ondrejkovič. Since its transfer, the PAÚ (Preceded Agency Headquarters) in Prešov with its focus on Hungary has been under the control of the autonomy. After the Munich Agreement September 30, 1938 was to the 28th battalion SOS Nové Zámky (Nitra) and temporarily diverted his nephew 2nd Lieutenant of cavalry Aladár II. Ondrejkovič (his HQ was in the castle of Tesárske Mlyňany Arboretum).
Not only in the district of Nové Zámky and Nitra, but among other things, Rimavská Sobota (Jesenské), the family of Anna Sandor de Ondrejkovičová born Sandor de Szlavnicza, mother of the District Chief Dr. Aladar I. Ondrejkovič, grandmother Lieutenant cavalry Aladár II. Ondrejkovič had extensive agricultural land and forestry.
Second Lieutenant Aladár II Ondrejkovič was deployed without relieved during mobilization in September 1938 and at regular war SOS elite units more than five months in the field in autumn and winter 1938/1939. Officers and soldiers of the army temporarily seconded to them, unlike members of the financial guard, police and gendarmerie had a special Winter equipment.
It was a sign of the health condition of cavalry second lieutenant cavalry Aladár II Ondrejkovič. After being replaced during a medical examination, they found a finding in his lungs. He was sent for treatment to the Military Medical Institute for Lung Diseases Matliare in the High Tatras. The land around Skalnate potok in the Huncovce area was owned by the Berzeviczy family, a relative of the Anne Ondrejkovič born Sandor de Szlavnicza. Gradually, the owners became the families Okolicsányi, Szirmay, Mattyasovszky, who were also relatives of the grandmother of the second lieutenant Aladár Ondrejkovič. By solidification in 1840 and later reforms, they became largely the property of the village Huncovce.
Second Department of the Army HQ in Prague had been confirmed on 3th March 1939 their best agent A54, that on 15en March 1939 will be occupied Bohemia and Moravia and Slovakia Wehrmacht will be declared independence under German auspices. Information was obtained from a person of the Head Colonel František Moravec in the presence of several officers. Then proceeded Cs. Military intelligence service preparation of the physical destruction of their documents. Some moved to Slovakia, Major GS. Alojz Androvičrelevant here. Meanwhile, her residency in Slovakia and abroad frantically mobilize its activities. General Bedřich Homola was commander 7th Army Corps in Banská Bystrica.
The so-called Homola coup was only a feint. However, events in people swarmed in Bohemia, Moravia, Slovakia and Ruthenia as a natural disaster. Headquarters of Deutsche Partei (D.P.) was in Bratislava in the building Kotva on embankment of Vajanský. Its armed forces Freiwillige Schutzstaffel (F.S.) formed in March 1939, three battalions, which had 4,604 men. Weapons received primarily through Petržalka distribute them in the building Kotva. On 11 March 1939 FS 50 men occupied the government building on the embankment. In Bratislava, on 13 on March 14 had Lieutenant cav. Aladár Ondrejkovič service (in 11th Dragon Regiment " KC II R " for voluntary active status from 16/10/1936) supervisory officer in the barracks occupied by the 11th Dragon Regiment "King Carol II of Romania". The regimental commander, not young (*1888) Colonel cavalry Rudolf Moskorz was frustrated, did not manage the situation. 3rd Rapid Division Headquarters beginning 8th March established of the Dragon regiment assistance unit. They were again and again pulled even in the immediate vicinity of the barracks of activation denervous clashes with groups composed of members of the Hlinka Guard and F.S. It was only due to personal supervisor Lieut. cavalry Aladár Ondrejkovič, that is the conflicts notgraduet unmanageable tragedy.
1st Horse reconnaissance troop 1st JPO. In the years 1939-44 was Lt. cavalry Aladár II. Ondrejkovič the winner of several competitions in the equestrian sport disciplines. Perhaps at that time was the most famous athletes in Slovakia army in this discipline. Wide Slovak public knew him from the movie weeklies "Nástup".
Michera, A. C. al. factory for gas, water, metal parts and fittings, Bratislava, chairman Jozef Černák, director of central administration of church estates, Bratislava, board members General Augustin Malár, Colonel Karol Pekník, Major in rest Josef Meixner.
Lieutenant cavalry Aladár II.Ondrejkovič was in the year 1939 according to testimony of the investigating judge of the Military Court in Bratislava investigated the indication of his colleagues. Prosecution has been halted for lack of evidence. However, it was the subject of proceedings against him disciplinary committee chaired by NGOs Colonel Jozef Turanec. The subject of disciplinary proceedings was another indictment of the intelligence information, and witness statements that associate with the Czechs and Jews.
The organization passes Cs. troops through Hungary and Yugoslavia participated in the French 2me Bureau, whose commander wasColonel Rivet and Service de renseignement (S.R.), whose chief was Colonel Gauche. Illegal crossings of officers and soldiers to the West via Hungary took place under a special kind of impartial Hungarian military intelligence, whose commander was General István Ujszászy (* 1894 † 1948? agent of Cs. Military intelligence service).
Second lieutenant cavalry Aladár Ondrejkovič - Staffing during mobilization in 1938-1939 Commander of the 18th squadron (1939-1940) and Lieutenant cavalry Aladár II Ondrejkovič sk. of the 1st JPO, then Commander of the Veterinary Hospital.
The Lieutenant cavalry Aladár Ondrejkovič took the Remontous Horses at the Military Strap of Upper Motešice (formerly belonging to the Composessor of the family Motesiczky, his blood-relatives) after March 14, 1939 for the Dragons Regiment 11 "King Carol II of Romania".
One of the manifestations of the military to the new regime was Ružomberok rebellion on 04.06.1939. The revolt of about two thousand soldiers Ružomberok crew. Had to be suppressed by tanks of calling Martin, Žilina and Dolný Kubín. Organizers have been convicted. Sentences were pronounced differently. During the investigation arested several non-military people who were involved in organizing the riots. Military units located in Ružomerku for punishment abolished. The team was divided into departments across the country. In the barracks remained only mountain artillery regiment. About Hrabov rebellion and tragedy in the investigation were allowed to write.
Overall, the July 15, 1939, the Slovak army officers in the state 536 Slovaks, 117 Czechs, 27 Germans, 24 Russians and Ruthenians -(total 704 officers).
The highest number of men was Slovak Army on September 20, 1939 was over 148.000 men, of which the line up of field troops acted over 51.000.
Despite the reduction situation in 1938 from a total of 1,248 officers of the Czechoslovak foreign service was only 33 Slovaks (1). The first ambassador of the Slovak Republic in the Bulgarian Kingdom was Dr. Ján Spišiak. Was the Slovak ambassador in the Kingdom of Hungary, from November 1939 he was entrusted with the leadership of Slovak Embassy in Sofia. Forenoon on 9.dec.1939 authorized Minister Dr. Ján Spišiak adopted in Sofia Tsar Boris III in person. who shall transmit credentials. Slovak military attaché in Budapest and Sofia was a major infantry Alojz Androvič (related families Ondrejkovič), which was also adopted by the Bulgarian Tsar Boris III.
Since 1939, regulations have been issued social behavior officers. In early 1941, the 2nd Division Headquarters issued guidelines for social education officer corps through which officers were familiar with social rules and respect them. They were succinct and their commanders should be amended so that errors in social behavior officers have been removed. The first circuit was talk of duties upon arrival in a new crew when officers had to carry out visits to the officers\' families and families of important public officials. In the second circuit were discussed precise instructions about the behavior of the officers\' dining room. 3 RAW, J .: Builder work in the army. In: Military on defense and work. Bratislava, 1944, p.50. 4Pozri dislocation Slovak army units. In: VHA, f. MNO - Secret, Sk. 5, no. j. 35023 / 1919th 5 VHA, f. MNO-Presidium, Sk. 3, No. j. 23.844 / 1939, p. 2. ŠUMICHRAST 6, P .: educational work in the Slovak army base in the years 1939-1944. In: In e n j s to A History, Volume (vol.) 6, 2002, no. 2, p. 26-51, 36. 7 CSÉFALVAY, F .: The two documentaries about the behavior of Slovak officers. In: SEGEŠ D, ŠEĎOVÁ, B. (Eds.): Miles Seper honestus. Bratislava 2007, p. 212. (138) The social status of officers of the Slovak Army in background and attempts to increase their prestige in the years 1939-1941.
