Administrator Lehrer Štefan Ondrejkovič (Stephanus II. Ondrejkovics)



and  Trebatice in the years 1918 - 1945 

Administrator Teacher *15.02.1882 Dolné Držkovce †1954 Bratislava, wife D. Maria Turba. Firstborn son. His parents were District notary Stephanus I. Ondrejkovics and Anna Baroness Sandor de Szlavnicza. He graduated from the Gymnasium in Nitra. Teachers Institute Levice the year 1902, performing: Kolárovice years 1902-1904, Ćierna Lehota between years 1904-1912, Lednické Rovne between years 1912-1929. Theater director. MEMORIALS SLOVAK EDUCATION FOR PRESIDENT T. G. Masaryk ACT OF 1937. (The initial development of physical education teacher is deserving Václav Braný, who in 1919 founded in the village gym unity. Unity in the gym to train Aladár II Ondrejkovič, son of Administrator teacher), Trebatice since 1929. 

Under the pressure of social changes, forever erased scraps of memories, the author returned to his dreams when viewed in Spišská kapitula on the statue of the left-wing labels of the Bible. The old mother, Maria Turba, told him, as a five-year-old, where the statue of this lion is and why his family is in the coat of arms. As a child, she thought it was just a fairy tale.

Parents District notary Stefan I. Ondrejkovič and Lady Anna Sandor of Slavnicza in Dolné Držkovce were amazed that their firstborn, two years my son has not come. They went with him to the doctor, who told them that the little Stefan a broken leg, which he badly union. According to him, it was too late to correct. Until then, the maid confessed that her baby as he fell. S therefore had a shorter right leg about 10 cm. He was forced to wear orthopedic shoes, why not enlist the front 1st World war different from his brothers. 

Spectabilis Dominus Tobias Ivanka (father from JUDr. Milan Ivanka) and Spectabilis Dominus Johanes Ivanka and his wife Domina Augusta Schnirtz was blood related of family Ondrejkovič  - Sandor. 

Famous Baroness Berta Szlavniczai born Mednyánszky *1823 †1902, whose husband Lajos Szlavniczai was a family teacher manager Stefan II. Ondrejkovič after his mother Anna Sandor of Slavnicza. Lajos Baron Sandor of Slavnicza *1824 †20.07.1890, Pozsony, 22.07.1890 Pozsony, Kecskekapu temető.  Blood relatives of administrator teacher Stefan II but it was for their parents and herself  Baroness Berta.  

V obci Dolné Držkovce bol v rokoch 1900-1918 správca učiteľ Juraj Balažovjech, príbuzný Paulíny, matky Márie Turba, manželky Štefana II. Ondrejkoviča. 

Teachers' Institute in the Levice, which in the year 1902 he graduated from Stefan II. Ondrejkovič after graduating high school in the Nitra.

Urodzená pani Anna Sandor de Szlavnicza, jej manžel Obvodný notár Stephanus I. Ondrejkovič, Mária Turba, jej manžel správca učiteľ Stefan II. Ondrejkovič, ich malí synčekovia Aladár a Stefan a najmladší súrodenci správcu učiteľa.

The village Čierna Lehota in which he worked between 1904-1912 administrator teacher Stefan II. Ondrejkovič. In February 1945 that German anti-partisan unit shot dead five men. The other 86 men arrested under martial law in the school building in Trencin. In the spring of 1945 they visited First lieutenant automob. in reserve Aladár II. Ondrejkovič in his apartment in the Trencin in Štefánikova 33 trustee teacher, mayor and parish priest of the Čierna Lehota for help for fellow countrymen, as the son of a former teacheradministrator of the Čierna Lehota. After the intervention of First lieutenant Aladár Ondrejkovič in Bratislava with Dr. Anton Neumann known his father were released. 


Učiteľka a nadaná literátka Elena Ivánková, rod. Kutlíková, sa narodila v Trnave r. 1871. Jej otec bol významný člen ECAV advokát Vendelín Kutlík, matkou Božena rod. Hodžová, dcéra ECAV farára Michala Milana Hodžu v Liptovskom Mikuláši. Vyštudovala učiteľský ústav v Bratislave. Do roku 1918 nemohla z dôvodu panslavizmu otca vyučovať na štátnych školách. V roku 1904 sa vydala za príbuzného Anny Ondrejkovič rod. Sandor de Szlavnicza advokáta JUDr. Milana Ivánku de Draskócz et Jordánföld, bol v rokoch 1918 - 1919 referent pre otázky štátnej správy na Ministerstve s plnou mocou pre správu Slovenska a v rokoch 1919-1922 generálnym dozorcom ECAV. 

Aladár II. Editka, Tibor and Magdalena, children of administrator teacher Stefan II. Ondrejkovič and his wife Maria Turba teachers in the school yard in Čierna Lehota, district Púchov. Brick the first category which is also the work of students on school grounds was allocated to elementary school and folk school in the village of Ministry of Education of Czechoslovakia. 

Noble son of Illustrissima Domina Anna Sandor of Slavnicza and Dominus district notary Stefan I. Ondrejkovič administrator teacher Stefan II. Ondrejkovič with colleagues and his students before school in the Lednické Rovné.

Revolučné národné zhromaždenie v Prahe zákonom z 10. decembra 1918 ustanovilo ministerstvo s plnou mocou pre správu Slovenska, na čele ktorého bol MUDr. Vavro Šrobár. Zákon (č.64) obsahoval prechodné ustanovenia a vymedzil právomoc ministerstva. Vládnym nariadením boli menovaní referenti - poradci pre odbory štátnej správy: Dr. M. Ivanka (príbuzný rodiny Sandor) pre administráciu, Anton Štefánek pre školstvo, Dr. L. Medvecký pre financie, F. Houdek, pre veci vojenské, Dr. J. Hálek pre zdravotníctvo, Dr. M. Bella pre železnice a pošty, Dr. P. Blaho pre zemedelstvo, J. Šimkovič pre cirkevné veci ev. a miesto pre cirkevné veci r. k. bolo neskôr obsadené Karolom Antonom Medveckým (priateľ Gejzu Turbu, brata Márie Ondrejkovičovej rod. Turba).

