
Baron Imre Ivanka, founder of the first company for steam shipping on the Danube. More in the article Stephanus Sandor de Szlavnicza 

Another innovation in order

More in the article Gizelle Kerney born Ondrejkovič and Alexander Kerney

The Danube - Home

  generations of boatmans familys and author his peculiar culture. Fall into oblivion, 300 years to estabilish railway transport was  main line transport street and mediator for business between Danubian states and regions. Have ones source in Black wood (Schwarzwald) and  after 2857 km directly 10 danubean state flow in Black sea of Romania and Ukraina. Drainage of Danube to have area 817 000 km2, 1/11 area of Europe. Territory Slowakian republic flow 172 km long of estuary river Morava in km 1880,2 next castle Devín above town Bratislava with port in rivers km 1867,

The strongest Czechoslovak towing motor boat ČSPD Kriváň front of the Syp channel in place of the current dam wall. On his šlepsál Dacia, the Romanian strongest Towing-pusher company that built the first hydroelectric plant Djerdjap 1. Dacia has in tow two fully loaded 1,000-tonne boats. On klamsál is ČSPD 10 025.

Right river-side to have Slovakia long 23 km. To have character highmountan river  as far as Medveďov above port with town Komárno in the river km 1767, with highest condition of watter in summer months. (Overhead Danube).  Midle part of Danube are near as  Moldova Veche in the river-km 1048. From here as far as port and town Drobeta Turnu Severin in the km 931 have Danube repeated charakter highmountan river. Lower Danube is part the river of  port Turnu Severin to estuary in Black sea. Meaningful teil of animals in Danube are fishes. His quantity and varied of sort are biggest what in second european riveres.  Name Danube have river as far as after confluence of small rivers Brigach and Breg in high 678 meter above the sea and after flow east directly mountains Švábska Jura. With exite of Švábska Jura folow Danube his outside north-east as far as Ingolstadt in km 2455,3 and famous town Regensburg with port in the right river-side destination ships of of the national corporation Czechoslovakian Shipping on Danube (ČSPD n.p.) between river km 2370 - 2378. Stausstufe Vohburg the km 2444,7. Kelheim (R-M-D canal + 1,2 km) in (destination ships of firm ČSPD) km 2411,5. Bootsgasse, umtragen oder Bad Abbach in km 2401,5.  Rowing club in the km 2383. Regensburg km 2379 with port Luitpold with two basins and ship yard was to year 1989 prominent destination only some choice ships and boatmans of ČSPD n.c. Navigation chamber Geisling in km 2329,8. Straubing Canoe-club in (destination ships of national corporation ČSPD) km 2327,6. Deggendorf in km 2285, port with basin and ship yard in the left river-side (destination ships of firm ČSPD n.c.) between km 2281-2284 former to year 1989 periodical destination too only choice ships of firm ČSPD n.c. (engine tug boat ČSPD Ďumbier,

engine tug boat ČSPD Dukla (author has been there for stowage in 1976 with a machinist Virgil Lederleitner and machinery administrator Bunčák), engine side-whels tug boat Fatra, engine side-whels tug boat Inovec, engine side-whels tug boat Javorina, engine side-whels tug boat Poľana). Mühlham (destination ships of ČSPD n.c.) km 2270. Schalding in (destination ships of ČSPD n.c.) the river-km 2235. Navigation chamber  Kachlet in km 2230. Border town Passau with port and basin in the right river-side, (destination ships of firm ČSPD n.c.) made for we unaccustomed tolerant customs and pass control in km 2226. Erlau in km 2215.

State Border, newcomer toghether stream Germania Austria in the km 2230,2. Border, the end toghether stream, where Danube empty to Austria in km 2201,8. Navigation chamber of  hydro power Jochenstein km 2203,3. Inzel in the km 2182. Navigation chamber Aschbach km 2162,9. Oder Umsetzanlage km 2163. Navigation chamber  Ottensheim in km 2146,9. Oder Umsetzanlage km 2147,5. Big industry town Linz km 2133. Linz port with sewen basins and ship yard (destination ships of the firm ČSPD) between km 2125,2-2130,6. Linz-VÖEST in 2127,2 km, was long years aim of tanks and loading boats of navigation firm ČSPD n.c. in former regime. Navigation chamber Abwinden-Asten in km 2120,5. Oder Umsetzanlage in km 2120,5. Enns-Ennsdorf port (destination ships of ČSPD) in km 2111,8. Navigation chamber Wallsee in km 2096,6. Walssee km 2093. Oder Umsetzanlage in km 2097,4. Grein in km 2079. Navigation chamber Ybbs-Persenbeurg in km 2060,6. Ybbs in km 2058,2. Navigation chamber Melk in km 2039. Melk (destination ships of firm ČSPD) in km 2036. Oder Umsetzanlage na 2040 km. Aggsbach-Markt in km 2027. Mautern in km 2003,5. Krems port (destination ships of ČSPD) in km 2001,5 and basin in the left river-side km 1998 was from time to time  aim port ships of ČSPD n.p. to the year 1989. Krems 2001.  District - Gemeinde: A-3485 Haitzendorf/Krams an der Donau. Here is