In addition to compliance with labeling regulations they encourage officers and a pleasant demeanor, which should make a good impression on their hosts, such as the choice of themes conversations that anyone offending. Another circle discussed the responsibilities of officers in connection with the visit and the choice of "officer moves only in well-Aryan society." For behavior to women, they put on a heart to be in choosing the women\'s society and in contact with women careful. It was not inconceivable thatofficer liaise with the girl who under the rules and regulations could not take a wife. you pay regulations IMO No. A - XIV from the period of the Czechoslovak Republic, according to which the wife of an officer had to be morally preserved and she as well as her family, should be criminal record, reputation and appropriate education. the wife should also meet the appropriate property criteria to minimize the risk that the family finds itself in financial distress by the husband to take on the obligations of the wife. Social custom and the need to show an army in the best light to prescribe officers actively participate in social life, especially when they receive the invitation to the reception and the domestic institutions as well as from foreign authorities. Minister General Ferdinand Čatloš ordered the officers who receive an invitation, reported him chief of staff of NGOs who had to decide whether they can take part in them.
On 09.01.1940 took over the artillery lieutenant Fridrich Husák was responsible for the automobile Services at Headquarters of 1st Division (6).
In the years 1939-1940, Rudolf Dilong, together with R. Fábry and F. Korček, published the literary and critical monthly Nové Slovo, which was to become the magazine platform of the Slovak avant-garde.
On January 18, 1940, the Armed Forces Act was passed. The Slovak Army was renamed the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic. The army became apolitical. Professional soldiers were not allowed to be members of Hlinka\'s Slovak People\'s Party. If necessary for mobilization, the Armed Forces Act applied to all men between the ages of 20 and 50. Voluntary service in the army has been possible since the age of seventeen. Compulsory military service lasted 2 years. Jews and Roma were excluded by law from the armed forces. They had a two-year full-time service in the labor battalions. According to the law, the President of the Republic, who was Jozef Tiso from October 1939, became the Chief Military Commander, and the Minister of National Defense, General I. Class Ferdinand Čatloš, became the Chief Military Commander.
Lieutenant cavalry Aladár II Ondrejkovič\'s classmate from the Business Academy in Nitra was also Artillery Lieutenant Anton Petrák born on April 14, 1912 in Vienna, active officer since 1938 (graduate of ŠDZD and VA Hranice). Until September 30, 1938, he served in Petržalka on Kopčianská street with the infantry battalion 39/II in Jelínek\'s barracks, on March 15, 1939 in Svätopluk\'s barracks. After 1989, Generalmajor in rest. At the beginning of April 1940, Lt. cav. Aladár II Ondrejkovič said goodbye on Hviezdoslav Square in Bratislava before his emigration through Hungary and Yugoslavia to the Czechoslovak Army in the West.
In May 1940 he was arrested Legionnaire compatriot and Commander of Lieutenant Aladár Ondrejkovič Corps Major Josef Martin Kristín head of the labor services of the Ministry of Defence (formerly commander 15th Division in Trenčín and the commander 1st Division area in Trencin) and commander of the military camps. He helped organize the transformation of the Czech soldiers and officers through Slovakia to Hungary and Yugoslavia. He was sentenced to life imprisonment.
Command of the Ground Forces on the establishment of the Equestrian sports team on the day of 15.11.1940, No. 165 214, ref 166 050 box No 58, 119 sheets (414 to 532).
First lieutenant cavalry Pavel Štefánik, an active officer from the most famous Slovak family, was not only a rival in the military race of Lieutenant Aladár II Ondrejkovič, but also his friend. He was in the saddle six hours a day. Do reassignment Lieutenant cavalry A. Ondrejkovič to the automobile troops served both in the 1st equestrian section (JPO-1). Commander of the technical squadron JPO-1 First lieutenant cavalry Pavel Štefánik, son of a public notary in Spišská Nová Ves Dr. Ladislav Štefánik and nephew of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik inherited the aristocratic coat of arms of Prokopovič, who acquired it from Emperor Leopold II. The author thanks for the photo to Dear Mrs. Tamara Dudašová, the only daughter of Major cavalry Pavel Štefánik.
The Tatras are trusted friends, Lieutenant cavalry Aladár II. Ondrejkovič and his sister Magda O. and Dr. Ivan Milecz (Milec) and his wife Milena of family Slezák (Slovak ambassador to Romania and Yugoslavia in the years 1939-45).
Mileczová - Kohútová Hela. Mária Ondrejkovičová family Kohút † 1992, Theresa Ondrejkovičová family Dočolomanský † the 1986th The Supervisory Committee of the food cooperative in Liptovský Ján was in the year 1940 elected District notary Július Pavella.
JUDr. Hermann Gotz was the end of the thirties OKW Abwehr agent in Czechoslovakia. After its occupation by Nazi was awarded the high range.
Captain Prof. Dr. Josef Matl business was classified OKW Abwehr in occupied Belgrade. Generallieut.Hans Piekenbrock, the second function of the OKW Abwehr * 1893 Essen † 1959 Essen. Chief I. Department Abwehr in the years 1936-1943, Major 1936, Lieutenant Colonel 1937, Colonel 1940, Major General in 1943.
The main interest to Poland, Czechoslovakia, France, England, Russia, Spain.
By interest against Belgium, Switzerland, Yugoslavia, Romania, USA.
Prohibited action against Austria, Italy, Hungary, Finland, Estonia, Japan, Bulgaria.
Branch of OKW Abwehr Munich worked against the Balkan, Czechoslovakia, Switzerland. Against Czechoslovakia and worked Abwehr branch Dresden, Breslau, Konigsberg, Danzing, Vienna and later Nurnberk.
Agents violent peace - were foreigners, local Germans in the countries, foreign soldiers from ethnic German minority, border residents etc.
Kugler was a member of IG Farben and OKW Abwehr agent in Bucharest and Turkey.
Members of the embassies of Hungary, Romania, Spain refused to cooperate in third countries with OKW Abwehr.
The first microfilm on the situation in the Protectorate Rudolf Fraštacký smuggled into Switzerland. He gave them his relatives, diplomat Mr. Ján Országh by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to collect information and business to take the issue of economic relations with countries with which Slovakia had diplomatic konatakty. Involved were Dr. Lany, General Kováč, ing. Jokl and others. The link led to a general Luža by the Director General of Zbrojovka, who was ing. Karol Staller. The information is mainly related to the economic and military industries. That was effectively the participation of the firm Bata and head ing. František Malota. Regularly traveled to Slovakia to check their corporate governance.
District Chief of Bratislava - City Dr. Aladár I. Ondrejkovič in the years 1940-42 in the Slovak parliament interpelated for his intervention in favor of the politically and racially persecuted by fellow so. King of the Jews who were Anton Vašek (* Veľká Borša 1905 - 1946 Bratislava).
He filed for him and his nephew, who was Lieutenant cav. Aladár II. Ondrejkovič indication of when it jointly intervened in favor of the persecuted. As a result, was translated from the office of District Chief of Bratislava - City as a penalty function to the Chief District Bratislava - Countryside. Similarly, the sentence was Lt. cav. Aladár II. Ondrejkovič stalled careers and Slovak army was led by the service relationship rather than an active officer, but reserve officers in active service next.
Editor in Prague "Lidové noviny" in Belgrade Andrej Vrbacký, husband of sister lieutenant cavalry Aladár II. Ondrejkovič was in 1941 imprisoned in the detention camp for enemies of the Slovak state of Ilava.
Fitting-out a 1st Horse reconnaissance troop JPO 1 mobilized in the year 1941. The officer is seen on the right rear of the hull and turret of the tank Praga Lt 38.