Comes in Košice was from October 1919 to August 1920 Dr. Pavol Fábry, an associate and friend of the Ondrejkovic family, with whom his nephew Anton also met.

Gravestones of District notary Stephan I. Ondrejkovič fom 1922 and his mother in law a noble lady Maria Sandor de Szlavnicza maiden Marko in the Veľké Bielice.

Zoznam žiakov Čs. štátneho vyššieho reálneho gymnázia "Ľudovíta Štúra" v Trenčíne za školský rok 1921-22. V ňom sú uvedení žiaci 1.a triedy Ružena Martinová, narodená v Budapešti (Trenčín),... Ladislav Kellermann, Trenčín,...Helena Gáťová, Trenčín ...a žiak 1.b triedy Oldrich Ondrejkovič narodený v Čiernej Lehote  (Lednické Rovné). Pedagogický personál gymnázia svojvolne účelovo zmenil krstné meno Aladára II. Ondrejkoviča na Oldrich. Jeho bezdetní (resp. tí ktorí mali iba dcéry) rodinní príslušníci s vysokým spoločenským postavením v trenčianskej a nitrianskej župe ktorými bol určený ako budúca hlava rodu proti tomu namietali.

Pravdepodobne už na gymnáziu si budúca pani sudkyňa osvojila svojvoľnú účelovú manipuláciu s krstnými menami a priezviskami, škandál si určite pamätala, bezdetný strýko Aladára II. Ondrejkoviča bol v tom čase Jeho Excelencia minister s plnou mocou pre Správu Slovenska JUDr. Martin Mičura a ďalší jeho strýko bol Jeho Excelencia nitriansky biskup ThDr. Karol Kmeťko. Perillustris Dominus Dr. Aladár I. Ondrejkovič bol v inkriminovanom období Hlavný slúžny vo Veľkých Topolčanoch, maturoval v roku 1908 práve na gymnáziu v Trenčíne.

Uncle children de administrator teacher Stephan II Ondrejkovič birm father his sons minister plenipotentiary for Slovakia Dr. Martin Mičura in his office in Bratislava. Regularly before parliamentary elections expand in Lednické Rovné, Trebatice and Piešťany election posters in favor Mičuras Czechoslovak People's Party Aladár II and Tibor, the sons of Stephan II Ondrejkovič.

Dôkazy: Štvrtá správa Čs. štátneho vyššieho reálneho gymnázia "Ľudovíta Štúra" v Trenčíne za školský rok 1921-1922, strany 10 a 11. V nej sú uveďení aj na str. 11, 12 ako žiaci II. triedy Reis Štefan (redaktor "Rádio Moskva" 1939-1945 a minister spravodlivosti 1950-53), Žliechov. (Trenčianske Teplice) a Jozef Tiso (riaditeľ Kavasnicovej továrne v Trenčíne), Trenčín, na str 13 žiak IV. triedy Kočiš Oldřich (Aladár Kočiš, šéfredaktor, minister a generálny tajomník HSĽS), Trenčín, na str. 13 žiak VI. triedy Brtko Ludevít, Lipt. Sv. Mikuláš, (Trenčín). Podľa strany č. 4 triedny profesor Aladára II. Ondrejkoviča bol Vladimír Němec, X., Ch, P, učil Ch, v tr. IV, V, VI, P v l.a, I.b, V, VII, Cs. v I.b, 20 h., v II. polr. tiež Z v III, 22 h., triedny v I.b, správca sb. Čh, dozor pri hrách.

Brtko, Ľudovít, mestský účtovník, manžel právničky a sudkyne JUDr. Ruženy Brtkovej rodenej Martinyovej (dcéra dlhoročného riaditeľa nemocnice MUDr. Martinyho), bývali v jej rodnom dome (postavený 1914) na Piaristickej ulici .......

Dr. Ružena Martiny-Brtková bola študentkou Čs. štátneho reálneho gymnázia v Trenčíne v čase, keď tam študoval aj pplk. tank Aladár II. Ondrejkovič. Maturovala v r. 1929. Na PF UK v Bratislave promovala 30.03.1936 (skúšobným komisárom pre odbor Občianskeho práva a súdneho poriadku v komisii pre štátne skúšky právovedecké bol JUDr. Martin Mičura). Dňa 27.06.1936 nastúpila do advokátskej Dr. Jozefa Mončeka v Trenčíne. Už po necelom mesiaci bola vymenovaná za právnu aspirantku na Krajský súd v Trenčíne. Zdroj: Archív UK, fond: PraF UK všeobecné. 

The financial contribution to the ST collection for the construction of Rizner's monument in 1924 was also contributed by Štefan Ondrejkovič. Source: newspaper "Trenčianske noviny" from 12.10.1924 page 3.

Son of the teacher administrator Stefan II Ondrejkovič and teacher Maria Turba, the grandson of a notary Stefan I Ondrejkovič and Anna Sandor de Slavnicza Aladár II Ondrejkovič winners in sports competitions in Lednické Rovné in 1925.

Teacher-rechtor Stefan II Ondrejkovič time in his action in the Lednice Rovné deserved for church Saint Michael.

Church of Saint Michael. In selecting the site was taken on the approach to church buildings old Straight. The basic stone was planted day 3.6.1926 in the presence of his family member, minister Dr. Martin Mičura.

Lednické Rovné in the year 1926, when the administrator teacher Stefan II. Ondrejkovič and his wife, teacher Mária Turba, worked there at the Folk School and the School of Education. One of his pupils was the late sergeant  Royal Air Force Anton Vanko.

In 1928, Ján Drobný became the first President of the Slovak Land. His personal secretary was appointed Dr. Anton Neumann from Púchov. He was the son of the local Administrator of the Catholic People's School in Púchov, Rector Karol Neumann, who, after a previous agreement with Stephan II Ondrejkovič, sent part of his pupils to his Apprentice School in Lednické Rovné.

