In Search of Lost Time
Aba Samuel REX, do roku 1041 Nitrianske knieža a palatín Uhorska do roku 1038. S rodom Aba je pokrvne príbuzná Anna Ondrejkovičová rod. Sandor de Szlavnicza, manželka Obvodného notára Štefana Ondrejkoviča. Podkostol v obci Feldebrő, kde je pochovaný kráľ Samuel Aba, príbeh Kaina a Ábela, detail fresky.
Okolo rokov 1005-1010 sa Aba stal náčelníkom chazarského kmeňa, zosobášil sa a prijal kresťanstvo. Jeho manželka Piroška bola dcéra veľkokniežaťa Gejzu, sestra prvého uhorského kráľa Štefana I. Založil dva kláštory, jeden sa zachoval, nachádza sa v obci Feldebrő neďaleko mesta Jáger. Za palatína ho vymenoval kráľ Štefan I. Po korunovácii Petra Orseolu synovca kráľa Štefana I. syna benátskeho dóžu stratil úrad, bolo to dôvodom ich nepriateľstva. Po víťazstvách nad Petrom sa v r. 1041 stal kráľom a prijal meno Samuel. Podnikol útoky do Korutánska a Východnej Marky. Nemecký kráľ Henrich III. podnikol v septembri 1042 odvetný útok s českým kniežaťom Břetislavom I. a obsadil územie Nitrianskeho kniežatstva kde ustanovil do čela správy Domoslava, syna Ladislava Lysého. Po odchode nemeckých a českých vojsk, ho uhorský kráľ Samuel vyhnal. V auguste 1043 viedol Henrich III. do Uhorska úspešnú výpravu. Jej výsledkom bolo, že Samuel Henrichovi III. odstúpil pás územia západne od riek Litava a Morava aj, že Henrich III. ho uznal za kráľa.
Vo februári 1044 sa kráľ Samuel dozvedel o sprisahaní velmožov a nechal ich popraviť. Časť unikla a požiadala o pomoc nemeckého kráľa Henricha III. Ten sa v júni 1044 do Uhorska vrátil s kniežaťom Břetislavom I. a Petrom Orseolom. Zaujali Šopron a Kapuvár a so Samuelom sa stretli v boji pri obci Ménfő. Časť jeho šľachty zmenila stranu a Samuel bol porazený. Na úteku ho zajali pri rieke Tisa. Konal sa uhorsko-nemecký súd, vyniesol verdikt a Samuela ihneď popravili.
Maria Felicitas Thurzo de Bethlenfalva (her parents were Alexius (Elek) II. Thurzó de Bethlenfalva and Borbála Zrínyi de Serin † after 1624 ; Szaniszló III Count Thurzo was born July 24, 1576 at Bojnice castle as son Elek II Thurzó and Borbála Zrínyi (1551-?). He had brothers, Miklós II (? - 1609), Kristóf III (1583-1614), Elek III (? -1597) and sisters, Magdolna, Maria Felicitas and Zsuzsanna (? - 1608).
An interesting portrait of Princess Pauline von Metternich Sandor von Szlavnicza with long curly hair in a theatrical costume with a deep neckline, a cape and a fur was created by Auguste Antoine Ernest Hebert in the 1865. Pauline Princess Metternich von Winneburg Count Sandor von Szlavnicz aristocracy are: Je ne suis pas jolie je suis pire (ľ m not pretty, ľ m worse) "(1859-1871)," Éclairs du passé (Flashes of the past) "(1859-1870)," Geschehenes, Gesehenes Erlebtes (I saw events that happened) "1920. In Trencin County, relatives of her father were also Caroline Pirott, Maria Marko, compossesor Josephus Mihalovics, catolic pastor Vilhelmus Szecsányi, nobilus Public Judge Josephus Schurmann, nobilus compossesor Carolus Vály.
