Gejza Victor Jacobus Turba

was born to a notary family in Bojnice, on 25 July of the year of Lord * 1882, died † 30. July 1960 in Prievidza. He worked at the District Court in Prievidza, Chief Justice Officer of the land-book department. Amateur has dealt with archeology, especially paleontology and prehistory. He deserved the archaeological research of the region. In 1924 he was

co-founder of the Horná Nitra Museum Association. He tried mainly Bojnice and Hradec, where he found many valuable items. Together with the provost  Medvedský * 1875 † 1937, he has timely identified the importance of the Provost Cave. In 1930, he published a series of articles in the magazine "Our Region", which highlighted the archaeological sites and finds in Upper Nitra and called for the preservation of old monuments. About 1937, he organized a rich collection of the Upper Nitra Museum in Prievidza, a frequent donor.

Chief Justice Officer Gejza Victor Jacobus Turba reserve officer K.u. K, was wounded, after captived in the I. World War in the Russia. Refused amputation his hand opposite, that to have gangrene. Be cured as without amputation. Came back of  captivity over China and Japan.  

From Russia, brought the habit of drinking white kerosene, as a medicine. His wife Otília Turba born Skladanyi, dead in the year †1940, iits burred in family crypt. originate Originated prabable from czech-moravian noble officers (confront seal ring of family Skladányi - coat of arm family Skladaný. Their marriage was without children. Among his relatives who worked for example in the Diocese of Nitra were:

Ladislaus de Nemethy castellanus de Baymoch in the year 1417. 

Trentschiner Ctts, from which Georgius Závodszky v. Závodje (born 1569), Secretary of Georgius and then Emerich Thurzó. Source: Siebmacher: Wappenbuch, (N.J. XII. 328. - Burgstaller, Coll. Insign.).

Since 1586 the Bojnice castle management remained on the youngest brother Alexei II. Thurzo (1550-1594); Stanislaus III. Count Thurzo was born on July 24, 1576 at Bojnice Castle as son of Alexei II. Thurzo and Barbara, born Zrínyi (1551-?). He had three brothers, Nicholas II. (? - 1609), Christopher III. (1583-1614), Alexei III. (? -1597) and three sisters, Magdalena, Maria Felicia and Zuzana (? - 1608) ; 

Hajduks of Stephan Bocskay in May 1605 under the command of Colonel Georgius Némethy crossed the Danube near Bratislava and began to sack Transdanubia, Austria and Moravia ;

Pavel Skládaný acquired the coat of arms of the emperor Rudolf II. 1581 and r. In 1583, together with his brother Daniel, he received his improvement on the tournament helmet and helmet crown (Folded - scribe of small plates of the Kingdom of Bohemia).

Gejza Turba came from his father from the so-called. new nobility (clerical). This family came to the then Central Europe probably during the reign of Rudolph II. from the department of Biggorre-Turba in France, the southern part of the Pirenees (Gascon?).

The Bytča Court in 1611 consisted of a twenty-four-member corps: Teodoz Sirmiensis of Soul\'s adjudicator of the Royal Judicial Board, Joannes Dávid Vicecomes of the County Orava, Casparus Ördödy Vicecomes of County Trenčín, Rafael Kvassay, Benedictus Kozak, Georgius Lehotszky, Joabes Zatursky, Gabriel Hlinicky, Comrades Sedria - Nicolaus Pruzinsky, Stephanus Marsovszky, Georgius Zaluzsky, Joannes Hlinicky, Michael Hlinicky, Apollo Militius, Joannes Draskovsky, Mikulas Marsovszky, Stephanus Akai, Joannes Medvecky, dominated by: Prosecutor and Palatine Secretary Georgius Zavodszky, Daniel Eordeogh, castelán at the chateau Bytča Casparus Bajáky and a provisional estate of Bytča Casparus Kardoš.

On 21 June 1621 he was beheaded. in the Old Town Square in Prague Rector of Charles University Ján Jessenius * 1566 from Turčiansky Jassenii (Johannis Jessenii and Jessen), from a family related to the Sandor de Szlavnicza family.                                   

