1st Automobile Battalion
Lieutenant cavalry in reserve Aladár Ondrejkovič was official involvement in the Corps car park in Bratislava and Trenčín. 1st Automobile Battalion was established in Nitra 01.10.1940. His superior command was Divisional Command 1st District. In 1941 he summoned senior officer of the Ministry of National Defense, Col. GS. Ján Krenčej *1895 officers of the automobile-army to Harmonia. Col. Krenčej instructed them: "Motor vehicles should be addressed to PAK (Trafic automotive column, its Kommander Lt. cavalry Aladár Ondrejkovič) cargo and passenger vehicles, motorcycles and tanks, you should of wagons because the German Reich trucks can no longer be dispatched . You have to order a new transport " of wagons technique and place it on the Eastern Front sent to the Banská Bystrica and Martin. This was repeated several times.
Among the other off-road vehicles of the PAK of 1st Automobile Battalion were Praga RV military trucks.
In the 1941 was still in wagons Then on railway transport and through the Medzilaborce, Sambor, Chyrow affiliated to the Rapid Division. Run from the Kiev to the Azov Sea. Subsequently, the Lt cavalry Aladár Ondrejkovič autoofficer 20th Infantry Regiment (Dobromil, Kiev, Rostov on Don, Mariupol, Tarnopol, Taganrog, Mius River, Azov Sea, Melitopol, Zhitomir) 1st vehicle battalion " Matúš ".
Military license number 113/44, 1st Automotive Battalion, Traffic motorcades PAK, which holds in the years 1944-45 he was a First lieutenant cars in reserve Aladár II. Ondrejkovič, residing Trenčín Štefánikova 33.
Automotive Battalion 1 SV Nitra, Traffic automobile column (PAK) Dobromil 14.12.1941. In the postcard Polish town Dobromil before the war.
IX. Miscellaneous:
1st 1st and second Division relies on the fact that on 9 7th 1941 from his motorcade passed the third series of ammunition and released the following column for transporting infantry battalions I / 3 I / 4 of Chyrow east. Order to receive.
2nd All army units sent their day courier and mail to the clutch command Ladislav. Couriers report as possible on the 17th day hours. Office of the auxiliary command 3rd Army. At the same time renamed " Fast Group " to " Fast Brigade "
X. Reaches:
1st and 2nd Division, quick brigade command. Air weapons, all department staff and its components, military units and headquarters in triplicate DHM translation.
For accuracy
Chief of Staff: Lt. col. GS. Tatarko
Army Commander
Gen. Čatloš s.h.
Little accident of a Praga RV military truck car column (PAK) from Lieutenant cavalry Aladár II Ondrejkovič on a joint move with a company of light tank Škoda Lt. 35.
The training of scholars at the Military Academy in Bratislava, which for the year 1936, Lieutenant cavalry reserve Aladár Ondrejkovič also graduated from ŠDZJ Pardubice. As a compulsory practice he was counted in the field in 1938 and 1939 and deployed at the front of 1939-1941-1942-1943.
First lieutenant reserve Aladar Ondrejkovič studied at the Military Academy in 1942-1943. In 1938 and 1939 he was assigned to service in the field. From 1941 to 1943, he was included in the East Front service, as opposed to a part of the academics who were not graduates of the Secondary School of Officers and who did not have the rank of officer. At the Military Academy he met the limits of physical fitness with an excellent result during a holiday from the Eastern Front and a subsequent short stay in the background.
Letter written by Mr. Ján Letovanec to National Committee in Bratislava on 8 apríl in the year 1968.