Schloss Grafenegg, what holder is Franz Albrecht Metternich - Sandor, of family Sandor related with autor. Navigation chamber Altenwörth km 1979,8. Oder Umsetzanlage in km 1980,1. Tulln km 1964. Navigation chamber Greifenstein in km 1949. Wien-New TID Place in the (destination ships of ČSPD) km 1967,3. Kerneuburg in the left river-side with basin und big ship yard km 1942. In right river-side is office basin Kuchelau km 1935,3. Wien Yacht-port in the km 1926,3. Navigation chamber of  hydro power Freudenau in km 1921,05 (in ocktober 1996 place of average push tug boat of firm Slovak Navigation and Ports  a.s -  SpaP T.R. Ďumbier (Slovenská plavba a prístavy a.s.) with tragic consequence for his boatmans. With heavy wound and with lasting health consequence survived only mr. Emil Šramko bosman-cadet). Basin Albern in left river-side 1918,3 km. Wien port between km 1916,8 - 1920,2 here was operated regular line of Bratislava with rapid-ships Raketa, Vostok and Meteor of passenger transport of ČSPD as former regime. Tanks port Lobau with basin in the km 1916,4 (destination ships of firm ČSPD) in km 1917  (primary buildet canal Odra - Danube) was in former regime aim of tanks ships of firm ČSPD (place fire of engine side-whels tug boat ČSPD Poľana, when dead one person and one mann was boatsmans  mr. Milan Skočdopole was heavy wound). Town and passenger port for tourist ships Hainburg km 1883,5. Danube flow south-east after outside of Bawarian wood to estuary of river Inn, where scour outside of Bohemian massive and entry to Wiens pan. East of Wien separate breach Hundscheim mounts of Small Karpaty and Danube estuary to inside-karpatian pan, where receive watter the river Morava  which make state border in km 1880,3. Castle Devín is raise above confluence of rivers Danube and Morava. Far are in the right river-side Austria, in the left Slowakia. Both river-sides of Danube are Slowakia of the river-km 1872,7. Capital town and port Bratislava in the left river-side are river-km 1867 (in passenger port river-side in the seventy years of past century sussumb to fire with tragical consequence (in the year 1975) stream side-whels passenger ship,

Javorina, former ČSPD s/s Bratislava buildet in Budapest in the fifty years. In to new holder served as swim hotel s/s Javorina. Witness remeber, one night cost 10-15 kčs).

Members of the engine crew tug "Poľana" have committed themselves to repairing the driving wheels in the timeless hours from 1 to 10 June, reducing the downtime required for repairs. They were Jozef Lazar, Rudolf Paleník, Karol Hrončok, Václav Peňkava, Pavol Ondrejkovič and Jozef Jurenka. Source: "Our Danube" newspaper, June 11, 1976.

Before the year 1989 was steel most important export produce load in port Bratislava. With him stand and drop transport with ČSPD n.p. to exchange part of world market means low-danubean ports. Without export of the steel with firm to Low Danube dont transport and all his existence was problematicle. In reality export of steel to devise markets was only commodity of PZO in the course of buying agent payment instantly after send. According to  position former employees of firms external commerce in Prag and former employees  different federalize ministerial, maybe most important buying agent of steel in ČSSR and purveyor of roller line for VSŽ n.p. (too today operation) was citizen of Canada  mr. Alexander Kerney. Without him realisated purchase to by for our inhabitles in insede market be missing most important commodity and raw materials imported of freechang territorys. Over reality ratify to autor commercial director and member of presidium firm SPaP a.s. Bratislava ing. Jiří Klaudy, in the thus time shef of commerce detachment of Třinec Ironworks and inform he, with Alexander Kerney persons have not contact, bad know his name of numerical commerce contracts. That is why president Thyssen Stahlunion of Canada  Alexander Kerney  and his wife Lady Gizelle, daughter of District governor in Bratislava Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič (Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič he was the main ispan Topolčany in 1921-1924, the district chief in Považská Bystrica 1924-1928, Zlate Moravce 1928-1938, Prešov 1938-1939, Bratislava from 1939 to 1945, the police criminal judge from 1945 to 1959) belong  gratitude for, we all in Czechoslovakia better lives. This important inhabitans and alleged peak menagers dont take to consciusnes in not long ago and neither today.

In Vajanský river-side, compared to Slowakian national museum by located residential house, former building of Slovak Dunajplavba stock company, in what was service flats. Was estabilished only for his mr. capitains and mr. machines ingineurs. When embarke into service already in the uniform, his ship land in river-side and boatman cames for his bagage and carry to ship. Slovak Dunajplavba stock company, Bratislava, Ing. Vladimír Droppa general director and President of the Board of Directors Dr. Belo Kováč, Head mayor of Bratislava. After his resignation May 3, 1944, he assumes all the functions known lawyer Dr. Šefan Ravasz, relative to the First lieutenant Aladár II. Ondrejkovič over family Sandor and Ondrejkovič. Under old bridge freight harbour with storages, railways track lines, cranes line, building of ŠPS, old House of Boatmans, new building with firm dining-room and old adherents workshops of firm ČSPD n.p. Low new adherents workshops, river-side re-load,  new cement position, entry to winter port with thu basins and old ship yard with shipes lift. (In the year 1963 fifteen years old autor asisted with thu schoolfallows to firm diver to clean track lines for ships lift in bottom portes basen. His exercise was clothed diver for war of Britanien imported diving suit of yelow-ash-grey rubber-textile, through head to shoulder and back put on heavy coper shouder, him put on thirty kg lead shoes, to breast and back him hang twenty kg of lead heavy weights and put coper helmet. To helmet conect hose with string and cable phone and control conect with precedes instruction to reciprocal comunication. After put fore glas to sheen cuper  helmet was already must pumped area with hands pump with whel of eben wood,  mounted in wherry of wood. After diver slowly entry with short ladder under level of portes basens. At any time school-boys to fall into oblivion and turn out whel pump slowly, or else to have diver problems with breathables. From time to time changed into him diver with phone reproved, or between self without supevisor sometimes wrangles.