Head of Corps Automotive Service Col. GS. Ján Krenčej and Chief Veterinary Services Headquarters Field Army "Bernolák" Major. Vet. MVDr. Miluláš Ferjenčík in the High Tatras with their wives. In the middle Elena Pázmány wife of Lt. Colonel GS František Urban. Slovak engineering and foundry, participating company Vyhne, chairman of the board of directors Dr. Ivan Pietor, member of the board of directors Lt. Colonel Ján Krenčej.
First lieutenant Aladár II. Ondrejkovič business was included in the Corps automobile fleet Bratislava, Trenčín, 1st Automobile Batallion Nitra. In the year 1941, said a high official of the NGO Slovak army Colonel GS Ján Krenčej *1895 officers autoarmy in Harmonia.
Colonel Krenčej instructed them: "Motor vehicles should be addressed to PAK (Traffic automotive column, its commander Lt. cav. Aladár II. Ondrejkovič) cargo and passenger vehicles, motorcycles and tanks, you must immediately of vagons, because the German Reich trucks can be dispatched on . You must order a new transport. "technique wagons off and place it on the Eastern Front to send in Banská Bystrica and Martin. This happened several times.
Dobromil 14.12.1941. In the year 1941 he was still to wagons PAK for railway transport and through Medzilaborce, Sambor, Chyrowa affiliated to Rapid division. Drive from Kiev to the Azov Sea. Subsequently, Lt. cav. Aladár Ondrejkovič autoofficier of the 20th Motorized infantry Regiment (Dobromil, Kiev, Rostov on Don, Mariupol, Tarnopol, Taganrog, Mius River, Sea of Azov, Melitopol, Zhitomir) Automotive Battalion "Matthew". 1st Automobile Battalion, Traffic automotive column (PAK). Dobromil 14.12.1941.
1st Horse reconnaissance troop (JPO 1), light tanks ČKD Praga Lt 34 (the Slovak army inherited from Czechoslovakia in the number 27) and military vehicles Praga AV (command) and Praga RV.
Railway transport through Medzilaborce, Sambor, Chyrow - the Rapid Group (22.06.1941-04.07.1941), Rapid Brigade (04.07.1941-23.7.1941), Fast Division (25.07.1941-01.08.1943), 20th Motorized Infantry Regiment (25.07.1941-01.08.1943) 1st Automotive battalion (HQ Nitra), Traffic automobile column PAK (HQ Trencin).
IX. Miscellaneous :
1. First and Second Division relies on the ninth day 7th 1941 passed the motorcade of its third series and released the ammunition column to transport infantry battalions I / 3 I / 4 of Chyrow east. The order to receive it.
2. Army units send daily couriers and their clutch size in the mail. " Ladislav ". Couriers report as possible on the 17th day hours. Office of the auxiliary command. Army.
3. At the same time renamed "Rapid Group" for a "Rapid Brigade"
X. Reaches: 1st and 2nd division, Rapid Brigade command. Air weapons, all departments and staff of its components, military units and headquarters of DHM in triplicate in the translation.
The accuracy
Chief of Staff:
Lt.Col. GS. Tatarko
Commander of the Army
General Čatloš s.h.

Praga RV trucks of traffic column is with the soldiers of the 20th Motorised Infantry Regiment. They performed in Rapid brigade national military service. Their service in the field of a time limit was opposed to professionals, specialists.
Quick Slovak Brigade July 23, 1941 after an unsuccessful struggle of the Soviet 44th Mountain division of General Tkačenko at the Battle of the Lipovec.

Tank crews did not avoid losses in battles with the 44th Mountain Rifle Division of the Soviet Army. According to their direct participant, Lt. Col. tank. in rest Aladar II Ondrejkovič (as the commander of the column forcibly broke through the artillery fire shelled sections of roads) was the main role of the commander of the Rapid Brigade, Col. gst. Rudolf Pilfousek with his staff.
Due to insufficient reconnaissance of the direction of progress by the commander (Col. Gen. Staff Rudolf Pilfousek) and his staff (Maj. Cavalry Julius Nosko), the Rapid Brigade suffered large losses of team and equipment on July 22, 1941 near Lipovec. Five light tanks, one OA vz.30 armored car were destroyed irretrievably and seven tanks were damaged. Most of the tanks and trucks were destroyed by the closing artillery fire of the Soviet army. The Rapid Brigade included units of the Assault Vehicle Regiment in Martin - a staff company, two companies of Škoda Lt 35 light tanks, Praga Lt 38, Praga Lt 40, one company of Tatra OA Vz.30 armored cars and three companies of KPÚV vz.37 anti-tank cannons ( Damage A 4).
Letter written by a former soldier of Rapid Division Ján Letovanec to National Committee in Bratislava on 8th apríl the 1968
In March 1938 for approval to the west there is the Nazi annexation of Austria. Occupation of Austria is the first stage of the Nazis march eastward. Henlein a German minority in Slovakia claim requirements, which involve mutilation of the Republic. In May 1938, however, shows a determination to the people. Several years mobilized armies occupied northwestern border. when workers were given a working weapon. But the Czech and Slovak. bourgeoisie does not want to have anything to do with this opportunity. It focuses on dealing with Hitler. President Benes passes Hacha office. There is a Vol. Word. State. Hitler invaded Poland and then Sov. Union. Tiso, Tuka and Mach give the word. soldiers in the war against the USSR. The mobilization I joined the corps in Trencin automobile fleet. You gave us cars, do we leave the column and rail transport to Medzilaborce, where we crossed the border. Our motorcade PAK was blue-white-red flags. We came to Sambor and Chyrow. People everywhere we very much welcomed and the Soviet Air Force bombed not us at all. We have seen in the Czechoslovak soldiers, friends. Finally, our cars. PAK column to Rapid division with which we proceeded to the Azov Sea. The Germans were with us all the way a lot of trouble, because the Ukrainian people are also friendly and kept us where we are there to assist them and the Germans harm. Then came the fall and later Ukrainian winters. Most of our drivers were reservists. Also lieutenant Aladár Ondrejkovič, commander of our cars. PAK column, which of us has gone with Trencin and has become in our automobile motorized battalion officer, also was a lieutenant in the reserve and tried to get us back home. However, the Rapid Division commander, who was Colonel Josef Turanec RK 07.08.1942 and commander of 20th Regiment, which was a Lieutenant Colonel Ondrej Zverin, for those that want even to hear.
And so it was an unwritten regulation to make non-motorized vehicles. These cars had to be with you and pull it very difficult process and so it was decided that non-repairable can be sent to wrestle for repair. With every car dispatched to repair could be sent as an escort driver. You are offered an unique opportunity to get home. Trucks have become a character on the character of the defective and irreparable. Lieutenant cars. protocols and wrote nearly every day he went home a transport. This was done with the understanding and confidential. But one day affair broke. Germans a truck Walter PN extra checked and found that only a defective clutch. Have to fix it in place and a vehicle for its own axis with a driver came from regimental headquarters, and here he demonstrated to the Commission that the sabotage was committed. The headquarters had to attend a lieutenant, who signed a protocol for non-repairable vehicle called for the removal of the background. Lieutenant immediately closed with him and were about to trial. Finally it was decided by the judge Lieutenant Military Court in Bratislava and will escort him to his tribal unit to Trencin, the fact that it passed the next sequel. I chose as accompaniment. I had a lieutenant escort. Escorts him to his tribal units in Trencin soldier John Letovanec. The journey was long and difficult. Us Germans several times expelled from the train, because they needed space for each wounded. Finally, we Communicating with the lieutenant so that the patient predsierať (frost-bitten feet) and I will complain of eye disease. Under these circumstances, we did vylepili on a transport, and when we met on the way home and Major. Ján Golian and we already have three, somehow we have to Trencin ride. On the way helped us a lot of the Major. Ján Golian, we are familiar with the affair of defective vehicles. Only then, when I Lt. colonel Ján Golian saw the uprising as a commander, I realized the reasons why we like to see us come home. Lieutenant I Trencin properly and gave me a few days was released in advance. After Liberation I saw on the streets of Our Commander cars. column in a bit been assigned as the front. Newspaper Večerník sold on the street. Once I spoke to him. He has not ever wanted to know. He said to me that he truly was not a front for a little while he also claims that I have to be a provocateur. So I was away from him. Since then I have por. newsman seen. But now I read a newspaper and learns that it is necessary to help people especially those who also showed at the front as true patriots, as the word sabotage. as the German army. I decided to write about it to the National Committee in Bratislava, with among its citizens, even if found alive of Our brave commander has committed a crime that he was helped. It\'s still a man Curriculums it is a pity that he had less to do such a decent job. So finally observe his full name because it is very well remember: Issues of Lieutenant Aladár Ondrejkovič. I find that their human and patriotic duty. ♫ Эх, дороги
Road works ! Ján Letovanec
Road works ! Ján Letovanec.