In March 1938 the agreement of the west leads to the Nazi annexation of Austria. Occupation of Austria is the first stage of the Nazis march to the east. Henlein and the German minority in Slovakia claim requirements, which involve mutilation of the Republic. In May 1938, however, shows a determination to the people. Several years mobilized army occupies northwestern border. if workers were given a working weapon. But the Czech and Slovak bourgeoisie wants nothing to do with this pathway. It focuses on dealing with Hitler. President Beneš passes Hácha office. There is increased. words. State. Hitler invaded Poland and then Sov. Union. Tiso, Tuka and Mach give words. soldiers in the war against the USSR. The mobilization I joined the korps in Trenčin car park (Corps). Then give us cars, and go make a column of railway transportation in Medzilaborce, where we crossed the border. Our motorcade PAK was blue-white-red flags. We have come to Sambor and Chyrow. People everywhere we very much welcomed and Soviet air force us not bombard. We have seen in the Czechoslovak soldiers, friends. Finally, our cars. privtelili PAK column for Rapid division, which we proceeded to the Azov Sea. Germans were with us all the way many worries, because the Ukrainian people, we are also friendly and kept us where we are there we can assist them and the Germans harm. Then came the Ukrainian autumn and then a hard winter. Most of our drivers have been reservists. Also Lt. Aladár Ondrejkovič, commander of our cars column PAK that went with us already in Trenčín and became in our automobile motorized battalion officer, also was a lieutenant in the midfield and tried to get us back home. But the commander of the Rapid division, which was Col. Josef Turanec RK 08/07/1942 and commander Regiment 20, which was Lt.Col. Ondrej Zverin, they shall not want to hear.
On September 16, 1941, the Polikarpov I-16 aircraft flew to the troop of the pontoon bridge on the Dneper River, commander of the special group First lieutenant Pioneer Július Orthofer.
Carriage of vehicles Praga RV of the Automotive column PAK commander lieutenant cavalery Aladár Ondrejkovič in 1941 across the river Dnieper under explosions damaged the plant DneproGes.
Colonel artillery Josef Turanec with his officers in the Sea of Azov in November, 1941. Officer downward to the water has folding camera Kodak Retina I type 148 (1939) on cine film. Right rear passenger car Skoda Superb 3000 Rapid OHV of Division Commander Col. artillery Josef Turanec.

Decades Slovak Rapid Brigade soldiers were able to obtain excellent Soviet semi-automatic rifle Tokarev SVT 40, which were searched for material captured Wehrmacht soldiers.
Fourth of the left Captain cars Vojtech Ábel (commander of First lieutenant cars Aladár Ondrejkovič and friend his family from the Piešťany) with officers Corps Automobile service of the Department of Defense and their wives on 03.05.1942 in Bradlo.
And so it was an unwritten regulation to make non-motorized vehicles. These cars were needed to pull away and a very difficult process and so it was decided that the irreparable may be sent to the struggle to repair. With every car consigned to repair could be sent as an escort driver. Here is a unique opportunity arose to get home. Trucks have become defective character of the character and unserviceable. Lieutenant cars. protocols and wrote almost every day he went home a transport. This was done with the understanding and confidential. But one day affair broke. A German truck Walter PN exactly checked and found that only a defective clutch. Transferred to him on the spot and repair the vehicle after its own axis with the driver came from regimental headquarters here and bring it to the Commission that sabotage was committed. At headquarters, the lieutenant had to attend to sign the protocol and described as non-repairable vehicle for removal to the background. Lieutenant immediately closed with him and were about to trial. Finally it was decided so that the lieutenant will judge military court in Bratislava, so it will be to escort the tribal unit to Trenčin, a team that passed him for the next sequel. Selected me as an escort. I had a lieutenant escort. Escorts him to the tribal unit in Trencin soldier Ján Letovanec. The journey was long and difficult. We Germans several times drove the train, they need a place for every wounded. Finally, we Communicating with the lieutenant, so that the patient predsierať (frost-bitten feet) and I will complain about eye disease. Under these circumstances, we still vylepili on a transport and when we met on the way home and Major Ján Golian and we already have three, and somehow we have to Trenčin dotrepali. On the way to us much help and Major Ján Golian, whom we acquainted with the affair of defective vehicles. Only then, when I Lt. col. Ján Golian saw the uprising as a commander, I realized the reasons why we wish that we come home. I am a lieutenant in Trenčín properly and gave me a few days to release the deposit. After the Liberation of the street I saw the Commander of Our Car. Column in a little different than any assignment to the front. Večerník sold on the street. Once I have his intercession. He has, however, does not want to know. Told me that he truly was not even on the front and when he also claims something that I have to be a provocateur. And so I was away from him. Since then I Leutn. newsman seen. But now I read a newspaper and learns that it is necessary to help people especially those who have proved to front as true patriots, as the word sabotage. as well as the German army. I decided to write about it to the National Committee in Bratislava, with in between their citizens, even if the lives of Our brave commander found and has committed crimes that he was pomožené. It's still a man of schooling and the damage it is having to make such a less decent work. Then finally state its full name because they remember it very well: Leutnant handed deployment Aladár Ondrejkovič. I think that is their patriotic duty and human. ♫ Эх, дороги
Road work ! Ján Letovanec
Military road truck Walter PN inherited from the Czechoslovak army on the road Ukraine between Kiev and the Azov Sea.