Pauline Metternich Sandor said among the aristocracy in Vienna Rothschild family, as well as Sina. With the support of a financially strong layers organized a huge event for princess-dependent layers. The Rothschild family was subsequently given to a family relationship by marriage First lieutenant Aladár II Ondrejkovič with Miss Elizabeth Ličko, granddaughter of Charlotte Stiglitz born Buchler. Character of the novels Jules Verne reminds a Gyorgy Simon Sina. Pauline Metternich of Winneburg Sandor of Slavnicza had a relationship with the father of the family, ancestors and regions where it originated. In an effort to elevate the cultural and economic level focused a considerable amount of money as a banker, whose name was Gyorgy Simon Sina (received the title of baron in 1867 by the Hungarian government for business success) invested in spa Trenčianske Teplice. The greatest credit for their development had llésházy genus. He belonged by birth and by blood bound 251 years (and it was property, family ties and interests connected genus Sandor de Slavnica). Spa was one of the most important in Austria-Hungary. In 1836 they won the Viennese banker Georg Simon Sina (born 20.11.1782 Niš, one of the richest men in the Empire and in 1850 the largest competitor Rothschild family). Spa Trenčianske Teplice rebuilt, modernized and Princess Pauline Metternich Sandor changed to European spa. His son Simon Sinay was built hotel, expanded spa park, his daughter Iphigenia left in 1888 to port mirroring Sinay most valuable historical monument, architecturally mimics Hammam bath at that time fashionable Moorish Oriental style. There was Princess Pauline Metternich Sandor their cabin. Family Metternich-Sandor got into family relationships with the Rothschild family later marriage May 27, 1944 by family Ondrejkovič-Sandor-Ličko-Siglitz-Büchler.
Trenčianske Teplice Ondrejkovič branch of the family in the interwar period represented the store owner with colonial goods Ladislav Ondrejkovič, the youngest son of a District notary and Illustrissima Domina Anna Freiin Sandor de Szlavnicza. He was a known friend of the local Protestant families Trokan. The public sector wages in Hungary were established by municipal statutes. Introduced them in 1867 after the reform of public administration and the judiciary. In large municipalities, municipal and district notaries elected for life with the salary fixed by the county. Paid by the district municipality. Husband noble daughter of Stephan Sandor de Szlavnicza, District notary Stephanus Ondrejkovics had 350 gold per annum, the notary 223 gold, 80 gold mayor, the mayor who was also the treasurer had 120 gold, 180 gold district doctor, policeman 120 gold, 40 gold birth aistentin a night watchman had 35 gold. At that time, introduced a "diet" for a mission in the vicinity of another, for exemple under mayor and received one gold piece.
Kolinovics család. (Senkviczi.)
A XVI. század első felében (1550. előtt) Horvát országból Benicsy Miklós vezérlete alatt több család (mint Benics, Biszkupics, Czvitusics, Kovácsics, Kolovosics, Matkovics, Miletics, Paukovics, Primosics, Ondrejkovics, Oboltics, Sztoisics, Sztarsics stb.) költöztek ki Pozsony vármegyébe és ott Szeredi Gáspár által Senkviczen telepítettek meg *. Idővel e megszállott családokból többen nemességet nyertek, igy .....
Family crest of Ondrejkovič who has held Liptov-Mara Provost ThDr. Andreas Ondrejkovicz, contemporary French King Louis XIV and the Ottoman Sultan Mehmed IV. Both supported politically and Materials encourage evangelical part of the Hungarian nobility. Family Ondrejkovič but stood firm on the Catholic side. It evidenced by the attitude gvardian Leonard Ondrejkovič in Skalica in July-September 1683, in both Austria and Hungary inflection. From an interview on 19.01.2001 between the author and the Cardinal Korec showed that closely follow until today the fate of all family members Ondrejkovič.
The castle and manor Tematín gave ruler in 1638 in advance Joanes Jacob baron von Rottal and his siblings, who have a family relationship with the family Sandor de Szlavnicza oi through Catherine (Kata) baroness von Rottal, wife of Ferenc I. Sandor de Szlavnicza. Joanes von Rottal released part of the property Tematín István, Count Csáky and his wife Eve, countess Forgách. Suzane baroness von Rottal its share in the Lord chartered in 1653 to Gyorgy Freiherr Berényi of which were family relations oi over family Sandor de Szlavnicza, Szluha and Nyáry. In 1658 the owner of Tematín become genus Bercsényi, acquired the property in Brunovce. For Tematín was born in 1665 Miklós count Bercsényi †1725 captain of the Ferencz II. Prince Rákóczi. Miklós Bercsényi was family ties with Count Csaky also by his wife Christine countess Csáky.