In month december 2007 came in port Pálenisko to fire in the ship of company SPaP DNL Nitra, where dead one persone.  Barrier Čuňovo, part of watter to drain to old Danube and here is at the same time beginning navigation canale to hydro power Gabčíkovo in the river km 1819 (when are it days printing crop up myth, opposite divides of Danube arrange for a Hungarian army action and  majority of his colleagues to have fear, was autor with srvice command in break of the years 1992/93 destined of name his employer firm ČSPD to cooperation with firm Váhostav for divides of Danube). System work of firm Váhostav in divides Danube is in accordiance with autor model for bigest organizations. Was  in standart direction big military operation. For example too usual workman known before, what must evry minute made. Problems, what futured in course work immediate, too in moment riddle, for example with help short wave transmitters. Evry workman have according to function and place his work second color of work overal. Analogy it valid for  nameplate, of color was for evriting evident where to have his holder and how much him in his requirement charge all to comply. Author pointout, his demands on a riddle in moment. To comparison introduce, certain supplier organisation in divides neglect retract his workman with bulldozer of bottom divide lake, delivered he helicopter, bulldozer is there up to the present day.  Old tok of Danube border with Hungary and state border is in km 1852  (right river-side). Gabčíkovo Navigation chamber  in the km 1819. Palkovičovo km 1810. Gyór - Gonyu port km 1807. Číčov in rkm. Under port Komárno (destination ships of ČSPD n.p. Bratislava) with ship yard in the river-km 1767 Danube received watter of river Váh, above border town Štúrovo (destination of firm ČSPD) km 1718, port in the left km 1722 (between pasanger port Komárno, Patince DKm 1752 (Moča km 1774) and Štúrovo was in the time heads tourist sesone do year 1989 lead regular line of  Passenger transport of ČSPD with ships OL ČSPD Slavín, OL ČSPD Prešov, OL ČSPD Martin,

OL Prešov  OL ČSPD Žilina), tourist town and capitol Ezstergom in the right km 1718, water of river Hron. Behind state border, what is river Ipeľ in danubean river-km 1708,2 is lest vilage Chľaba and  Kováčovo with rest home and railway line in the river-side of Danube. Author with kolege visited vilage Chľaba in the year 1983. When here then only car ride round stay of Danubean borders guard, was surprised oldworldly visage of vilage and analogous face his inhabitles.  Dignity old mans with broad hats sit for winevaults holow in earthen hill and without apparent interes for newcomers self devote in thoughts his lost world. (So as 300 years before). Andreas K. Vályi in the year 1796 too today known and frequently quoted historian and statistician blood related of family Sandor de Szlavnicza then too Ondrejkovič in detail reply too vilage Chľaba and Kováčovo.

In the spring year 1964 before finish emptyd (when boatman in wheel-house of tug relieve one another 4 hours service, 4 hours rest turn asidet of line others tugs, was in moment on his board more what half metre billows of padles katarakt tug boat Liptov. Wash down to Danube too long cable of steel) oppositstream navigation tug convoy of stream side-whels tug boat ČSPD s/s Liptov  then 17-yaers old author and his superior from wheel-house observed inhabitles of rest home in Kováčovo in his wolk along river-side. Of the river Danube oldest and best  steersman, mr. Messing him at the time with language germans-slowakian language utteranced : ,, we in future a short time with wife here lived, our children we dont known." In then time usualy live boatmans with his wifes and small children all od the year in tug, or tanks tug of firm ČSPD. Many of boatmans dont have  no other flat, that is why leave unfit for use. His school labled children live with to related, or in childrens homes. Mr. Messing, quarter master

tug tank ČSPD T - V., was born in the river Danube in year 1905 in tug next vilage Moča. His father, tugs steersman of stream-navigation company DDSG, originated of germans minority port-town Apatín. Dead in Katarakty (Iron Gate), when he helms wheel of tug throwed opposite roof wheel-house after stroke to rudder. (Late in Danube was for often mortal casualty introduced and prescribed helm with smooth wheele in his bars). Danube flow to Hungary behind estuary of the river Ipeľ, whet onself flow to Danube in the km 1708 - state border.  After surmounte Vysegrad gate (Lepence - Vysegrad, here onself round back ships of Passenger transport of ČSPD (OL Slavín) in sightseeing navigation of Štúrovo in km 1718, do year 1989) in the km 1697 north of Budapest. Nagymaros in km 1695. Of the year 1962 to year 1965 transported of Bratislava to Budapešt OL ČSPD Slavín passengers only down to drift, back came with second transport.

Ján Ličko younger evangelist of Augsburg confession from the family from which came many important evangelical priesthood personalities, the son of the esteemed and wealthy Trenčín citizen of Slovak nationality, former Oberstabsbootsmann k.u.k. Kriegsmarine, served, inter alia, on the armored cruiser SMS Kaiser Karl VI, SMS Budapest, SMS Habsburg, fast cruiser SMS Novara.

(Budapest km 1647, port between km 1640 - 1657, was destination for regular line with rapid-ships Raketa, Vostok and Meteor of Passenger transport ČSPD n.p. Bratislava of the year 1965 to the year 1989, week stays engine passenger ship Družba of company Sorea and stream side-whels passenger ship (to the year 1972) ČSPD s/s Bratislava).

ČSPD ŤTR Lipno  After shelved stream tug boats pretentious for number manpower ĆSPD buy in ship yard of Budapest round in the year 1965 four tug-push boats ŤTR 2000. Was in self-time efficiente, but exactinge for repair, what oneself made ship yard in Budapest. Too it to all his operation too expensived. Often was engaged in Katarakty (Iron Gate), what him excessive wear. Danube onself turn of east direction to south direction and entry to (Szászhalombatta (destination ships of firm ČSPD) port in km 1563)  Big Danubean lowlands. Ercsi km 1613,4. Dunaujváros port in the km 1579 (bigest steel works of Hungary builted in the fiftys years). Dunaföldvár port km 1563. Paks km 1527 (nuclear power station). Baja in km 1480 (bridge direct Danube). Baja (Sugovica - estuary of river) 1,7 high km 1479.  Under border port (anchorage low under states pontoon, for tanks opposit) and coll Mohács in km 1448 (ferry) Danube lost area of Hungary and to area former Jugoslavia overself empty in km (state borer) 1443 above border port and custom-house in Bezdan in the river-km 1425 (bridge), pass town and port Apatin 1 km high 1401(Vreme 668 - Istrazivanje - Recna ratna flotila: Plovidba panonskih ...  In his one fight engaged after 2. world war RRF (Yugoslav River Fleet) distressed casualty. To basically      

