Ferdinand Coburg

Bulgarian Ex Tsar, Ferdinand I of Bulgaria arrived in Piešťany 27.10.1936. In the picture we see it as a wonderful old gentleman in Piešťany Alpina with your dog Dunčo, who is his only friend (slovak magazine New World 1936).
In the autumn of 1938, the Secretary General of the Swiss Chamber of Commerce (die Schweizer Handelskammer), Vienna, Dr. Joseph Jörger sent his secretary Hans Keller to Slovakia for import marketing because of the annexation of Austria. Vienna was her business and translation center for the countries of Eastern Europe and the Balkans.
At the same cabriolet Horch 951 (A) drive his Majesty the Bulgarian Czar father, Ferdinand I Coburg - Koháry *1861 †1948 which is located in Saint Anton and in the Predná Hora. They often use it for themselves and his Secretary Mr. František Gondor. Regular guests in the castle were descendants of aristocratic families from Slovakia, some politicians and businessmen, for exemple Director of the State Mint in Kremnica Mr. Ľudovít Gavora, (in connection with the upcoming performance of Slovak armed army of alliance ties with the Germans empire hid golden state treasure Slovak National Bank and 28 December 1944, it decided to transfer to another place), Mr. Director tech from Banská Štiavnica, also known as athletes for exemple
For example swimmer of TTS Trenčín and ŠAC Banská Štiavnica Miss Greta Ličková, mistress (pictured in Šoltesova No 10, Bratislava, spring of 1944, in the apartment of brother-in-law, Slovakian army officer) of multiple state and winner of many international swimming competitions. (She was employed in firm Apollo Bratislava, next in Banská Štiavnica and the Slovak bank regularly across in his travels to sporting events in the secret report illegal racist organizations and citizens\' religious persecution. Comes from the mother\'s family Stiglitz, who had long personal and business contacts with the family Koháry.
Family Stiglitz bought from the heirs of noble birth Koháry palatial house in the peaceful town square in Trencin near Piarist high school In 1929 it sold for 600 000 Kč to Baťa company participations of the seat in Batizovce. At present, this building has more co. One of them is likely COOP Jednota. Former land composesorat of genus Erdódy (included here are several other generus of Upper Nitra associated with gennus Koháry) are located in the vicinity of today\'s Štefánikova Street in Trenčín). Often the guests have also Magda Ondrejkovics-Sandor de Szlavnicza, sister of First. lieutenant Aladár Ondrejkovič-Sandor de. (Genus Sandor de Slavnicza had common interests with the generation family Koháry in the county Trenčín). In Bulgarian Tsar father met individuals who were politically oriented differently than the official line of state policy. His Excellency Governor of National Bank Dr. Imrich Karvaš and president of the Supreme Court and Vice-President of the Council of State Honor Dr. Martin Mičura in connection with the preparations for the military in remarks the year 1943 secretly kept in the famous Miss Greta Ličková, Ľudovít Gavora, director of the State Mint in Kremnica Slovak national treasure. In addition to other Slovak politicians and Dr. Martin Mičura contacted the diplomatic representatives of the then military allies over the purpose of coordinating the performance of Slovakia from alliance ties with the German empire. (Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary).
Bulgarian Ex Czar Ferdinand I of Bulgaria. In late May and June 1941 he visited in the Muráň sons Czar Boris III of Bulgaria and Prince Kyril of Bugaria. Accompanied by Minister Chadžiev. On 29 May met with gratulans senior management of the State. In June 1941 leaked report from the environment Slovak embassy in Berlin that the Czar Boris III of Bulgaria and Prince Kyril of Bulgaria negotiated by the Slovak Government, which he took on his throne in the Slovakia.
Secretary of Bulgarian Czar-father Mr. Frantisek Göndör, went with him to Germany in the year 1945. It is also available for private use car Horch 951 (A). He was a friend of Miss Magda Ondrejkovics-Sandor de Slavnicza.
The Bulgarian Government\'s decision to establish diplomatic relations with the Slovak Republic informed on 05.08.1939 Slovak Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria Consul General in Bratislava František Michera. On 10.01.1941 he took the office of the Bulgarian charge d\'affaires in Bratislava Dr. Konstantin Šišman. In June 1941 he swapped Stratiev Jordan, who was promoted to 05.08.1941 envoy. The first Slovak ambassador of the Slovak Republic in the Bulgarian Kingdom was Dr. Ján Spišiak. Was the Slovak ambassador in the Kingdom of Hungary, from November 1939 he was entrusted with the leadership of Slovak Embassy in Sofia. In the morning on 9 Dec. 1939 Dr. Ján Spišiak adopted in Sofia Tsar Boris III in person who uploaded credentials. Slovak military attaché in Budapest and Sofia (based permanently in Budapest) was a close relative of the family Ondrejkovič Corps Major Alojz Androvič, which was also adopted by the Bulgarian Tsar Boris III. Military Attaché Major infantry Alojz Androvič received in December 1940 for the development of Bulgarian-Slovak relationship is distinguished Minister of National Defence Bulgarian Kingdom. Similar honored received Minister Plenipotentiary and Envoy Dr. Ján Spišiak.