Peoples Bank of Chynorany ac.comp. established in 1884 by the Austrian model. "Reiffeiseniek. In 1928, among others, were members of her Board of Management Dr. Juraj Ondrejička. Dr. Július Šandor, Juraj Marko (less financial institution with a regional scale, the market could operate in the competition of large banking houses only if the system support local business npr. so that the loan was received only entrepreneur to build houses and buy bricks from another client of the bank which produced bricks. These are often in fact or money received, to address mutual bank credit. compliance officers of banks closely monitor directly in businesses), they can not use funds borrowed from banks for any other purpose, and their eventual transfer to the bank mismanagement).

Trebatice in the year 1918 - 1945 On 28 October 1918 Czech National Committee in Prague issued a law establishing an independent Czecho-Slovak State. On 30 October is known to declare the Slovak National Council, which voted in Martin "Declaration of the Slovak nation", which Slovakia joined the Czecho-Slovak State. Its signatories were also Dr. Martin Mičura and ThDr. Karol Kmeťko, relatives of administratot teacher Stefan II Ondrejkovič.

Since 1920 the municipality is acting under the name Trebatice. In 1921 had 1,001 inhabitants and 153 houses. The main occupation of inhabitants belong to agriculture. From the year 1922 come the articles of association Slovak Catholic youth. The Society of activity reflected in a 40-years. For poor populations has been an attractive political parties of the social agenda. Such parties were the Social Democratic Party. From 1920, comes in meeting its permit Trebatice. In the years 1926 - 1927 in the village was transferred to land reform. In 1929 the State began to manifest crisis. Re-started the process of emigration from Slovakia. From Trebatice at the time the burdens walked about 150 inhabitants.

In religious societies existed in the village of St. Association. Adalbert (Adalbert initially), based in Trnava in 1870. The Society as a branch member of the Krakovian. In 1930, its implementing powers by priest Vojtech Žilinčania and the members were Trebatický residents: František Bartko, Margita Buchlov, Zdislava Buch, Anna Cíbiková, Jozef plover, Ján Celina, Ján Dohnanec, Mary Galbavá, Anna Gálová, Mucha Gonone, Anna Hadnigová, Katarína Hadvigová, Ján Heska, Josef Holec, Tomas Hornák, Vojtech Hornák, Alžbeta Hrčová, Peter Hrčka, Štefánia Jančovičová, František Jankech, Apolónia Jankechová, Gaľpar Kollár, Ján Kováč, Katarine Krepopová, Jan Kubik, Ján Kuchar, Rafael Labuda, Stefan Lipka, Katarína lyes, Elizabeth Macháčová, Stephen Macháč, Peter Masar, Mary Matúšová, Ján Mičko, Elizabeth Minárechová, John Moravanský, Stephen Moravcik, Zdislava Ondačka, Jozef Ondrejka ml., Palkechová Elisabeth, Jozef Palkech, John Polčan, Zdislava Radošinský, Imrich Sedlak, Veronika Strakova, Joseph disheveled, Katarína Ťefanková, Joseph Štefanka, Anna Tonkovičová, John Tonkovič, Zdislava Urbane, Zdislava Valko, Jozef Valo, Michal Vančo, balefire Anton, Michael zazoo (since 1930), Veronika Gonová, M. Minárik and Zdislava Rajčák.

In 1930 the municipality had 1,108 inhabitants and 197 houses. In that year built Michal Štefanka bakery. In the village is plays theaters, which nacvičili local teachers. Organized the celebration: for example, the anniversary of Czechoslovakia, a peaceful ceremony, ceremony at the birth anniversary of T. G. Masaryk or commemorative ceremony at the General M. R. Stefanik.

From sporting activities can be mentioned football to be played in Trebatice from 1929. In 1930, the footballers bought the original ball. Football hrávali for "Jame" in the railway station, later built a playground in the Hlinníky. The organizers of football in the village were from 1931, Stephen Devant older (Chairman), Stefan Devant younger, Michal disheveled, Michal Jozef Horňák plover, Joseph Štefanka and others. The new playground in the year 1932 spilen traveling Cup matches. Meetings hrávali outside the village. Trebatice live football 70 years and this sport is the favorite in the village.

For the period 1922-1945 have been preserved many documents. Such as budgets and final accounts of municipalities Trebatice (26 books), school committee minutes, account books, notarial files etc.. Chronicle of the village is headed since 1933. Chronicler of village was administrator teacher Stefan II Ondrejkovič, a native of the Dolné Držkovce.

In 1931, was elected Mayor of Tonkovič Louis, his agent has become Michal Jankech, Treasurer Stephen Štefanka. Of municipal offices were set up three Commission: financial, construction and supportive. Notary - notary District Office is located in the cracked - was Stephen groundling.

Report school bought for the school stage, which is gradually splácalo. In the year 1931 Trebatice youth ran four performances. Cinderella played the game very successfully even in the theater in Spa Piešťany. (The theater organized the teacher administrator Stefan Ondrejkovič and his wife Mária Turba, plays him and their children, especially after the student of Conservatory in Bratislava Magda Ondrejkovičová. By taking in the military service after maturité attendance at the Business College in Nitra was assistant teacher of the school in their Trebatice son of Administrator Aladár Ondrejkovič.

After 1 World War II. commander of the firefighters became Viliam Urban. In Force since 1927, she brass band. In 1932 in the village burn four barns. About the size of the fire says the fact that its fire-fighting brigades participated in Krakovian, guards Piestany, Trnava and vŕbového. In 1934 the municipal Tehelná burn, the fire was the house of brick master. In 1939 zhoreli other barns in the village.

In 1932, the transferred updated neighborhood school, planted the trees and flowers. In the years 1923-1929 was the administrator of school teacher Jozef Valasek. In the years 1929-1938 was the administrator of the school and teacher Stefan Ondrejkovič. By 1945, the school vystriedalo quantity of teachers, for example: Olga Hatalová, Anna Koštiaľová, Viktor Hornáth, Miroslav Podhorský, Etele helium, Jolana Oslanská, Daniel Kozlik, Božena Vinklerová, Mary Scekláčová, Miroslav Matušek, Cenek Bednar, Frantisek Chovan, Anna Chovanová , Jolana Nováková, František Žatko, Marhita Laffová, Anna Sedlakova, Irena Sváteková, Paštinská Alžbeta, Ján and Olga Piaček Urbanová  

Antal Neorgády, painter and illustrator born in the noble village Dolné Držkovce day * 09.06.1861. He died on the Alag 19.12.1942 Hungary. Dolné Držkovce in 1935, built by the famous architect Milan Michal Harminc church catholique romaine of Cyril and Method.

