Elite in Slovakia in the interwar period



In the left Igor Makovický

Andrejkovic VIOLAND PAVEL (Ondrejkovič Violand), Lieutenant Colonel, born 1 10th 1894 in Sečovce, married to Elena Erno, died 11th 6th 1974, is buried in Banska Bystrica, Greek chaplain in Uzhgorod, military chaplain Chust, 192? - Mukachevo, 1936 - Brno, 1939 - Prešov, 1940 - Zvolen, 1941 - the spiritual front...;  Mjr. GS. Alojz Androvič of 2 Department headquarters in Prague (group A Study and Planning, Hungarian Section). One of only three officers of Slovak nationality in the ranks of the Czechoslovak army. 2 Department Chief of Staff Field Army Bernolák, military ataché in Budapest and then in Berlin. He became known for courage and intransigence. Refused to accept the OKW for the Slovak Air Force fighter aircraft prepayments Messerschmitt Bf 109E. Should be under the new contract, in fact, were used in addition to remodeling the documents ; 

District Chief Stefan Balazsovics Vráble worked in the district around the year 1928 (blood relative of the family Turba) ; 15.09.1928 The district chief physician in Bratislava, MD. Balažovič ; št. cpt. Alojz Ballay ; District Chief Ján Beňovský in Trnava district in the years 1938-39 ; Catholic priest and Professor Jozef Stephanus Bossányi ; MD. Botta owner of ear-neck sanatorium on Zochova street in Bratislava ; Emil Ciho (Slovlik Trenčín) ; Ivan Daxner ;


Dr. Pavol Fábry ; Rudolf Fraštacký, son of Land President Dr. Joseph Orszagh, until 1939 he worked at the association of peasant mutual Treasury ; Dezider Gaffor (after 1731 was Magdolna Gáfor 2nd wife of Ferenc II Sandor de Szlavnicza) ; Dr. Josef Kollárik, Government Counsellor, Ministry of Finance, Board member of Tatra banka, wife Adela Hromadová genus Ličko ; JUDr. Milan Ivanka de Draskócz et Jordánfold ; ev. Dr. priest. Ladislav Jurkovic in the Lutheran church in New Legionárska Street in Bratislava ; architekt Dušan Samuel Jurkovič ; prof. JUDr. Imrich KarvašVladimír Kedrovič ; Mr. Ján Kollárik Director of Tatra Banka in Zvolen, wife Maria Kolláriková genus. Ličko ; Ján I. Ličko ; Ivan Krasko (Jan Botto) ; Vladimir Makovicky, President of the Slovak banks, the successor Igor Makovicky ;

Horch 830 BL was car service of the JUDr. Martin Mičura, Tekov-Nitra Comes, Minister for Slovakia, president of Judicial Board in the Kosice and Bratislava, member, family relative Ondrejkovič - Sandor ; Dr. Martin Mičura in 1920-1922 Minister with power of attorney for the Administration of Slovakia in Bratislava, in the subordinate places he tried primarily to review all appointed notaries. The changes were to lead to democratization of the administration and to bring it closer to the people. Also important was the abolition of municipalities except Bratislava and Košice and the postal service of the police. From the beginning of his term of office, Mičura demanded that a foreign office be established in Bratislava ; District Chief Štefan Fábry in Vráble district in the yaer 1935 ; District Chief Mikuláš Huba Hlohovec district in the years 1938-39 ; District Chief Dr. Tibor Jesenský Žilina (blood relative of the family Ondrejkovič - Sandor) in the years 1938-39, 

First off the left, pictured Archbishop ThDr. Karol Kmeťko

Bishop of Nitra Karol Kmetko ; notary Tomáš Kohút, Považská Bystrica ; Senátor and notary in the Piešťany Ivan Krasko ;  Magdin Malár ;  Rudolf Mičura District notary in the village of Dlhé Pole, husband of Anna Ondrejkovičová, the daughter of a notary Ondrejkovič Stefan and Anna Sandor de Szlavnicza ; District Chief Dr. Vojtech Kállay district Ruzomberok (there was a Comes Dr. Karol Reindl whose wife was sister of the District Chief Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič) in the years 1938-39, the District Chief Julius Ličko in Spišská Stará Ves (Ličko related families of Trenčín) in 1938 - 39; District Chief Alexander Lušček district Stroudsburg (brother-in-law of General Milan Rastislav Stefanik and family Ondrejkovič friends) in the years 1938-39 ;  Katarína Ondrejkovič born Malár *1926 †1992 ; Jozef Maliak ;  