Germany had since 15 March 1939 concerns the service of officers of Czech nationality in the Slovak army took on the exchange, it proposed to replace them with officers of German nationality. It stood up against the Ministry of National Defence, allowed the parity status with a population of German nationality in Slovakia. Slovak Ministry of National Defence shortage of qualified officers in the army of Slovaks were going to replace the Bulgarian officers. This was the case with the government in the Sofia. Foreign trade between Bulgaria in 1941 reached 4 274 000 Slovak crowns (2) and the volume ninth place among its trading partners.
First lieutenant reserve Dr. rer. pol. Hans Keller was a frequent guest of František Göndör at Predná Hora and a hunter since he was taken to Austria by the Nazis without compensation in the 1938 Wachau hunting ground in spring.
Plenipotentiary of the Swiss Headquarters for Economic Development (SHS) in Bratislava Dr. Hans Keller received additional staff in the spring of 1940. The young Kunz came from Zurich, and Robert Boetschi arrived later, growing up in Poland and having contacts there. Since 1938, Hans Keller has frequently traveled both privately and privately to Eastern and Central Slovakia (including Carpathian Ruthenia), and in 1985 (Geschichte historisches Magasin Nr. 69, März-April 1985, pages 14-23) stated that the quantity of Swiss goods imported in 1939-1945 to the Slovak Republic has found its way into the militarily managed Poland.
On January 1941, Mr. Göndör approached the Minister for Transport and Public Works Július Stano, Bishop Buzalka and representatives of the Bulgarian colonies with a request for notice where they are flatter and compliment pass to his Majesty Ferdinand I Coburg to 80 birthday. Ex-Tsar Ferdinand I of Bulgaria was not allowed in Bulgaria and had no taste in Germany and stay here to celebrate his birthday.
Predná Hora snow has been obligated and in Saint Anton had completed the overhaul, which co-funded by the Slovak Republic. The grounds of the Mr. Göndör handled by the Slovak government for Ferdinand I Coburg-Koháry accommodation in the building of the forest headquarters in Banská Bystrica, February-April 1941st Slovaks prepare an unprecedented tribute to the former monarch. Morning 24/2/1941 the government dispatched a special train from Bratislava to Banská Bystrica. Accompanied by several ministers and military elite. The houses and church towers in Banska Bystrica was posted eightys. 26 held a religious service. Ferdinand also attended the glitzy celebration of boarding the pontificate of Pope Pius XII, which took place 12/03 1941 in Bratislava St. Martin cathedral. On the occasion of the 63rd samostatnosti anniversary of Bulgaria took place in Bratislava Reduta academic evening with the participation of Slovakia, Bulgaria, Bulgarian Academic Society of Rakovski and Portfolio choir. Present was the Slovak elite.
Magdaléna Ondrejkovics-Sandor de Szlavnicza. Family Sachsen-Coburg-Koháry had extensive family and property ties with important genera of Trenčín, which included the family Sandor de Szlavnicza.
Muráň Plateau, Mountain Front, hunting lodge of Bulgarian Tsar father Ferdinand I Coburg-Koháry.
Magdaléna Suchánek born Ondrejkovič the author\'s grandfather administrator teacher Stefan II Ondrejkovič (grandson of Trenčín county Judge Stephan Sandor de Szlavnicza) and author of relative obscurity.
St. Wenceslas crown.
Dr. Vojtech Tuka was not only Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic, as well as former tutor of Prince Boris III and Prince Kyril, the children of Tsar Ferdinand of Bulgaria. The photo shows Dr. Tuka forefront of vehicles Horch 951 Slovak government in Bratislava on the bridge after the return of the German Reich.
Tsar Boris III of Bulgaria and Slovak military attaché for Bulgaria based in Budapest Major infantry Alojz Androvič in 1940-1941. Probably both knew each other about social relations of their ancestors and other relatives of his distant familys through Koháry and Sandor.