The training of lieutenants of academics at the Military Academy in Bratislava was carried out in 1942-1943 according to regulations at the Military Academy of the Hranice. Gymnastics was good for Lieutenant cavalry in reserve Aladár Ondrejkovič, he was a successful racer as a boy in LR. Physical fitness tests and performance limits were met once per year from the Eastern Front. I also passed the examinations of AVA Nitra during my holiday from the East Front.
Fish port of the Mariupol in the year 1942.
Sea of Azov.
Ukrainian city of the Mariupol on Azov Sea in 1942. You served in the house and fellow Lieutenant cav. Aladár II. Ondrejkovič, chaplain Dezider Kiss-Kalina of the city Chynorany, later General of the ČSLA and division commander in Trnava.
Mariupol Azovstal steel plant in the year 1942. In the seventies of the 20th century tried to supply rolling mills for VSŽ Košice, National enterprise. After unsolvable problems with delivery of the rolling line for the price foiled investment (only in the Bratislava port of ČSPD, National company accounted for as associated induced investment amount at current prices, about $ 8,000,000) and for failure to fulfill the five-year state plan, the Ministry of Metallurgy and heavy engineering in Prague decided for other solution. For VSŽ, National enterprise at the request of the Ministry said newish rolling line Coneco from Car & Foundry Canadian president of Thyssen Stahl of Canada Mr. Alexander Kerney, husband of Lady Gizelle Kerney born Ondrejkovič cousine of Aladár II. Ondrejkovič. At the time, government agencies mobilize action around Aladár II. Ondrejkovič and his wife Elizabeth in Bratislava (42).
On the roadstead of the port of Mariupol was sunk by Soviet freighter loaded with chocolate, tinfoil and skin on the soles of the USA. All cargo crew depreciated against the sinking of spilled oil. Slovak soldiers and officers Rapid Division here in the summer likes to while away the time and swam up to the boat. Lieutenant cav. Aladár II. Ondrejkovič was a good swimmer, but once swam further turned the wind. Waves rushed him to the open sea. Eight hours of struggling with the waves, until he managed to swim ashore.
Ukrainian children have quickly found their way to soldiers Rapid Division. But most popular were automobile drivers of the Traffic automobile column, locals often gave him food unavailable.
In spring and autumn occurred Rasputica. Military car traffic Wehrmacht remained standing. Only with captured ex-Soviet crawler tractor STZ - 3 or STZ - 5 to win the war certainly did not.

Former Soviet tracked artillery tractor STZ-5 Stalinec is proven in an excellent emergency service in the Rapid division. Was put directly into Traffic Automotive Column PAK that helps in the process especially in the rasputica.

20th Motorized Infantry Regiment of Rapid Division after moving Traffic automobile column. Pictured behind the truck PN Walter, ex-Soviet ZIS-5, Škoda 6ST6-L, left Praga RN.
Military vehicles Skoda 6ST6-L of the Fast Division full speed direction Rostov on Don.
Together with the exchange of the team, the 1st Infantry Division (RD) deployed in the Crimea was supplemented by the state of the hypomobile units by young horses with breeding in the Military Stallion in Motešice. Headquarters OKH Crimea in Simferopol organized in summer 1943 for military units deployed in the Crimea various military specialized courses and sports matches. Among other things, there were also the Military Race, in which the cooperative representing Slovak 1st Infantry Division was victorious, whose member was Lieutenant cavalry Aladár II Ondrejkovič.
Interior from Livadia Palace of Tsar Nicholas II. in spa town of Yalta in the Crimea recalled Lieutenant cavalry Aladár Ondrejkovič during his visit in the summer of 1943 social origin his families Sandor de Slavnicza. In 1813 they receded over Veľké Bielice French soldiers after the defeat of Emperor Napoleon in Russia. Behind themfollowed through their Bielice pursuing Russian army of Tsar Alexander I of the wounded, sick and starving French, Russians subsequently treated and fed the family mansion Anna Balazsovics, great grandmother of Maria Ondrejkovič born Turba. Explaining to eat a little misunderstood. Many of them dying when they had eaten.
Rapid division, 20th Motorized Infantry Regiment in the years 1941-1943.
Supplement to the then Lieutenant: Rapid Division officers are regularly alternated (order of the Minister of Defence: 91.658/Sec. 1942 of 4 February 1942) and went to wrestle in addition to Lt. cavalry reserve for the Aladár Ondrejkovič for its specialization or replacement. He demanded a replacement. His regimental commander Lt. Colonel artillery Ondrej Zverin (20th Motorized Infantry Regiment) and division commander Colonel Josef Turanec refused. (The commander said, Alino got cars, you have to stay here). He understood it. Since it signed the protocol on orders of 12 September 1st Infantery Division Commander (former house) had deferred to Slovakia in the field of 10 unserviceable motor vehicles. It was about five motorcycles (Jawa 175 Jawa 250 Jawa 350, Ogar 350, DKW 350), 3 motor cars (Škoda Popular, Tatra T 57 A, Praga AV) and 2 trucks (Tatra T 29, Walter PN).
VHA, f. RD, box. 96, No. 318-604, 20th mot. inf. reg., Com. 1st Infantry Division, Ref.: 100.34/Sec. 4.troop.1943, operating order 24, part II, NE. 24th sept. 1943, p.3.
Lieutenant cav. Aladár II. Ondrejkovič he has traveled to the Military Court in Bratislava. Acquittal military court issued First lieutenant. just. JUDr. Anton Rašla.
Lieut. cav. Aladár Ondrejkovič participated in secret meetings to chat, you said Lt. col. GS. Ján Golian. He took from him a secret directive to concentrate in central Slovakia, military equipment and supplies for military withdrawal Slovak army from the union of the German Reich.
To start broadcasting in London Rudolf Fraštacký brought from Switzerland by the Bern Karel Sedláček encryption keys Anna and Beta. The radiotelegraph was chosen his cousin First lieutn. Ivan Institoris.
First lieutenant Aladár II. Ondrejkovič In addition to services at the front passed the Military Academy of the direction of the automobilein Nitra, whose commander (too commander of the garrison in Nitra) was a Major Ján Šmigovský (it was a relative of Comes Stefan Haššík Nitra county).
After being deployed on the Eastern Front and the ceremonial ending of the Military Academy, First lieutenant automobile reserve Aladár Ondrejkovič joined the mandatory retreat to the Tatra Military House in Tatranska Polianka. The fiancé, Elizabeth Ličková, arrived behind him, causing a stir among the officers. Many, or their wives, knew her from Trenčín, knew that she came from a mother from a Jewish family. She used to live in her villa with tennis courts next to the caserne of M.R. Stefanik. The unresponsive to their relationship openly to First lieutenant Ondrejkovič, who had served on the Eastern Front for more than 3 years, did not dare to express even higher officers. A significant part of them were regimists, but in conflict with his father\'s brother Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič, Dr. Martin Mičura (and members of the state canceled mičuras politic party ČsSL), Bishop ThDr. Karol Kmeťko and his other family were afraid to be afraid. Something broke in them, especially when they were informed that even those members of his family in 1943 not only publicly declared their civic and political attitudes, but also the representatives of the institutions they represent and act and decide.
