Gizelle Kerney born Ondrejkovič and Alexander Kerney

Gizelle Kerney born Ondrejkovič *25.02.1916 in Budapest, daughter of Chief retrieve Topolčany, District Governor Považská Bystrica, Zlaté Moravce, Prešov and Bratislava Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič I (his mother was Anna Sandor de Szlavnicza born Ondrejkovič). Moreover, the Princess Pauline Metternich-Sandor was from this family. At that time he was her father Dr. Aladár Ondejkovič (Aladarus Franciscus Ondrejkovics) in Russian captivity in Siberia in Krasnoyarsk city.v meste Krasnojarsk.
Czechoslovak state real grammar school of Janko Kráľ in Zlaté Moravce where he studied Ms. Gizela Ondrejkovičová. For its construction had a decisive Comes Tekov-Nitra County JUDr. Martin Mičura, her relative.
She graduated from the gymnasium of Janko Kráľ in Zlaté Moravce, where her father was the district chief. In Topoľčianky got to know the President T. G. Masaryk, my father used to take her to the castle where you get into the environment of his family. There he meets often related, deputy and and president of tabular Court in Košice, since 1931 president of the Main Court in Bratislava JUDr. Martin Mičura (Anna's sister Dr. Aladar Ondrejkovič married Rudolf Micura District notary), a friend of President T. G. Masaryk and his family. Due to professional and political status and family origin father (Ondrejkovics-Sandor de Szlavnicza) from childhood ranged only between social elite. Charles University in Prague was an exceptional student, not just their appearance.
The fire brigade in Levice was held on 6-10. November of this year He lectured several specialists, among them the representative of the Fire Department of Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič District Chief of Zlaté Moravce. The bureaucracy for the left-wing firefighters was concealed by the District Chief Dr. Ondrej Zošťák, who was awarded medal and honorary diploma for his merits for the development of firefighting. Source: weekly "Pohronie" of 17 November 1934 p. 3.
Mansion Migazzi family-related of Judge of Trenčín county Stephanus Sandor de Szlavnicza, great grandfather of Lady Giselle Ondrejkovič in Zlaté Moravce in the interwar period.
In 1938, due to the threat of the Czechoslovak state, Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič as District Chief of Prešov.
Her father, District Governor Dr. Aladár I. Ondrejkovič was one of identifying best and most experienced officials of the Regional Office in Bratislava, Slovakia. Participates in the preparation and equipment of the armed units of SOS. In connection with the Munich Agreement it has therefore been translated from Zlaté Moravce to the Prešov with the task of organizing the district dislocation and the work of public authorities that were Czech-Slovak Republic forced to evacuate from Košice, part of Eastern Slovakia and Ruthenia. Since its transfer, the military PAÚ (Preceded Agency Headquarters) in Prešov with its focus on Hungary has been under the control of the autonomy.
In Presov was the District Chief Dr. A. Ondrejkovič forced to face the large group of armed marauders who in the territory of the district of Poland and penetrated part of the territory occupied by Hungary. Even greater work and organizational burden was exposed Dr. A. Ondrejkovič after 14 March 1939 when the district Presov found himself in a war zone in the context of fighting troops (and their evacuation with the authorities and civil parties) now-defunct Czechoslovak state in Ruthenia the Hungarian army, which already occurred on 22 March 1939 the territory of Slovakia.
County palace Pálffy, residence of Comes Count Pálffy and later too residence of District Governor of Bratislava Dr. Aladár I. Ondrejkovič.
Plenipotentiary of the Swiss Headquarters for Economic Development (SHS) in Bratislava Dr. Hans Keller received additional staff in the spring of 1940. The young Kunz came from Zurich, and later came Robert Boetschi who had contacts with Poland. Hans Keller often traveled both business and private to Eastern and Central Slovakia (including Carpathian Ruthenia). He was a frequent guest of Mr. František Göndör at Predná Hora and the hunters attended by Magdaléna, the daughter of administrator teacher Stefan Ondrejkovič. In Antol was also a guest of TTS and ŠAC swimmer Greta Ličková.