Provost and mayor of Bojnice Karol Anton Medvecký of the Medvedzie and Malý Bysterec, secretary of the Slovak National Council on October 30, 1918, associate and frend of Dr. Martin Mičura, Gejza Turba, catolic priest Jozef Stefan Bossányi of the Nagy Bossanyi, bishop ThDr. Karol Kmeťko, also teacher manager Stefan II. Ondrejkovič  

Sergeant artillery Tibor Medvecký, military service on June 4, 1939 2nd Mountain Infantry Regiment in Ružomberok District notary in the village of Dlhé Pole Rudolf Mičura, husband of Anna Ondrejkovičová, daughter of District Notary Štefan I. Ondrejkovič and Anna Sandor de Szlavnicza ;

Samuel Milec ; Diplomat Dr. Ivan Milecz, his mother Olga born Makovická, sisters Margita Paulíny-Tóth, Olga Kuzmány, wife Milena Slezáková ; Viliam Paulíny-Tóth  Iľja Paulíny-Tóth de Tőre et Tóthmegyer ; Dr. Anton Neumann from the Púchov, personal secretary of Dr. Jozef Országh ;

Provincial deputy Milan Polák at the session of the Assembly in 1936 ; Main notarized Secretary Albert Okolicsányi ; Dr. Jozef Omiliak ;  District notary Šimonovany Ondrejkovič Stefan I. to 1923, Dr. Aladar Ondrejkovič Main retrieve Topolčany, District Chief in the districts Považská Bystrica to 1927?, Zlaté Moravce in 1939, went into the 1940?, Bratislava - the city until 1942, Bratislava - the countryside until 1945, after 1945 the police in criminal court Bratislava) ;

Cavalry sergeant aspirant winner of Great Pardubice military and then squadron commander Lieutenant cavalry Aladár II. Ondrejkovič with their siblings Edita, Magda and Tibor.

Cavalry lieutenant Aladár II. Ondrejkovič with one of his two private riding horses with which a regular winner in equestrian events, and that no consideration was housed in barracks 11th Dragon regiment in which he served. 

Chief Secretary notary Vojtech Ondrejkovič ; confidential clerk of firma Thonett Mundus Tibor Ondrejkovič ; sólista SĽD v Nitre Karol Ondrejkovič ; Marína Ormisová - Maliaková ; Provincial President Dr. Josef Országh, District Chief Josef Ország district Bánovce Bebravou over the years 1938-39 ; Ján Országh konzul v Sao Paulo ; District notary Julius Pavella worked in the years 1918 to 1943 in the village Liptovský Ján, District Chief Eugene Rakovský in Skalica district in the years 1938-39 ; JUDr. Štefan Ravasz, a member of the construction committee SK Bratislava founded in November 1939 in order to build a sports complex representative ; Rudolf Schaner Trenčín mäsiar a udenár ; the district chief Dr. Stefan Schurmann district Považská Bystrica (blood relatives of the family Ondrejkovič - Sandor) in the years 1938-39; City notary in Prievidza Michael Turba, father-in Stefan Ondrejkovča II. ; Bratislava mayor Stefan Rudolf Turba 1935-45 (his wife was Maria Ondrejkovičová, daughter of District notary Stefan Ondrejkovič);  Spevák Belo Turba ; Protestant pastor Samuel Zoch ;  Landowner Anton Žitňan Bánovce nad Bebravou (his mother was a family Ondrejkovič) ; Lieutenant Air Force Ondrej Šandor ;

Lieutenant cavalry Pavel Štefánik a friend and fellow of lieutenant cavalry Aladár Ondrejkovič II. Lieutenant of dragons Pavel Stefánik, son of Dr. Ladislav Dušan Šefánik (brother of General M. R. Štefánik) Public notary in Spišská Nová Ves. During his military service in Spišská Nová Ves was at Mr. Štefánik notary, as a family friend (Gustav Kedrovič) Lieutenant of cavalry Aladár II. Ondrejkovič accommodated. 