Šariš  information (coment of translator - leader of  TR Šariš capitain Melcer and his boatmans asserted but something other and along furthers sourced, boatmans of push boat TR Šariš carry to safe place dauntless ukrainian tug-push boat, when overself after came back too for paralysed push boat Šariš), that overself of  czechoslovakian ship TR ČSPD Šariš unload smuggle wappe in Kopačkom Rite nearest port Apatín, leader of minesweeper RRF " Minolovac 308 " of base Novi Sad, that at that moment forestalle his wappe and away of river-side. Minesweeper RML-308 Botica-class after open his fire decay to trap and because ship in the river is easy target, was interfered with hand thrower shots "Ambrust" a "Zolja". In moment perished sergeants of first class Lampret Kristijan, Markovič Stevan and leader Zoran Markovič was of snaiper heavy wound, but catched with assitance severale his subordinated boatmans striked with minesweeper to river-side and save so boatmans and ship before deluged. Along state in evidence of boatmans push boat of firm ČSPD (and opinions of author, because was in inspection round of damaged tug boat in ship yard Bratislava), fire of quick-firing canons Minesweeper  RRF 308 damage besides helmsroom and operations fuel tank of TR.Šariš. So after started in the push boat Šariš fire. After his extinguished was for navigation inability tuged with second ship to reparature ship yard in Bratislava). Event was in the 8. November 1991, in time, when of border port Veliko Gradište as far as border port Bezdan was Danube in state area Jugoslavia.

On the right bank the mouth of the navigable river Drava on the Danube river km 1382,5. Bogojevo km 1366 (bridge). With artilerie fire damninge works of former firm Baťa a.c. Borovo, under him too today with

artilery fire noted Vukovar port (destination ships ČSPD) in km 1331,1. Bačko Novo Selo km 1319.  Illok km 1301 (bridge direct Danube, here function of the end 19.century with reach slovakian minority venerable Marína Ormisová, her father was Samuel Ormis master in slovakian gymnasium of Revúca and founder of Vzájomná pokladnica (Common strong safe). Bačka Palanka km 1299.

State border, Danube flow in the right river-side to Serbia in river-km 1255,5. Novi Sad is the capital of the northern Serbian province of Vojvodina, and the administrative centre of the South Bačka District  in the river-km 1258 (plage) port (destination ships of firm CSPD) km 1255 (3 bridge direct Danube). Under bridge of Marshall Tito in the left Officiers club, where was dance-hall,  next anchorage of leader ship of (river war flote) Rečne ratne flotile RRF 

PRB-30 Kozara, (former minelayer Krimhilda of Deutsche Kriegsmarine builted in the year 1939 of Regensburg), low port, ship yard, rafinery, in the right  over Danube fortress Petrovaradin with universitys boarding-house, under barracks of JNA with military last automobiles Studebacker US 6 (suplyd in the time repture between Stalin and Tito Jugoslavia)  and tanks T34 soviet origin, low before anchorage was base war-ships of RRF. Sremski Karlovci km 1246. Stari Slankamen km 1215.

(In the left river-side estuary of navigation river Tisza km 1214,5). Sarduk km 1207. Former Austro-Hungarian Zemun with in the year 1930 known and brilant pilots of the war famous base military air force in the km 1171,2. (In clean limpide summer morning in the year 1988 author observed of convoy ČSPD push boat TR Inovec, what pilots after start of airfield Zemun parryd shine of sun with winds new airplanes Soko J-22 Orao and ultramodern Mig 29A with acrobation above Danube). Under is estuary of navigation river Sava, in the right river-side are old Belgrade with head port, bridge direct Sava conected Zemun and above fortress Kalemagdan with military museum. (Budapest, Novi Sad and port Belgrade in the river Sava (Was destination ships of ČSPD, here in selve wrecks of old stream side-whels tug boats (for exemple) JRB s/s Srbija, live in the year 1989 wholed familys. Was regular destination with week recreation navigation of cabin passenger ship OL Družba company Sorea in the years 1965-68). Round the year 1989 was Czechoslovak ambassador in Jugoslavia, today already poor ing. Ján Husák. Author was with him introduced in September the yaer 1968 and at that time him give with respect show, that knows name of his family. To his function personnel of embassy, (often with children) visited boatmans of ships ČSPD in time his anchoraged in port (destination ships ČSPD) Belgrade of river Danube. Remindet and boatmans, so that spendet  dinars what obtained for travelling expenses of reasons unmanageablet inflation in Jugoslavia. As diplomats, only indirectly indicated, that situation in Jugoslavia to by longer worse. Author with think observed in the year 1989 in port Belgrade of the river Sáva (1520 cubm/s), in work