Even between 1939 and 1945, Gizel and Kamila, daughter of Dr. Aladar Ondrejkovič at the volunteer at the work of the Slovak Red Cross whose members were members. The active activity in the Red Cross was for the ladies and youngsters of their social origin unspoken since its inception.
Sanatorium of the Slovak Red Cross "Hope" in the High Tatras. The blood-related cousin of Dr. Aladar I. Ondrejkovic baron Imre Ivanka was the founder of the Red Cross in Hungary. The founding session of the Red Cross in Hungary took place on 16 May 1881 in Budapest. On May 17, the women's association was merged with the newly established Red Cross organization, Baron Ivanka became its manager. He was among the initiators of building a Red Cross hospital for the training of professional and voluntary nurses).
Gizelle inherited her father's extraordinary organizational talent and political affection, which she fully showed in the Democratic Party election staff in May 1946. After his father and his classroom, Gizelle inherited too a social tattoo and a sense of responsibility towards citizens seeking help in need. This rich feature has characterized her in the last days of her life in Canada. He regularly contributed financially to the activities and charitable purposes of the Slovak and Czech Catholic Churches as well as to the Jewish Rabbinate. She has contributed financially to the activities and charitable purposes of both the regular and Slovak Evangelical Churches in Canada. Source: Mr. Smolnický year 2002, MVDr. Martin Kvetko year 1992 and Evangelical priest Dr. Ladislav Kozak from Toronto year 2007.
Deputy Adviser to the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic Dr. Ladislav Diskantíny in the year 1941.
In 1941, the supply of drugs to the state was problematic. The "Slovak alkaloid chemical factory" was established in Hlohovec for the processing of macopus. Machines, pipelines and built-up warehouses have been installed. The plant for the plant industry has ordered makers to collect the poppies by poaching them with a 10 cm long stem. A major factor in the factory was Augustin Čúzy, the former director of the Roman Catholic People's School (future family Ondrejkovic and colleague of administrator teacher Stefan II. Ondrejkovič, because Kamila, sister of Gizelle, married JUDr. Frantisek Čúzy in 1945), who made great efforts to make the factory in Hlohovec. Other cities were interested in it; Source: Hlohovec commemorative book from 1 July 1933.
Her husband Alexander Kerney (his parents Samuel Kornhauser and Gizela Singer) was in 1939-1945 Salesman Cukorspol in Switzerland. During the resistance activity in favor of the 2nd Division of the Czechoslovak Chiefs of Staff and when he was also racially persecuted, he crossed the German Reich illegally through Switzerland, Slovakia and Hungary. His boss, co-worker and Toronto and business partner (a family friend) was president of the company Cukorspol (card Slovak seven sugar factories) in Bratislava Rudolf Fraštacký, nickname Dr. Robert Frey, reportedly in the years 1939-45 Intelligence Service chief resident in Slovakia. Fraštacký during the period of the Slovak State export sugar to Germany and Switzerland. As director of the company "Cukrospol" undertake illegal activity. With in
Switzerland interfered with her the local sales representative who was Alexander Kornhauser (as Kerney moved between Slovakia, Hungary, and Switzerland), agents and Czechoslovak Government in London. Shipments download and disposition passed on him and Cpt. Karel Sedláček alias Charles Simpson. Confidential contacts with them had the Colonel brigadier Roger Masson, commander of the Swiss military intelligence.
On 03.02.1942, the Consulate General of the Swiss Confederation in the Slovak Republic was opened in Bratislava. Its seat was at Franciscan Square No. 5 in a Swiss citizen's home. The Consul General from 3 February 1942 was Max Grässli. Since May 1, 1942, the secretary of his office, Teodor Meyer.
For courier services in Slovakia is mainly used Dr. J. Svoboda, Swiss general consul in Bratislava Dr. Max Grässli, former owner of the Nitra malt Swiss citizen R. Eckenstein and others. Technical support for storing documents on microfilm transported R. Fraštacký secured Dr. Ivan Stanek, looked after and the enlargement of Switzerland brought by.