In particular, the fourth stationary sarcophagus in the crypt of the Cathedral St. Elisabeth in Kosice are the remains Duke of Kurucz Miklós Bercsényi and his wife Krisztina Csáky. It is for the Hungarian written, Nicholas count Bercsényi of Székesi, died November 6, 1725 and his wife Krisztina countess Csáky of Keresztszegh, died in Rodosto April 25, 1723.
Le Roi Soleil. Sun King - Louis XIV of France and Sultan Mehmed IV were allies and supporters Kurucz. (01/02/1642 - 06/01/1693) Sultan of the Ottoman Empire from 1648 to 1687. In his yard he kurucz diplomat, ambassador Gaspar IV Sandor de Szlavnicza (previously served as captain of the Princely Court) in two periods. Subsequently, he worked on even more important post of ambassador to the French court of King Louis XIV who supported Kurucz politically, militarily and materially. István Count Csáky younger holder of Tematín, confiscated property for their participation in the uprising Imre Thököly in 1684 †1705th The document on the division of the estate Tematin 1687 are registered as users of the castle Gaspar IV Sandor de Szlavnicza and his wife Erzsébet Thököly. In 1704 since it received a financial contribution to his regiment Simon count Forgách. Amount contributed his brother vicecomes of the Nitra County Adalbert Sandor de Szlavnicza. Most of the castle and estate owned family Bercsényi, which began with the construction of the castle in Brunovce. Comes of Užhorod Miklós Bercsényi during the uprising of Ferenc II. Rákoczi gave fix Castle.
Ilona Zrínyi (* 1643, Ozalj, Croatia † 1703 Nicomedia, Ottoman Empire). In 1666 she married prince Ferenc I. Rákoczi. They had descendants: Gyorgy (died as a child), Juliana and the famous prince Ferenc II. Rákoczi (his pedigree extends along his father's line to Bohemia). After the death of her husband, she held control of Rákoczi with the property of Regec, Makovica and Mukachevo. In 1682, she became the leader of the anti-Habsburg uprising, Imre Thököly. She was actively involved in the uprising and the defense of the insurgent bastion at Makovica Castle in Zborov. She became famous for defending Mukachevo Castle, which she defended against imperial troops for three years.
In 1687, the correspondence of the relative of the Vicecomes of county Trenčín, Pál III Sandor de Szlavnicza, the provincial dignitary Gyorgy Radvanszky (both of the author's great-great-great-grandfathers) was revealed, with a relative of the Sandor de Szlavnicz family, countess Ilona Zrínyi, the wife of prince Imre Thököly. She defended the last fortress of the Mukachevo insurgents. Imperial General Antonio Caraffa declared the correspondence high treason and ordered the tycoon Gyorgy Radvanszký and his son János II to be brought to Prešov from Radvaň. The Prešov bloody slaughterhouse took place from February 16, 1687 to September 12, 1687 due to the atrocities of the Caraff Court. The executions took place: March 5 and 22, April 16, May 6 and 14, and September 12. 1687. The magnate Gyorgy Radvánszky perished in a fire on torturers during an interrogation on April 18, 1687. His brown-burnt body was barbarically desecrated with other bodies of convicts, quartered and hung with wheel hooks in Prešov at the city gates. Witnesses testified that the dogs snatched their blood from the execution site and smeared their entrails. Of the 25 defendants, 24 were executed, one - Jozsef Roth from Banská Bystrica redeemed himself for 10,000 tolars after torture. The executed people from Prešov were leading burghers: senators, ECAV guards, leaders of the anti-Habsburg resistance in the city. The Keszer family lost four members, András Keczer, son Gabriel and son-in-law Žigmund Zimmermann and Martin Sárossy. In addition, the executioner died: Gaspár Rauscher, Ferenc Baranyai, Gyorgy Flaischhacker, Gyorgy Schonleben, Fridrich and Daniel Weber. The other victims were Šimon Feldmayer, a native of Germany (he committed suicide with a pocket knife before the execution), Samuel Medveczký of Orava, Gyorgy Bezegh of Zvolen, Gabriel Palásthy of Krušovce (Nitra), Dávid Feja, judge de Košice, Samuel Lány or Kováč butcher, a certain Fazekaš from Rožňava, Andreas Székely - origin unknown, a certain Calvinist pastor, a postman and two servants.