this  indetical porte crane, in this indetical portes stock room, what to behind with smile at a camera and nonchalance covered elegant serbian officiers for direct fire of austro-hungarian army of Zemun direct river Sáva to the city Belgrade in the year 1914. So it proved without emotions only sirs. Further oppsite flow of river Sava in the left are old part of town, what levants charakter his architekture remindet to ignorant, that real founers modern serbian state was courages and dexterous serbian merchants, individual conected with river Danube, Sava and Black Sea. Old Turkish bath and above fortress Kalemagdan is in the right river-side of Sava. Dawn to flow of conect Danube and Sava is new part of capitle town Belgrade km 1169 (bridge direct Danube and place oftens strong košava) and ship yard. In the time unused warm autumn in the year 1989 standet to anchorage push boat ČSPD TR Inovec with his convoy for low water-state in port Belgrade in Danube. Part of boatmans away with bus to home. Author and leader of ship captain Viliam Boďo self agreed, that in free time came with bus to visited exposition air museum next internationale airfield Surčin far 20km of Belgrade. Along the road observed poetic ploughing fields, how black-earth newer see. Exponats in museum was realy worlds unicats. But what was importante, that in internationale Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport  Surčin see remoted airplanes of JAT Aerobus 300 in price maybe 100 million dolars, stay hidden between showered highes earthe ramparts. Was see only spike direction helms. In this way conceale airplanes only in the war. Both already feeled his glowing breathe. For thinking was, that in time inspection round airfieldes and museum do not meet personnel. Only in airfield vestibule wait maybe five solitarys traveler for conect to Australia. Pančevo in km 1154 (bridge direct Danube, rafinery (destination ships of firm ČSPD) in Pančevo NIS-RNP take away longes time considerabled capacity of transport services of firm in what author worked and today bombardmentconsiderabled damaged air factory Lola UTVA Pančevo). Centre known slowakian naiv painter vilage Kovačica  is 24 km far of Pančevo, centre thoose part of vojvodina. Most acquaintance painters are Zuzana Chalupová and Martin Jonáš. Jugovo (recreation and sports centre) in km 1121. Kovin in km 1111. Smederovo (destination ships of ČSPD) in km 1116 (villa of kings dynasty Obrenovič, Zlatni breg of the year 1831 - summer seat of Miloš Obrenovič, Smederovo castle was builted in the 15.century and steell works Sartrid, what engaged 9000 workmans). estuary of river Morava in km 1104. Ramska fortress km 1078. Stara Palanka in km 1076 (natural rezervation ,, Labuda window "). In the Serbian-romanian border river Danube flow to Low Danubeans lowlands. After turn to sout-east

Veliko Gradište and border port (plase often strong kosava), Free shop, market and custom-house km 1059. (From 13 to 15 March 1975 there was a serious damage to boats and life threatening on the anchor in the shack, which was a dummy suspension of the ČSPD Dukla motor tug under the command of Cpt. Juraj Lavrovitch during the passport and customs check on the pontoon. one member of the crew, for example, on the first row of the authors classmates Bohumil Trnčík, the helmsman of the boat ČSPD 10 052. The most serious were damaged boats ČSPD 01014 and ČSPD 15 004. In order to save the crews of their hull, ČSPD Dukla paid into the storm for the help that other tugs refused (source: newspaper "Our Danube" of May 12, 1975 pages 2 and 4). As far as water power station Djerdjap I. flow Danube between mountans.  State border, (estuary of river Nera in the km 1075 created natural border). Danube in right river-side flow to Romania. Bazias km 1071 (here ships in navigation encountere principale in spring time and autumn with strong wind and danger opposite flow billows or the name Kosava). Knocking on Hell\'s Door by ČSPD Tatry - Entry to the hell  Katarakten - Iron Gate Moldova Veche km 1048, place often Kosova as far as right is midle ages castle Golubac in the km 1040 and

famous rock Babakai in the midle of the river km 1040,6 (according to orally version here forged Turkish

panjandrum with chain his disloyalted whife). Author in the year 1977 was one of boatmans tug boat Tatry. This here in this time with antiflow shiping in kossova almost  inverte. (School-felow of autor Eduard Dubrovay to have analogys experience with tug boat Dukla and kossova in port Russe. Here in anchorage shelved tug of ČSPD with boatmanns as find onself in week last long kossova without whathever aids. Surf of kossova evoked, that boats to self reciprocity impalemente, afflicted as their hulls and ship water. Bulgarian tugs boat refused put out to river with aid. Finally as to ship Dukla. In the U-turn as in surf so listed, that on his wind-ward side regulator of left engine incapable react. Engine as short-ranged relived, obtain as to criticle turning and thearted to detonated. Eduard Dubrovay, helmsman from  one of injureds tugs, already refused as more abroad to boat roted to Lower Danube).

Initial cruise of motorized wheel tug ČSPD national enterprise in Cataracts with tugboats and tanks on tow ropes cross. Thus, the steering capability of the hinge was limited. Subsequently, on the heavier sections, the towing ropes for the boats were hung straight, the cataract pilots were embarked on the tug, and the boats were boarded.  

Dobra in the km 1021. Berzasca km 1018. Drencova in km 1015.

Greben km 999,5 and steamship " Vaskapu " with big hoisting drum and anchors chain in bottom of the river helped to load boat and tank boat opposite flow remorcers.

Svinita in the km 1000 (former, for strong flow and rocky bottom danger for anchorage opposite flow elaborated boats after navigation direct Kazány. In the first navigation after his military service to have author ewperience, that with opposite flow navigation direct Iron Gate.

ČSPD Kriváň  Iron Gate tug boat ČSPD Kriváň asidet in anchorage of Svinita load  tug ČSPD 10 025 and do not check anchor (was his charge waited for regular anchoredt). Romanians tug-pilots fast roll up his things and leader of ship Kriváň commandet cast anchor and towing rope (dispatched down to flow navigation with light cross Kazány. His 3 no guite succesfuly prototype eight-cylindrical head engines Skoda was in thoose keeping try. Often without rest after came to Orsova ich machine crew have to come off, replace pistons and piston-rod, or basicbearings). Tug is but reprobated successfuly cast anchor contary that boatman let out whole anchors chain. Strong flow driftet boat, anchor his only braked and diving in down to rocky bottom. Anchor Anchors chain to threaten tear up whole anchor winch of deck. Boatmans of boat (when to be stupid or desperated, so similarly by throwed to water assistance anchor (kukas) self already without panic and flegmaticly ready to drop rescue boat (out of the frying-pan into the fire) in hopeless fast flow of Danube, between quickly self near verticale cliffs. Then self in distance turn up slowly and inefficiented            


