
Composesorate 30. júl 1838


16. May 2006 21:18 | S.

Unrelated educated observer from abroad, which has at least the second great-grandmother of the knee originating from the former territory of Hungary from the interest the developments in Slovakia, which relates to land of unknown owners. Possibility of claim for return of property pursuant to Section 2, paragraph 1, Law č.503/2003 expired 1 January 2005.

It is possible to apply the right to the land of unknown owners, but in that case, it is difficult to prove the very expensive by the succession. In the event that a compossessoratte it is even harder. 

After 1945, many property fell under the so-called genera Decrees of Beneš. This has happened many, that they fell assets, which in fact not holding, managed by a number, which he owned, but not been. The reason for confiscating it as belonging to a national minority, Hungarian or German. Standard practice in Slovakia was that entire generations of the immovable property, particularly the fields and forests in the case of Do not dead or providing the dowry but remain in the original of any shares. In 1945 it was authoritative, who is what nationality reported since 1918. For example cousin, managing the family assets (composesorat) and reported to the Hungarian fell entire compossessorat, including that part which belonged to his cousins who reported to the Slovak nationality. (Compossesor - joint) This could happen only because the Civil Code, in Bohemia and Moravia substantially differed from the Civil Code in force in Slovakia, and Subcarpathian Russians until the year 1950. In 1958, according to the law MfD Nro. 2/1958 Coll. canceled about 2,504 communities (compossesoratte and urbariate), which was active around 400th

View of the manor house, whose owner was Elefanty genus from which comes Lady Pirina Ondrejkovič genus. Elefanty. Her husband was prokurist of the company Thonett Tibor OndrejkovičHorné Lefantovce in Slovakia    

The manor house of the Sandor de Szlavnicza family in Malé Ostratice (Kissándori) is currently in a very bad condition. 

The castle interiors Sandor de Szlavnicza in the Small Ostratice (Kissándori) now. Thoma Sandor de Szlavnicza and his wife Esthera Ivanka resident in Malé Ostratice, their son Thomas Alexander had baptism 18.02.1816 in Horné Ozorovce, his baptismal parents was  Sigismundus Ottlík, Franciscus Sandor and Elisabetha Berzeviczy. Son Kolomanus Eugenius Seregrinus had bapism 25.07.1817 in Horné Ozorovce. Baptismal parents was Sigismundus Ottlík and Elisabetta Berzeviczy. Stephanus Emericus had *baptism in Malé Zlievce 16.11.1806, his brother Sigismundus Martinus if they are resident Tvrdomestice had *baptism in Horné Ozorovce 15.11.1810. His baptismal parents was Joanes Krus, cum Sp. Dna Conforte Elisabetha Berzseviczy and Sp. D. Sigismundus Ottlík.

Erb rodu Zrinski. Franciscus (Ferenc) I Thurzo, became his second wife of the year 1562 was daughter of Nikola IV Zrinski Šubič. 

Katarina Zrínyi *26.04.1548 Čakovec, Kroatia †26.04.1585 Bytča, from their marriage were born - Anna (1565), Georgius Thurzo (*02.09.1567 in the castle Lietava), Ferenc Thurzo (1570), Ursula (1570) and Catherine (1571). Ferenc I. Sandor de Szlavnicza his wife Catherine Baroness von Rottal †1638 (her parents Johann Jacob von Rottal and Mária Felicitas Thurzo de Bethlenfalva †1624).

The castle and estate Tematín put the ruler in 1638 in advance the main Moravian governor in the years 1648-1655 Joanes Baron von Rottal and his siblings, who were being related to family Sandor de Szlavnicza oi through the Catherine Baroness Rottal wife of Franciscus (Ferenc)  I. Sandor de Szlavnicza. Joanes von Rottal release part of the Tematín property István Count Csáky and his wife Eve Countess Forgách. Suzane Baroness Rottal its share chartered in 1653 Gyorgy Freiherr Berényi with which were family relations through family Sandor de Szlavnicza, Szluha and Nyáry. In 1658 the owners of Tematín became genus Bercsényi, acquired the property in Brunovce. On the Tematín was born in the year 1665 Miklós Bercsényi †1725 captain of Ferenc II. Prince Rákoczi. Miklós Bercsényi was family ties with Count Csáky also through his wife Krisztina Countess Csáky. István Count Csáky younger holder of Tematín, confiscated possessions for participating in the uprising of Imre Thököly in 1684 †1705. 