His Majesty the Bulgarian Tsar Ferdinand I and his secretary Lieutenant in reserve František Göndör in 1941 in Banská Bystrica. The photo here published with the consent of Mr. Ing. Paul Gender.
When planning an attack on the USSR caused a delay of Wehrmacht military operations Marita in the Balkans started on 06.04.1941 against Greece and Yugoslavia. In Greece, an obstacle to German procedure mainly Metaxas Line was built on the northern border with Bulgaria. In May 1941 organized by the OKH for military staff in Berlin Greek battlefield reconnaissance and the Metaxas Line fortifications. To inspect the train they traveled together in a special wagon with a stop in Budapest Soviet military attaché Major-General Vasiliy Ivanovich Tupikov (Василий Иванович Тупиков) and Slovak military attaché Lt. Colonel infantry Alojz Androvič.
Tsar Boris III of Bulgaria on maneuvers in March 1941 with tanks Lt. 35 GI Bulgarian army as a tank Lek Skoda, S-35. They were purchased for the Armored Regiment of 1.Rapid division I.Corps of new production in the Skoda SpA in January 1941 has Telefunken radio station and new gun Skoda A 8.
Onset Audiencia Bulgarian ambassador in Bratislava Stratiev Jordan with President of the Slovak Republic on 05.08.1941.
In the photo from February 1943, left to the Minister of Justice Dr. Gejza Fritz, the Bulgarian Minister of Justice Dr. Konstantin Partov and the Bulgarian ambassador (poet and translator) in Bratislava Jordan Stratiev during a tour of fair Slovak army units.
Defense Minister General Ferdinand Čatloš has appointed Colonel infantry Alojz Andrović for a military ataché at the Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Zagreb on May 24, 1943. He served as a military attaché in Budapest. Col. Alojz Androvič arrived in Zagreb on July 1, 1943 and already welcomed on July 3 with V. Kren, Slovak ambassador Jozef Cieker and other personalities at Zagreb-Borongaj airport Slovak Air Force Aviation delegation led by Lt. Col. GS. Ballay. Military Ataché Colonel Alojz Androvič informed Lt. Col. GS. A. Ballay of the deteriorating situation in Zagreb in connection with his progressive obstruction by partisans.
"Oh, these Slovaks and Bulgarians" Hitler with suspicion by observing Prince regent Kyrill of the Bulgaria as shaking hands with his diplomat, von Ribbentrop occasion of the visit the prince in Germany 22 November 1943. On 5th September 1944 the Soviet Union declared war on Bulgaria after a coup in the Kingdom of Romania arrest of Marshal Antonescu on 23th August 1944, and the armed campaign by the Slovak army 29th August 1944 against the Germans. After Romania in August 1944 passed on the Allied side, she recalled regent Admiral Horthy Nazi ministers and appointed a new Hungarian government led by Gejza Lakatoš.
Slovak officers in Hungary. In connection with the deteriorating situation of the Axis troops on the Eastern Front, the antagonistic Allies of the German Empire were searching for mutual contacts, which was mediated by the Slovak military Attaché Colonel infantry Alojz Androvič.
Military recreational and reconditioning facility Smrekovica, which was sent by order of General Ferdinand Čatloš, Minister of Defense, to a compulsory 21-day vacation to recover after returning from the Eastern Front to all soldiers in 1943-1944.
Under sufficient snow conditions, soldiers spent ski training in military equipment with military instructors.
On 8th September 1944 has been declared a state of war with Germany, the Government of Bulgaria Konstantin Muraviev. Pictured Bulgarian Army 1st Corps units with command terrain vehicles Praga AV Czechoslovakian origin. On 17 October 1944, Admiral Horthy escorts Skorzeny under house arrest at Hirschberg Castle in Bavaria.
Police constable Dominik Ondrejkovič, born 16.11.1911 in Dobrá Voda district of Piešťany. He was a member of the Slovak Gendarmerie at the station in Banská Štiavnica. He died in service on March 6, 1945 during the bombing of the village Svätý Kríž nad Hron.
Notes: Familial and social relationships with the family Koháry be particularly of family Judge Trenčín County Stefan Sandor de Szlavnicza, great grandfather Magdalene Ondrejkovičová - Sucháneková ; In the early 20th century. Family Stiglitz bought from the family house on the present Koháry Peace Square ;
Source: Archív of family Odrejkovics-Sandor ; Mária Turba ; National newspapers - Volume: 1933, Issue: 08/12/1933 ; Dr. Ján Spišiak ; Slovák 06.08.1939 s.2 ; Slovák, 31.01.1942, s.5 ; District Archives in Trenčín ;