Military terrain truck Tatra T 29 was transported in the back light 100 mm howitzer Mk. 30 with service, or served as a vehicle workshop.
Port of Mariupol in 1942. Pictured right is a sunken Soviet freighter loaded with chocolate, leather and tin foil on the soles of the USA. Almost all cargo before the crew wiped wrecked ship spilled oil. Slovak soldiers and officers here in the summer with the likes shorted time and swam up to the ship. Lieutenant Aladár Ondrejkovič was a good swimmer and once floated on the wind turned. Waves rushed him to the open sea. Eight hours of fighting with the waves, until he managed to swim to shore.
Steel mills Azovstal Mariupol in the year 1942. In July 1942, after consultation with the commander of the regiment set up a Rapid Division commander General II. Class Josef Turanec automobile regiment, who had 8 columns of 20 trucks.
Colege of Rapid Division 11th Pioneer Batallion and after the year 1950 64th Pioneer Regiment in Sereď First lieutenant pion. Ľudovít Hrušovský. Ex-soviet tractor Caterpillar S 60 used by 2nd ingeneer company (2nd pionier company) of the Rapid Division is been moving through Don river ♫Тихий Дон in Rostov during Fall Blau ofensive at the end of July 1942.
Consfiscated Soviet wheeled agricultural tractors CHTZ-15/30 in service at Rapid division of the Slovak Army achieved success especially in the so-called rasputica. Tractors repaired and used by the drivers of the Slovak Rapid division (RD) in October 1941 aroud town Pologi (Southern Ukraine) were used for towing of the Slovak trucks in Russian " rasputica ".
Tatra T 57A and Škoda 6ST6-L of the PAK of Rapid Division.
Military vehicles Tatra T 27 truck column PAK in Ukraine the dam at the time the largest dam DneproGes (Dneprostroi).
Defects and disturbances on the unstable roads of Ukraine were many, but the Rapid Division troops could only admire how the drivers and car mechanics who valued their appointment in the PAK Commander Ondrejkovic were able to advise.
Tatra T 57A Cabrio passenger car with a driver will support the commander. By the PAK commander, a lieutenant of cavalry Aladár Ondrejkovič were the most personal vehicle for the conditions of the Eastern Front of Tatra T 57A convertible. Overhaul of air-cooled engine and the drivers managed to field conditions, the presence service PAK. Neither the Russian frosts threaten freezing water in the radiator. Starting the engine is occasionally assisted by heating the engine oil sump of an open fire. On the front of their folding canvas roof of passenger cars necessary because of the frequent threat to the Soviet Air Force crew. Shuttle traffic between Kiev and the Azov Sea in "rasputica" Tatrička best managed.
The Tatra T 57A of captain Aladár Ondrejkovič, also had a proven, air-cooled engine in the Rapid Division, very well-maintained with each side for maintenance and repair.
Before the decline of the majority of the Rapid Division in the North Caucasus to the Crimea at the end of February 1943 it was part of the vehicles passed on the orders of the Oberkommando des Heeres (Heeresgruppe A) Wehrmacht units and part of the command headquarters Rapid Division ignition.
Slovak officers on the hill over one of the Crimean harbors. They are viewing the terrain in the spring of 1943 after the part of the Fast Division from the North Caucasus has been removed through the Kerch Strait.
Livadia, the former palace of the Russian Tsar Nicholas at Yalta, who visited in the summer of 1943 Lieutenant cavalry Aladár Ondrejkovič reminded him of family social origin Sandor de Szlavnicza his father. He recalled a story and grandmother Pauline Turba genus Balazsovics that in 1813 receded over Veľké Bielice French soldiers after the defeat of Emperor Napoleon in Russia. Behind them followed through their Bielice pursuing Russian army of Tsar Alexander I. of the wounded, sick and starving French, Russians subsequently treated and fed the family mansion Anna Balazsovics, great grandmother of Maria Ondrejkovič born Turba. Explaining to eat a little misunderstood. Many of them dying when they had eaten. Disobedient, they did not wait for it to cool them and freshly baked bread alone it collected to the furnace.