After a long time in the village of Zwine, András Keczer, authors great-grandfather father Gyorgy Radvánszky de Radvány et Sajókaza, J. Bertók and G. Palásthy. There is no report of the last resting place of the other victims of the barbarian martyred. The owner of the mansion in Svinná was András Keczer's sister - Cláire, widow of Miklós Merse de Zwine. Without success she pleaded with Caraffa for the release of her brother's dead body. She intended to secretly hang him out of hooks by bribing the executioners and their understanding, and to bury him in Zvinian, at that time evangelical temple. Son of the martyred magnate Gyorgy Radvanszky János II. he also intended to bury the crushed body of his father suspended by iron hooks on wheels at the city gate. He met Claire Merse, a young man, confided in her intent and decided to carry it out together. whereas János Bertók and Gabriel Palásthy were simultaneously executed and quartered hangings, János II removed. Radvánszky's remains of the four bodies and placed them in Zvinna except his father's head. He carried her back to Radvaň wrapped in a towel with the iron tip on which she was impaled. It was stored in a family crypt.
In a document on the division of the Tematín estate from 1687, the Kuruc diplomat, Gaspár IV Sandor de Szlavnicza, was registered as the users of the castle and the Tematín estate Sandor de Szlavnicza and his wife Baroness Elizabeth Thököly de Késmárk. Gyorgy Radvanszký left in the manuscripts diaries from the Hungarian and County assemblies.
After betraying her secretary in favor of the imperial troops was 14 October 1688 Mukachevo castle conquered and demolished. Ilona Zrinyi was interned in the Ursuline Monastery in Vienna. After three years, her husband Emericus, Prince Thököly, exchanged her for a captured General Donat Heissler. She lived for 12 years with her husband in Turkish exile until her death. Her body remains were transported to Košice in 1906. She is buried with her son prince Ferenc II. Rákoczi in the crypt of St. Elizabeth's Cathedral.
The tomb of Kosice Cathedral of St. Elizabeth in early Gothic style leads seventeen steps and is in her four marble sarcophagi, which in the drawing Fridrich Schulek they made sculptors Anselm Andreetti and František Mikula. The remains of Francis II. Rákóczi, his mother, Helena Zrinski and son Joseph Rákóczi are in common sarcophagus. Prince lies in the coffin of cypress wood cushion filled terrain of his native Börse and the Great Saris, where he lived for some time. Hungarian inscription on the sarcophagus proclaims
the final resting Ferenc II. Rákóczi, Hungarian and Transylvanian prince, died in Rodosto April 8, 1735, his heroic mother Ilona Zrínyi, wife of Ferenc II Rákóczi and later Imre Thököly, died in Nikomédii February 18, 1703, and son Joseph Rákóczi, the Cernavoda died November 10, 1738 . the evil fate Nations blew them into exile. Images sarcophagi with the description published here which is due to Mr Peter Petrulák. Selflessly he sent for this purpose.
In the 1906 was transferred the remains of the Transylvanian prince Imre Thököly from Izmir in the Ottoman Empire until 1909 Kežmarok and stored in the mausoleum, extensions New Lutheran church. Between 1982-1990 the author mausoleum relative Anna Sandor de Szlavnicza, the mother of his grandfather Stefan II. Ondrejkovič visited several times. On that occasion, always reminded his family and friends in the District Chief of the Kežmarok Dr. Alex Lutšek, brother in law of General M. R. Štefánik.