tug tank-ship ČSPD Morava (now unprecedented fast). To wiped capitain next wheel-housebridge orderet hang to boat his towing rope. Serviceable braked his drift away with flow and ordered to boatmans lifted of boat gambol anchor, what self threatening loose. After his lifted self boatmans only short smiled. To be sure in fact nothing stay. Donji Milanovac km 992. Veliki Kazan km 974 (Danube is here broad only 150 m).  Count Széchényi-table in the km 973,3 (year 1885). Mali Kazan km 967 (Danube is here broad 250 m). Trajan table in the km 965. Tekija (fine place in Orsova basin protect of billows) right river-side 956,2 km, Orsova port (destination ships of firm ČSPD) and ship yard (under water are all old Orsova too Turkish       

island Ada Kaleh, partea 1/2  Ada Kaleh, partea 2/2, opositte not far from ponton famous sailors restaurant " Vozanič " which visited headly foreign boatmans of katarakt tug boat and their incidental girls-friend) - big harbour (3x2km) in estuary of the river-km 954. Under water are Sip canal between 943,2-949,7 km. Navigation chamber gigantic hydro power Djerdjap I. in the km 943,1 builted in the years 1964-72, bridge and border transit cross crest dike. Town and port Kladovo with ship yard and former turkish fortress Fetislam of 16.cuntury in the right na km 934. Ship yard, port and town Drobeta Turnu Severin  (destination ships of  ČSPD) in the km 931,1 (place often  kossova, seat of agention ČSPD with dormitory changed low-track ship-pilots in former luxus house of romanian bojar). In compliance testimony helmsman Messing to author in the year 1965,  here in the time 2. World war load in opposite flow ships with crane armours for wheel-house, what after navigates cross Katarakty transmite in the Moldava. Armour seltered wheel-house, or in all the war germans army do not hinder shootig of jugoslavian partisans from inccessibles rocky river-sides  to tug ship with boats. In summer in the year 1944 in the Turnu Severín dislocated romanian army canons and with shooting bloced transit direct Katarakty for germans Danubean and Black-Sea flote. Ship of firm Slovak Dunajplavba s/s Svätpluk 25.8.1944: came under fire by Soviet and Romanian artillery upriver of Tekija at river kilometer 920, subsequently abandoned. Soviet war prize. (after 1945 s/s Orava, C.S.P.D., Bratislava, CS). Unsuccessfuly was attempt to encoutered break-through with war ships from the Moldava and artilery duel of the monitor s/s Bechelaren (former s/s President Masaryk) with romanian artilery. Was best wappen, but his super-structure to have thin armour. Demoralisations was for his boatmans, that granats from romanians artilery   overshooted iside out, but that is why non-explodet in ship. Heavy damaged pulled to Budapest prabable hungarian wars ships). Here refueled opposite flow ships fuel, buy nourishment and water, varyd lines personnel (taked katarakt ship-pilot and boat-pilot, boats and tank-boats not have refrigerators) and hand over part of convoy to constant kataraktes tug boat for drag cross  

Sip canal. Remainders from the bridge romanian imperator Trajan, origin was long 1127 m and to have 20 poled is in the river-km 929. In right river-side Brza Polanka in the km 884. Navigation chamber hydro power Djedjap 2. in the river-km 864 (bridge in the crown dikes, place often kossova). Radujevac km 863, in time small water here deluged ships more before 60 years see " Dunavski Vilenjak ", how  German war flote "looked" of Danube wreck from germans war ships deluged in the end 2. World war, under  water power station  " Ðerdap 2 " for extraordinary low water-condition from Danube afresh emerged from dept impressived river. Lest mal it was before three yaers. In the new year is in plane clean this part of Danube and remove wreck. Rusty steell scelets of ships maybe thoose spring see last mall. In notentered situations and for captivity of Soviet army in the September year 1944, in operations with name " Danubean demon ", germans general Walter von Stetner, leader of division ordered sink all Black-Sea flote in part Danube of Mihajlovac to Radujevac. To premised, that in Danubean delta was 300 ships and in sone Prahovo was 200, what was here sinked. In the present time is in part of Prahovo, see above water maybe in long twenty meter from wreck war cruseir,  what is in the midle of river and in low water-condition, first surfaced from water. From his immediate nearest above his, too under billows  impressived river fosterlinged wrecks nearest neenteen ships. With sonar localisation vraks german fight ships in the end past summer, what made italian firm "Sogerma", come to realisation second fase, after published tender in selection firm for  removed wrecks.  Thoose exercise as work from ground realisation Master plane European agentie for reconstruction, what as premised revitalisation "coridor 7 ", for take railway and street transport to river way. After revitalisation " koridor 7 " is presuppose safe and garanted navigation in part of Danube of km 857 to km 863, principal from HE " Ðerdap 2 " to Radujevac, where is for deluged germans ships navigation riscant, because after long 6 kilometer are navigation line broad only 50 meters. Respekt to deluged ships, is navigation line of Danube in sector Prahovo (destination ships of ČSPD) in all nautic maps indiceted whit whites color. This standet, that for ships is here navigation to self responsibility. Remove wrecks already do not was pass current in thoose part of river prohibition meet of ships, or not once weited for sequence several hours.