Rudolf Fraštacký maintained contact with foreign countries and through the Viceconsul of the Swiss Confederation in Slovakia, which was Hans Keller (*19 August 1908 in Zurich; † 14. Dezember 1999 in Bern) and the Consul General and head of the Swiss business mission, which was
Dr. Max Grässli * 04.03.1902 † 29.06.1985, Dr. iur. diplomat. Directly in Switzerland in the activities he participated in master SR " Service de Renseignement " Colonel Passy. The diplomats of the Swiss Confederation in Bratislava often one (also official) too District Governor in Bratislava Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič. Hans Keller states that he could rely on contacts to the extent that far exceeded material or occupational themes. This was also the case with the Jewish partners of the Swiss companies, who helped his consulate both by issuing written confirmations that he was under the protection of the Swiss Government and by personal actions.
The commander of the Swiss Military Intelligence Service Colonel-Brigadier Roger Masson in an interview with Chief of General Staff, Colonel Gst Jakob Huber, in the Garden of Gümligen Castle in 1942.
Opponent for Czechoslovak immigrants in Switzerland was Commander Kapitän zur See Hans Meissner, Head of Department of the German Abwehr - Abteilung III F1 KO (Kriegs-organization) Switzerland in Bern.
OSS operations in Switzerland Allen Welsh Dulles directed from its headquarters in Bern on Herrengasse 23
Under a treaty concluded between the Swiss Confederation and the Slovak Republic, Switzerland was not only able but also had a special interest in supplying scarce goods to Slovakia at a time when its export industry had to face enormous problems. Slovakia has become one of its most important business partners. There were comprehension and payment obligations for the purchasers of goods that could not be exported elsewhere: watches, cheese, chocolate, textiles of all kinds, including embroidery and silk ribbons, chemical and pharmaceutical products, alumina products, machines and metal products of all kinds, books, scholarly literature, or slate tables, etc.
Of intelligence reasons, Rudolf Fraštacký the Swiss Confederation to meet not only of their agents who was an emigre Alexander Kerney (which moved between Slovakia, Hungary and Switzerland), agents Czechoslovak government in exile in London, Czechoslovak Envoy Dr. Jaromír Kopecký, agents of the Intelligence Service MI 6, CIA agents and ambassador Yugoslav government in exile in Bern Dr. Dragutinovic (in Trenčín in the Villa family of Miss Alžbeta's Ličková and later married Ondrejkovičová had been in occupation of Yugoslavia in 1941, the son of Prince kisses aide Peter II. King of Yugoslavia), but another who Fraštacký personally informed, for example, the fate of Jews in Nazi concentration camps was chief O.S.S. (The Office of Strategic Services) in Switzerland Allen Welsh Dulles (Watertown * 07.04.1893 † 29.01.1969 New York, he worked in Bern in the years 1942-1945, the CIA director from 1953 to 1961). Message he gave Dr. Vladimír Houdek, came from the same Dr. Langer, who escaped from the concentration camp Oswiecim.
Wireless Mk III. EVA fates secret radios date back to 1943, when workers through companies Dovus Slovak import and export company in Bratislava and Kotva Import-Export Bratislava Dr. Julius Kirsteur and Dezider Bukovinsky from Istanbul to Slovakia together with other goods transported four radios. Operate a broadcast station 45 EVA chose lieutenant. joint. Pavel Ondrejovič.
In connection with the increasing danger of mass deportations, Bern has allowed the part of the Jewish traders with whom Switzerland has been traded to receive protection letters with problematic legal value and questionable effectiveness. Rudolf Boetschi was very involved in the matter, he grew up in Poland and had contacts there. In many cases, they have contributed greatly to their rescue. Hans Keller in 1985 (Geschichte historisches Magazine Nr. 69, March-April 1985, pages 14-23) stated that the amount of Swiss goods imported from 1939-1945 to the Slovak Republic was also found in the militarily occupied Poland.
Former teacher Milan Polák was deputy of the Regional Slovak Parliament in 1936, in August 1944 the captain reserve and adjutant of Lt.colonel Ján Golian, May 11, 1946 Lt. colonel infantry, the head of the Office of the State Secretary of the Ministry of National Defense, the Bratislava office, the Health Commissioner of the Slovak National Council, the co-founder and official of the Democratic Party.