Virtual view of the lock genus Thököly in Kežmarok, which in 1610 acquired for 13 000 Hungarian florins Stephen Thököly. Nearby is in the Spišská Belá palace Strážky where he lived painter Ladislav Mednyánszky. Ladislav was a blood relative of the author's great grandmother Anna Sandor de Szlavnicza with two double tent through the father's family after mother Maria Anna Szirmay.
Coat of arms family Rákoczi the sarcophagus in the crypt of the Cathedral of Saint Elizabeth in the Košice. Rákoczi full title of nobility in Latin was: Franciscus II. Dei Gratia Sacri Romani Imperia & Transylvaniae princeps Rakoczi. Particum Regni Hungariae Dominus & Siculorum Comes Regni Hungariae pro liberty Confoederatorum Statuum necnon Munkacsiensis & Makoviczensis Dux, Comes Perpetuus de Saros; Dominus in Patak, Tokaj, Regéczy, Ecsed, Somlyo, Lednicze, Szerencs, Onod.
Ferenc II. Prince Rákoczi died on April 8, 1735. His physical remains were transferred to his homeland in 1906, when his bones were rested in the sarcophagus of Kosice with the remains of his mother and son.
More famous than her deeds, great husbands
Years ago, Vojtech Wick wrote off his mother's white gravestone, which tells us the words that our companion Elizabeth Duchonova translated from Latin as follows:
"Resting here after the heroic performance of the woman of the soul, the glory of her age and his womanhood, the most noble lady Helena Zrinski, the last adornment of the Zrinski and Frangepan families, the wife of Prince Thököly and formerly Rakoczi, worthy of both, excellent among Croats, Transylvania, Hungarians and Sikul with its greatness and deeds, more famous all over the country than her husbands. With the power of the spirit, modest in happiness, triumphing over the waves of unhappiness, triumphing over death, she withdrew her heroic soul triumphant with the glorious fighting of the Lord on the Nicomedian flowering field by the Bay of Bythyn with Christian humility. In the year of salvation 1703 on February 18 at the age of 60. "
The first issue of the newspaper Mercurius Hungaricus issued by Count Antal Esterházy in 1705, the second of the same year in May, the August number Mercurius was released under the name Mercurius Veridicus ex Hungaria.
In 1799, after the death of his father, Count István Illesházy took over the position of county Trenčín and Liptov hereditary comes. In 1797 he served as a colonel in the troops of the county Trenčín and Liptov insurrection. He also called members of the Sandor de Szlavnicza and Ondrejkovič (6th Hussar Regiment, staff: Veľké Topolčany) families to join the hussar regiments. He was responsible for the development of the Trenčianske Teplice spa, he had four new buildings built. He opened the spa to the public and held cultural events in it. He was related, socially, professionally and confessionally with Trenčín County Judge Stephan Sandor de Szlavnicza.
István Ivánka and his esteemed wife Anna Zsittnyan, Bánovce nad Beberavou in the year 1845. The honored mother of the District Notary Stephanus Ondrejkovič was Antónia Zsittnyan.
Joannes Tóth † 1897 from the Diocese of Esztergom and Johanna (Janka) Nepomucena Sandor de Szlavnicza were married. The bride was given a considerable dowry by parents Michael Sandor de Szlavnicza and mother Anna Kubicza, also in the form of a composorate.
After 1849, Viliam Paulíny-Tóth worked in the civil service as a county clerk in Trenčín (1850). In November, he was already the vice-chief of the Osliansko-Rudnian district of the Nitra County. A year later he became the chief servant in the Trenčín County in Bytča (1851 - 1853). He received a decree from the chairman of the capital to Kečkemét (Hungary, 1853). Here he got engaged to Vilma Tóth, whose family soon died of cholera, except for his brother studying in Bratislava. Nevertheless, there was a wedding (1855) and the childless uncle of his wife Viliam Pauliny adopted. "He adopted him as a son and a nobleman of the Tóth of Töre and Tóthmegyer." He used the titles and name attached to his V. Pauliny until his death, leaving him with children. V. Tóthová was Hungarian, rich, did not need anything from her husband's income, loved the man, belonged to him by wealth, heart, mind and spirit. She learned Slovak because of children from whom the younger did not know another language.