According to the regulations permit A-XIV, to marry "published officers of arms and officers of General Staff of Ministerium National Defence. Both groups Officers had set conditions: age 28 years (already in Athens it was customary to marry women 10 to 15 years younger), political reliability, and the corresponding nationality of spouse, at least by my fiancée and Secondary Education Certificate of him health information. assessed, it is sj family. for officers weapons was designed veno fiancee at the rate of 50,000 Ks, double-room furniture in the flat and trim.
First lieutenant Aladár II Ondrejkovič graduated from the Military Academy automobile Nitra direction in 1942-1943, won character AVA. MND and HVV odmietlo podľa predpisu A-V-7 § 8, čl. 5 had refused to issue marriage license because his fiancée Alžbeta mother Julia Ličko born Stiglitz was from a famous and rich Jewish families Stiglitz and Buchler. Spoke of-employment services in the Slovak army. based senior exception ev. church senior Dr. Vladimir Jurkovic (of the famous Slovak evanjelic family) on the spring 1944 maried in evanjelic church parson Dr. Ladislav Jurkovic in Bratislava on the street Legionárska (registrar was Albert Okolicsányi, a relative of the groom and former colleague heads. notary Secretary Vojtech Ondrejkovič, taking his father). Previously them was marriage was rejected as illegal in Bratislava in Catholic parishes Blumental. witnesses to the marriage were im Dr. Viktor Pavella General Councillor IM (Bluhová his wife was of Jewish origin) and mr. Mikuláš Líška 50% owner of the company
"Herbária" Liška and comp., formerly owned by the family of my fiancée.
After his marriage in the spring of 1944 used a First lieutenant in reserve Aladár II Ondrejkovič small truck Tatra 57A. Until then, it is convertible sports car body. It served him with spirits business at the address Trenčín Štefánikova 33 in objects that were owned by the wife\'s family until 1939-1940.
Kežmarok May 1944. Club of Slovak tourists and skiers headed by his chairman and District Chief of Dr. Alexandr Lušček.
Minister Defence of the Slovak Republic after the war SNP in August 1944 he was a captain in reserve Stefan Haššík *11.25.1898 Dlhé Pole 11.25.1898 †24.07.1985 Lakewood, Cuyahoga, Ohio, USA. Former Comes Saris-Zemplín and Nitra County (chairman of the cooperative Slovak folk theater). Defense Minister till May, 1945.
Government authorities and the Communist Party leadership were well aware that the then First lieutenant aut. the Issues Aladár II.Ondrejkovič in early 1945 with the help of his family through their acquaintances in addition to helping Jewish families from Trenčín and 86 people of Čierna Lehota arrested in Elementary school in Trenčín under martial law so they were released, there was a shooting them all. Help your fellow countrymen and other persecuted people in distress taken for granted and did not expect gratitude or after 1945. You complained, even though that is why he later encounters and his direct family with malic.
First lieutenant aut. reserce Aladár II. Ondrejkovič walked across the mountains on April 12, 1945 to the 1st Czechoslovak Army Corps on the basis of mobilization to the refueling center in the barracks of the 1st Regiment of the assault carriage of Turčiansky Svätý Martin. He was screened and sent to the Automobile Center in Nitra, where he served as commander of the Park Company until September 1, 1945. At the beginning of April 1945, at the request of the President of the Slovak National Council, he was appointed in the reunited Czechoslovak Army as Chief of the 2nd Department Head of Staff Lt. Colonel JUDr. Anton Rašla. Brigadier General František Moravec did not count on this position.
First lieutenant automob. of reserve Aladár II. Ondrejkovič walked across the mountains on April 12, 1945 to the 1st Czechoslovak Army Corps on the basis of mobilization to the refueling center in the barracks of the 1st Regiment of the assault carriage of Turčiansky Svätý Martin (OVVS). He was verified, received a British battledress and sent to OVZS to the Automobile Center in the Nitra, where he served as a
commander of the park company to 1.IX.1945 with among other motor vehicles and military off-road trucks Studebaker US6 where he led driver training.
Established Czechoslovak army took in his arms and light tanks Praga Lt 38 the state Slovakian attacking chariots. Captain tank Aladár II Ondrejkovič led training their crews also after the year 1945.
Command of 4th Military Area was set up on June 12, 1945 by the Chief of Staff of the Ministry of National Defense. At the same time, OVVS in Košice and OVZS in Nitra canceled. Brigadier General Mikuláš Markus was appointed to the post of Commander of the 4th MA (from September 1, 1942 to 04.1943 Commander of the 20th Motorized Infantry Regiment and superior of lieutenant cavalry in reserve Aladár II. Ondrejkovič), Lt. colonel GS Elemír Polk was appointed Chief of Staff.
Since 1945 he was Cpt. tank Aladár II. Ondrejkovič activated by the order of the Ministry of National Defense OV no. 46 p. 549 VÚ 2143 Bratislava.
From 01.IX.1945 was Cpt. tank Aladár II. Ondrejkovič Officer Tank Troops Headquarters of 4th Military Area in Bratislava and adjutant commander of tank troops 4th MA Colonel tank Ján Malár (with tanks Cromwell Mk V).
On 6 December 1945, Ref 8147-I-Sec.1945 Admissions Board Chairman 1st Instance the Slovak National Council for recruitment professionals to Czechoslovak Army Lieutenant Colonel infantry Milan Polák decided to adopt Aladár II Ondrejkovic Czechoslovak Army on the basis of additional investigation decision dated 06.06.1945 No. 1442-Sec. 1945.
Since 1946, Major gst. Bedřich Pokorný has been the head of the so-called Slovak Statement VII-SL. the intelligence service of the Interior Ministry in Prague against the Slovak Democratic Party in connection with her victory in the election that her campaign chief, Gizela Ondrejkovičová, and young Juraj Fuchs from the Trenčianske Teplice have earned.
Tank Destroyers ST-I by Cpt. tank Aladár II. Ondrejkovič sifted for renewed Czechoslovak Army in companies ČKD Praga and Skoda Hradec Králové (aj býv. Heeres Kraftfahrzeug Werkstatt Pschelautsch). Had their modifications tank destroyer Marder ST-II and light tank Praga LT-38 experience from his service in the Corps car park Slovak army.
Unlike other democratic politicians, the commander of one of the intelligence sections of the Ministry of Interior in Prague, Major. Pokorný and his agent (Valery Sergeyev Vilinsky) failed to penetrate among the associates of the Vice-President of the Corps of Officers and the Supply and Nutrition of the Slovak National Council Rudolf Fraštacký. Thanks to this, a friend and ex-subordinate of father his wife, police criminal judge Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič, former District Chief of Prešov. Bedřich Pokorný was an intelligence officer at the PAU (Extension Agency Agency) Michalovce. In 1938 he was assigned as head of PAU "Rudolf" in Košice with focus against Hungary and from December 1938 to March 1939 he worked with PAU Presov under the control of Dr. Aladar I. Ondrejkovič.
Adjutant of Commander of the 4th Military District Captain tank Aladár II. Ondrejkovič participated in 1946 at the wedding of Elenka Fraštacká (sister of the Vice-President of the Corps of the Slovak National Council Rudolf Fraštacký) and Captain Anton Žúbor. From January 15, 1947 he served in Přelouč next to the 2nd Automobile Battalion as an assigned officer in the training of the car industry until 01.IX.1947. In the same ranking at the same battalion in Dašice from 1.IX.1947 to 1.IIII.1948. In the position of adjutant/operational officer of the 2nd Automobile Battalion, he was from 1.III. 1948 to 1.X.1948. From 01. 01. 1948 he was commander of detached part of 2nd Automobile Battalion, 3rd Automobile Company in Jozefov.
Soviet military advisers were involved in consolidating the power position of the Communist Party in the army, and the Soviet military doctrine was controlled and managed in its transplantation. After the dismissal of Defense Minister General Ludvík Svoboda and the exchange of command in April 1950, they came in several groups and worked in the structures of the army from the Ministry of Defense to divisions.
In the years 1950-1951 was in the camp forced labor Mírov interned former tank troops 4th military area col. tank Ján Malár. One of the direct commanders Cpt. tank. Aladár Ondrejkovič.