Exterior of the palace in the Crimea in 1943, its owner was until 1918 prince Voroncov.
Boardwalkers of the Medium Bomber Aircraft Heinkel He 111 H-16 from the Slovak 41st bomber squadron from the Saki airport at the training shores on the Black Sea coast.
20 trucks Ford V3000s have been delivered to RD of Wehrmacht headquarters Krim in Simferopol to September 1943rd Here at the funeral of deputy chief of 13th squadron First lieutenant Slovak Air Force Ján Puškár.
OKH headquarters in the Crimea in Simferopol delivered in the summer of 1943 Rapid Division with summer gear and cork tropical helmets, canvas summer uniforms, shirts with short sleeves and short pants sand color.
One of the marble lions that guard the palace of Prince Mikhail Semionovič Vorontsov (Михаил Семёнович Воронцoв) Alupka in the Crimea. During his visit in the summer of 1943 he reminded the lieutenant cavalry Aladár Ondrejkovič Napoleonic wars in which they fought in the years 1805-1814 as allies Rittmeister of Hussars Johannes Ondrejkovits (a coat of arms lion holding in the paws Bible) and First lieutenant of Hussars Josephus Sandor de Slavnica with Russian hussar between leading the prince Vorontsov.
Russian Orthodox icon can have only one exchange may not be bought for money. This replaced the lieutenant cavalry Aladar Ondrejkovič with the Orthodox monks for rosary his mother Maria Turba. She gave it to him before his departure to the front. Hermit lived all alone in a forest in Rostov, where he wrote icons.
Bakhchisaray fountain (1823 Бахчисарайский фонтан) at the headquarters of the Crimean Khan admired by the soldiers in Bachčisaray 1st Automobile Battalion of the 1st Infantry Division in the 1943. In her poem wrote the poet, novelist and dramatist Alexander Pushkin. He processed in poem story of unfulfilled love Girej Khan, who left the memory of slain nice to build a fountain of tears.
Master of the Association of Front Theater Associations of University Students (FT SVŠ), military bandmaster and member of the army music First lieutenant Zdenko Mikula in front of the military truck from PAK Tatra T27 in Crimea. The command of the Rapid Division assigned in July and August 1943 a set of motor vehicles for transport to the Slovak military units for performances.
The band members of the SVS Front Theater receive first-time dry meals for a longer journey through PAK vehicles from HQ Rapid Division in Voinka to HQ 20th Infantry Regiment in Geničesk for performance.
Addition of then Lieutenant: Fast Division officers regularly turns and going to fumble, except Lieutenant cavalry Aladár Ondrejkovič for its specialization for which the refund was not. He requires replacement. His Infantry regiment commander Lt. colonel Ondrej Zverin (commander of a 20th Motorized Infantry Regiment) and division commander Colonel artillery Josef Turanec rejected it (commander told him Alino got cars, you have to stay here). Understood. Due to the protocol it signed orders dated September 12, 1943 Commander 1st Infantry Division (Fast Division) had relegated to Slovakia in the field of 10 unserviceable vehicles. It was a five motorcycles (Jawa 175, Jawa 250, Jawa 350, Ogar 350, 350 DKW), 3 motor cars (Skoda Popular, Tatra T 57, Praga AV) and 2 trucks (Tatra T 29, Walter PN).
Walter PN military trucks still in the production plant in Prague before being taken over by the army. Walter PN was later among the military vehicles left by Lt. Col. ride On September 13, 1943, Aladár Ondrejkovič was deported from the Crimea to the hinterland of Slovakia in accordance with a secret oral order from the Minister of Defense, General Ferdinand Čatloš.
Military passenger car Skoda Popular was among the vehicles mentioned in the protocol Lieutenant cavalry Aladár II Ondrejkovič of 12.09.1943.
VHA, f. RD, box. 96, No. 318-604, 20th Mot. infantry regiment, Com. 1st Infantry Division, Ref.: 100.34/Sec. 4.troop.1943, operational order 24, part II, ST. 24th sept. 1943, p.3.
