The most successful military intelligence service

of Europe in the years 1939-45 ?

Prešov is registered ! Source: newspaper "Slovak Voice" of 18 November 1938 p. 4. Evacuation of Košice broke connections with the Slovak East. New District Chief Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič took over the office. Today we are again in writing with the Slovak East. The first is the metropolis of the Slovak East - Prešov, which after the Vienna decision became the largest city in Slovakia after Bratislava. By evacuating Košice and southern Slovakia, Prešov became the East Slovak center, with only 10,000 inhabitants in just a few days. The Regional Office in Bratislava was transferred to Prešov by the Košice Police Directorate Dr. Koloman Bielický (former district chief in Nové Zámky) and his deputy Dr. Ladislav Števonka. The establishment of the police headquarters welcomed the population, because after Saris was spread very dangerous action suspicious individuals, whose activities are hindered. The District Financial Directorate and the High Court will also be established in Prešov.

Teodor Willmon was an agent. He worked for almost all regimes that were in our territory. Already in the 1930s he was in the service of an offensive group of military intelligence (with Capt. Pokorný) against Hungary, where he was arrested. When r. In 1938, the exchange of spies between Czechoslovakia and Hungary, was among the returnees T. Willmon.

Cpt. Bedřich Pokorný was an intelligence officer at the PAÚ (Pre-Movement Agency Headquarters) Michalovce. In 1938 he was assigned as head of PAÚ "Rudolf" in Košice with a focus on Hungary, and from December 1938 to March 1939 he worked at PAÚ Prešov under indirect control of the District Chief Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič.

Lt. colonel GS. Heliodor Píka, the military envoy for the Balkans, helped in Bucharest the demobilized soldiers and the Czech-Slovak refugee from the Protectorate. In 1940, after a fascist putsch in Romania and a brief arrest with his colleagues, he moved to Istanbul.  

Chief of the 2nd Department of Staff of the Slovak Field Army "Bernolák" (August 29, 1939 - September 24, 1939) Major infantry Alojz Androvič 1st October 1939 took up the function of military ataché in Budapest. In a short time he took advantage of the experience he gained during his tenure in the 2nd Department of the Headquarters Czechoslovak army in Prague (Group A Study and Planning, Hungarian Section). As a relative through the Ondrejkovič family with the Sandor de Szlavnicza family, he came to the attention of important families in Budapest through which he gained access to the highest political circles. He also took advantage of relations with General István Ujszászy in 1939-1942 Commander of the 2nd Department of the General Staff of the Hungarian Army, who still as a military attaché in Prague (16.06.1934-01.02.1939) received for secret cooperation a report which was just mjr. infantry Alojz Androvič. Lt. colonel GS. Heliodor Píka was from r. 1932 military ataché in Romania, a reliable ally against German and Hungarian pressure. In 1937 he returned to the NGO and participated in mediation assistance from Romania and Yugoslavia in case of aggression.

The Kingdom of Romania was the only ally determined to honor its contractual obligations to Czechoslovakia. Support Czechoslovak republic has demonstrated the widest layers of Romanian society, in particular the Agrarians (Carans) and the Leftist parties. Divisional General Vasile Atanasiu in September 1938 publicly declared that it is available to the Czechoslovak government.

On the commitments of the Kingdom of Romania towards Czechoslovakia, the director of his military secret service in 1924-1940, General Mihail Moruzov Informaţii al României (Siguranta), also took a clear position.

The first diplomatic representatives of the Romanian Kingdom in Slovakia became Constantin Dinu Hiott, traveled to Bratislava 17 September 1939 in the capacity of CHR ď affaires. On 19 september 1939 handed over credentials minister Foreign Affairs Dr. F. Ďurčanský (3).

Exile President of Czechoslovakia Dr. Edward Beneš sent Lt. colonel GS Heliodor Píka from London to Bucharest as a military envoy for the Balkans. 

The first envoy of the Slovak Republic to the Kingdom of Bulgaria was Dr. Ján Spišiak. He was an envoy to the Kingdom of Hungary, since November 1939 he was also entrusted with the leadership of the embassy in Sofia. Morning 9 Dec. 1939 Envoy and Minister Plenipotentiary Ján Spišiak received in Sofia Tsar Boris III. to whom he submitted credentials. He also received the Slovak military ataché mjr. infantry Alojz Androvič. 

Bulgarian Tsar Boris III and the Slovak military Attaché in Bulgaria, based in Budapest, Major infantry Alojz A. in 1940-1941. Tsar in an interview with Major Infantry, military Attaché of Slovakia, on the occasion of the celebration of  Saint George - Army Day, Sofia in 1940. Probably both knew about the mutual social relationships of their ancestors and about their distant relatives through the generations of Koháry and Sandor de Szlavnicza.

The German Empire had since 15 March 1939 concerns the service of officers of Czech nationality in the Slovak army took their exchange, it proposed to replace them with officers of German nationality. Stood up against the Ministry of National Defence, the state allowed only parity with the population of German nationality in Slovakia. The lack of qualified officers in the army of Slovaks were going to replace the Bulgarian officers.

Dňa 15. marca 1939 trojica moravských osobností - Jan Ryba, Jan Úprka a Josef Vávra napísali Adolfovi Hitlerovi list, v ktorom žiadali o pripojenie Moravského Slovácka ku Slovenskému štátu.
Dňa 4. mája 1939 zriadená nemecká vojenská komisia (NVK) na čele s generálom der Artillerie Franzom Barckhausenom. Jej úlohou bolo vyriešenie otázky výzbroje a výstroja bývalej čs. armády, slovenského zbrojného priemyslu, zlikvidovanie chemických zbraní (yperitu) vo vlastníctve slovenskej armády, rozsah a štatút zriadeného ochranného pásma a početného stavu slovenskej armády.

The United Kingdom recognized the Slovak Republic de facto on May 4, 1939. In Bratislava he served as British Consul Peter Pares. 

In February 1940 Major Infantery Alojz Androvič (*06.04.1897 Budapešť †? Bratislava) reported second department MND that used the type received from Dr. Arved Grebert, cultural ataché off Slovak embassy (since 1940 ataché press in Rome, from Berne in 1943 and since 1944 emigrant) and contacted ing. Ladislav Hecht, an official of the Bureau of the Unified Hungarian Party Count János Esterházy in Budapest. He offered him a confidential circle of Hungarian political elite. Major Androvič for contact with the contact persons second department probably ranks OAP AET Hungarian swimming club in Bratislava PTE L. Hecht assigned alias István Vilagossi. Served as a pretext his visit to the Secretariat of Hungary (Magyar Szlovenszkói Party) in Bratislava, where he was Dr. Fridrich Franz Leder., probably another contact person second Department MND.

In March 1940 he contacted a relative of the family Sandor A. Andreánszky, an employee of the Military Geographical Institute and offered him the documents on anti-aircraft defense of Budapest and the northern border with bands of free flights Hungarian pilots in armed conflict and border fortifications plans. The documents requested pengő the pengő 5000 In September 1940 military ataché Androvič summary report sent to Bratislava details of the new Budapest airport Ferihegyi, including the length of its runways, equipment and their functions, transport links, pp water connections to power sources and the like. The data are likely to be only part of the information made ​​available by A. Andreánszky. In September 1940 military ataché Androvič summary report sent to Bratislava details of the new Budapest airport Ferihegyi, including the length of its runways, equipment and their functions, transport links, connections to water pp power sources and the like. The data are likely to be only part of the information made ​​available by A. Andreánszky (a relative of the family by name Ondrejkovič by Sandor family and thus Androvič).