The document on the division of the estate Tematin 1687 are registered as users of the castle Gaspar IV Sandor de Szlavnicza (Kuruc ambassador at the court of the French King Louis XIV de Bourbon France) and his wife Elisabeth Thököly. In 1704 from him received a financial contribution to his regiment Simon Count Forgách. Amount contributed his brother vicecomes of the Nitra County Adalbert Sandor de Szlavnicza. Most of the castle and manor owned Bercsényi genus, which began with the construction of the castle in Brunovce. Miklós Bercsényi during the uprising of Ferenc II. Prince Rákoczi had to repair the castle. 

Zrínyi Ilona  *1643 Ozalj, Croatia 1703 †Nicomedia, Turkey. Mother of Ferenc II. Prince Rákoczi. In the 1666 was married to Ferenc I. Prince Rákoczi. She had three children with him: Gyorgy (died as a child), Juliana and known Ferenc II. Prince Rákoczi. After the death of her husband held out a message over Rákoczi property Regec, Makovica and Mukachevo. In the year 1682 married a Habsburg uprising leader Imre Prince Thököly and actively participated in the uprising and the rebel bastion of defense Makovica castle in Zborov. Famous defense of the castle of Mukachevo. Defended it against the imperial army three years. After the betrayal of the Secretary of the imperial army was outnumbered 14 October 1688 the castle was conquered and demolished. She was interned in Uršulín monastery in Vienna. After three years it Imre (Emeric) Prince Thököly exchange for captured General Donat Heissler. She lived 12 years with her husband in the Turkish exile until his death (1703). 

Her remains were moved in 1906 to the Košice. Buried with her son Ferenc II. Prince Rákoczi in the crypt of the Cathedral of St. Elizabeth.

Virtual view of buildings in the historic center of Trenčín. Left of the Sandor Palace is a hotel Tatra (Elizabeth), where they were in 1953 exposed the public pillory married Josef Čevela and Valeria Stiglitz. Even today, the older townspeople remember how you had them all participate in exhibitions confiscated things and things that were in the possession of a dead Charlote Stiglitz born Büchler (died in Auschwitz concentration camp at the end of 1944, and after 1945 others person falsified her identity for the purpose of material gain), mother of Mrs Valerie. The event was the cause for the following years of persecution author\'s parents (grandmother of the author Julia Ličko born Stiglitz was the daughter Charlotte Stiglitz born Buchler and sister of Mrs. Valérie Čevela born Stiglitz) States, including the Ministry of National Defense and Ministry of Interior until 1989. They joined and the CNC and DNC of the Trenčín and Bratislava. This persecution in 1954 caused the death of his grandfather, a teacher in the administrator v. v. Stephen II. Ondrejkovič despite the fact that he did not recognize Čevela spouses.Head of vicecomes Sandor of Szlavnicza in the center of the Trencin, now a museum. Original equipment in this museum is not, but can be seen here of comess, vicecomess portraits and nobility of Trencin County, all blood relatives of the genus Sandor de Szlavnicza.