Costumes and folklore are what do Trebatice immigration too Piešťany spa visitors. At Easter in 1934 came to an exotic Trebatce guest from India Maharajah of Hyderabad with his escort, together with Louis and Imrich winter. The municipal cronicle for this event, wrote: "The brass  music odprevádzala hosts came into the house, where they held" hangover "the Maharajah received šibák, which returned girls wounds. In India, where a lord or not fly ride. And no one would be permitted. However, in the floor of the Indian Maharajah Trebatice charm ružolícich our girls completely. "Maharajah Trebatický footballers club donated the flag, then visited the exhibition of folk art and embroidery. Trebatice among municipalities Piestany region rich in expressions of popular culture. From Piešťany basic variant of the garment is Trebatice distinguish the beginning of the 20th century. Clothes are finer embroidery, while a different ornamentation of the basic colors - yellow, orange and red to add a blue, purple, green and metallic thread. Rich embroidery and lace paličkované walked Trebatický women sold into Piešťan. For the manufacture of clothing is used hemp cloth. Items were also richly embroidered codend. Later was the popular blueprint, which was used for the aprons. In winter, wear white, richly embroidered fur coats. From wardrobe men folk clothes disappeared earlier than the female wardrobe. Men wear hemp shirts, wide gate and front embroidered súkenné trousers. Among the characteristic modification of hair in women Trebatice included shooting of his backing - grgulu. women wear on the head cap.  In the village there are many annual traditions, which are governed by a calendar. For example mikulášske habits (December 6), Lucie day (December 13) Christmas Eve (December 24), Stephen (December 26), Carnival, Easter, Pentecost, and more. They are often associated with the patrol, vinšovaním, singing and fun. From language Trebatice belong to the field, which says Považský dialect.

In 1938 was elected Mayor of Ján Jankech, became his agent Peter Jankech, Treasurer Ján Kollar. Ratios 1st Czechoslovakia, as well as external political events in 1938 led to the signing of the Munich Agreement. In Slovakia, was on 6 October declared autonomy. In Trebatice should support a political party - Hlinka Slovak People's Party. On 28 October was approved structure Hlinka Guard. In Trebatice it became Commander J. Chovanec. In the village is devoted to culture, in 1938, played five performances, held a rag and entertainment. Purchased radio spoločenskké different games and draw magazines. After the Vienna Award (November 2 1938) events took momentum. It was a journey that led to the declaration of an independent state on 14 Slovak Republic March 1939. Common chronicler us about this event left this entry: "14 March napnutosťou awaiting the outcome of the meeting of the Bohemian diet. Around 2.hod afternoon came news of declaration of an independent state. This historic event is said to local citizens and Hlinka Guard  J. Chovan. Social conditions is reflected also in the independent Slovak state. The village could not work and so the work went to Germany. That the ratio changes in the actual village electrification suggested. Wire was stretched to the village. Was reckoned that it would cost about 80,000 crowns. The village started with the construction of the cultural house. Former Common House (until 1913) it was sold to the school auction and bought the land. Construction of the cultural house had cost about 180,000 crowns.

In 1940 the municipality had 1,105 inhabitants. From the standpoint confesional 1100 rom catolics in the village and 5 evangelics and in. The village was founded Hlinkova youth organization. HSĽS chairman of the village was John Jankech. Electrification of the village has also a regional office and the District offer. Common mill was put up for lease for 11,000 crowns. later bought the mill from the municipality Paul scrip for 197,000 crowns. Money was used for the construction of the cultural house. The village was re-based Food Cooperative, which had 220 members, in favor of the previously long-standing commitment to the teacher - the stefan Ondrejkovič.

In 1941 the municipality had 1,138 inhabitants. From the standpoint confesional 1133 romscatolics in the village and 5 evangelic a. in. National People's School was renamed the People's Roman Catholic school. Food Cooperative had 205 members, capital of 30,000 crowns and its chairman was Joseph Dohnanec. Turnover cooperative was 20 to 40,000 crowns. On 21 June was the village zavádění Electrical. Festive vysviacky transformer in the "stem" was also Kállay gown. Village electrification contributed the sum of 80,000 crowns.

Cultural (ie common Haus) was Trebatice to use the 25th May 1942. This event was also reported in period newspapers. d. carry out its posviacku p. Msgr. In. Žilinčania. Vysviacky was also member of F. Bošnakov and District Chief Dr. Porubský. Password "in each village cultural house." Municipal council was dissolved and the government commissioner appointed former Mayor of Ján Jankech. At the school was established four class. The village still play theaters, film shows and lectures and poriadali College. The village is in the transition front neodohrali no major battles. During ústupových fighting the German army fell friendship Soviet troops. On 4 April 1945 in the morning entered the village of Red Army soldiers. War today in the village recalls the building of a memorial plaque to the Municipal office dedicated to (1974) fell participant Karol SNP Jankech. 

In the year 1938, in the building of schoolsschool of teacher - administrator Stefan Ondrejkovič accommodated in the previously largest Czechoslovak army maneuvers squadron of his son Lieutenant cavalry Aladár Ondrejkovič of Dragon Regiment 11 " KC II R ".

Trebatice in the Middle Ages

..... memory in the book of wilage Trebatice, which begin in the year 1933 to write a local teacher and chronicler Stefan Ondrejkovič are two interpretations of the emergence of the name of the village. The name apparently originated rafter of name to be called Trebatický and at this point is settled woth Family, but since the phrase "be here" in connection with the guard service, which apparently went to the neighboring Trebatičania guards...

Stefan Ondrejkovič was the administrator of state People's School in Trebatice since 1929, 1 July 1933 became the first chronicler of our community.