The contemporary painting, in addition to other relatives and families Sandor Ondrejkovič - prof. church history and canon law and Stefan Hýroš pastor, priest Alexander Pongrác, officer and editor William Paulíny, entrepreneur and banker Peter Makovicky, Vicecomes in Puchov a judge in Trenčin Alexander Androvič.   In 1864 he was appointed a judge of the Trencin Chairs Court the main minister in Púchov Alexander Androvich, founder of Matica Slovenska (a relative of Lt. Col. Aladár II. Ondrejkovič from both spouses of his honored parents). Source: magazine "Sokol" issue 21. In Skalica November 15, 1864. Volume III. 

Priateľ Okresného náčelníka Dr. Aladára I. Ondrejkoviča (Sandor de Szlavnicza) a jeho spoluštudent z PF v Budapešti Dr. Ivan Milec (jeho otec bol Ján Milecz de Tarnó, matka Oľga rod. Makovická) ako pracovník ministerstva zahraničných vecí v Prahe v diplomatických službách uplatňoval benešovskú koncepciu zahraničnej politiky. Nastúpil v marci 1939 do služieb slovenskej diplomacie a ponúkol svoje služby československému zahraničnému odboju. 

The main secret collaborator, agent of the 2nd section off Staff Czechoslowak Army General István Ujszászy, in the years 1939-1942 was Commander 2nd section off General Staff Hungarian army,  in the years 1943-1944 was Chief of the Hungarian secret police state.

Slovak military intelligence invasion of Poland, the Wehrmacht was maneuvered into a delicate situation.

Minister of Justice Dr. Gejza Fritz in Eastern Slovakia in Nizhny Sebes in 1939. Second from right, former Lieutenant Infantry Regiment 33 and 34 of Czechoslovak legions in Italy, the commander of the VI. Army Corps colonel. GS. Augustin Malár. First in the left Prešov District Chief Dr. Aladar Ondrejkovič, grandson of Trenčín county Judge Stephan Freiherr Sandor of Szlavnicza, organized in connection with the Munich agreement 30.09.1938 evacuation state authorities and the population of Kosice, parts of southern Slovakia and Ruthenia. As one of the officers identifying best Regional Office in Bratislava he was translated to Prešov in connection with these tasks from Zlate Moravce, where since 1925 he was subject to residence of the President of the Czechoslovak Republic T.G.Masaryk in Topoľčianky.

Since 1939 the father of the Chief Counselor of the Ministry of the Interior Dr. Viktor Pavella, District Notary Julius Pavella in Liptovsky Jan exhibited false documents to politically and racially persecuted citizens. Among other people in the Slovak cultural village is a well-known photographer Mrs. Irene Bluhova, friend from Ms. Marta Hladká genus Rais and countrywoman of Mrs. Julia Ličková genus Stiglitz.   

The village Podwilk withdrawal in 1922, Poland annexed in 1939 in Slovakia. In October 1939 Slovak Military intelligence service had received information that the withdrawal towns in Slovakia and Ruthenia from Galanta after Rachovo were placed 16,400 Polish soldiers - refugees from a total of 30,000 men. Many Slovak officers worked for the Czechoslovak spies in London. Deployment of Polish military refugees withdrawal area in Hungary were their attitudes maneuvered into opposing positions (allies). In this context, 10.02.1941 was Lt. Colonel Alojz Androvič recalled and appointed on 10.03.1941 to the post of military attaché in Berlin, which replaced the military ataché Lt. colonel GST. Štefan Tatarko. He took office in Berlin 12.03.1941. In the position of military staff in Budapest 10.02.1941 he was replaced by ambitious. Lt. colonel GST Štefan Jurech, later commander of cavalry lieutenant Aladár II. Ondrejkovič at a Rapid division in the years 1942-43.

Sarlota Stiglitz genus Buchler organized assistance to persecuted citizens in Trenčín. She sent large sums of money to Bratislava through her granddaughter Alžbeta Ličková, just a student of the Trade Academy, who illegally transported them and handed them over to another stranger every time.

Governor of the National Bank Imrich Karvaš reserved himself to decide on important positions in the state economy. Among other measures, he subordinated the Slovak production distilleries to the newly formed Cooperative of Economic Distilleries and in 1940 appointed a new District Chief in Bratislava, Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič as chairman of his board of directors. He was also appointed a member of the Board of Directors of Cementary Stupava with Col. GS. Karol Peknik. Alcohol was rationed and was also a 50% component of the BiBoLi fuel mix for military and civil motor vehicles and aircraft. It was also exported to Switzerland, which was of particular interest to the Governor of the National Bank.

Girlfriend and classmate Júlia Ličková born Stiglitz and Marty Hladká the Rais family, known to the Slovak Cultural Community, Mrs. Irena Blüh, according to her statement, worked for some time after 1940 in the town of Humenné under the false name Elena Fischerová in an important enterprise (equipped by Dr. Viktor Pavella) for defense of the state. Produced BiBoLi fuels for motor vehicles. Dr. Aladár I. Ondrejkovič with whom they recalled travel documents and met with her husband Imr Weiner-Kráľ of Povazska Bystrica, where he was the District Chief until the transfer in the same position to Zlaté Moravce. According to William Kamenický and landowner Reich of Sereď, even before 1940, his nephew knew the lieutenant cavalry Aladár II. Ondrejkovič. She graduated from the Piarist Grammar School in Trenčín, where she also studied Štefan I. Ondrejkovič, JUDr. Martin Mičura, Stefan II. Ondrejkovič, Dr. Aladár I. Ondrejkovič.

The State Security Center was established on January 1, 1940. 51/1936 Coll. from. and n. (About the Organization of Police Administration and Police Service) with the competence of the State Police Office, ie the administrative police office of the First Stool for the entire territory of the Slovak Republic, based in Bratislava. The SSC took over the agenda of the police intelligence and political departments and their staff.

Welcoming the first Envoy of the USSR in Slovak Republic at the railway station in Bratislava in February 1940's. Soviet Envoy Georgi Maximovič Pushkin took office in Bratislava in February 2nd, the 1940th.

Na začiatku roka 1940 prišla na Slovensko sovietska delegácia na čele s najvyšším sovietskym vládnym predstaviteľom pre vysoké školy Sergejom Kaftanovom. Zúčastnila sa na inaugurácii Vojtecha Tuku za rektora Slovenskej univerzity (predtým s názvom Komenského) v Bratislave. V programe mala návštevu neďalekých Vajnor. Kaftanov ostal nadšený, pretože na Slovensku našiel žičlivú atmosféru, záujem o Sovietsky zväz, čo sa ukázalo aj medzi pospolitým ľudom. Vajnorania Sovietov družne privítali, nazvali ich bratským národom.

London via Turkey. Major roads Czech and Slovak soldiers and officers in the years 1939-1940 to Czechoslovak foreign armies. On 17 ČSNV November 1939 France issued a mobilization order first December was published Decree on the contributions of Czechoslovak citizens, signed a decision by the French government. Towels. General mobilization to cover not only the expatriates who have settled in France, but also to those who lived in the countries under French administration. Most Czechoslovak citizens of France were the Slovaks, who arrived here to work. Therefore, after mobilization accounted for most teams in the Czechoslovak foreign army. Of the total number of officers were 6.47% of Slovak nationality.