Property in Lúka inherited Ferenc Sandor of Szlavnicza and his wife Barbara Motešický. Here you find 11 August 1750 the Lord was born István Sandor Szlavniczai, writer and bibliographer, one of the most important personalities of Hungary. Possessions in Luka managed his brother Karóly Sandor de Szlavnicza. According to the customs of the manor Tematín peasants worked on men\'s estates weekday with sledge St. Michael\'s. to St. John (from 29.9 to 22.6), or walking three days. Peasants worked through harvest two days and other time one day. Revenue for the municipal treasury was of wood, drove him from the manor mountains, part to sell. The inventory of subjects Grasslands dominated surnames - Lackech, Hedcech, Potočný, Hornych, Bajtoš later Gajdošech, Vranka, Selčan, Janech. According to the landowners in the village was 21 peasants and 18 peasants. Five abandoned homesteads Adalbert Sandor de Szlavnicza manage his grandson Carolus (Karóly) Sandor Szlavniczai. Terezian landowners not deprived subjects in Lúka charges and the robot, but prevent the arbitrary increase in the communal forest duties. Created the conditions for population increase. 1787 was in the Lúka 77 houses and 590 inhabitants. Center of Lúka was in the top end (in Vajnech crib). Corresponds to the location of the cemetery Kaplna. Began to build downwards around the creek. In the 19th century. the financial circumstances of the estate Tematín and Lúka changed. The cause was that the writer Stephanus (István) Sandor de Szlavnicza in 1815 died childless, and his brother Carolus (Karóly) had only two daughters. In 1827 the estate managed compossesorate Tematín: Anna Hunyady, widow of Paul Zerdahely, Joseph Motešický, Michael Sándor Szlavniczai and Mikolaus (Miklós) Sandor de Szlavnicza, Anna Vietorisz widow of Antal Sandor Szlavniczai devolving mansion and most of Lúka. Estate latter compossesorin took her daughter Janka, married Rafael Ghyczy (Ghiczi). Their daughter Agatha Ghyczy (Ghiczi) was married Mednyánszky Dionysus, son of 

the famous writer Mednyánszky Alajos. Medňanský managed mansion Lúka since the 60s of the 19th century. In 1848 ended with the abolition of serfdom dependency subjects. The process by which land users became its owners, was called segregation and Lúka took place in the 70s of the 19th century. Forests in the confines Lúka cadastral area of ​​168 acres (93 ha and 7) is divided by the manorial property and 1876 accrue Former Land Owners. Confirming the ownership of the land register. Created grundbook minutes (insert), which are today helpers in solving property relations. From grundbook Minutes no. 4 we learn that part of the castle in Luke got into property 1887 Emericus (Imre) baron Mednyánszky, son of Dionysus.          

To the crypt of the Cathedral of St. Elizabeth in Košice in gotic style leads seventeen stairs and found in it four marble sarcophagi, which in the drawing Frederick Schulek they made sculptors Anselm Andreetti and Francis Mikula. The remains of Ilona Zrínyi, her son Ferenc II. Rákóczi and her grandson Joseph Rákóczi are in common sarcophagus. Prince lies in a coffin of cypress wood to cushion filled with earth from his native Börse and the Great Saris, where he lived for some time. Hungarian inscription on the sarcophagus reads, the final resting Ferenc II. Rákóczi, Hungarian and Transylvanian Prince, died in Rodosto April 8, 1735, his heroic mother Ilona  Zrínyi, wife of Ferenc I. Rákóczi and later Imre (Emericus) Thököly, died in Nikomedia February 18, 1703 and son Joseph Rákóczi, died of the Cernavoda November 10, 1738. their evil fate of nations blew into exile. Images describing here is published thanks to Mr. Peter who is Petrulák. Selflessly sent him for this purpose. 

Count Antal Esterházy. His sarcophagus is right. With members of his family served later in the hussar regiment members of families Sandor de Szlavnicza also Ondrejkovits. Later, the office also met privately with the family Esterházy author\'s husband\'s aunt on his mother\'s side.

First issue of the newspaper Mercurius Hungaricus issued by Antal Count Esterházy in the 1705, the second of the same year in May, the August issue came out called Mercurius Veridicus ex Hungaria.

In 1755, an inventory of the nobility of Novohradská County was made. Erzébeth Ivánka, Pál Prónai, András Petyko, Adam Schlachta, Sarkóczy Matyás, Gyorgy and Adam were performed in Malé Zlievce. The personality of the second half of the 18th century was Pál Prónay, a promoter of the renewal and development of viticulture in Novohrad and Hont. In the localities of Predné vinice, Veľký Dol, Kéreš, Žian, vineyards and orchards were restored. Pál Prónay focused on the economies of mayors. In addition to labor and cash rents, the subjects paid an annuity in kind - tens of crops (wheat, rye, thin and oats). Pál Prónai and Boldižár Čemický (m. Alžbeta Hellembach) were landed. In 1770, work was carried out in the church, donated by Count Pál Prónay. In 1780 he published a handbook on viticulture and fruit growing in Budapest.