Dňa 7. februára 1945 sa stal kolega zo štúdií a priateľ Dr. Aladára I. Ondrejkoviča JUDr. Ivan Štefánik povereníkom spravodlivosti za Demokratickú stranu. Stal sa aj predsedom Najvyššieho správneho súdu.
Tibor Medvecký Evangelist of Augsburg Confession, Democratic Party official for Ružomberok from April 7, 1945, Sergeant of 2nd Mountain Infantry Regiment in Ružomberok on June 4, 1939, co-organizer of Ružombok Riot.
The "Z" Department of the Interior Ministry was established in May 1945. General Jozef Bartík was appointed to his head and Zdeněk Toman was appointed as his deputy. After the removal of Bartík from office in January 1946, Bedřich Pokorný was appointed head of the department. Toman remained in his post. Štepán Plaček was behind the penetration of non-communist political parties.
Alexander Kerney in the period 1945-1948 was also the director of DOVUS. His wife, Gizela Ondrejkovičová, worked for the Democratic Party with Rudolf Fraštacký and successfully led the DP electoral staff with young Juraj Fuchs, a relative of the future rector of SVŠT and later Minister of Construction prof. Jozef Trokan (a friend of her cousin from Trenčianske Teplice).
In December 1946, the Department of Interior Ministry was renamed VII. Department of the Interior Ministry. Col. GS. František Janda, the deputy was Bedřich Pokormý. Štěpán Plaček remained at the forefront of internal intelligence responsible for penetrating the non-Communist parties.
Unlike other democratic politicians, the commander of one of the sections of the intelligence service of the Ministry of Interior in Prague, Major B. Pokorny and his agent (Valery Sergeyevich Vilinsky) failed to penetrate among the co-workers of the Deputy Chairman of the Corps of commissioner and of the Supply and Nutrition of the Slovak National Council, Rudolf Fraštacký. Thanks to this, a friend and ex-subordinate of father his wife, police criminal judge Dr. Aladar I. Ondrejkovič, former District Governor of Prešov. Bedřich Pokorný was an former intelligence officer at the military PAU (Michalovce's pre-agency agency). In 1938 he was assigned as head of PAU "Rudolf" in Košice with focus against Hungary and from December 1938 to March 1939 he worked with PAU Presov under the control of Dr. Aladar I. Ondrejkovič.
The change in the Ministry of the Interior in February 1947 (from the 7th Department of the Ministry of the Interior became the 3rd Department of the Ministry of the Interior), the agenda of the internal intelligence did not change in principle, either. Štepán Plaček remained on the forefront, with Osvald Závodský and Ivo Milén as his deputies.
In January 1948, a KGB brigade of special purpose was sent from Moscow to Prague by a train of 400 men under the command of General Paul Sudoplatov. In 1953 he was arrested and sentenced to 15 years for crimes against humanity.
Before leaving for emigration in 1948, Rudolf Fraštacký was Deputy Chairman of the Board of Trustees and Deputy for Agriculture and Food of the Slovak National Council. Mr. Alexander Kornhauser (Kerney) was also president of Cukorspol before the emigration in 1948 via Swiss.
Podľa nariadenia ministerky výživy ing. Jankovcovej č. 236/1949 Zb. z 27. októbra 1949 Družstvo hospodárskych liehovarov, Bratislava, zaniká. Platnosť od 11.11.1949. Účinnosť od 31.08.1949. Ministerka výživy nariaďuje podľa § 11, ods. 1 zákona zo dňa 2. decembra 1948, č. 278 Sb., o Ústredí pre hospodárenie s pôdohospodárskymi výrobkami.
Zápotocký v. r. Ing. Jankovcová v. r.