Serves to illustrate that only a broader family Ondrejkovič enlisted in Czechoslovak foreign armies in France Sergeant Josef Ondrejkovič No. A - 4498 9 *born 22.02.1910 Horný Čepeň, district Hlohovec Rišňovce home jurisdiction, district. Hlohovec soldier Michal Ondrejkovič No. G - born 136 4. * 10.10.1914 Alekšince, district. Hlohovec home jurisdiction Rišňovce district. Hlohovec and soldier Ján Ondrejkovič No. G - born 135 9. * 18.09.1916 Alekšince, district. Hlohovec Rišňovce home jurisdiction, district. Hlohovec (7).   

Lieutenant artillery Anton Petrák in Czechoslovak Army in France, classmate Lieutenant cavalry Aladár II. Ondrejkovič at the Business Academy in Nitra. From the 1938 Lieutenant artillery born 14.04.1912 in Vienna, after the year 1989 Major General Anton Petrák. In the spring of 1940, it said goodbye Lieutenant cavalry Aladar II. Ondrejkovič in Square Hviezdoslav of Bratislava before his emigration through Hungary and Yugoslavia in the Czechoslovak Army in the West. In May 1940 he was arrested Legionnaires compatriot and commander of Lieutenant cavalry Aladár II Ondrejkovič Infantry Major Josef Martin Kristín head of labor services Ministry of defence (formerly commander of the 15th Division in Trenčín and commander in Trencin region 1st division region) and commander of military camps. Helped organize the transitions of Czech soldiers and officers through Slovakia to Hungary and Yugoslavia. He was sentenced to life in prison (1940 Ministry of National Defense - internal activity, decrees and orders, disciplinary and criminal continued military profesional, crime continued with the Corps Maj. Josef Kristín negotiations number from 135,703 to 135,786). 

Po vojenskej porážke francúzskej armády a 22. júna v Compiégne podpísanej kapitulácii v Paríži ležiacom v okupovanej časti Francúzska pracovala Slovenská repatriačná komisia.

V roku 1940 istý čas Teodor Willmon pracoval pre prešovskú odbočku ÚŠB, čoskoro však tamojší spravodajcovia prestali využívať jeho služby, pretože sa pod krytím konfidentstva pre OÚŠB dopúšťal kriminálnych deliktov.  

Na základe paktu Molotov-Ribbentrop, v ktorom sa Nemecko a ZSSR dohodli o rozdelení záujmových sfér, sa Moskva obrátila už 26. júna 1940 na Bukurešť so žiadosťou o odstúpenie Besarábie a Severnej Bukoviny. Rím a Berlín naliehali na splnenie požiadavky a rumunský kráľ Carol II. bez vyhliadky na pomoc zo strany svojho porazeného spojenca Francúzska a osamotene bojujúcej Veľkej Británie bol nútený Stalinovi ustúpiť. V nasledujúcich dňoch tieto oblasti obsadili sovietske vojská. V nasledujúcom terore zahynulo asi 90 tis. ľudí. Po niektorých "korekciách" hraníc anektované územia s cca 4 mln obyvateľov začlenili do Moldavskej ASSR. V rámci zmien hraníc Besarábia stratila prístup k moru – čiernomorské pobrežie a Dunaj pričlenili k Ukrajine, čím sa malo skomplikovať prípadné iredentistické hnutie a nároky Rumunska na vrátenie území.

Ambassador of the Romanian Kingdom Nicolae Lahovary an audience with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic Ferdinand Ďurčanský in Bratislava.

Po kapitulácii Francúzskej armády Druhou viedenskou arbitrážou 30. augusta 1940 Nemecko a Taliansko donútili Rumunské kráľovstvo vydať Maďarsku polovicu Transylvánie, ktorá sa odvtedy nazývala Severozápadná Transylvánia. V auguste 1940 bola rumunská vláda donútená súlasiť aj s talianskou požiadavkou vyhovieť územným požiadavkám Bulharska. 

Na príkaz maršála Iona Antonescu bol 5. septembra 1940 zatknutý šéf SSI generál Mihail Moruzov (2. oddelenie Hlavného štábu Ministerstva národnej obrany Československej republiky v exile aj 2. oddelenie HŠ MNO v Bratislave s ním vzájomne seperátne koordinovali svoju činnosť).

On 6 September 1940 he had forcibly King Carol II to abdicate in favor of Romanian then nineteen-year son, Mihai I of Romania in not only due to the Second Vienna Award because of which lost Romania Transylvania northern and southern Dobrogea, but also because of the ultimatum of the USSR on 26 June 1940 which have lost Romanian territory northern Bukovina and Bessarabia. The country was at that time the greatest impact Marshal Ion Antonescu continued in the government of Romania.      

Allied supporter of premium and economic relations with the Slovak Republic was King Michael I of Romania (Regele Mihai I al României) of his accession to the throne 6 September 1940. They were signed by, among others, agreement on mutual transport on the Danube and the cooperation Convention between the Romanian and Slovak aviation industry. 

Dňa 7. septembra 1940 na základe Zmluvy z Craiovy podpísanej na základe nátlaku Talianska Rumunské kráľovstvo odstúpilo Bulharsku územie zvané Quadrilateral (južná časť Dobrudže).

Dňa 27. sepembra 1940 bol podpísaný protokol o pristúpení Juhoslovanského kráľovstva k paktu troch mocností. Podpísali ho ríšsky minister zahraničných vecí Joachim von Ribentrop, taliansky minister zahraničných vecí gróf Galeazzo Ciano a japonský generálny veľvyslanec Hiroshi Oshima, na druhej strane, juhoslovanský predseda Rady ministrov, pán Dragiša Cvetković a juhoslovanský minister zahraničných vecí Alexander Cincar-Markovic. 

Jilava prison in which he was murdered November 26, 1940 (arrested on 5 September 1940 on the orders of Marshal Ion Antonescu) chief SSI Mihail Moruzov (2nd section of the Main Staff of the Czechoslovak army with him coordinated activities).

Minister národnej obrany Ferdinand Čatloš v októbri 1940 odoslal Adolfovi Hitlerovi memorandum, v ktorom požadoval odovzdanie Slovensku nasledovných miest: Hodonín, Kyjov, Strážnice, Veselí nad Moravou, Uherský Brod, Uherské Hradište, Otrokovice, Zlín, Hranice, Valašské Meziříčí, Vsetín, Bylnice a ich okolité územia. Odpoveď neobdržall. Išlo o vyše pol milióna obyvateľov slováckeho pôvodu.

In 1940, imports from Romania amounted to Slovakia value of 125,918,000 Ks, accounts for 4.4% of imports. Export to Romania amounted to 120,921,000 Ks e.g. 3.8% of Slovak exports (2)..

Slovak ambassador Dr. Ján Spišiak, his wife and Soviet ambassador to Hungary, Nikolai I. Sharonov (1939-1941). Soviet military ataché in Budapest was col. Ľaktev.  

Military attaché in Berlin infantry Lt. colonel Alojz Androvič date 19.03.1941 conducted a courtesy visit to the Finnish military attaché Lt. colonel GST. Horn.