Features the school took the Joseph Valasek, school was in the case trojtriedna. In 1930, entered the teachers Daniel Kozlik, Vinkerová Bozena, Maria Šteklácová, Miloslav Matousek. Teaching staff, especially the managers led to the cultural life in the village. Organize lectures, discussions, celebrations of the anniversary. Schools with pupils nacvicili play "Christmas 2 orphans, Daniel Kozlik played 3 puppet theaters.

In 1931, the school administrator has purchased for the school stage, which repaid from the profits of theatrical performances. This year nacvicili 4 and 2 theaters gazebo. The most successful were "captive piatimužíkov" and "Cinderella", which also appear in Piestany. This performance drill with Stefan Ondrejkovič his son trademark. Gownsman Aladár Ondrejkovič ".

Year 1932 - the teaching staff to continue organizing lectures, sketches, theater. Teacher Božena Vinklerová was transferred to anther, instead of the teacher came Miloslav Matousek.

The administrator has modified the school campus, were planted 20 fruit trees, flower garden.

Year 1933 - all three were at the national pilgrimage to Bradle at Mohyla MR Štefánik. Finally, this year managed to rehearse Trebatice wedding with all the traditions, songs, recnovankami. It was also demonstrated in Piestany at the stadium, the school administrator led the expedition with his son.

Presentation was a great success, send it in the Slovak Radio. 16.júla 1933 it made in Trenčianske Teplice and Mladá Boleslav on Pribinova ceremonies. Engage in the almost 50 people, all in beautiful costumes Trebatický, played the music bandmaster Adamčík (violin, dulcimer, clarinet).

In 1934 he joined the school in the place Miloslava Matouška teacher Čenek Bednar, the place of Marie Šteklácovej took Jolana Nováková.

Administrator in the school this year to pierce Trebatice popular school of ", which also became a manager but he taught it Cenek Bednar, who had the economic rate of Košice (more about it we do not know).

This year witnessed Trebatice big event - the Indian Maharajah visited the village, which is currently treated in Piešťany spas. Welcomed by Mayor of Ludevít Tonkovič, school administrator Stefan Ondrejkovič and welcomed the English and explanation filed gownsman trade. Gownsman Aladár Ondrejkovič. Since the visit in the case of Easter, he gave krojovaní trebaticania Easter and spring of folk customs, invited him to Trebatický Chalupka. U Maharajah mali huge success and on this visit even mentioned.

Shortly after the description of the handwritten records of Mr Stefan Ondrejkovič end.

Another chronicler writes to the year 1937 and 1938, mentions that on 1 September 1938 the service was transferred to another school location manager Stefan Ondrejkovič, administrators in Trebatice for a short time became Cenek Bednar and 1 November František Chovan.

Returning to the old kronike in our village, we started to pay more in 2003, when we began issuing municipal Trebatický newspaper regularly and mirror box from the local chronicles. Alerts Mr Stephen Ondrejkovič is our precious treasure. In his words feel respect, love and pride in our community, although it was born. It is indisputable talent and the observer was able to describe events so that you can introduce them lightly today. We are to him for those words we are extremely thankful and proud of the man as he is part of our past.

Mayor Mgr. Juraj Valo

Zdroje: XII. Výročná správa Čs. štátneho vyššieho reálneho gymnázia "Ľudovíta Štúra" v Trenčíne za školský rok 1929-1930, str. 32, I.b 13. Edita Ondrejkovičová Prečin Lehota (Trenčín) str. 32, V.b 36. Pavel Žitňan, Bánovce n./Bebr. str. 38 ; 

Before the elections, Aladár II. Ondrejkovič, the son of a local teacher who was engaged in favor of the Czechoslovak People's Party and the brother of Tibor, distributed the election leaflets in Lednické Rovné. After the transfer of their father to Trebatice and the relocation of the family, they continued in the Trebatice and Piešťany (in Priešťany the chief notary secretary was the brother of their father, Vojtech Ondrejkovič).

Týždenník "Južné Pohronie" Ročník II. číslo 1. Na núdzovú podporu pre nezamestnaných a nezaopatrených od 17. decembra do 29. decembra 1932 dolu označené ďalšie platby v obnose 13.211 Kč boli uskutočnené. Breuer Jonáš 60.-, vd. Belopotocký Arpádová 14 .- Dubovský Ján 100 .-, Eisler Leopold 100 .-, Jesenský Štefan 200 .-, Ondrejkovičová Mária 195 .-, Wilcsek Salamon 100 .-, ... Darci šľachetného srdca nech prijmú našu úprimnú vďaku. Núdzová komisia. Zdroj: týždenník "Južné Pohronie" zo dňa 1. januára 1933 strana č.3.

On July 16, 1933, in the rooms of the House of the SSSU (Slovak Teachers' Choir) in Trenčianske Teplice, celebrations of the twelve years of the association and the opening of the House of the SSSU took place. A children's ensemble from Trebatice with a wedding and a children's playground was presented in the cultural program, Štefan Ondrejkovič said. Source: Považské Hlasy magazine dated 16 July 1933 page 1.

Indian Maharaja of Hyderabad in the year 1934 in the village Trebatice. 

City Council in Nitra in 1936. Ťažká, Kulíšek, Šumichrast, third from right next to him canonist ThDr. Michal Beňo *02/01/1880 of municipality yeoman of the Dolné Držkovce. He taught at the Little Seminary where he attended Aladár II. Ondrejkovič brother Tibor. 

Graduates of the Military Academy in the Hranice under social origin parents. The army of the democratic Czechoslovak state, however, has taken a significant part of professional standards of Austrian K.u.K Army.

Lance aspirant cavalry Aladár II. Ondrejkovič Freiherr Sandor de Szlavnicza in ŠDJZ (school for cavalry officers backups) of the Pardubice.