In remand detention at the military prison in Hradec Králové was Cpt. cars. Aladár II. Ondrejkovič in 1950 in connection with disobeying orders his to prepare staff an exercise regiment field by the Soviet Army regulations. Regimental commander declared that the plan of exercise and not prepared or not prepared, it is an officer of the Czechoslovak army.
Initiative against Cpt. tank Aladár Ondrejkovič and his wife Alžběta Ondrejkovičová born Ličková was illegally held by the Higher Military Prosecutor\'s Office in Tábor (MU 1815). She was under the Chief Military Prosecutor of the Supreme General Prosecutor\'s Office. It included the Office of the Higher Military Prosecutor\'s Office with directly subordinate units. The Military District Prosecutor\'s Office (Hradec Králové), etc., was also subject to the Senior Military Prosecutor.
The Higher Military Court Tábor (MU 1421) acted similarly illegally. It was located in Příbram and was under the chairmanship of the Military College of the Supreme Court. It included the office of the Higher Military Court with directly subordinate units. The President of the Court was also subject to the Military District Court (Hradec Králové), etc.
Subsequently forced lineup NGOs to work 06.11.1950 underground in a coal mine of Czechoslovak army President Eduard Beneš in Libušín the Kladno.
Former commander of cpt. Aladár Ondrejkovič, Brigadier General Jozef Martin Kristín was in prison at the beginning of June 1951 sentenced and sentenced to four and a half years in prison in Ilava Prison, in corrective-labor camps in the Antonín mine in Zbýšov and in Rtyně in Podkrkonoší.
Captain tank Aladár II Ondrejkovič emaciated after being released from a military prison and forced labor in the coal mine - Mine President Beneš, Libušín Kladno in the fifties. Given the lack of specialization of its officers was despite his condition deteriorated immediately recalled to active service in the army.
Former regional deputy, co-founder of the Democratic Party, health commissioner Milan Polák died under unclear circumstances on August 2, 1951 in a car accident near Trenčín.
In Mikulov, there were officer\'s flats in new houses on the hill and barracks buildings with military stables behind a poplar alley. His son Pavel remembers his father\'s ornate golden cords, the barracks officer serving and the deteriorating situation in Mikulov, when he carried home from his service daily in addition to his pistol riding carbine Mosin-Nagant Mk.38.
VI. Sector V - Czechoslovak State Security (arrested groups of the 3rd Department of the V. Sector, handing over the detainees to the VI sector of investigation, its reputation is still terrible today) sector VI. A - on 15 October 1951 his commander was Major Bohumil Doubek.
At the headquarters of the 2nd Military District in Trenčín were assigned to Soviet military advisers Major General Mikhail Matveevič Danilov, Colonel N. Jevseyev and Colonel N. A. Metelov. The 9th Division headquarters in Trnava was assigned colonel I. M. Pronichev.
64th Engineer Regiment in Sereď, autoschef Captain cars Aladár II Ondrejkovič in the year 1953.
Military vehicles Praga RN in front of New post offices in Bratislava, which is credited with building the former mayor Stefan Turba, uncle of Lt. Colonel tank Aladár II Ondrejkovič.
Government bodies and party leadership were informed also that the then First lieutenant in reserve Aladár Ondrejkovič early 1945 with the help of their families through their friends help besides Jewish families from Trenčín and 86 citizens Čierna Lehota arrested in February 1945 in a primary school in Trenčín under martial law so they were released, he threatened execution. Help his countrymen and other persecuted citizens in need and consider it the duty not expect gratitude or after 1945 have not complained, although later befall is why he and his immediate family after 1953 with extreme malice, writing of anonymous letters and slander from people just that helps and that in 1945 in Trencin protect themselves behind mediated social and professional contacts the notary widely branched family.
The position of Soviet military advisers, who had a major or decisive say in addressing all important issues, was also in line with their financial, material and other benefits in Trenčín. Among other things, they were entitled to free use of the apartment with furniture, heating, lighting, gas, water and telephone. In this respect, they looked out for a villa on Štefánikova 33 in Trenčín and with furniture, despite the fact that she was owned by the wife of his wife Cpt. Aladár Ondrejkovič and were informed that he has a civilian home with her.
Major Bedřich Pokorný (arrested on January 28, 1951, convicted on December 23, 1953) also controlled (101) the military action "D" against members of the Czechoslovak army: Officers released after February 1948, Western resistance fighters and officers serving the first Czechoslovak Republic. The "D" action on the territory of the state took place in stages in 1949-1950, in some cases until 1953.
Eastern Military District (MU 1380), operational union. The headquarters was located in Trenčín and was directly subordinate to the Ministry of National Defense. The territorial scope of the circuit included the North Moravian Region, the Central Slovakia Region, the East Slovakia Region and the West Slovakia Region. The circuit included, among others, the headquarters of the military circuit with staff, the Fourth Automobile Brigade (Hlohovec), the Regional Military Administration Banská Bystrica, the Regional Military Administration Bratislava, the 6th Engineer Regiment (Sereď), where the car chief Cpt. Aladár II Ondrejkovič, 2nd Circuit Base of Political and Enlightenment Means (Trenčín), Military Hospital Bratislava, Regional Military Accommodation and Construction Administration Bratislava, etc.
Action B - Flats - Minister of National Defense Alexei Čepička initiated the whole country. In the Bratislava, Action B - Flats was run by a commission with the death of a teacher on the pension of Stephen II Ondrejkovič, father of Captain Captain in reserve Aladár II Ondrejkovič. Its chairman was Interior Commissioner Jozef Lietavec, who paradoxically kept intimate contacts with people who were in 1939-1945. aut. In the deposit of Captain in reserve Aládar II Ondrejkovic and his family have long assisted and saved their lives.
To work at the plant "Regena Tatra" National Corporation Captain in reserve Aladár II Ondrejkovič took 5th July 1954. His younger as well as the political system was punished colleague Ladislav Pittner (after 1989 Minister of the Interior).
In 1954, the former commander of the 4th Military Area, General Michal Širica, was imprisoned. One of the former commanders of cpt. in reserve Aladár Ondrejkovič.
Cpt. in reserve Aladár II. Ondrejkovič was on October 24, 1956 in connection with the development in Hungary of the 2nd Military District Headquarters and Director of ČSAO "Regena" n.e. invited for lack of another suitable person to enter as a mediator in dealing with striking students at a college "Mladá Garda" in Bratislava. They were informed that the students had confidence in him, knew that he was fired by an army officer, knew him, sold them daily at the dormitory every morning, as a colporteur.
Colporteur license PNS for Captain in reserve Aladár II Ondrejkovič.
Cpt. in reserve Aladár II Ondrejkovič had been out of active service since 1953 and was not a member of the Communist Party. For this reason, as for the relations of the Ondrejkovič family with the Fábry family, he was selected and instructed by the Ministry of Defense after July 14, 1960, to supplement the staff of UN troops in the province of Katanga, a former colony of the Belgian Congo. The planned replenishment by Czechoslovak officers outside active service was canceled after the assassination of UN Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjöld and his assistant Dr. Vladimír Fábry on September 18, 1961. At the same time, the relationship of the Ministry of National Defense and the Communist Party with these Slovak reserve officers was further complicated.
Written declaration of the First lieutenant JUDr. Anton R. on activity in 1940 written on June 25, 1964.
The company Tatra Regena n.e. in Bratislava worked as a laborer. With a gross monthly income of 907 - CSK especially when wife Elizabeth for very poor housing conditions caused families to action B - Flats ill with TB could not be of four schoolchildren make ends meet. Therefore, after hours sold on the street as a newsman newspaper Evening News. Action B - Flats initiated a nationwide defense minister Dr. Alexei Čepička. In Bratislava B shares - Apartments causing death in the teacher\'s administrator Stefan II. Ondrejkovič, father of Captain in reserve Aladár II Ondrejkovic managed by the Commission. Its President, the Commissioner of the Interior Josef Lietavec that paradoxically kept confidential contacts with individuals with Cpt. in reserve Aladár II Ondrejkovič and his family long-term help in the years 1939-1945 and that saved lives.
Dr. Josef Brešťanský which dealt with the rehabilitation of the Supreme Court was 2 April 1968 security bodies found in Babice hanged.