The coat of arms of the great Mathias Ondrejkovics is located on his family tomb in the Catholic cemetery of town Banská Bystrica.
Hedviga Lederer born Mednyanszky 1850-1870, bloodline family members Sandor de Slavnicza and Ondrejkovič. In addition, the married daughters of Ján Ličko and Julie Ličková born Stiglitz became their relatives.
Statue of the Holy Family in the village Veľké Úľany, built it in the year 1871 Ondrejkovics János and Kovács Erzsébet.
Elena Ivanková, born Kutlíková, was born in Trnava in 1871. Her parents were the lawyer Vendelín Kutlík and Božena Kutlíková born Hodžová, the daughter of the parish priest of Liptov-Mikuláš, Michal Milan Hodža. Vendelín Kutlík was the secretary of János Francisci, the comes of Liptov, for a year. Milan Rastislav Štafánik visited their apartment in the patrician house on Panenská 17 in Bratislava with his brothers Pál and Ladislas, students a few steps away from the evenjelic lyceum. She was after her husband's lawyer JuDr. Milan Ivanka de Draskócz and Jordánföld are relatives of the Sandor de Szlavnicza and Ondrejkovič family.
The Upper-Hungarian Bank Tatra was founded in 1884 in Turčiansky Svätý Martin. Among its founding was, among other things, the capital, which he acquired by marriage Viliam Paulíny-Tóth with Vilma Tóth de Töre et Tóthmegyer.
Grand Master Baron Imre Ivanka de Draskócz et Jordánföld † 27 July 1896 Máriabesnyő, founder of the Hungarian Red Cross, the First Hungarian Danube Steamboat Company, the Hungarian Northwest Railway Company. In the sky of the military and public life of Hungary, he appeared as a fiery meteor in 1848 when he defeated the Croatian Bán and imperial general Josip Jelačič in the Battle of Pákozt on 29 September 1848. After Esthera Ivanka de Draskócz et Jordánföld he was a blood relative prominent member of the ECAC of Trencin County Judge István Sandor de Szlavnicza, father-in-law of the District Notary Stephan I. Ondrejkovič.
Snímka rodín Ondrejkovič, Mičura a Turba z r.1912. Rozvetvená notárska rodina Ondrejkovič - Sandor s príbuzenskými väzbami so všetkými významnými šľachtickými rodmi trenčianskej, turčianskej a nitrianskej župy. Pevné postavenie mala aj v cirkevných katolíckych a evanjelických kruhoch. Na snímke je aj Obvodný, neskôr Župný notár Rudolf Mičura s manželkou Annou Mičurovou rod. Ondrejkovič, známy donátor a národovec bytčiansky advokát Juraj Mičura (v r.1896 kandidoval do uhorského snemu za okres Bytča s programom Krajinskej katolíckej ľudovej strany. Za okres Púchov kandidoval Vincent Havlíček, za okres Žilina a Rajec Michal Juriš. Vo volebnom roku 1896 dňa 30. júla rečnil na zhromaždení v Novom Meste nad Váhom za účasti 8000 ľudí. Zúčastnili sa slúžny Rexa, MUDr. Makovický, Kohút, Čajda a ďalší - z denníka Ľudovíta Ríznera 1849-1913. Volebnú kampaň viedol Obvodný notár Stefan I. Ondrejkovič) a neskorší minister a prezident Najvyššieho súdu SR advokát JUDr. Martin Mičura je najvyšší stojaci. Prvý stojaci vľavo je študent PF v Budapešti, neskorší Okresný náčelník Aladár I. Ondrejkovič, v strede sedí Sp. Da Anna Ondrejkovičová rod. Sandor de Szlavnicza a jej manžel Obvodný notár Stefan I. Ondrejkovič (v trenčianskej župe najúspešnejší organizátor volieb do jej zastupiteľstva), vedľa učiteľka Mária Anna Turba (jej stará matka bola Anna Balazsovics rod. Závodszky z rodiny Georga Závodszky, tajomníka palatína Juraja Thurzo) a jej manžel Správca učiteľ Stefan II. Ondrejkovič s ich synčekmi Stephanom III. a Aladárom II. Na snímke je aj s manželkou Máriou rod. Ondrejkovič, nad sestrou aj notár Stefan Turba, neskorší riaditeľ pôšt na Slovensku a mešťanosta hlav. mesta Bratislava. Dolu sú chlapci Jozef Ondrejkovič a Ľudovít Ondrejkovič so svojou sestrou Lenkou. Obaja padli vo Veľkej vojne.