On 20.06.1931 was attended Slovak Provincial President Dr. Jozef Országh and Czechoslovak Minister of Education Dr. Ivan Dérer celebration of the foundation of theater in Trnava. 2nd Slovak festival choir rings was their side businesses (6). Singer (tenor) Karol Ondrejkovič devoted himself to the amateur activity, from 1925 in Kosice played in drama and operetta. Since 1932 sang in the Košice, Prešov and Bratislava radio people songs, arias from operas and operettas. The Slovak Folk Theatre in Nitra performed in operettas of Gejza Dusík (Blue Rose, When it blooms in May). In the 1936 he studied singing at the Academy of Music and Drama in Bratislava (the educators E. Engeltháler, Kornhauserová). Magdalena Ondrejkovičová was paid to amateur theater. She has performed with Trebatice files in theater plays in Piestany, Nitra (Pribina celebrations), Bratislava and Prague (Cinderella, Trebatice wedding). She has appeared on radio and in Bratislava and Prague. After 1938 she studied at the Music and Drama Academy in Bratislava (educator Martin Gregor), from May 7, 1941 under the administration of the state renamed the State Conservatory.

Newspaper Slovakian Pravda dated 17.07.1932. Conditions in Jedľové Kostoľany. Flock without a shepherd roads are not marked. Farmer, who has a stable of about six head of cattle, the owner of half of the land area became chairman of the Communist Party of the place and the virgins that will be issued before until 2-3 neobdarujú elect's children illegitimate. Could anyone argue: because the village is a Catholic priest and seven state teacher supply. Pastor and teachers are of Mičura Party. This is typical of Cs. People's Party which claims to be the guardian of Catholicism in the country! Some citizens voice was heard as the voice crying in the wilderness. These are three flowers mičura »patriots". Michael Možáry, managers of the state's schools. (Ed: the circumstances suggest that it was the intercession of Dr. Ondrejkovič year 1927 at school visited the president T.G. Masaryk and provide it with substantial financial grants) Jedľové Kostoľany is brother in law of Turay, deputy school inspector and l. mayor for Mičira in Zlate Moravce. District Chief of Zlaté Moravce dr. Ondrejkovič "in-law it is dr. Martin Mičura. (Ed: this is not true, district chiefs in Zlate Moravce Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič was in-law Rudolf Mičura, District notary in the Dlhé Pole). Three people linked thread of friendship. Dr. Ondrejkovič was a few years ago and it still without * dr * to District notary in Jedľové Kostoľany. (Ed: this is not true in the village Jedľové Kostoľany was to District notary Vojtech Ondrejkovič his brother and son of District notary in Dolné Držkovce and Šimonovany) while with his Turay »y * at the end of the signature performed there as a teacher. As administrator. He broke with the mistress. He had a car and now rides a bicycle. O how much better it is when the church in the village Public School! (-KT-)...

Newspaper Národné noviny Issue: 08.12.1933. Stefan Balažovič (cousin of Maria Ondrejkovičová née Turba) was appointed Provincial Office (president Dr. Jozef Országh) in Bratislava for the new District Chief in Kosice. Take office before Christmas. 

Former teacher Milan Polák, whose election was engaged by JUDr. Martin Mičura, was in 1936 a deputy of the Country Parliament in Bratislava.

On the Slovak national side, the opposition Bratislava, the so-called Bratislava Wing (J. Pauliny Tóth, secondary school professor Vladimir Černák, Milan Daxner) formed around the Slovak National Newspaper, on the initiative and financial contribution of Milan Hodža. The group disagreed with the alliance with the Hlinka People's Party and rejected the scanty policy, provincialness and methods of the Party's martin leadership. The encouraging development and especially the disputes with the people about the mandates of the deputies made it true that "the role of the Slovak National Party in the autonomous bloc was the role of the impostor who danced according to how he was whistling in Ružomberok" ... Source: COMPANY POLITICS HISTORIOGRAPHY, 2009 page 23. The representatives of the so-called Bratislava Wing of the Slovak National Party were socially and closely related to the Ondrejkovic family. But with some of them, relations have been disbanded when it was politically oriented towards the Democratic Party.

Indian maharaja in Piestany. On June 30, 1937, the Indian Maharaja of Bhopal arrived in Piešťany with his escort counting 11 people for a longer period of time: Nawab, Mohamed, Hamidulla Khan Ruler. Arrived from London. He is 30 years old. His companions include Indian princess Roam Bia and commanders of his bodyguard: Colonel Simpson and Major Abdul Azir. Maharaja is one of India's richest monarchs.

The administration of Piešťany spa is sent by coaches to the spa guests. In 1938, doctors from Great Britain and the Romanian Kingdom visited the town. Source: Diary "The Slovak" of August 2, 1939. The Piešťany Spa Administration sends coaches to Trebatice spa guests by coach. In 1938, doctors from Great Britain and the Kingdom of Romania visited the village. Source: daily "Slovák" from August 2, 1939. The relationship of the Piešťany Spa Administration to the village of Trebatice was traded since the work of the administrator teacher Stefan Ondrejkovič in the village. His relative minister with power of attorney for the Slovak administration JUDr. Martin Mičura released the accusation of their tenant Ludovit Winter, was held in custody for more than a year at the instigation of the Prague financial group, she was interested in the privatization of these spas. Mr. Ľudovít Winter, as an expert in Hungarian law, was aware that the spa Piešťany lies on the land of the Erdody family, to which the Sandor de Szlavnicza family, whose oldest direct descendant was the administrator teacher Stefan Ondrejkovič. Source: "Memories of Piešťany" Ľudovít Winter.

Chronicle of the village Trebatice years 1929-1962, administrator teacher Stefan II Ondrejkovič chronicler in the years 1929-1938  

There Trebatice to specific tasks mandated by the State in the context of mobilizing the Czechoslovak Armed Forces on September 23 1938 he was administrator teacher Stefan II. Ondrejkovič which is the most important credited with the establishment of the People's School in the village and local tourism. They helped him in his family's social activities.

A student of the Faculty of Law of the Comenius University in Bratislava in the academic year 1938/1939 was the niece of the administrator teacher Stephan II. Ondrejkovič, Melánia Mičurová from the Dlhé Pole. Her father was the principal county notary, Rudolf Mičura. Source: UK Archive, fund: PraF UK Registers of individual years.