Hotel Palace in Belgrade. Here to the occupation of the country under the cover of French diplomats was the branch of the 2nd Department of the Czechoslovak Army's Main Staff for the resistance of the most important cooperation of the local community of citizens of Yugoslavia of Czech and Slovak nationality. Her important member was editor of newspaper "Lidové noviny" Andrej Vrbacký, the son-in-law of the grandfather of the author aministrator teacher, Stefan Ondrejkovič, official of the Czechoslovak-Yugoslav League in Bratislava.

Predseda vlády kráľovstva Juhoslávia Dragiša Cvetkovič podpísal pristúpenie k tripartitnému paktu 25. marca 1941. O dva dni neskôr, 27. marca uskutočnila skupina dôstojníkov vedených veliteľom letectva generálom Dušanom Šimovičom vojenský prevrat a zatkla Dragiša Cvetkoviča a ďalších ministrov. 

Alžbeta Ličková neter a chovanica býv. npor. čs. Légií v Taliansku staviteľa Jozefa Čevelu príslušného do protektorátu Čechy a Morava o. i. funkcionára Československo-juhoslovanskej ligy v Trenčíne žila vo vile rodiny na Štefánikovej ul. č. 33. Od zrušenia vysokých škôl v protektoráte 17. novembra 1939 býval v ich domácnosti mladý knjaz Božko, syn kniežaťa kráľovstva Juhoslávia. Praxoval vo firme Tiberghien et fils. Obedoval s rodinou domácich. Alžbeta s ním, výborným športovcom hrávala vyrovnane tenis na kurtoch ich vily. Neuniklo to pozornosti mladých dôstojníkov vedľajších Štefánikových kasární (ako vysokí dôstojníci armády v. v. to autorovi o 50 rokov neskôr pripomenuli, npr. plk. Pavel Globan, poznal už ako študent pred r. 1938 aj rodinu Jána I. Ličku). Po obdržaní správy diplomatickou poštou asi štyri dni pred obsadením kráľovstva Juhoslávia 6. apríla 1941 sa rozlúčil s rodinou domácich a odcestoval cez Španielsko do Veľkej Británie.

As a military ataché in Berlin Lt. colonel of infantery Alojz Androvič 4 May 1941, the Eastern Railway Station (Keleti pályaudvar) in Budapest waited Slovak Ambassador (Dr. Ján Spišiak out memories of Budapest in 1939-44, when it asked the Lt. colonel Alojz Androvič to inform your companion passenger and military ataché USSR in Berlin Major General Vasily Tupikov Wehrmacht on the preparations for the upcoming attack against the Soviet Union. invitation of the Wehrmacht for foreign military attachés in Berlin. 


Lieutenant Colonel Alojz Androvič (close family Ondrejkovic) and General Vasiliy Tupikov traveled with a special wagon in a common coupe for a Greek battle tour with stop in Budapest. Address of the Military Office of the Slovak Republic, Berlin, W 62, Ahorn str. 4th was also the seat of a military deputy apartment. Tel .: 25 25 62 (4).   

Metaxas Line on the borders of the Kingdom of Greece with Bulgaria in May 1941st.  

Lt. colonel infantry Alojz Androvič (a close relative of the family Ondrejkovič) and General V. Tupikov in the special wagons traveled the Greek battlefield reconnaissance.

The first ambassador of the Slovak Republic in the Bulgarian Kingdom was Dr. Ján Spišiak. He was ambassador in the Kingdom of Hungary, from November 1939 he was entrusted with the leadership of the embassy in Sofia. In the morning on 9 Dec. 1939 Envoy and Plenipotentiary Minister Dr. Ján Spišiak adopted in Sofia, Tsar Boris III. who shall transmit credentials. Military attaché in Budapest and Sofia was Major. infatery Alojz Androvič, which was also adopted by the Bulgarian Tsar Boris III.

Slovak ambassador to Romania and Yugoslavia, Dr. Ivan Milecz (Josef Belay General Consulate in Belgrade after the dissolution of Yugoslavia, was previously Secretary legate words. Embassy in Moscow). Dr Ján Spišiak sought cooperation from the government in Bratislava, Slovak Dolnozemská solve problems on the basis of reciprocity (for exemple Foreign Desk Editor of Prague daily Lidove noviny in Belgrade and a high school teacher at Masaryk secondary school in Petrovac, Andrej Vrbacký and a high school teacher in Petrovac, Vojvodina Novi Sad Andrej Siracký) of the Hungarian minority in Slovakia.

Throughout the Slovak political elite were present Russophiles and slavfil tendencies (they were also reported relatives lieutenant cavalery Aladár II. Ondrejkovič, president of the Supreme Court JUDr. Mičura Martin and District Chief in Bratislava Dr. Aladár I. Ondrejkovič). Envoy Pushkin in 1941, was informed several times about the possibility of a German invasion. One talked about this with the last Slovak envoy in Moscow, Dr. Ján Simko.


The conspiratorial flats of the competing Slovak State Security Center were in Bratislava in a new luxury residential building on the bank of the Danube. Next to the military barracks of Milan Rastislav Štefánik, so it seemed like conspiratorial. Young Slovak officers, even older, did not respect the Residents of the State Security Center.

Activities of dr. Tibor Böhm culminated on 6 September 1941 with the establishment of the Party of Slovak National Unity (SSNJ), which he became chairman of. The Slovenská jednota magazine became the party's press organ. 

After the occupation of Yugoslavia in April 1941 Ambassador Dr. Ivan Milecz take diplomatic steps to release all Yugoslav troops Slovak nationality of prison camps to their homes. She coordinates their actions with the diplomatic services of the Romanian Kingdom. Catastrophic been reports regarding the lives of the civilian population in Vojvodina 1941-42. Report sparked huge public outrage and forced the Slovak government to require Budapest to investigate and punish the perpetrators (to be investigated when threatened reciprocity). The conviction of the responsible officers were 8 to 14 December 1943rd 

For reprisals was General Ferenc Feketehalmy-Czeydner Szeged corps commander sentenced to 15 years in prison. Four of the inmates fled to Germany and were admitted to the rank of SS. In helping them escape Archduke Albrecht.

Cavalry lieutenant, from spring First lieutenant Aladár II. Ondrejkovič, great-grandson of Trencin county Judge Stephan Freiherr Sandor of Szlavnicza and girlfriend his family Milena Mileczová born Slezakova at Štrbské Pleso in the High Tatras in 1942 prior to emigrating with her husband through Hungary, Romania, Yugoslavia and Istanbul to London.