24 May 2006 12:34
ca.on.york.toronto.globe Wednesday, October 13, 2004 - Page R9. Alexander Kerney investor and steelmaker born in Czechoslovakia in 1910. After fleeng his homeland after the Communist takeover in 1948, he lived briefly in Italy while awaiting the escape of his wife, Gizelle. He arrived in Canada in 1949 and set up European Industrial Products, an international commodities trading company. It later merged with Thyssen Stahlunion of Germany to form Thyssen Canada Ltd. and he became Chairman of the Board in addition to his own investment company, Belfield Steel. After he retired in 1975 Belfield Established several enterprises, including Courtice Steel of Cambridge, Ontario.
Considerable importance to its contacts with the senior management ended Thyssen Stahlunion AG played a social origin Gizella, wife, their social relations in Germany and that the company's management was related social origin her grandmother Anna Sandor de Szlavnicza. The wife was able to establish social relations which had from the time of his studies at Charles University in Prague, to build on the social interactions father, the widely branched family relations notary grandfather and on its operations in Slovakia in 1948. Linked to this is that, along with trade from Slovak and Czechoslovakia, especially Lady Gizelle Kerney born Ondrejkovics-Sandor de Szlavnicza, but also her husband Alexander Kerney president i.a. (Firm Thyssen Stahlunion of Canada, Thyssen Canada Ltd.) in Toronto never did not close the door of your house numbers of migrants from Slovakia and the Czech Republic when doprosovali financial and social assistance, AET other assistance through their strong bonds with the highest economic and political circles in Canada.
Spouses worked in different places of the world, where she Stahlunion company Thyssen AG, including Germany. And socially they associate with top management of the company and their families. To this day, their wives keep Lady Gizela confidential friendships, visits, and go on holiday together. File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat [PDF] satellite
In connection with the economic reform of the Czechoslovak Republic, member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Czechoslovak Republic and chairman of the reform commission Otto Schick already in In 1964, the central authorities too Oldřich Černík eturned to Alžbeta Ondrejkovičová with a request to mediate business contacts for the cousin of her husband, a politically persecuted worker, ex. capt. Aladár de Ondrejkovič. They were Lady Gizelle b. Ondrejkovic and her husband Alexander Kerney of Toronto. The main theses of Otto Schicks reform were prepared in the autumn of 1964. In January 1965, they were approved by the leadership of the Communist Party. They began to implement them in practice already in 1966. For example, in ČSPD, the national enterprise that transported steel for Alexander Kerney along the Danube already in 1965. The leadership of the Communist Party should no longer intervene in the management of the corporate sphere in a directive manner. Enterprises were to be managed through company councils, which were to be formed by employees, and also through experts, managers. Only the most important macroeconomic direction was to be determined from the center.
Enterprises could start operating independently on the domestic and foreign markets. They should have been able to cooperate without central intermediary organizations. The reform in 1967 brought concrete effects.
At the time of the biggest problems in manufacturing technology VSŽ Košice n. p. The company asked the husband, Mrs Giselle to supply technologically advanced rolling lines, who tried to manufacture in the former Czechoslovakia and the USSR, but in addition to significant direct and indirect damages without real results. Národohospodářská losses grow by the day. The state plan, and financial budget is attacking. (I guess at that time, an event which Ms Elizabeth Ondrejkovičová born Ličková and her son in the presence of .... in the narrow circle of invited guests of event recalled the former employee ing. Joseph M. ,, Ms. Ondrejkovičová I know you yet, I studied with my colleague Mr. Marian Tk. your family papers in the archives .... have not asked you return the nationalized financial funds, precious metals and jewels? ... the archives are still all of your necessary documents! Sign up in the archives at Ing. T. Marian I. is there head). Once the whole line ministries threatened to seriously cadre penalties and prosecution for sabotage, Mr. Alexander Kerney said rolling line brand Coneco from Car & Foundry, which OAI nowhere in the world were unable to purchase (at a time when her husband was ill traveled from Toronto Canada 'summit in VSŽ Košice np herself Lady Gizelle Kerney). The supplied line or were entirely new, but 14 days after the installation of manufactured free of defects and thus produces said today.