In 1799, after the death of his father, Count István Illesházy took over the function of the Comes of Trenčín and Liptov county. In 1797 he served as a colonel in the troops of the Trenčín and Liptov County insurrection, and summoned members of the Sandor de Szlavnicza and Ondrejkovič families to the hussar regiments. He was responsible for the development of the Trenčianske Teplice spa. He had four new buildings built in them. He made the spa accessible to the public and held cultural events there. He was related, social, professional and religious joined with Trenčín County Judge Stephanus Sandor de Szlavnicza until 30 July 1838. 

Scenic trip to the Waag rivers in Hungary. Author Aloys Freiherr Mednyánszky de Medne the year 1826.                      

The chapel of the Sandor de Szlavnicza family with a coat of arms at a cemetery in the village of Dolné Rišňovce (Alsó-Recsény), district of Nitra. It was set up by nobleman Zigmund Shandor to his wife Julia and daughter Johanne, who died on April 24, 1842 and April 8, 1842. The roof of the roof was a Sandor family coat of arms and short text in Hungarian.

Malé Ostratice (Kis-Sztrice, Kissándori), László Sandor Szlavniczai. Author sincerely thanks Dear Mr. Peter Múčka for pictures of tombstones in cemeteries Great Bielice and Small Ostratice  where they are buried District notary Stefan Ondrejkovič, Mária Sandor de Szlavnicza genus. Marko, László Sandor de Szlavnicza and

Károly Sandor de Szlavnicza, members of his family. 

Ferenc Sandor Szlavniczai wife Anna Vály (nobleman Carolus Vály compossesor and aristocrat Public judge Josephus Schurmann, witnesses the marriage of Enlightened nobleman Stephanus Sandor de Szlavnicza compossesor and Mária Markó in Alsó-Draskóc) daughter Amália Sandor *25.01.1813 Nitra †05.06.1844 Sztrice husband Sandor Ordódy *06.05.1808 Višňové (Felsővisnyó) †12.01.1851 Beladice (Bélád) children Ludmilla Ordódy *1837 †1905, Kornélia Ordódy *1838 † ?, Gizella Ordódy *1832 †31.06.1895 Nyitra, Alexandra Ordódy *1843 †? ; László Sandor *1814 † 30.08.1884 Kis-Strice ; Károly Sandor *1816 Dolný Kubín (Alsókubin) †05.11.1879 Malé Ostratice (Kissztrice) ; István Sandor  *? †20.12.1693 Sztrice ; Anna Sandor *? †1715 Sztrice ; Ferenc Sandor *1695  †15.11.1760 Sztrice ; László Sandor  *1814 †30.08.1884 Malé Ostratice (Kissándori, Kis-Strice) wife Ludmilla Ordódy *1837 †1905 ; Karóly Sandor *1816 Dolný Kubín (Alsókubin) †05.11.1879 Malé Ostratice (Kisssztrice) 1.wife Zsófia Ambrózy ; Arpád Sandor *1860 †16.11.1878 Szlavnicza parents Lajos Sandor and  Berta Mednyánszky ;  Lajos Sandor m. kir. huszárezds. *24.06.1892 Szlavnicza †? his parents István Sandor m. kir.. tart. honvédfhdgy. *1856 †21.05.1895 Wien, 25.05.1895 Szlavnicza and Valéria Kubinyi ; Zsigmond Sandor *1811 †17.02.1876 Tótgyörk wife Mária Beniczky *? †23.06.1882 Tótgyörk children Sandor Sandor *? †?, Gejza Sandor *? †?,  Sarolta Sandor Szlavniczai *02.06.1848 Galgagyörk (Tótgyörk) †22.01.1941 Kissándori, husband István Tahy *01.02.1843 Bölcske †14.10.1908 Galgagyörk ; Tamás Sandor and wife Eszter Ivanka  : Lázsló 1814 †1884 Kis Sztrice, Zsigmond 1811 †, István Sandor de Szlavnicza *1802? †24.04.1888 Dubnica temetés 26.04.1888 Alsó-Draskóc, his wives 1. A.S. 2. M. M. their children Eszter Sandor (wife of János Mednyánszky), Béla Sandor and Anna Sandor (wife of Stephanus O.) ; Kalmán *1817 Kissztrice †13.03.1886 Kissztrice, Kissándori ;