Chief Aviation Regiment 4 "airmen Vašátko" IC 4699 Staff Captain of Aviation Pavel Ondrejovič (6/10/1948 interim commander) airport Plzeň-Bory, the SNP Signal Battalion commander air weapons, Rázus "I CSA in Banská Bystrica year 1944, left to right: Major. aviation J. Trnka, Colonel. aviation K. Sojček , Major. M. Lisický air Force, Colonel. GS. Alojz Ballay, lieutenant. connection. Aviation Pavel Ondrejovič, unknown. Venice, september 1943. I. ČSA of 1944 VI., Task Force, Aviation battalion, commanded by his centurion tech. wapp. aviation Daniel Kunic and his deputy captain was tech. wapp. aviation Mikuláš Šumichrast  (a friend and classmate of Miss Alžbeta\'s Ličková) ;

Notice board companies Rudolf Schaner Trenčín, families with whom befriended the family for many years the District Chief Aladár Ondrejkovič.

Pioneer barracks of M. R. Štefánik next to the palace of Count Esterhazy on the Danube embankment in Bratislava.

In addition to President T.G.Masaryk and former police director Dr. Ivan Štefánik from the Administrative Court whose president was JUDr. Martin Mičura. 

In the year 1933 was established Committee to assist refugees from Germany. Committee members were among others Viceprezident od Slovak Land Dr. Janko Jesenský (relative of genus Ondrejkovič-Sandor de Szlavnicza), Dr. Karel Koch, Olga Šándorová, Dr. Emil Stodola.

Despite the reduction situation in 1938 from a total of 1,248 officers of the Czechoslovak foreign service was only 33 Slovaks (1).

The daughter of First lieutenant cavalry Pavel Štefánik, the head of the technical squadron of Cavalry presidential section (JPO-1), the granddaughter of the public notary Dr. Ladislav Štefánik, the District Chief Dr. Alexander Lušček and greitneter of M. R. Štefánik Tamara Dudášová born Štefániková. In 2015 Košariská participated in the evangelical church of the solemn commemoration of the 135th anniversary of the birth of M. R. Štefánik.

Notes : District notary Rudolf Mičura *30.05.1881 Dlhé Pole †02.04.1951 Dlhé Pole  ; District notary Stefan Reindl *08.20.1867 Spišské Podhradie †02.12.1908 Necpaly music educator. He studied at the Teachers College in Spis Chapter. Teacher in Jablunkov, Hybe, Liptovská Lúžna, Usti nad Veličnej Orava, in which he gave up teaching activity. Passed a notary exam and worked as a notary in Necpaly. Collected , compiled and issued its own costs songbook Christmas songs ; Ján Ondrejkovič  *03.20.1813 Kláštor pod Znievom  † 09.16.1895 Esztergom religious writer. He studied at Vacov, Nitra, Esztergom, Trnava. He served as a chaplain in Ipeľ Úľany, Zlaté Moravce Opatovce of Zittau, Bzovík , Hronsky Benadik, a priest in Dömös, Tölgyesi, as a member hronskobeňadického trustworthy site and judge stool Archbishop predialist Vrable. Work Egyházi beszéd ... Nitra (1845) ; Örömlant . Nitra in 1846, Monumentum pietatis in Solenin Joannis Simor principis primates . Esztergom 1867 Pium Augurium ... Esztergom (1877) ; Egyházi beszéd ... Budapest 1881 ; Son of notary in  Varšany district Levice and frend familys Ondrejkovič and Mičura was too guvernér of National bank Dr. Imrich Karvaš ;

Resources: Národní politika 17.08.1928/5, 15.09.1928, 12.10.1929/4, 13.10.1932/3 ; Český deník 07.08.1930/3, 03.09.1936/2 ; Lidové noviny 05.04.1927/4,  06.09.1932/3, 17.08.1928/5, 11.09.1932/5 ; Národné noviny Volume: 1933, Issue: 08.12.1933, 1928/1, 03.08.1928/1, 18.08.1928/6, 1930/3, 05.11.1930/3, 14.10.1932/3, 07.09.1937/2, 08.09.1937/2 ; Národní listy 06.08.1930/2 ; Našinec 07.09.1932/2, 19.08.1933/1 ; Mikuš, Jozef A. 1998 (1) ; Mgr. Peter Múčka of the Partizánske ;





Updated: 13.09.2024