Self on behalf of their firms Lady Gizelle Kerney traveled from Canada and a business meeting in the Siberian city of Krasnoyarsk in the former USSR. * Gizelle Kerney born Ondrejkovics-Sandor de Szlavnicza *25.02.1916 in Budapest, her father was the District Chief Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič - Sandor de Szlavnicza and mother Anna Ondrejkovičová
born Török, sister Kamila Csúzy Ondrejkovič - Sandor de. Brother in law attorney Dr. Csúzy Francis (Francis Ervin Čúzy, graduated Law Faculty from Comenius University Bratislava in 1941 and 1948 after some time he worked as a laborer forcefully and subsequently in 1968 as head of the organization PAM Hydroconsult after 1968 emigrated with children and widow Anna Ondrejkovičová for Gizela Kerney to Canada), grandfather District notary Stephanus Ondrejkovics, grandmother Anna Ondrejkovics born Sandor de Szlavnicza.
Military doctor MUDr. Béla Török, brother of Anna Ondrejkovič
MUDr. Béla Török in 1943 he traveled from the mother to the countryside of Budapest, Gyor through railway junction. This city has been constantly bombed by Allied air forces. While waiting for the train station in Gyor and he went to his mother to buy food there was a bombing raid. Their train was completely destroyed. From the wagon where he remained expecting mother anything. MD. Béla Török only found her shoes.
His brother was Stefan Török. Notes for Stephan Török: He was said to be quite handsome. The story goes that an aristocrat woman wanted him as her lover. One night they went to a winter ball and danced the Chardache all night. He didn 't have a coat that night. He caught pneumonia and died a week or so later at 18 or 19 years of age.
Alexander Kerney. Czechoslovak of Slovak origin, himself a brilliant entrepreneur in the steel industry *19.05.1910 Rožňava † 12.10.1993 Toronto. He graduated from the Business Academy in Brno (1). Co-Founder of European Industrial Products Ltd. with Rudolf Fraštacký and Karel Zajíc. He became co-owner and president of Thyssen of Canada Ltd. Later, President Thyssen Steel Caribean for the Caribbean and Central America. Activities expanded to semi-finished work (co-owner of Pitt Steel Ltd., part of it was Courtice Steel Limited). In Puerto Rico, he founded a company for iron processing, wire drawing and tube rolling. Courtice Steel Ltd. manufactured special steel that he also exported to the US and employed several hundred people. Milton E. Harris and his Ms. Ethel (the poet and painter have lived all his life with his loyal friends and after his death friends of his widow Gizelle.)* -
Peter Kerney and Veronica Ann Kerney Heidi Kerney
For Milton E. Harris. 26. March dead in the Toronto Milton E. Harris. One of most obvious pillars Canadian live, Milton Harris founded leta Harris Steel Company and was president of the Board of Directors and president of Harris Steel Group Inc., One of the most successful Canadian industry corporations; member Management Board was Livington Industries, Canadair Ltd., and Air Canada. He function finance committee chairman Liberale party Canada, was member of senat University of Western Ontario and member the Board of Directors Tel-Aviv University, president of Canadian Jewish Congress, Board of directors member Canadian Opera, Mount Sinai Hospital, etc.. Between the number of which he is given the Officer rank.
Harris is a human profile even richer: was generous supporter of art and different organization, not the usual target of generosity: in Hearses announced as the two charities in which donors may send gifts to honor Harris relics: Native Men's Residence and The Jewish National Fund for trees in Israel ...
With our members comunità firstmal met with Harris at the beginning of their skvele carier. Between those who assist him was Alexander Kerney, Czechoslovakian Slovakian native, slef brilant entrepreneur in the steel idustry. Milton Harris and his wife Ethel (poetin and painterin) stayed cells live his loyal friends and friends after his dead his widow Gizelle.
Milton loved music. Evry year sponsored one design Opera Canadian Opera Company - a few years before sponsored design Janáček opera (although I am the only wrout, I am not sure which, but I think it was ♫ The Makropulos Case, Manuela Kriscak ... ). Of musical instruments have separately favorite organ. Have you excellent teacherin in our profesorin Dagmar Ledlova Kopecký. If you know of it, from the organ in the church of Saint Wenceslaus in Toronto are at the end of its usefulness, given new church organ. I consider you for the privilege that I knew him.