On April 30, 1968, the Minister of Defense of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, General Martin Dzúr, ordered the establishment of a rehabilitation commission, which dealt with cases of politically affected soldiers after February 1948. From May 17, 1968 alone, 2,500 applicants applied. Major in reserve tank troops Aladár II Ondrejkovič also submitted the application.
Building of Business Academy in Nitra and her students over the years. Relative, classmate of OA and friend of Lt. colonel Aladár II Ondrejkovič was the centurion attacking chariots Vojtech Bossányi superintendent of II. Department of the Army Command in Prešov * 01.07.1914 Bošany † 05.07.1998 Bratislava. Their classmate was also a Major General Anton Petrák died 07.02.2009 in the Central Military Hospital Ružomberok heart failure.
Defence Minister Czechoslovakia Lubos Dobrovský, as an expression of military rehabilitation retired soldiers who were affected by the civil and political attitudes in the years 1948-1989 he commanded no. 68 dated April 21, 1992 decided that the date of April 15, 1992, the Special elevates the Major Aladár II Ondrejkovič to the rank of Lieutenant colonel in the reserve.

Explanation: Colonel Bača, Lt. colonel GS. Alojz Ballay board member firm Tungsram, a.comp., Bratislava, Anton Turanec director of the People\'s Bank of the castle. Director Ján Obuch main cross the Union of peasant cash in Bratislava. Josef Országh conductor cross the Union of peasant tills, vacationers. Slovak and Strojáreň slieváreň, UC. al. refrain Board Chairman Dr. Ivan Pietor, board member, Col. Ján Krenčej ; Jozef Turanec General I. classes in the Slovak army(1939-1945), commander of the Rapid Division, Commander of Ground Forces Command and Commander of the Slovak Army. Major GS. Alojz Androvič military ataché Slovak embassy in Budapest and then in Berlin. It is known (and that was a relative of the family Ondrejkovič) mainly by Slovak State refused to accept the pre-paid German Reich military aircraft Me 109 and Arado E 96 B, as their technical condition and shop drawings are not in accordance with the agreed conditions ; Senior lieutenant Aladár Ondrejkovič II were also Colonel J. Herchl (Corps car service) and Captain Vojtech Ábel (Congregational car service) *09 02.1911 Piešťany † 01.04.1945 Mauthausen ; in april 1944 Cavalry reconnaissance section(JPO-1), commander of technical squadron cavalry First lieutenant Pavel Stefanik ; Lieutenant. pion. Ľudovít Hrušovský, heads of Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dr. Jozef Mikuš (July 3, 1909 * † May 19, 2005), former Czechoslovak. consul in New York ing. Josef Mračna ; commander of 7th troop of VPO in the Žilina First Lieutenant artilery reserve Ľ. Ondrejkovič ; Dr. Ivan Milecz (*12.01.1896 †29.07.1980 Žilina Bratislava) 1919 by lawyer and Cs. diplomat friend of his classmate at the Law Faculty in Budapest was the District Chief Dr. Aladár I. Ondrejkovič) followed by the word. ambassador to Yugoslavia and Romania, Milec father Ján, mother Olga genus. Makovický, sister Margita Pauliny-Tóth Ružomberok *06.07.1873 †22.10.1948 Martin (Tóth blood relative family Ondrejkovics-Sandor) family. Milecová and Olga Kuzmány family. Mileczá (*15.08.1880 †12.10.1958 Bratislava), wife Milena Slezáková. In 1943 he traveled to Turkey to negotiate with emissaries Cs. Government in London Elected mayor of Zilina 1873-74 Ján Milecz, Ing. Ján Országh - legate Counsellor Head of Economic Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, John Holák, Office of the Slovak Republic to year 1945, SNR, and then after year 1948 in ČSPD n.p. Olga Slezáková Grellová † 2010, her father, a notary District Vrbové?, brother of Dr. Sylvester Slezák judge District Court Trenčín ;
Notes: JUDr. Milan Mičura Malár Magdin 1921-1997 ; Magdaléna Fábry born Vojčeková 1908-1996 ; Magdaléna Mičurová born Sohlmannová ; Katarína Ondrejkovičová born Malárová *1926 †1992 ; PhDr. Pavel Žáček, Director of Archival and Records Service, Ministry of Interior of the CR-V agent 101 (Sergei), later AV-6045 (Karger) Valery Vilinskij, dishes. enough. Major. Bedřich Pokorný (101) Team of authors: forced labor camps and other manifestations of persecution 1948-54. In: Proceedings of IS Academy of Sciences and KH FF SU 1991 (42) ; engineer architect Stefan Androvič was the son of Stefan Androvič brother of Colonel infantry Alojz Androvič ;
Sources: Military Archives Bratislava, private archive of the author ; (3) Národné noviny Volume: 1933, Issue: 08.12.1933 ; (6) VHÚ Výnos MNO - MVV No 40134 No 213334 /secur. aut. 1939 ; Matrika Bratislava-Staré Mesto ; Ján Letovanec 8. apríl 1968 ; General Anton Petrák the year 2001 ; Major General. Ing. Teodor Obuch 1994 ; General Karol Schwarz ; Marián Tkáč archive NBS, Olga Grellová born Slezáková, the estate of Colonel. v. v. Aladár Ondrejkovič ; Mikuš, Jozef A. 1998 (1) ; Alice Ličková ; Milan Neuschl, Milan Brindzík, Ivan Populhár ; William Kamenický ; Colonel Josef Turanec: War Diary (20.06.1941-19.09.1941), s.95-96 ; Alžbeta Ondrejkovičová ; generál JUDr. Anton Rašla ; Colonel ing. Michal Rjabik ; ing. Jozef Mudr, ing. Marián Tk.;
By this way also thank friends, colleagues, the Ministry of Defence of the Slovak republic and Diplomatic office the Federal Republic of Germany in Bratislava for their participation survivors Lt. colonel Aladár II. Ondrejkovič at his death.
Grandson of Lt. colonel v. v. Aladár II. Ondrejkovič is Michal Ondrejkovič. In the 1998-2005, he devoted himself to sport judo. He was a member of the club Slávia STU in Bratislava, which is in season 2003/2004 became the first champion of Slovakia Slovak Union of Judo League.
Mirror of the Trebatice 1/2010 ; Cronicle village Dolné Držkovce ; Castle in Kežmarok Slovakia ;
The history of vicarage Trenčianska Teplá and village Čierna Lehota
History of the village. Čierna Lehota in the district Bánovce Bebravou zákupnom was based on just at the end of the 13th century. The first written mention of the 1296th In 1485 there were 12 residents there, in 1598 the village had a mill and 34 houses.
In the year 1637 was vicecomes of county Trenčín Imre Sandor de Szlavnicza, his wife was Krisztina Nádasdi Darabos, Stephanus II. Sandor de Slavnica †, Erzsi Sandor, her husband (b. János Pongrácz).
In 1720 were in Čierna Lehota two mills and 14 taxpayers, of whom 13 cottager. In 1784 there lived 441 inhabitants in 51 houses. In 1877 there were 50 houses inhabited by 417 people of whom was a miller, a Čierna Lehota and a krčmár. Inhabitles is nourished mainly agriculture and wood culturing pasienkárstvom. There are ruins of a medieval castle from the 12-13 century, from the time of M. No. Trencin. During the Second World War, the residents actively involved in the Slovak National Uprising. 20.02.1945 Germans occupied the village, the inhabitants of five men killed and 86 arrested in Trenčín in the school building. In the years 1904-12 was a teacher manager in the village Stefan II. Ondrejkovič. Here were born, four of his five children Stefan III, Aladár II, Tibor and Editka. The oldest son Stefan III died shortly after birth in this village on the scarlet fever. Father of the teacher was the son of the District Administrator notary in Dolné Držkovce Dominus Stefan I. Ondrejkovič and grandson of a notary in Prievidza Dominus Michael Turba.
The first building Trencin County on the present Peace Square of Trencin, where he worked in the year 1637 of the County Trencin vicecomes Emericus (Imre) I. Sandor de Szlavnicza, whose wife was Krisztina Nádasdi Darabos.