An ostentatious alighting First lieutenant reserve in active service Aladár II. Ondrejkovič (during the breaks of his deployment in the field) in favor of Czechs and Jews in 1939-1945 in the uniform of the officer of the Slovak army aroused the resentment of the non-negligible part of Trenčín. There was no one in the city to talk about it. His commanders Major Jozef Martin Kristín (his wife was of Czech origin), General Anton Pulanich, Col. Augustin Malár, Lt. Col. Ján Černek, General Štefan Jurech, General Jozef Turanec (he stopped his career, but in the autumn of 1943 after the joint service at the RD resigned) Major Ján Smigovsky (his wife was from Prague), Col. Mikuláš Markus, Major. GS. Ján Golian (chairman of the NGO marriage commission, his wife Jarmila met Alžbeta Ličková, granddaughter of Sarlota Stiglitz born Buchler, who was a public secret in Trenčín that she was organizing assistance to racially persecuted citizens. Alžbeta Ličková, the fiancée of Lieutenant cavalry Aladár II. Ondrejkovič, a legally pure way of its origin, how to circumvent the MND regulation A-V-7 for the purpose of marriage), captain Alfonz Lošonský and colleagues shrugged at their complaints. Former. Commander Battalion Cs.Legion in Russia, Defense Minister General Ferdinand Catlos had an eminent interest only in good relations with the District Chief Dr. Aladár I. Ondrejkovič, who, as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Economic Distilleries Association, also managed all Slovak distilleries (indirectly also Herbária Trenčín, Slovlik Trenčín and Yeast Factory in Trenčín). Alcohol was rationed and was also a 50% component of the BiBoLi fuel mix for military and civil motor vehicles and aircraft. He also exported to Switzerland, which was of particular interest to the Governor of the National Bank. Dr. Imrich Karvaš reserved himself to decide on important positions in the state's economy. under the newly formed Cooperative of Economic Distilleries and in 1940 appointed a new District Chief in Bratislava, Dr. Aladár I. Ondrejkovič as Chairman of its Board of Trustees and appointed him as a member of the Board of Trustees of Cement Stupava together with Colonel Karol Peknik in 1939-1944. Chief of the Main Staff of the NGO and Prof or the High School of War, in field service at RD Commander of his nephew Lieutenant cavalry Res. Aladár II. Ondrejkovič (proof: written statement of the former head of the 2nd Department of the General Staff of General Anton Rašla). Are they really not informed about this MD SR and the Trenčín District court ?

Elementary school of president T. G. Masaryk in the village in Vojvodina (Sandor - today Janosik) founded by the author's family member in the year 1819 Filip Sandor de Szlavnicza. Since 1823, the village migrated to the Slovak Evangelical population of Nitra. His ancestor Adalbert de Sandor Szlavnicza II was about 100 years before vicecomes of the Nitra coutry. In the years 1941-45 for his Czechoslovak political orientation were subjected to persecution, dulling reciprocal measures in Slovakia Slovak government forced the democratically oriented social and evangelical circles.

Feast with lunch in 1941 with senior officials of the Hungarian Ministry of National Defense with the participation of Slovak military attaché and military attachés accredited in Budapest. Secretary of the Slovak Embassy in Budapest was Dr. Jozef Omilyak, whose wife Klara Cihová, daughter of the owner company Slovlik Trenčín actress was member in swimming sports clubs TTS Trenčín together with his best swimmer Gréta Ličková (member sports clubs OAP, her husband since 1945 JUDr. Fritz Lederer from 1946 Attaché of Hungary in Prague).

Slovak Military Attaché at Horthy. STK - Budapest. On February 5, 1941, Reich Administrator Horthy received a new military Attaché by the Slovak Embassy in Budapest, Colonel General Staff Chief Stefan Jurech. On this occasion, outgoing military attaché Lieutenant Colonel infantry Alojz Androvič made a visit to the farewell.

In the summer of 1941, started talks about the possibilities of closer cooperation Romania, Slovakia and Croatia. Should be manifested nadštard contacts in culture with the aim to promotion in a domestic environment. The initiative to create such power bloc came from the Romanian party and its main idea was anti-Hungarian focus. All three countries were concerned about the increase in Hungary of power in the region and its revisionist plans. Question three countries were interested in the revision of the Hungarian territorial gains from the years 1938-41 at their expense. In early 1942, in organizing expressed interest and Foreign Minister Tuka. Hungary protested against such cooperation with suggesting that it is a renewal of the spirit of the Little Entente. After the Germans indicated that they oppose such cooperation is Slovakia's activities in this direction decreased. 

Slovenská výstava vyvolala v Bukuresti v roku 1942 veľký záujem rumunskej verejnosti. 

The Croatian military delegation was accepted by the majority of the public in Slovakia. She was supposed to supply military material which, although the Slovak Army was in stock, but to supplement it in case of its release for Croatia, or in Slovakia, raw materials and semi-finished goods. The goods that he proposed to provide as a counterpart, Slovakia did not need and did not even meet the standard quality. The final word was the Minister General Ferdinand Čatloš, who selected the deliveries from Slovakia.

Croatian general during a state visit to Slovakia. On the other hand, the Slovaks found that NDH is not relevant partners. Despite Slovak objections to the excesses in Croatia continued cooperation. In the context of Slovak-Romanian-Croatian cooperation was May 13, 1942 in Bucharest organized meeting that , the participants agreed to draw up national bibliographies of significant works will organize mutual visits and mutually supportive. Despite economic aid until death NDH welfare of the Slovak minority was forced Slovak ambassador in Zagreb raise objections.

Defense Minister General Ferdinand Čatloš has appointed Colonel infantry Alojz Andrović for a Military Ataché at the Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Zagreb on May 24, 1943. He served as a military attaché in Budapest. Col. Alojz Androvič arrived in Zagreb on July 1, 1943 and already welcomed on July 3 with commander of Croatia Air Force general Vlado Kren, Slovak ambassador Jozef Cieker and other personalities at Zagreb-Borongaj airport Slovak Air Force Aviation delegation led by Lt. Col. GS. Ballay. Military Ataché Colonel Alojz Androvič informed Lt. Col. GS. A. Ballay of the deteriorating situation in Zagreb in connection with his progressive obstruction by partisans.

Most of the Romanian Kingdom exports to the Slovak Republic in the amount of 126,000,000 Sk represent strategic oil products.

Slovak customs and passport control on the Motor towing tank ship SPD Mojzes in 1942 at the port of Bratislava.

Dňa 25. marca 1942 Slovenská jednota presídlila z Nových Zámkov do Budapešti a zvýšila periodicitu na 2x týždenne. Od 24. mája 1942 začala SJ dokonca vychádzať ako denník vďaka materiálnej a finančnej podpore slovenskej vlády. 

They transported their three modern towing tank ship (SPD Mojzes, SPD Štúr, SPD Vajanský) cruisers Slovakia Dunajplavba acc. comp. (SDP) and the new tank boats Škoda built in the shipyard Skoda in Komárno. Slovak tankers handled in Romanian Giurgiu with a stop in the Bulgarian port of Russe in order to receive drinking water and buy food. In downstream navigation in the port of Drobeta Turnu Severin for motor vessels SDP acc. comp. embark Romanian Danubeways staff, part of which already before 1938 worked for the 2nd section of the Main Staff of the Czechoslovak Army. Since 1939, with the acquiescence of 2. department headquarters of the Romanian Royal Army cooperated with the 2nd Department Staff of the Slovak Army. In 1942, the Slovak Republic imported from Romania Kingdom 151 219 tons of mineral oil.

Officers of the Royal Roman Army in Slovakia, guests of the Slovak Army at the invitation of the Ministry of National Defense.