Jozef Čermák
Milton E. Harris (July 26, 1927 - March 26, 2005) was a Canadian businessman and founder of Harris Steel Group
Born in Detroit, Michigan, he received a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the Univerzity of Toronto. He began working in the matals trading business by joining the family-owned company established by his great-grandfather in 1886. he founded Harris Steel Group in 1954 in London, Ontario. Milton E. Harris was president of the Canadian Jewish Congress. In 1986 he was made an Officer of the Order of Canada. Was married to Ethel and had four children.
Sir Peter Kerney as a little boy
Vlasta Troblová - Train 95 and liberty. Almost evry Sunday to see sit - usually with son Zdeněk, in one of the rear benches church of Saint Wenceslaus in the Toronto. 29. October celebrates 95 years on our planet - surprisingly fresh, good seeing (even when the world looks most glasses) as well as hear, remembers more than a courtesy to the wife, who is first born before World War (29 October 1912), decently walk even if it sometimes angry feet (her hips and knees are in good távú what her angry, the muscles are on their feet, since a lot of life went and stood) and sometimes the date of a quarter century, (where in the world. Vaclav in Toronto) and fainted in the ambulance brought her up the stairs to a chair, suffering from any significant disease.
Those of us concerned memory back more than half a century, to remember the excitement with which we watched " abduction " train, which is stop in the Cheb - as he ordered the timetable - but proletel 11.09.1951 on 15.04 border and stopped up in the West germany. World gave him name "Train liberty" and his 261 (for the figure I swear dont wohnt) passenger was too Vlasta Troblová, her husband Václav and son Zdeněk. Václav Trobl in the drama played a decisive role. He convinced the driver Konvalinka that passing boundary line, if your doctor before Švec a few students changed signal on the line. Konvalinka easily convinced: Comunist security police suspected him that the majority people across the border and tried to get Trobl (which many previously arrested and we confine) to help them Konvalinka catch in the act. Trobl (representative to the Communist coup police inspector in the Prague) Konvalinka plans secret police realized. Konvalinka had a choice: either wait for the arrest, or project boundaries. It is the second alternative. 26. October 1951 Toronto Globe and Mail article and the photo has four members of the group (two students and husband Trobls), the Canadian version of the train passengers freedom from Halifax to Ajax.
In the Canada started as well as a big majority of refugees: it was a hard slog with good end - Canada, Ms Vlasta confirms to us the Sao Tome and Principe Dobra. Václav Trobl eventually ended up in the chocolate factory Neilson, son of Zdenek as Printer in the MacLean Hunter, where him and his son Johnny. Our birthday year after arrival in Canada to find work - first one day a week (if applied to five dolars for a day) and later full-time in the slovak family Gizelle and Alexander Kerney took care of household and did it so well that they remained 33 years. After a lot of travel, through North and South America and Europe. Their spouses are long dead, but Gizelle Kerney (in January it will be 92 years) and Vlasta Troblová still writing exchanged Christmas and birthday
....95. Vlasta Troblová birthday celebration of her friends in the church Saint Wenceslaus after Mass on the 28th October 2007. It should be a nice start in the last Five-Year Plan in the first hundred Vlasta. Mnogaja leta ! com/plus/2012/03/09/ Gizelle Kerney
Lady Gizelle Kerney born Ondrejkovičová in the circle of the nearest family in Toronto, Canada.
The father of Rudolf Fraštacký's wife was the first man in Slovakia, a Turiec native, and the long-time president of the Slovak Lands in the inter-war period Dr. Jozef Országh. He was a superior, associate and distant relative of District Governor Dr. Aladár I. Ondrejkovič. Sister Rudolf Fraštacký, Elenka Fraštacká of Piešťany, was married as a member of the 1st Czechoslovak Army Corps in the Soviet Union, Captain Anton Žubor. Captain tank Aladár II. Ondrejkovič was in their wedding in 1946. After he was discharged from the army, A. Žubor worked in the underground spot of the PREMA company in the Stará Turá and died prematurely for bullying. His wife Elenka Fraštacká had to work as a charwoman. Brilliant businessman in steel industry Alexander Kornhauser (Kerney) and lawyer Dr. František Ervín Csúzy were cowards of Dr. Aladar I. Ondrejkovič and Anny Török.