Text and photo: Ž. Dragišič Elevated germans flote from Danube ratify, or displaced ghostly myth from 2. world war. Blue cemetery likewise for lazaret ship. Germans sinked 240 ships with lasaret ship and woundens Many inhabitles of Negotín and Kladovo (destination of ČSPD) as gathered, that  before starte work to clean Danube in Jugoslavia, is of necessity even removed from remainder bridge elevated too wrecks of germans war-ships deluged in the end 1944 next Prahovo and Radujevac, in the time war. To elevated wrecks mean not only safe navigation in sector water-rate HE " Ðerdap 2 ", but too relevante demonstrated legend, what do not verifyted - that blue river is 60 years cemetery one german lasaret ship with woundens soldats. Thoose event in the year 1945 in soviet magasine " Krasnoflotec " (" Red sailor ") copy too Josip Broz Tito. Between others on wittness event. Was to too mr. Jovan Kracanovič, what  contemporary, that one of deluged ships was lasaret ship with woundens germans soldates. Germans in this time to have in Prahovo hospital with lighte woundens. Heavy woundens was located in lasaret ship. When begin deluge, in the midle of river was locate lasaret ship with woundens. - Was lissen big roar. Woudens do not roared of pains, but of fear when see how destiny was fixed from his comrades. Thoose without hesitation put to dynamit a round ship of both sides. Complains and shout was lisen long as ship delugedte. German soldates was stey in river-side with disclosed heads - remebered old Kracanovič. Long time do not fergot in this horror picture. With pieta solidar Germans and Soviets soldats, but too Jugoslavian partisans participated in the year 1947 in elevated wrecks. His elevated of Danubean bottom, what at that time was started is not today finished. Some memorable tell, that in first attempts, accuracy to time Informbiro in the year 1948 was elevated seven ships. Mojority from elevated ships was unfit for use. Some was rented with explosien and thoose what to have load wappe, was useless. Germans in first demonted importanted parts. One reparated ship appropriated Russian. Second what draged explodet in the midle of river. For Jugoslávia fall one tug fool with cuprum. Elevated wrecks germans ships, what in low water-condition some-times rised above surface of Danube is necessary, or limited navigation and round here may navigated only old boatmans, or navigation line is here broad only 50 meters. For elevated 40 ships of navigation line is need exert round 400 milion dolars, what thoose part of Danube to made safed. Elevated wrecks can lighting event terrible reports of lasaret shipes in bottom river, what history up to present day blanked and when already grow to more ten years thoose, what as in  event any help was in vain spôsobom share a. Certainle it wishes fergot. This cemetery is not acceptabled under ground and not in bottom some big water basines.

Slavica Markovič

Prahovo 861 km. Mihailovac km 857. Danube to return in the south-east. From here flow direct to east and  next estuary of the river Timok nad bulgarian town-port Vidin passed serbian-bulgarian border. In right river-side of Danube  flow to Bulgaria (right river-side) in the km 845,65.

Border Serbia - Bulgaria. Novo Selo in the river-km 833. Cetate in the km 811. Very rarely ships of ČSPD visited loading port and small town Calafat  in the river-km 795, what enliven only ferry direct Danube to Bulgaria. For assume author no remeber. Ferry cross rive Danube is  directly in direction rials. Estuary of river Timok, low in the right river-side is Vidin in the river-km 791, small town-port in north-west Bulgaria with regular line passenger ships from BRP. Here is important ferry to Romania (Calafat), what is 5km north of town (opposite flow of Danube). Of town is street to ferry along Danube. Centre of Vidín is charakter middlesea big arranged squar, from here continued braod street to small passenger port in Danube. Next river is extensive shady park, where is possibility count in shadows from trees. Round of town is carefuly repaired old barriers and gate. Railway station is not far from head squar, from what round-aboute alleys is exchangs and shops. Bathing and rowing sport - of park next river to came with steps to smoll plage, where pershaps 60 m from river-side is short-time place for anchorage with two-three load boats and in kayaks silence rowed young nices bulgarian girls fom sport skool in the clean and fine water more is nowbody.

Charakter litle bigest province town and port Lom (destination ships of ČSPD) in the km 743 (next passanger port are hotel Moskva, rejda and anchorage place often košava), Free shop, railway station, market, steell works. Bisret in km 725. Town Kozloduj with nuclear power station in km 703. Bechet in km 679. Island in km 671. Corabia in km 630 (place often strong kossova). Zagrajden in km 625. Turnu Magurele in km 697 (place often strong kossova). Belene in km 577.  Zimnicea in km 554. Svištov (destination ships of ČSPD) in km 550. Russe Филм за община Русе - 1 destination ships of ČSPD) modern town, river-sides promenade, old centre, elegant and fine hotel Moskva of fiftys years, modern hotel Riga in Danubean river-side under passenger  port, theatre, Turkish part, Free shop, new railway station, pasanger port, old railway station (museum), ship yard, bridge direct river Danube with border pass, layby anchorage next old raiway station is exposed in the spring and autumn to often strong kossova) in km 495 (In the year 20.Dec.2005 next romanian river-side deluged after before fire push boat company Slovak Navigation and Ports a.s. SPaP TR Poľana. In second river-side opposite romanian port Giurgiu (destination ships of firm ČSPD)  (too for sea ships) in the km 493 (place often strong kossova). Rjachovo in km 464. Oltanita port and ship yard in the km 430 (built push boats TR Inovec, TR Javorina, TR Magura, TR Poľana). Pojarevo km 425. Vetren km 396. Silistra Abschiedsabend in km 375 (place often kossova), low is estuary from Borcea canal. In district of Dobrudža Danube repeated round to nort-east, later to north of ports Braila and Galati flow repeated to east. State border, too in right river-side of Danube flow to Romania in km 374,1.  Calarasi port 370 km. Port-town Cernavoda in (destination ships of firm ČSPD) km 300, with knowns most longest bridge of Danube and estuary from canal Cernavoda-Constanta (Agigea (destination of ČSPD). Giganticle construction of canal was realized with finace sacrifieced from all rumanians inhabitles in the times former regime. Author to have this opinione, that this building is in extent unalterabled with nothing was we know from building industries in of the time matured Czechoslovakia. Rocky straits and low Hirsova (Hârşova) in the km 253 (place bigest average from convoy tug boat ČSPD Tábor  (leader capt. Ján Kr., helmsman A.)  in the October year 1968 in flow navigation and opposite convoy  from tug-push boat SDP Riga) in round with fishers settlements from Lipovans. Ships navigated in flow to have priority before straits and  charge give for opposite ships warning sonic signal. Author was boatsman of convoy, what in the night to thrusted frontale to side opposites flowed convoy and take in rescued works. Short time before havarie lisn ships siren from tug boat Tábor with short, fast, consecutive  signale, standet immediate danger collision. Above port Braila estuary of Borcea canal, what navigated convys to load water-condition Hiršava to port Cernavoda. Town Braila (destination ships of ČSPD) to have old cenre, river-side promenade, corso, market, ship yard, aside place for loading boats next river-side, ship yard, army base danubean and army ship yard, navy transfer, rejda, anchorage, Free shop. Braila port between km 172-168,5 (place often strong košava). Port-town (often strong  kosova) Galati  Dunarea la Galati with promenad, (here in anchor splendit yacht her holder was King Carol II.), (destination ships of ČSPD) in the left river-side between km 146 - 151 (often strong  košava) with 2 basens, (in old ship yard), anchorage, steel works, with overloade bus of town transport for gas, store house with cheaps, unqvalitys only romanian and part chinese tovar, tram from home made wagons and big ratio suplier market and with charakter oriental overload sea ships.