In Turkey, in August 1943 he appeared legation secretary Slovak embassy in Bucharest Herman Klačko upon arrival in Istanbul sought out Major. GS. J. Hájíček. H. Klačko went into political emigration from the consent of the Slovak ambassador in Bucharest Dr. Ivan Milecz. Maj. GS. J. Hájíček refused to send him to London and tried to H. Klačko returned to Bucharest, under the code name Arpad report and information to Istanbul. SOE resident in Istanbul was Lt. col. Alfred George de Chastelain. After that he turned to H. Klačko Čs. Consul Dr. M. Hanak and finally went to London where he worked with Dr. Vladimir Clementis of Czechoslovakia, the British Broadcasting radio.

Diplomat, ambassador Dr. Ivan Milec (Milecz de Tarnó) with his wife Milena were friends whole family Ondrejkovič. Dr. Milecz studied with District Governor Dr. Aladár I. Ondrejkovič the Faculty of Law in Budapest.

Slečná Alžbeta Ličková na Skalnatom Plese. Fotografoval ju jej snúbenec, dôstojník slovenskej armády po vystriedaní v polnej službe u Rýchlej divízie. 

The Military Home in the High Tatras in Tatranská Polianka, where First lieutenant Aladár Ondrejkovič joined the mandatory re-staying stay on the Eastern Front.

Fates secret radio EVA 45 goes back to 1943, when workers through companies DOVUS Slovak import and export company in Bratislava and KOTVA Export-Import Bratislava Dr. Julius Kirsteur and Dezider Bukovinský from Istanbul to Slovakia, along with other goods transported also three British radio and one stronger Soviet Union. Later transported to Slovakia two powerful station American and Czechoslovak production. To guide broadcaster EVA Russian picked First lieutenant connection Pavel Ondrejovič serg. Miroslav Zolvík.

Dr. Ivan Milecz friend and colleague from studies in Bratislava District Chief Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič whom he passed confidential information and the mediator contacts and exchange of information between the Slovak Republic (Dr. Imrich Karvaš NBS, Dr. Martin Mičura HLC SR, ing. Ján Országh MFA Rudolf Frastacky firm Cukorspol with direct contact to the head of OSS in Bern Allen Welsh Dulles and Cpt. Karel Sedlacek Simpson's chief center Cs. military intelligence intelligence in Bern) and residency Cs. Intelligence in Istanbul. In. 1943 emigrated to London.

Lt. Colonel of gen. staff František Urban in the year 1943-1944 with Slovak officers in the Smrekovica.

Today's lawyer could take the position that Dr. Ružena Martini-Brtková was a judge in Trenčín from 1939, and until September 1, 1944, she did not act against the Ondrejkovič, Ličko, Stiglitz families, and especially against Sarlota Stiglitz, née Buchler. It was impossible to hide in Trenčín that he was organizing help for racially persecuted citizens.

(The engagement relationship of granddaughter Sarlota Stiglitz, née Buchler, with First Lt. Cavalry in active service, Aladár II Ondrejkovič, led to her contact with the District Chief in Bratislava and the chairman of the board of directors of the Cooperative of Economic Distillers, Dr. Aladár I. Ondrejkovič (as chairman of the board of directors he was appointed by the governor of NB Dr. Imrich Karvaš in order to manage all Slovak production distilleries) with family and professional ties with the highest church, state and economic functionaries, already in coordination with Alexander Kornhauser (under the name Alex Kerney president of Thyssen Stahl of Canada, husband of Gizela Ondrejkovič, cousin of First Lieutenant Aladár II Ondrejkovič), who since 1939 worked illegally for the benefit of the resistance of Rudolf Fraštecký and Dr. Imrich Karvaš and moved freely between Switzerland, Slovakia and Hungary). 

Oberleutnant der Kavallerie Aladár von Ondrejkovits in Zivil nach der Rückkehr aus dem Felddienst in die Rapid Division Ende 1943 mit seiner Verlobten Fräulein Elizabeth Ličko bei der Hochzeit seiner Schwester Magdalena. Ihr Mann Ing. Karl Suchanek, Vertreter und Teilnehmer des Armee-Rennteam OAP im Bob, gewann unter anderem den Titel des Meisters der Republik im Zweisitzer-Bob. Oberleutnant der Kavallerie Aladár von Ondrejkovits war auch Sportmeister des Armee-Rennteam, allerdings im Militari-Pferderennen. Ehrengäste der Hochzeit waren auch hochrangige Offiziere des Verteidigungsministeriums in Bratislava.

Until September 1944, the Trenčín District Court, nor its judge Dr. Martini-Brtko could not act against the Stiglitz family. They knew that the uncle and Burmese father of the lieutenant, subsequently the First Lieutenant of the reserve Aladár II Ondrejkovič in the period 1939-1945 is the president of the Supreme Court of the SR JUDr. Martin Mičura (since September 1944, due to his health condition, he performed his duties in a limited way). He suspended the validity of anti-Jewish government regulations several times, for example in 1943, when Prime Minister Dr. Vojtech Tuka strove to extend them to Jewish legal entities as well. He and a relative from both sides of the marriage of the parents of First Lieutenant Aladár II. Ondrejkovič by His Eminence Archbishop ThDr. Karol Kmeťko (judge Dr. Ružena Brtoková and Ludovít Brtko were informed about these family relations from their joint studies with Aladár II Ondrejkovič at the gymnasium in Trenčín, at that time JUDr. Martin Mičura was the Minister for the Administration of Slovakia. Their other classmates also knew it, for example, future minister 1944-1945 Aladár Kočiš, Ladislav Gáťa, future minister 1950-1953 Stefan Rais, future director of the yeast factory in Trenčín Jozef Tiso, Renáta Tausová, Eva Baxová, Max Drucker, Anton Bútora, etc.) were initiators of the official church position from 22 April 1942 in the matter of Judaism and the pastoral letter of the Slovak Catholic bishops from March 8, 1943. Catholic priests read it in all churches in Slovakia during Holy Masses. His Eminence ThDr. Karol Kmeťko, a native of the village of Dolné Držkovce, was appointed archbishop ad personam on May 11, 1944 by Pope Pius XII. His position against racial legislation and the inhumanities committed in connection with the solution of the "Jewish question" in Slovakia weighed heavily in the appointment. 

V roku 1944 postavila vojenská správa neďaleko Železnej studienky v Bratislave v peknom údolí rekreačné stredisko pre frontových vojakov. Práce vykonával pracovný zbor NO.

In Romania he had the greatest impact Marshal Ion Antonescu, the government of the country. King Mihai I Romanian father since the abdication in September not met.

In 1944 Mihai I of Romania that had only minimum powers decided to join the Allied side and 23 August 1944 coup took place. Ion Antonescu was arrested and Romania switched to the Allied side.

In August 1944, the Kantor valley in Turiec group of P. Veličko and created a partisan brigade, which became part of the section of the army officer Lieutenant cavalry Geores Barazer de Lannurien which has registered a coup in Romania. From 23 to 24 August blocked the tunnels for the stretch reign, August 24 at the railroad tunnel Horna Štubňa - Handlová and the next day Horna Štubňa - Kremnica. At the same time August 24 fell sawmill in Turany. August 25 handed out in Martin Square guns. Activity is still rated doubtful partisans team in many ways we made it more difficult situation more than the maker of the uprising the Germans.

Wehrmacht responded occupation of Slovakia by 29 August 1944. Chief Military Headquarters SNR Lt.Colonel. GS. Ján Golian the same day issued orders to military performances army.