Lieutenant cavalry Aladár II Ondrejkovič he has traveled before the Military Court in Bratislava. Acquittal issued by the Military Court of First lieutenant just. JUDr. Anton Rašla. Lieutenant cavalry Aladár II Ondrejkovič attended secret meetings at the cottage, which said Lt. colonel GS Ján Golian. Took from him a secret directive to focus on central Slovakia military equipment and supplies for the armed uprising of the beam with the German Reich.
Officers of the Romanian Royal Army, guests of the Slovak Ministry of National Defense at the Military Medical Center in the High Tatras in the year 1944.
Photo of First lieutenant automob. Aladár II Ondrejkovič in the area of military treatment facilities' Military Blockhouses "early in 1944. In particular, the deployment of the front was the sport of professional soldiers in the Slovak army required. In Piestany, in the High Tatras were military health care and recreation centers. In the Tatras to the settlement "Military blockhouses" They were treated with professional soldiers in the intervals between campaigns. High Tatras and the swimming pool Eva and hotel Eden remind children and later their wives for trips to Piešťany.
The image of professional soldiers in the swimming pool EVA. The High Tatras village they served "Military cabins" accommodation and "The Military Spa Institute". They are doliečovali professional soldiers in the intervals between campaigns. High Tatras and the hotel Eden with swimming pool Eva remind children and later their wives for trips to Piešťany.
Military off-road trucks Skoda 6ST6-L (6x4, load capacity 4 tons, Otto-engine, 6 cylinders containing 8.2 liters, 100) with the dreaded 88mm anti-aircraft gun Flak 37.
The Tatra Military Home in Tatranska Polianka near Novy Smokovec in 1944. It was designed for military gangs and their families. First lieutenant Aladar Ondrejkovič graduated from the queue for a compulsory reconditioning stay.
While serving at Park Corps automobile led to Tatra OA Mk. 30, tankette Mk. 33, light tanks LT-34, LT-35, LT-38, LT-40 and tank destroyer ST Marder II then lieutenant cav. Aladár Ondrejkovič II commander of PAK instructor courses for drivers Regiment attacking chariots in Martin.
Concert of the Slovak National Theater soloist 1941-1945 Boris Stepanovich Evtushenko in 1944 for the wounded and sick officers and soldiers at the 1st Military Hospital in Bratislava at the Red Bridge (Commander Mjr MUDr. Ladislav Dohnányi).
Soldiers and officers at the 1st Military Hospital at the Red Bridge in Bratislava at a concert Boris Evtushenko. First lieutenant Aladár Ondrejkovič, at the beginning of 1944, searched his sick and wounded in Vienna at the Wehrmacht military lazarets, and carried with his chauffeurs the ambulance vehicles of the 1st Automobile Battalion to the 1st Military Hospital in Bratislava.
Military sanitary vehicles in winter before 1945 with winter chains also in Bratislava in front of the former Military Hospital, until recently the 2nd gynecological-naïve clinic on Šulekova Street No 4.
1st Automobile Battalion was 30.08.1944 folded.
Dňom 12. apríla 1945 zriadilo MNO na Slovensku dve oblastné veliteľstvá. Pre východné Slovensko (OVVS) v Košiciach a pre západné Slovensko (OVZS) v Nitre. SNR vymenovala plk. Jána Černeka za veliteľa OVZS, bývalého veliteľa npor. aut. zál. Aladára Ondrejkoviča. Ich hlavnou úlohou bolo na oslobodenom území obnoviť vojenské správy, okresných doplňovacích veliteľstiev, riadiť a abezpečiť ďalší priebeh mobilizáccie, zriadiť výcvikové strediská pre nových príslušníkov 1. čs. armádneho zboru a posielať vycvičených nováčikov, ako aj mobilizovaných záložníkov k. náhradnému pluku v Martine atď.
First lieutenant of reserve Aladár II. Ondrejkovič enlisted on foot through the mountains on 12 April 1945 to the Czechoslovak Army Corps on the basis of mobilization to a refilling center in the barracks of the 1st Assault Chariot Regiment Turčiansky Svätý Martin. He was checked and sent to the Automotive Center in Nitra, where he held the position of Commander of the Park Company until 1.IX.1945.