Border Romania - Moldavia. Danube  flow to Moldavia (left river-side) in the km 134,14.  Danube lost in the left river-side of Moldavia and flow to area Ukraina in the km 133,54 (only left river-side). Above first ukrainian port Reni receive Danube in short Moldavian part of Danube waters of estuary river Prut. Port-town Reni with (destination ships of ČSPD) majority ground floor buildet from primitive buildings materials, without canalisation, town comunication with non-firm surfaced with asfalt be situated often direct to marshes. Next port litle better bulding of Sailors club with entry only for foriners.  In centre with carbol bad-smelling, very weak supply store house and better market.  Restaurants with typicly soviet sortiments of meal. (But eat here can). State border Romania - Ukraina. Giurgiulesti port in the km 133. Reni port in km 128 (after year 1989, too here more liminet loading comoditys and turn-over of ships). Isaccea  km 103. State border. Danube flow to Romania in km 79,73 (right river-side). 

Port The port of Izmail is on the left bank on km 93. On the picture of May 9, 1973, the Soviet military ship "ВРД-268", the former armored minesweeper OMm 36 of the Czechoslovakian Danube Fleet on the military naval base Izmail with a turret of 48 mm armored plate with two heavy machine guns model 37 ZB. It was like a war loot of the Soviet Danube Fleet confiscated by the Romanian Royal Navy, which served as V6 along with its sister minesweeper V 5, former OMM 35. Both were incorporated into Deutsche Krigsmarine in 1939, as Flußminenleger FM 2 and Flußminenleger FM 1. Kriegsmarine removed them depot of 6mm armor plate and replaced 1 heavy machine gun model 37 on the rear deck with an automatic 20 mm Oerlikon cannon. In 1940 they were sold to Romania. In the year 1940 was sold to Romania. Armament: In Romanian service: 1 x 20 mm Oerlikon AA gun, 6 x 8 mm machine guns (2x2, 2x1) vz. 37 ZB, 22 mines Mk. 28 or 22x Z Mk.32.

Other transhipments on the Danube are Orlovka, Kilija and Vilkovo.

Port and town Tulcea in km 73,5 Danube estuary to Black Sea with bulky delta, what area all the time expandet. In the contemporaryd delta of Danube occuped area 4 300 km2. Next town and port  Sulina (destination ships of ČSPD) Danube flow to sea in the Danubean river-km 0 (place  often košava).    




Czechoslovak katarakt tow boat ČSPD Křiváň in 1964 with the Romanian katarakt Towing-pusher Dacia drags on the ropes Czechoslovak barges over the construction of water power Djerdjap I (1). Hungarian tugs MHRT Miskolc with hydrobus ČSPD pipeline in Sip channel on the ropes locomotives in 1964 (2). The crew of the film prepares hydrobus ČSPD Družba in the port of Sulina on the Black Sea voyage. Guidelines issued by the Head Captain Alexander Oberta (stowage was also the author of the tug Tatry) behind him captain Peter Majerník (3). Hydrobus ČSPD Družba filmmakers from the study Koliba at sea. Sitting captain Peter Majerník taught author the navigation and the maritime geography teaching. In the middle sits machinist III. Eduard Olša, standing right next to mach. as. Peter Simeonov (4). Katarakt tug ČSPD Kriváň cruise along the construction site of the dam DJERDJAP I. the Yugoslav side of the Danube. Larzen back (5).

Notes: The authors thank Mr. Peter Simeonov photo provided him from his beginnings in ČSPD n.p. Bratislava ;  Football meeting of ČSPD - MHRT April 19, 1975 4: 1 goals Boris Ondrejkovič 2, Filip 1, Grabica 1. Source: "Our Danube" magazine of May 1, 1975 ; Football tournament TJ Liptovský Hrádok - ČSPD September 1976 1: 3 goals Boris Ondrejkovič 3. Source: "Our Danube" magazine from September 23, 1976 ;

Resources: Cpt. Peter Majernik; Cpt. Pavel Zongora; Helmsman Messing; engineer František Gunda; Cpt. Alexander Oberta; Cpt. Haššík; Ing. Jiří Kloudy ; 

ČSPD Družba ;  ČSPD Trnava ;







Regesburg km 2378

year 1925 km 1867

s.Devín year 1962

s.Liptov year 1925

Stream ship Liptov

Liptov and Iron G.

Chľaba km 1708

m/s Slavín ČSPD

Apatín km 1401

Bogojevo km 1366

Bridge in km 1301

RRF Kozara N.Sad

Rock Babakai

Vaskapu Greben

Count Széchényi de

Ship m/s Kriváň

Vaskapu and Greb.

Iron Gate y.1965

Ship Orava separat

ship ČSPD in Orsova

Djerdjap I.

monitor Bechelaren

Crusair in km 860

Hotel Riga in Rousse

Borcea canal

longest bridge

Yacht of king Carol

Border next Reni

Buldings of Reni

Typicle house

Sea.vokzal Izmail

Market of Izmail

Hotel Izmail

Port in Sulina

Conserv. port Sulina

in the 2.War

War with Ro Danube

Updated: 13.09.2024