(L. to R.) Infantry regiment of the Canadian Forces Reserve The Queen's Own Rifles of Canada Commanding Officer, LCol John Fotheringham CD ; Honorary Colonel Paul Hughes CD; Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall (Camilla Bowles Parker) ; RSM/CWO Shaun Kelly CD and Honorary Lieutenant Colonel Richard Cowling CD his wife is the daughter of Lady Giselle Kerney born Ondrejkovič, Lady Veronica Cowling born Kerney).
In the year 1970, the author accidentally listened to an unknown former senior officer of the Slovak Army in the Reading Room of the Park of Culture and Leisure in Bratislava. They spoke aloud on the above topic, on the effectiveness of steel exports from the Czechoslovak Republic to Canada, and on the military doctrine of the former Slovak Army. He realized enough that they knew him through his parents, and their conspiracy conversation was for his person.
Author sincerely thanks the staff of the Embassy of Switzerland in the Bratislava for providing copies of literature describing Consul Max Grässli its operations in the years 1939-45 in Bratislava.
Former Vice-Consul of the Swiss Confederation in Slovakia Hans Keller. Here in Belgrade with President J. B. Tito as Ambassador to Yugoslavia from 1967 to 1974.
Years ago and events, it can be stated that the most effective news network that worked in the years 1939-1945 for the anti-Hitler coalition was the network that operated in Slovakia.
Notes: (1) After studying clerk in the company Schenker ; Agent (V-101 Sergei), then AV-6045 (Karger) Dr. Valery Vilinskij (Chief of Cabinet of Dr. Ivan Pietor, Minister for the Transport 1946-48) ; Lady Veronica Kerney Cowling her husband Honorary Lieutenant Colonel Richard Cowling CD ; I. R. The Queen’s Own Rifles are the only Militia unit in Canada with a Parachute tasking ; engineer architect Stefan Androvič was the son of Stefan Androvič, brother of Colonel infantry Alojz Androvič ;
20th Annual Report of the State Czechoslovak Real Gymnasium "Ľudovít Štúr" in Trenčín for the school year 1937-1938. Name abiturients (star awarded the adulthood exam with honors) VIII. And class. .... 10. Mikuláš Dohnányi, 11. Rudolf Feldek, 12. * Juraj Fuchs (future assistant professor Gizelle Ondrejkovičová in election campaign for the Democratic Party in 1946, later editor) page 50, III. And class ... 20. Ervín Kellermann, Trenčín. 32. Alexander Pelikan, Trencin. 34. Erich Pollak, Trencin. Robert Schlesinger, Trencin. 43. Frantisek Vesely, Zarnovica (Trencin) ...;
Source: Mrs Elenka Žuborová born Fraštacká the year 1998 ; Mária Ondrejkovičová born Turba ; Gold Book of Slovakia of the year 1928 ; ing. Marian Tkáč archive of NBS ; Lt. Colonel Aladár Ondrejkovič ; Iľja Paulíny-Tóth de Tőre et Tóthmegyer ; Juraj Fuchs in the year 1999 ; Slovak National Archives in Bratislava ; Embassy of the Switzerland in the Bratislava; Lady Gizelle Kerney born Ondrejkovičová ; Mrs Elizabeth Ondrejkovičová born Ličková ; Mrs Magda Suchánek born Ondrejkovičová ; Slovak Television STV 2 ; Satelite ; ing. Jiří Kloudy ; Mrs Sidónia Hutárová born Haššíková ; Smolnický ; Karol Kállay ; Aviation, third year 1938-39 ; Ljuba Frastacky 2021 ; Ataché of Swiss Konfederation in Bratislava Hans Keller ; Rev. Ladislav Kozak., Pastor, Saint Paul's Slovak Envagelical Church, Toronto) ;
; Fabry Family with Vlado in Switzerland..;