The daily "Slovenská jednota" in Budapest ceases to exist on October 1, 1944, because its representatives were unable to procure the rotary paper imported from Slovakia from Slavošovce, which was on the rebel territory.

Government Councilor Ladislav Števonka, b. 12.6.1893 in Medzihradné. Former Deputy Police Director in Prešov. Associate of Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič and Dr. Karol Reindl. At the time when arrested 32 members of the Presov Police Corps on December 3, 1944 to December 15, 1944 worked as deputy police director in Bratislava, where he was arrested by the Gestapo. He was transferred to the Sachsenhausen concentration camp. Before the liberation he was transferred to Bergen - Belzen. He fell ill and in May 1945 he got to the hospital. Here on June 27, 1945 at time at 3 pm. he died. He was promoted to government advisor in memoriam. 

Colonel JUDr. Vojtech Bossányi. By 1945 centurion of attacking chariots, head of the Eastern Army Staff of 2nd section in Prešov. Relative, colleague, friend, compatriot and classmate of Lt. Col.  Aladár II. Ondrejkovič of OA in Nitra. After 1948 he was imprisoned, then menial jobs sales manager at Mickiewiczova printed in Bratislava. He lived with his family in a neighboring house entrance Lt. Col. Aladár Ondrejkovič to Riazanska in Bratislava. Their sons were classmates at the primary school. Both his children emigrated to Canada.

Eugen Cristescu  *03.04.1895 com. Grozest, judetul Bacau,  †14.06.1950, Vacaresti, Commander of the Romanian Secret Service SSI (Serviciului Special de Informatii and Romaniei) in the period 12 November 1940-23. August 1944. From October 1944 he was imprisoned.

Po obsadení Maďarska nemeckými jednotkami 19. marca 1944 boli všetky pol. strany v Maďarsku zrušené, vďaka intervencii slovenskej vlády však SJ mohla aj naďalej vychádzať. V tomto období vznikajú spory vo vnútri redakcie, najmä medzi J. Kelemenom a E. Böhmom. Snaha Jozefa Kelemena odstrániť z čela strany Dr. Böhma nepriniesla výsledky. Kelemenovi sa napokon podarilo odstrá­niť jeho meno z hlavičky novín a za hlavného redaktora vymenovať Štefana Burana. Výkonnú prácu v redakcii robili najmä slovenskí vysokoškoláci v Budapešti. 

Na základe politickej a materiálnej podpory slovenskej vlády mohla vzniknúť v Maďarsku SSNJ, ktorá dosahovala politické ústupky u maď. vlády hlavne vydieraním maď. strany stupňovaním perzekúcie zo strany slovenských úradov proti maďarskej menšine na Slovensku (tzv. princíp reciprocity). Hoci mladí historici radi a veľa o tomto "princípe" hovoria, stále zostávajú dlžní odpoveď, prečo tento "princíp" uplatňovala iba jedna strana a prečo jeho uplatňovanie malo mať "citlivejśiu" percepciu na maďarskej strane.

At the beginning of April 1945, at the request of the President of the SNR Josef Lettrich appointed in the recombined Czechoslovak army into the function of the head of II. Department of the General Staff Lt. Colonel JUDr. Anton Rašla. Brigadier General František Moravec did not count on this position. 

Former Commander of First Lieutenant Res. Aladár Ondrejkovič mjr. GS. Jozef Martin Kristín April 1945 joined the military active service at the Western Command (OVZS) of the Czechoslovak army in Nitra.  

First lieutenant reserve Aladár II. Ondrejkovič enlisted on foot across the mountains on 12 April 1945 to the Czechoslovak Army Corps to OVVS to the refill center in the barracks of the 1st Regiment of the assault chariot Turčiansky Svätý Martin on the basis of mobilization. He was screened and sent to the OVZS to the Automobile Center in Nitra, where he served as 1.IX.1945 as commander of the park company. 

Since 1.IX.1945 was Cpt. tank Aladár II. Ondrejkovič Officer Tank Troops of 4th Military Area in Bratislava and adjutant of Lieutenant Colonel. tank. Ján Malár commander of the tank troops of 4th MA

After 1945, Agent V-101 Sergei (Valery S. Vilinskij) was set up against the Democratic Party and successfully against Mrs. Gizelle Ondrejkovic-Sandor (very successfully led the Democratic Party Election Team with her subordinate Juraj Fuchs) and her husband, Alexander Kerney, OBZ-MI for Slovakia. Agent V-101 Sergei and his supervisor Bedřich Pokorný were deconspirant before her father, Dr. Aladár I. Ondrejkovič. The intelligence officer Bedřich Pokorný indirectly subject him in Prešov in 1939.

After World War II, he sent Teodor Willmon, former confident of Captain Bedřich Pokorný from PAÚ Prešov to the District People's Court in Bratislava. SA BA, f. OĽS Bratislava, 221/1945.

Pobočník plk. tank. Jána Malára veliteľa tankového vojska VO 4 kpt. tank Aladár II. Ondrejkovič bol v roku 1946 s. na svadbe Elenky Fraštackej a kpt. Antona Žúbora v Piešťanoch.

Ing. Ludmila Jankovcová 25. novembra 1947 vymenila vo vláde Klementa Gottwalda ministra priemyslu, svokra št. kpt. jazd. Jaromíra Nechanského (priateľ a kolega pobočníka veliteľa tankoveho vojska VO 4 v Bratislave kpt. tank. Aladára Ondrejkoviča v ŠDZJ u Dragounského pluku 8 "Knížete Václava Svatého" v Pardubiciach) Bohumila Laušmana.

Dňa 30. augusta 1949 bol mjr. jazd. Jaromír Nechanský odoslaný na dovolenku a 4. septembra 1949 zatknutý a obvinený z vlastizrady, vyzvedačstva a spolčenia proti republike, za čo bol 14. júna 1950 odsúdený na trest smrti, straty hodnosti a vyznamenania. Odvolanie bolo vrchným súdom v Brne zamietnuté. Popravený bol v pankráckej väznici 16. júna 1950 spolu so študentom právnickej a prírodovedeckej fakulty Veleslavom Wahlom v ranných hodinách.

Vo vyšetrovacej väzbe vo Vojenskej väznici Hradec Králové bol kpt. aut. Aladár II. Ondrejkovič v roku 1950 v súvislosti s jeho neuposlúchnutím rozkazu pripraviť štábne cvičenie pluku podľa poľných predpisov Sovietskej armády. Prehlásil veliteľovi pluku, že plán cvičenia nepripravil a ani ním pripravený nebude, je dôstojník čs. armády.   

Kpt. aut. Aladár II. Ondrejkovič bol odsúdený Vojenským obvodovým súdom v Hradci Králové so započítaním väzby od r.1950 zaradením do pracovného tábora od 06.11.1950 do 23.03.1951, kde ho navštívil ho jeho švagor býv. attaché v Beograde, redator Andrej Vrbacký.

V rokoch 1950-1951 bol v tábore nútených prác Mírov internovaný bývalý veliteľ tankového vojska VO-4 plk. tank Ján Malár, jeden z priamych veliteľov kpt. tank. Aladára II. Ondrejkoviča. 

Povereník zdravotníctva Milan Polák zahynul za nevyjasnených okolností 2. augusta 1951 pri autonehode neďaleko Trenčína.