Dr. Pavel Fábry bol jeden z prvých, ktorí boli dňa 30. mája 1939 uväznení v koncentračnom tábore pre politicky nespoľahlivé osoby, štátnom väzení Ilava.  

Obec Kátlovce Koloman Mihalovič, správca školy 1927-1949 (od roku 1940 riaditeľ). V rokoch 1802-1820 bol učiteľ v obci Ondrejovce Ferenc Mihalovics, následne v rokoch 1821-1860 bol učiteľom Ferenc Mihalovics mladší.

The Swiss Headquarters for Economic Development (SHS) in Bratislava Dr. Hans Keller received additional staff in the spring of 1940. The young Kunz came from Zurich and Robert Boetschi, who had contacts with Poland. First lieutenant res. Swiss Army Dr. Hans Keller, a member of TerKdo 6, was a frequent guest of Mr. František Göndör at Predná Hora and a hunter attended by the administrator teacher's daughter, Magdaléna Ondrejkovičová.

Freiin Magdaléna Ondrejkovičová and teacher administrator Stefan II. Ondrejkovič in the year 1941 White Karpaty ? Even in the Carpathian Mountains, Vice-Consul Hans Keller often visited hunters with whom he or she could easily deal with the problem.

Functionary of the Yugoslav-Czechoslovak League, former editor of Prague's "Lidové noviny" in Belgrade, regular contributor of the Czechoslovak-Yugoslav Revue and former professor at the Masaryk gymnasium in Bačski Petrovac, editor of "Slovák" newspaper Andrej Vrbacký husband daughter's of the Teacher Administrator Stefan Ondrejkovič was imprisoned in 1941 in the Detention Camp for the enemies of the Slovak State in Ilava Prison.

Editor an translator Andrej Vrbacký, husband of Editka Ondrejkovičová was holder of the prestigious prize of the Center of the Yugoslav PEN Club.

Od roku 1939-1945 udržiaval prokurista fy Thonett Mundus Tibor Ondrejkovič profesionálne obchodné vzťahy s viacerými protektorátnymi firmami. Výrobky vyvážal vagónmi prostredníctvom ČMD (Českomoravské dráhy - nemecky BMB - Bőhmisch-Mährische Bahn). Vo ČMD v Brne na stanici mal dôverné kontakty. 

A colleague from administrator teacher Stefan Ondrejkovič, father of the President of the Presidential Office (Former Secretary of the Country President) Karol Neumann was in Púchov rechtor, administrator of the local Roman Catholic People's School and organist of the Roman Catholic Church of All Saints. Son of Anton taught at school. For nearly 40 years of work in the Catholic Church in Púchov, he received an arcipastire recognition from Bishop Karol Kmeťko. 

Leaders subsidiary companies ROLNÝ arrived on a Sunday in mid-August 1941 to the Púchov in connection with the construction of the factory where they are already in the Municipal House waited three Heads of government: District Commander Dr. Jozef Trnka, chief notary Andrej Šikura and mayor/Government Commissioner Josef Valentiny (family friend Ondrejkovič). Construction of competing against Považská Bystrica helped subsequently asserted Dr. Anton Neumann (known families Ondrejkovič). 

Brother of administrator teacher Stefan II. Ondrejkovič District Chief of Bratislava Dr. Aladar I. Ondrejkovič Sandor de Szlavnicza first seated third from left, right next to him the painter Stefan Polkoráb, Lt. Colonel parish priest Albin Krosna, prof. V. Černa, and Father and Accuro. Pictured in the second row standing from right daughters Dr. A.Ondrejkovič Kamila student and school teacher Gizele and Ms. Elena Buganová. Even after 1939 until 1948, numerous persecuted citizens from applying for assistance on for T.G. Masaryk oriented personality Dr. Aladár I. Ondrejkovičwho also considering family origin retain influence.

Jeho Eminencia arcibiskup ad personam ThDr. Karol Kmeťko, rodák z Dolných Držkoviec bol príbuzný správcu učiteľa Stefana Ondrejkoviča z oboch manželských strán. Bol dlhoročným spolupracovníkom JUDr. Martina Mičuru a kooperoval najmä so spoločenskou skupinou konštituovanou okolo jeho osoby. Reprezentoval ju aj ďalší rodák z Dolných Držkoviec kanonik ThDr. Michal Beňo a v neposlednom rade aj rozvetvená notárska rodina Ondrejkovič.    

Singer, tenor soloist of the operette of Slovak Folk Theatre in Nitra in the years 1939-1945 Karol Ondrejkovič. He has appeared in operettas of Gejza Dusík  "Blue rose" and "When it blooms" in May (the Slovak National Theatre in Bratislava he sang in operettas Blue Rose soloist Belo Turba). Support files and the first Slovak archbishop ThDr. Karol Kmeťko. Chairman of the cooperative Slovak folk theater was Nitra County S. H. Karol Ondrejkovič was also originally dedicated amateur theater, but in 1925 he played in the drama, operetta since. 1932 people singing on the radio. songs, arias from operas and operettas. In 1936 he studied at the Academy of Music and Drama (in 1940 renamed the State Conservatory) in Bratislava of E. Ungeltháler and Kornhäuserová.

At the State Conservatory in Bratislava studied at Magdalene Ondrejkovičová of Martin Gregor also he is given to amateur theater and studied there and Magda Lokvencová. 

Minister of Defense General Ferdinand Čatloš appointed Colonel infantry Alojz Andrović (family-related Ondrejkovič) as a military ataché at the Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Zagreb on May 24, 1943. He performed this function along with the post of military attaché in Budapest. Colonel Alojz Androvič arrived in Zagreb on July 1, 1943.

V roku 1943 boli zdržané Gestapom v Brne sprievodkyňe ČMD Anna Seidlerová a Helena Grufiková z dôvodu, že prevážajú ilegálne správy na Slovensko a v pracovnom čase pašujú devízy na Slovensko. S vyšetrovaním boli oboznámené slovenské MF a MV v Bratislave kde správu dostal ako Hlavný radca aj Dr. Karol Reindl, obdržal ju aj Dr. Viktor Pavella. Po 14 dňoch boli obe prepustené.  