Gravestones of District notary Stephan Ondrejkovič and his mother in law milady Maria Sandor de Szlavnicza born Marko.
Ján II. Ličko Lutheran of the Augsburg Confession, a former Oberstabs Bootsmann of the k.u.k. Kriegsmarine, serves, among other armored cruiser SMS Kaiser Karl VI, the fast cruiser SMS Novara, SMS Prinz Eugen and flagship battleship SMS Viribus Unitis under Admiral M. H., the last commander k.u.k. fleet.
Teacher Elena Ivanková, born Kutlíková with her husband JuDr. Milan Ivanka de Draskócz and Jordánföld returned to Bratislava in 1915. During the First World War, lawyer JuDr. Milan Ivanka with MUDr. Vavro Šrobár, Milan Hodža and Emil Stodola. His wife Elenka was literally active after the age of 40. She has written dozens of short stories. She published them mainly in the National Newspapers published in Turčiansky Svätý Martin. In the years 1916 - 1918 she published more than a hundred works - among them several novels from the then Bratislava - from life during the First World War. Literary critic Štefan Krčméry also pointed out her work.
First class rider lieutenant cavalry Aladár I. Ondrejkovič from JPO-1, Mrs. Milena Mileczová and Miss Magdaléna Ondrejkovičová year 1939 Bratislava. Dr. Ivan Milecz was a relative of the Ondrejkovič family through the families Paulíny-Tóth and Thomka.
His father asked the author in 1973 to visit the cemeteries in Dolné Držkovce and Veľké Bielice even though he knew what his old mother Mária born Turba had told him about the events surrounding 1947 in connection with the old Lady Sopko born Balazsovics and Mr. Gustáv Kedrovich. The author, as a child, was hard to bear when he remembered about their old mother, but it was worse when the strangers remembered them erratically. He visited the cemeteries in 2002 until the death of father Lt. colonel Aladár II. Ondrejkovič. In Veľké Bielice, no one was introduced, but when a candle lighted on the cemetery, an older woman approached him, and the unmarried woman began talking about her participation in events for many years.
Major cavalry Pavel Štefánik, son of the most famous Slovak family, grandson of the Lutheran priest, was like a lieutenant cavalry Slovak Army not only the opponent in the military sport of lieutenant cavalry res. Aladár II. Ondrejkovič, but also his friend. Until the transfer of lieutenent cavalry res. Aladár II. Ondrejkovič to the automobile troops served both in the 1st equestrian section (JPO-1). As commander of the technical squadron from JPO-1 of Slovak Reinsurance Division was on the Eastern Front. He then fought in the 1st Czechoslovak Army Corps. He was wounded twice in Dukla fighting. He refused to join the Communist Party.
Jediné dieťa manželov Ivánka JUDr. Naďa Hradská-Ivánka unikla v roku 1947 do Severnej Ameriky. Tu spolupracovala s Rudolfom Fraštackým, brilantným podnikateľom Alexandrom Kerney a najmä s jeho manželkou skutkami skvelou Gizelle Ondrejkovič, príslušníkmi high society aj Kanade. Ozdoba stavov bývalého Uhorska, Lady Gizelle Kerney rod. Ondrejkovič podporovala vysokými finančnými obnosmi (aj zdroj: Josef Čermák: Dvojice slavných narozenin - 2012/03/09 9. 3. 2012 - Loni Slovenská televize v Bratislavě několikrát promítala film “Slováci v Kanadě”, který už byl vysílán i v Kanadě. Film natočili Markéta ...) katolícku, evenjelickú (Rev. Ladislav Kozak., Pastor, Toronto) a židovskú cirkev aj množstvo emigranov z bývalého Československa. Bola im oporou a nádejou aj vo veci nápomoci ich spoločenského uplatnenia až do navrátenia svojej duše Pánovi v roku 2015 v požehnanom veku 99 rokov.