In the years 1706-1709 managed the parish Dobranská Ján Skačiansky. After his departure was well attached to the parish Trenčianska Teplá and became its subsidiary. When the Trenčianská Tepla built a church, it is not exactly known. From the canonical visitation learned that in the year 1507 in the village rectory, it is indirectly proved the existence of the church. Name the first teplanský priest known in 1519, when the temple was established in Trenčín Altaria to posviacke which participated priest Juraj from Tepla. Initially, the Trenčianska Teplá affiliate parishes Dobrá, became a separate parish in 1510. Origins of the Reformation to the Trenčín lordship, hence teplanskej parishes in the villages are connected with the owner of the demesne Imrich Forgách. Protestantism broadcasters and other owners of the manor of the genus Ilešházy. Important role in the population played recatolisation Jesuits. In the year 1644 freezes Archbishop George Lipay of Esztergom lived in the monastery at Skalka in Trenčín. Two years of grounds pastorate moved to Trenčín, where high school was founded. In the second half of the 17th century Jesuits received the message and some parishes in the Trenčín archidiakonate, among which was the parish teplanská. Belonged to the municipality if the Trencianske Teplice, renewed, Kubrica Kubr. and Teplanská parish was very extensive, in the year 1725 was a village Kubr Kubrica affiliated to Soblahovská parish. In 1789, the split Opatová and became a separate parish, which is attached Kubr. Of the original Dobranská extensive parish (for year 1510) to create two: re-Trenčianska Teplá. Parish Trenčianska Teplá subsidiaries had Trenčianske Teplice, Dobrá and Príles. In 1997 the parish separated Trencianske Teplice and became the new parish.
Family crest of the genus Ondrejkovicz.
Tombstone of the family Ondrejkovics and the tomb of the Catholic cemetery in Banska Bystrica.
Family crest of genus Sandor de Slavnicza.
Currently, the parish boundaries are identical to the boundaries of the municipality Trenčianska Teplá which has according to the latest population census 3780, including 3,331 Catholics. Parish belongs to Trenčin Dean. The foundation stone of the present parish church was laid on 21st April 1733. The church was consecrated 28th June 1789 Bishop Francis Xaverov Fuchs and was dedicated to St. Matthew.
Village Čierna Lehota where he was between 1904-12 manager teacher Stephanus II. Ondrejkovič. He was born here his son Colonel tank Aladár II. Ondrejkovič.
Npor. aut. v zál. Aladár II Ondrejkovič sa pravidelne zúčastňoval vojenských jazdeckých pretekov s OAP vždy s najlepšími výsledkami.
Sacrifices of the 11th Dragons Regiment "King Charles II of Romania" in Bratislava.
A rest. The officers from the riding and should have the results in the mandatory races with regular assessments had to spend in the saddle daily for 6 hours.
The surroundings of the village of Čierna Lehota during the inter-war period. From the Čierna Lehota, administrator teacher Stefan II. Ondrejkovič was transferred to Lednické Rovné, where he served as a manager and teacher of the People\'s School, and he was also a Teacher of the People\'s School of Economics, where not only several former schoolmaster Karol Neumann\'s teacher after the Catholic Primary School, but also many former pupils of the People schools from a wide range.
Teachers from the glassworks of Ladnické Rovné were also visited by the local school of administrator teacher Štefan II. Ondrejkovič, including the future RAF sergeant Anton Vanko. During the Second World War, the inhabitants of the village of Čierna Lehota actively participated in the Slovak National Uprising. On February 10, 1945 the village was occupied by the Germans, two people were shot dead and 86 men were imprisoned in Trencin in the school building.
The parish priest, notary, teacher administrator and mayor of the village Čierna Lehota were informed that their native great-grandson of Trencin county Judge Dominus Ilustrissimus Stephanus Sandor of Slavnica First lieutenant Res. Aladár II. Ondrejkovič lives in a villa his wife\'s family in Trencin in Štefánikova No 33 (9). It was known to have an uncle in Bratislava JUDr. Martin Micura, president of the Supreme Court, taking his father Dr. Aladar I. Ondrejkovič District Chief in Bratislava, another uncle Dr. Karol Reindl heads of MI. mentor, and his mother\'s brother, mayor of Bratislava, the Director of Posts and Telegraphs Stefan Turba. Therefore they visited him in February 1945 with an urgent request for help for their 86 compatriots imprisoned in Trencin in the school building for their assistance partisans. Many of them were his former soldiers while former student of his father Stefan II. Ondrejkovič. Based on the state of war, all of them threatened shootings. Despite the fact that the family of his wife (Stiglitz) was dependent on racial grounds for his help he decided to help them. He traveled to Bratislava and interventions for their families and Director of presidents law office Dr. Anton Neumann, a native from Púchov (formerly also helped his wife\'s family) release them recover. But here him himself threatened arrest for avoiding take up a militia (ie. Haššíks Army) to call up.
Memorial plaque on the Municipal House in the village Čierna Lehota where he was administrator teacher Stefan II. Ondrejkovič. In February 1945 that German anti-partisan unit shot dead two men, local citizens. The remaining 86 men arrested under martial law in the school building in Trencin. In February 1945 they visited the First lieutenant Aladár II. Ondrejkovič in his apartment in Trenčín in Štefánikova No 33 teacher administrator, the mayor and the parish priest of the Čierna Lehota for help for natives, as the son of a former teacher administrator. After the intervention of First lieutenant Aladár II. Ondrejkovič in Bratislava with director PR. office Dr. Anton Neumann known his father were released.
Dr. Anton Neumann, personal secretary of the President of the Slovak Land Dr. Jozef Országh until 1938, director of the presidential law office until 1945. Karol Neumann, the administrator of the teacher of the Catholic People\'s School in Púchov, a colleague and a famous manager of the teacher Štefan Ondrejkovič, whose First lieutenant reserve Aladár II. Ondrejkovič successfully intervened for the family of his wife Alžbeta and natives from the village of Čierna Lehota.
Office of the State Secretary of the Ministry of National Defense, branches in Bratislava 11. may 1946, Head Lt-Colonel tank Milan Polák.
Priests working in parishes (19th-20th century) Trenčianska Teplá:
František Xaver Hábel
František Macháček
Karol Kerekeš
Samuel Ondrejkovič
Juraj Žilinčák
Adam Beták
Ján Nepomuk Nemčák
Juraj Stískala
Anton Kropáč
Koloman Tóth
Michal Radimecký
Štefan Német
Ladislav Mihalovics
Ján Šimončič
Ján Šimončič
Michal Čulen
Alexander Gabriel
Alexander Gabriel
Štefan Rényi (Richter)
Jozef Ronchetti
Štefan Gallo
Rudolf Cajzel
Michal Beňo
František Ribárik
František Miklošovič
Eduard Nécsey
Ján Guga
Jozef Cisar
Ján Tiso
Koloman Juszka
Andrej Eduard Solmoš
Gregor Smieško
Gašpar Koštál
Andrej Hrabovec
Kamil Zlatoš
Michal Valo
Anton Posluch
Jozef Vrablec
Ján Haranta
Štefan Drozd
Emil Šafár
Michal Michalka
Rudolf Gerši
Justín Beňuška
Martin Hudec
Albert Hedera
Ľudovít Bednárik
Vojtech Štrbák
Andrej Rosa
Vojtech Magnusek
Štefan Ivanka
Celestín Mikunda (admin.)
Ján Homola
Štefan Janega
Štefan Baričák
Ján Šmelka
Ľubomír Stanček
Jozef Šuppa
Ivan Jaroš
Štefan Vallo
Jozef Šelinga
Marian Šuráb
Peter Paliatka
Michal Baláž
Michal Kopecký
Pavol Sýkora
Pavol Špita
Juraj Bohyník
Peter Fedorowicz, MIC
Ján Migacz, MIC
Miroslav Śleldziński, MIC
Vladimír Halas, MIC
Richard Vojciechowski, MIC
Jozef Hlinka
Marek Hriadel
od 2006