In connection with the signing of an agreement to hand over 413km2 of the territory of Horná Orava and 170km2 of Horný Spiš to the Polish administration in May 1945, there was a great manifestation of dissatisfaction of the local population. They grew up in July 1945 until armed resistance against the Polish army in the occupation of some municipalities.
Former aide to Brigadier General Ján Golian, chairman of the admission committee to renewed Czechoslovak Army, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Commissioners SNR Lt. colonel infatry Milan Polák infantry, say in the adoption of First Lieutenant Aladár Ondrejkovič to restored Czechoslovak Army and also assessed using formula A-XIV Elizabeth Ondrejkovičová born Ličková NGOs fulfilled the conditions for the spouse of the officer profession. Former teacher Milan Polak was in 1936 Member of the Provincial Assembly, after 1945, the Commissioner of Health and SNR, co-founder and official of the Democratic Party.
Since the year 1945, the Captain tank Aladár Ondrejkovič orders OV Department of National Defence No 46 page 549 ECS 2143 Bratislava. Last on active service in the Czechoslovak People's Army Captain car services, chief car of the 64th Engineer Regiment in the Sereď, released in the reserve deposit for political reasons in the year 1953.
Notes: Captain Medical MD Josef Melnikov was appointed chief physician 1st Automotive Battalion in Nitra the 30.09.1940, reference number 163880 ; According to the author's personal photos tanks Lt 38 Slovak army in 1941 were marked with a cross similar to German, but without a white border ; Col. Bača ; Crew commander Major in Nitra., Major Ján Šmigovský ; Lt. col. GS. Alojz Ballay board member firm Tungsram, the holdings company, Bratislava ; Anton Turanec director of the People's Bank of Ružomberok ; chief director Ján Obuch the Union of peasant mutual cash in Bratislava ; Jozef Országh conductor of the Union of mutual peasant tills, Humenné ; Michera, UC. al. factory for gas, water, metal parts and fittings, Bratislava, Chairman Josef Černák and Administration Director centál church estates Bratislava, board members Gen. Augustin Malár, Col. Karol Pekník, Major vv Josef Meixner, Minister of Defence of the Slovak Republic after the SNP in August 1944 to April 1945 was a Captain reserve Stefan Haššík *25.11.1898 Dlhé Pole †24.07.1985 Lakewood, Cuyahoga, Ohio, USA, former MP, Saris-Zemplén and Nitra county, Slovak foundry and machine engineering, the holdings company, Refrain Board Chairman Dr. Ivan Pietor, member of the Board Board of Col. Ján Krenčej ; Jozef Turanec General I. classes in the Slovak Army and commander of the Slovak Army, General Friedrich Homola commander of VII.th Army Corps in Banská Bystrica ; Mjr General Staff Alojz Androvič military ataché Slovak embassy in Budapest and Berlin. Known (a relative of the family Ondrejkovič) by Slovak State refused to accept the pre-paid German Reich military aircraft Arado Me 109E and 96B, as the technical conditions of production and documentation were in accordance with the agreed conditions ; First lieutenant Aladár Ondrejkovič were also Col. J. Herchl (Corps car service) and Centurion Vojtech Ábel (Corps car service) *09.02.1911 Piešťany †01.04.1945 Mauthausen ; 64th Engineer Regiment in the Sereď, chieftain car Captain aut. Aladár II. Ondrejkovič ;
Sources: Military Archives Bratislava ; private archives of the author, General Anton Petrák the year 2001, Major General. Ing. Teodor Obuch 1994 ; Marián Tkáč archive NBS ; Olga Grellová genus. Slezáková ; VHA Trnava ; Army Comand, 1941, box. 1, sig. 12, No 2.010-Sec/3.div.1941, SV. 15. 8. 1941.
Grandson of Colonel Aladár Ondrejkovič is Michael Ondrejkovič. Between 1998 - 2005 was devoted judo. He was a member of the club Slavia STU Bratislava, which in the 2003/2004 season he became Champion of Slovakia in the first Slovak Judo Federation League.
By this way also thank friends, colleagues, Slovak Ministry of Defence and Embasy of Federal Republic Germany as demonstrated by the participation of survivors Lieutenant Colonel Aladár Ondrejkovič at his death.
♫ Марк Бернес Песенка фронтового шофёра ; Castle of Kežmarok in Slovakia ;