Dňa 30. augusta bol mjr. jazd. Jaromír Nechanský (kolega a priateľ kpt. tank. Aladára Ondrejkoviča z Dragounského pluku 8 v Pardubiciach) odoslaný na dovolenku a 4. septembra 1949 zatknutý a obvinený z vlastizrady, vyzvedačstva a spolčenia proti republike, za čo bol 14. júna 1950 odsúdený na trest smrti, straty hodnosti a vyznamenania. Odvolanie bolo vrchným súdom v Brne zamietnuté. Popravený bol v pankráckej väznici 16. júna 1950 spolu so študentom právnickej a prírodovedeckej fakulty Veleslavom Wahlom v ranných hodinách.
Until his release from the army in 1953 in Action D - Officers of the Minister of National Defense Alexej Čepička was the commander of the garrison in the town of Jeseník. He was also persecuted with his family by the civil and political persecution until 1989 with a small break in 1968. Major Pavel Štefánik, son of a public notary in Spišská Nová Ves Dr. Ladislav Štefánik and nephew of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik inherited the aristocratic coat of arms of Prokopovic, who acquired it from Emperor Leopold II. District chief in Stropkov in 1939 and then in Kežmarok Dr. Alex Lučšek, husband of the sister of General M. R. Štefánik and Dr. Ladislav Štefánik was his uncle. Dr. Alex Lučšek in Stropkov came to frequent service with the District Chief in Prešov Dr. Aladár I. Ondrejkovič with whom he had identical social attitudes. The author would like to thank his father Dear Mrs. Tamara Dudášová daughter of Major Pavel Štefánik for his photographs.
Iron forged tip, which was impaled on a wooden column next to his quartered remains of the head of the great-grandgrandfather of the author of Zvolen chairman of the magnate Gyorgy Radvánszky de Radvany et Sajokaza. After the retort was exhibited at the city gate in Prešov. The tip with the head of the father brought back to Radvaň son János II. Radvánszky. He was guarded in the so-called. Rákoci's Hall in the family mansion in Radvan.
Notes: Johann Jacob von Rottal † 1622 and wife Maria Felicia Thurzo de Bethlenfalva † 1624; The family of Radvanszky de Radvány has also been connected by trade agreements with the families of Fugger and Thurzo since at least 1542 ; Anna Balazsovics born Závodszky ; Obežník slovenských biskupov (pastiersky list) zo dňa 8. marca 1943 podľa ústneho podania koncipoval jej rodák z obce Veľké Bielice ThDr. Pavel Beňuška, tajomník nitranského biskupa ThDr. Karola Kmeťka ;
Dániel Tóth 1828. évi január 28-tól 1849-ig Bars megyénél hívataloskodott, mint esküdt, szolgabiró, végre fő szbirói ranggal. 1849-ben volt honvéd százados és komáromi capitulans. Végre az oszt. Földváry nztségnek urod. felügyelője D.-Vecsén, hol most birtokán lakik. Első neje Draskóczi Milecz Rozália, a második bernátfalvi Földváry Cecilia. Az elsőtől gyermekei a táblázaton állanak. Ezek közűl Dezső volt honvéd Péterváradon, utóbb besorozott. Móricz szintén volt honvéd őrmester 14 éves korában, most ügyvéd Pesten.
Sources: Mária Turba ; Ján II. Ličko ; National Newspaper Volume: 1933 Issue: 12/08/1933 ; Peter Múčka Partizánske ; Peter Petrulák ; Rev. Ladislav Kozak., Pastor, Saint Paul's Slovak Envagelical Church, Toronto) ;