Jozef Martin Kristín bol od 06.06.1951 vo väzbe. Štátny súd v Bratislave ho 16. 9. 1952 odsúdil na štyri a pol roka väzenia so zaradením do  pracovného tábora. Z väzenia sa dostal na základe amnestie  prezidenta republiky Antonína Zápotockého zo 4. 5. 1953. Potom až do odchodu do dôchodku, v roku 1964, pracoval ako skladník Pozemných stavieb v Trenčíne. 

Andrej Vrbacký, founder of STK and ČTK news agencies in Bratislava, former attaché in Beograd and son-in-law of administrator-teacher Šefan Ondrejkovič is still the best known translator of Serbian-Croatian literature into Slovak.

In 1954 he was imprisoned commander of the 4th Military Area General Michal Širica, one of the commanders of Captain Aladár Ondrejkovič.                                                               

The author, as a 17-year-old, has been very well-oriented both professionally and privately in the Balkans, Hungary, Austria, Bundesrepublik Deutschland and the USSR. Until the violation of the Basic Military Service by train from the dolnodunian Romanian port of Galati in October 1966, he stayed in Czechoslovakia for a maximum of 3 months.   

The President of the Czechoslovak Republic, Antonín Novotný, rejected the placement of Soviet troops on the Western borders. In In 1967, the Czechoslovak military intelligence direct contacts with Deuxième Bureau de ľ État-major général. (Second Department of the General Staff - French Military Intelligence). The author obtained direct information about this during the Military basic service. In In 1967, the Czechoslovak Ministry of Foreign Affairs established contact with the president. candidate for the Republican Party, Richard Nixon, and invited him to secret unofficial talks on March 23, 1967 in Prague. Military intelligence service became interested in the person of the author, but did not dare to cross certain boundaries due to his family ties with the influential economic circles of Canada, with which President A. Novotný was interested in establishing relations. Military intelligence service Salamon arranged the transfer of the author from Military unit 4404 to Military unit 5100. In January 1968, L. I. Brezhnev and the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union A. Novotný were fed up. The first one was activated by Vasil Biľak, from January 1968 the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Slovakia.

A state visit by the President of the French Republic to Charles de Gaulle in May 1968 helped Romania also in the Czechoslovakia.

Few informed that the Warsaw Pact's invasion of the Warsaw Pact on August 21, 1968 to the Czechoslovak Republic was not a surprise and was one of the biggest failures of the French Fifth Republic and its President General Charles de Gaulle. During the performance of the Basic Military Service at the beginning of 1968, the author reached information on the secret actions of the Czechoslovak Generality under the command of the French Army, conducted separately without the knowledge of other NATO members and the Warsaw Pact. Signs of the previous contacts were recorded by the author in the autumn of 1967 in the 62nd autopilot of Ostrov nad Ohří. SDECE - Documentation Service Extérieure et de Contre-Espionnage. Général Eugène Guibaud?

On August 12, 1968 Nicolae Ceacescu, President of the RSR, and the President of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, Gen. Ludwig Svoboda, "The Treaty of Friendship, Economic Cooperation and Mutual Assistance," as a counter-reaction to the pressure of other Warsaw Pact states on the Czechoslovak Command.

Commander of the Eastern Military District of Trenčín General Samuel Kodaj and Chief of Political Administration of the VVO in Trenčín General Jozef Kováčik stood on the opposite side of the political spectrum as the author and his family Ondrejkovič, including her business branch in Toronto. They were interested in attitudes as directed by Soviet advisors. Both personally knew the author's mother, Alžbeta Ondrejkovičová born Ličková from the Office of the SZPB, but behind her back they were against the rehabilitation of her family. She was not allowed to tell her, because at that time of extensive growth, the state urgently needed her mediation to Canada for national economic reasons.    

Explanation: Rudolf Frastacky alias Dr. Robert Frey, son of the former Regional President Dr Slovakia. Josef Országh ing and brother in law Ján Országh Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador to Yugoslavia and Romania in 1943 Mgr. Ivan Milec, father Ján Milecz, mother: Olga genus. Makovická, sisters Pauline Margita-Tóth, Olga Kuzmányová, wife Milena b. Slezáková; Trapped school professors in Petrovac for example Andrej Siracký, but rather the Vrbacký Andrej (husband of Edith Ondrejkovič, sisters lieutenant. Aladár Ondrejkovič II) antihorty editors were anti-German and Slovak newspapers unity. Their exchange for imprisoned Hungarians in Slovakia Emanuel lobbied President Theodore Böhm SSNJ by the Slovak government with a positive result, arrested April 20, 1944 newspaper Slovak unity; Ambrózy Gyula, Head of Regent, a relative of the family Sandor, a government parliamentarian Earl Domonkos Festetich tent, related genus Sandor, Jeno Ghyczy, Foreign Minister Sandor related species; Loránt Hegedus, Minister of Economy, relative genus Sandor; Karóly Huszar, a former prime minister, a relative of the family Sandor, Jeno Karafiáth heads. Budapest mayor, deputy, Jozef Kelemen chef editor Slovak unity and Secretary SSNJ, Sandor Earl Khuen-Hedervary ambassador in Paris and MFA related genus Sandor, Dalibor Milos Krno-publicist and friend J. Spišiak Béla Lukács, Minister without Portfolio, member, relative genus Sandor, Tibor Pataky Secretary for minorities; Ján Siracká member Slovakian XIV. Vojvodina Brigade and the 51st member of staff JNA Division (1950-55 political prisoner in uranium mines Jáchymov, author and father visited him soon after his return from prison, he was in very poor health, poor, stooped, yet well-balanced) cousin and editor Andrej Vrbacký ataché of  Cs. embassy in Belgrade, brother of sister cpt. Aladár Ondrejkovič II , Count Albert Apponyi, policies related genus Sandor, Count István Csáky Minister of Foreign Affairs, relative genus Sandor; Ján Čajak teach ; Command of the State Security Sector VI. B - to 15 October 1951 Staff Captain Milan Moučka chief - Yugoslav spies, Wins. sabotage, the Zionists ; Backi Petrovac, editor SJ, László Ravasz, Calvinist bishop, privy counselor, a relative of the family Sandor, Count István Révay, member of the House of Lords, a relative of the family Sandor; Szentiványi Bishop Hung. gréckokatol., relative genus Sandor, Andor Szentmiklóssy Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, relative genus Sandor, Earl Bertalan Széchényi Chairman of the House of Lords, a relative of the family Sandor ;  Ataché of Swiss Confederation in Bratislava Hans Keller ;

Notes: Villages Rišňovce, Alekšince and Horný Čepeň were in the 19th century curial villages of Compossessorate Sandor de Szlavnicza, also Anna Ondrejkovičová genus Sandor de Szlavnicza (7) ;   

Source: Newspaper - Národné noviny Volume: 1933, Issue: 08.12.1933 ; Newspaper - Slovák, 16.09.1939, s.2 ; Newspaper - Slovák, 19.11.1941, s.4 (2) ;  retired General Anton Petrák ; Colonel tank Aladár Ondrejkovič ; retired General air. Theodor Obuch ; Lady Gizelle Kerney ; retired Colonel Pavol Globan ; retired Colonel artilery Pavol Gajdoš ; SNA SŠ MZV, No box 221 A. (3) ; VHÚ inventár No 219, box No 172 Confidential (4) ;



Updated: 13.09.2024