At the end of 1943 and early 1944, besides political and diplomatic consultations with representatives of political and cultural life and other Slovak personalities, former Romanian education minister Sadoveanu lectured in Bratislava on the Romanian theater.

Son of a notary at Varsany district Levice a family friend of Mičura and Ondrejkovič was also a professor at Comenius University and National Bank Governor Dr. Imrich Karvaš. 

The site of action today esteemed administrator teacher Mr. Stefan II Ondrejkovič. He came from parents of one of the most respected families not only in Slovakia but also in former Austro-Hungarian Empire. 86 citizens of the Čierna Lehota Deadlines have to remember. Therefore, in the spring of 1945 they turned for help to his fellow countrymen imprisoned for his son First lieutenant in reserve Aladár II Ondrejkovič which they equipped the exemption right through the social relations of his father and his family. It himself, however, threatened arrest for avoiding embark on a call-up to the so-called. Haššíks army.

In 1944, a military administration was built near the Železná studienka in Bratislava in a nice valley recreation center for front soldiers and their family members. In addition to the Minister of Defense, generál Ferdinand Čatloš, the District Chief Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič, the Principal Marshal-man Dr. Štefan Ravasz, the Burglar Štefan Turba and Dr. Martin Mičura, were responsible for its establishment. The work was carried out by the National Defense Labor Force. 

On June 16, 1944 in the bombing of US Air Force Bratislava 500 kg bomb hit the roof of a tenement house on the street Čs. Army No.46 broke all floors of the house to the basement, where it remained unexploded. The house opposite police headquarters, however, was completely destroyed. Yet in 1949 there was a shambles with cement balls (kugelbunker) for one soldier. It was considerably damaged the church of Sv. Elizabeth with the adjacent monastery and hospital. At hospital St. Elizabeth was in 1954 hospitalized relative of Stephen II. Ondrejkovič through marriage Valeria Čevela born Stiglitz. Her arrest for obstruction in Trencin supply with her husband Joseph Čevela division was the cause of his apartment in Action B - Apartments although it does not know and had never seen. American B-24 Liberator bomber groups were 98 to 47. The bomber wing 15 of the US Air Force. They started from Lecce air base in the southern tip of Italy. Their role and the role of the other three groups of 47. bombers bomber wing 15 of the US Air Force, was carried out in Bratislava bombing raid on mineral oil refineries, Apollo and military targets. 

Since 1944 he was in the attacking troops of the 2nd Ukrainian Front liberated by April 4, 1945 Bratislava included two Romanian army, 2nd Royal Tank Regiment and Royal Air Force Czechoslovak (from 30.09.1938 to 15.03.1939 the latest) and Slovak wartime ally. Pictured assault guns Sd.Kfz 142 "StuG III" Ausf. F/8 German descent (his gun StuK 40 L/48 caliber 75 mm supplied Skoda Pilsen) from the 2nd Regiment Royal Romanian Army in April 1945 in Bratislava Faculty dean's office, 150m from the residence of Stefan Ondrejkovič and Maria Ondrejkovičová born Turba.

Prokurist of the company Thonet Mundus Mr. Tibor Ondrejkovič was the grandson of Anna Sandor de Szlavnicza, son of Manager teacher Stefan Ondrejkovič and his wife teacher Maria Turba. After 1948, helped by its political system no longer restrained by social interactions persecuted fellow citizens.

In 1953, the former Governor of the National Bank under the so-called "B-share" Prof. Mgr. Imrich Karvaš evacuated with the entire family from Bratislava.

Five-room apartment of administrator teacher Stefan II. Ondrejkovič on the second floor with four windows right on the street Čs. Army 46, who in 1954 divided the country in Action B - Apartments resulting in his death. Chairman of the commission which supervises the action B - Apartments was Jozef Lietavec. 

Action B Apartments in the years 1952-1953. Julius Mazanec Security Officer UNV - Flats. President of the Board of Commissioners gave Julius Duris document form. Housing Department (BO), UNV Josef Lietavec (Lietavec and colonel of former STB (State secret security) was uninvited to a private conversation between the author and General Jozef Brunovský with his wife at a government hotel Bôrik in recepcion. It organizes regular Prime Minister MikulasDzurinda in 1998 Borik. General, and impossible to relate it to the author. Tj know who the author was clearly a demonstration of their permanent workforce addressed to him.)

Notes: Černák Vladimír, náčelník Slovenského zväzu protileteckej obrany Anna Zvaríková nee Bottová (father of MP, then notary in Piestany Ivan Krasko real name Ján Botto) ;  Eduard Ondrejkovič leading production of Studio feature films Bratislava - Koliba (Honor of Thane 1957, The last witch 1957, A woman from the mountains 1955) ;

Sources : Lt. Colonel Aladár II. Ondrejkovič, Mária Ondrejkovičová ; Matrika Bratislava-Stare Mesto ; Journal Naše divadlo 4/1931 /6/ ;Newspaper Slovenská Pravda of the 07.07.1932 ; Mayor of the Trebatice Mgr. Juraj Valo; Memorial of action for the Education of Slovak President Masaryk 1937; Olga Grellová Slezáková; Ján Chryzostom Cardinal Korec ;  arcibiskup Ján Sokol 19.01.2001 Bratislava ; Villa Folkus - Beniczky (blood relative of the genus Sandor de Szlavnicza it also means Ondrejkovič),  Thomka (František Zvarík), Folkus, Durdík ;   Vojtech Zamarovský ; Anna Zvaríková born Botto (Ivan Krasko) ;  General JUDr. Anton Rašla ; Archive DÚ ;  Chronicle of the village Dolné Držkovce ;

♫ Stefan Hoza -  " Once again I come to you " ;   ♫ Limbora, limbora - František Zvarík ; ♫ " Do not say nobody girl " ;  Virtual travel  Lomnica Shield - High Tatra - Slovakia ;  Aristocratic honor Eduard Ondrejkovič ;  Mirror of Trebatice 1/2010 Chronicle village Trebatice 1929-1962 ;    



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