Pauline Princess Metternich Sandor von Winneburg Countess de Szlavnicza was related to the Transylvanian   Emerich (Imre) Prince Thököly oi also by Gaspar IV. Sandor de Szlavnicza and his wife Elizabeth Baroness Thököly.

Gravestones of District notary Dominus Stefan I. Ondrejkovič and his noble mother in law, Lady Maria Sandor de Szlavnicza genus Marko.

In the Military Strap in Horné Motešice (formerly belonging to the composer of the family Motesiczka, his blood-related relatives) Lieutenant cavalry Aladár Ondrejkovič also took over remonts after March 14, 1939 for his maternal 11th Dragons Regiment "King Charles II of Romania".

The crumbling abandoned stables of the former horse farm on the former property of the Sandor de Szlavnicza family in the village Slávnica, Ilava district, in the year 2003.                     .    

The author was forced to lodge a complaint against the cadastral ... for encroachment into the ownership of property etc. The body argues that the misconduct was erroneous software. By the time he worked in a job such as overwork, although as was taught in the art without foundation. Expert astonished at his breakneck link in that oddly worked. Problems occur when in our society (the recently sectarian) will introduce the for exemple Description operating system. Population has access to information literacy. Description The introduction finds himself on the margins of society, although it may have other rare ability. Civil servants will lock the computer and nothing they do not care. As an example, the author states that according to his findings was provided by the software in question .... at the Land Registry portal on the Internet revealed serious shortcomings in terms of a particular property. The hearing officer will ask a particular officer through the computer and also closes and ends for him. Although the bugs there, but it is the introduction of the entity in question in order to get rid of the direct responsibility of the incriminated person. Currently implementing an operational program description to be supplied by the company .... How do we avoid even more handling? Co-ownership and inheritance rights in particular (for exemple urbariate and compossesorate) real estate in Slovakia (Hungary) are complex.

I has the ownership of the property and succession law of the population to adapt to the operating system and arbitrary Description additionally ?          

The palace of the Hungarian family Sandor de Szlavnicza in Ostrihom has been waiting longer for reconstruction.

Notes: Mária Felicitas Thurzo de Bethlenfalva (daughter of Alexius (Elek) II. Thurzó de Bethlenfalva and Borbála Zrínyi de Serin aft †1624 ;  Stanislav III. count Thurzo born 24. 07.1576 in Bojnice castle. To have 3 brothers, Miklós II. (? - 1609), Krištof III. (1583-1614), Alexius III. (?-1597) ; László Sandor, director of yeoman composesoratte Kalameny in 1828 ; 

In 09.01.1952 died in Bratislava Elo Šándor, writer, civil lawyer by profession, inter alia, the legal director and archivist Orava compossesoratte ; Catharina  Fugger born Thurzó de Bethlenfalva *1488 Kraków †31.01.1535 Augsburg ; György III. Thurzó de Bethlenfalva *1467 †1521 &1497 Anna Fugger *1481 †1535 ; Georgius III. Thurzo son of Joannes III. Thurzo (*26.03.1437 Krakow †19.03.1508 Augsburg). 11/10/1497 married Anna Fugger (*1481 †1535), second wife Katharina Fugger ? In the year 1517 sa presťahoval in the Augsburg. To have 6 children ;

Sources: National Newspaper Volume: 1933 Issue: 12/08/1933 ; Mária Ondrejkovič born Turba ; Mr. Peter Múčka Partizánske ; Mr. Peter Petrulákšice-Dóm ; Magyar családtorténeti adattár ;




Updated: 28.10.2024