D. Michal Balažovič was ordained a priest on April 5, 1680. Already on 15th May 1680 he was appointed a parish priest in Dolní Rykynčice, the Church of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary. At the same time, he was appointed to the hospital existing in the Hontian County on 14 December. In Senohrad remained until. 1685th

František Xaverius Turba - royal council of the Czech Chamber and around 1700 the Maltese Order Chancellor (virtual tour of Maltse Square), owner of Turbová. The Japanese Embassy is now in its Black Griffin Palace in Prague\'s Lesser Town. The family had a palace with vineyards in the village of Turbovice next to the Lobkowitz family near Mělník. František Xaver Turba had personal and professional relations to the Lobkovitz family.

Freiherr Jan Jindřich Turba was a rector of Charles-Ferdinand University in 1696, 1697 and 1701. In April 1729 he bought the Skuhrov and vineyards, which belonged to him Knight Jan František Turba. Jan Václav Turba was the governor of the Loket region until his death in 1771.

Schematismus der Kais. Konigl. Armee Military Almanac No XVI  Grz. – (Banat.)  I.R. staff: Caransebes in Banat. (No 13.) the year 1767 Wallaschisch-Illyrisches. Fähnriche Botta (Xtian.) ; 

I.R. Gemmingen Sigism.  No 21, the year 1778 kadet Josephus Turba (Chev.), staff : Gitschin in the Bohmen ;  


Anna Botta *17.08.1783 Horné Ozorovce parents Jan Botta and Katarina Bacho of Dežerice, baptism are day Srpna. Baptism fathers and mothers jsan. Sir Lindvay István and Anna Michaliczka his spouse, sir Predanóczy Pál and his wife Marya Lattoczy ; Lady Juliana Rudnyánszky, wife of Bobek Jánoss. 

Coat of arms Keglevich (Keglevits) Palace in the Bratislava. Matilda Mária Sandor de Szlavnicza *31.03.1798 in Wien † 11.11.1843  her husband was Gábor Count Keglevich de Buzin. The palace of the house Keglevich (Keglevits) in the Bratislava. Military Almanac No. XX. for the year 1810 Hussar Regt. No. 6 Hadik Andreas, Blankenstein Ernst. Staab Rzeszow in Galicien. Second-Rittmeister Ondrejkovits Job, Ober-Lieutenants Keglevits Count Alex, Zapary Count Mich, Bossányi Joh.

Keglevich Palace (Keglevics) in Bratislava. Current status. Allegedly in fact the mother of Stephan Count Keglevich (The first Slovak cognac factory co., Stephan Keglevich Wall, Mnešice) from Veľké Uherce, then Topolčianky was born Balazsovics. On the right in the reconstruction is the palace of the compossesorate of the genus Erdödy, which is closely related to the property Sandor de Szlavnicza.

Gejza gave to wife Otília coffin manufactured from stainless steel with a shatterproof window. Chief Justice Officer Gejza Turba the family tomb drove the anniversary date of her death, he had to serve Mass and choke when descending into the tomb.

Immediately the town of Bojnice welcomed the leading archeology and prehistory specialists of the then Czechoslovak Republic (Karel Absolon, Lubor Niederle). They investigated the finds in order to discover their age and origin. In cooperation with French and Polish archeologists, they came to an agreement that the Prevost Cave had been both a settlement and a place for making stone tools for Paleolithic hunters. All the work was stopped after the first investigations due to the attitude of the prevost K. A. Medvecký and an archeologist-amateur Gejza Turba. They said: "We might harm higher interests of scientific research by mixing shallow soil layers." As a result, the specialists recommended further site investigation be carried out. The extensive investigation was conducted in 1927 (J. Babor, J. Eisner, Š. Janšák), in 1950 (F. Prošek) and 1965-67 (J. Bárta).

Father Dominus Michael Turba, District notary in Veľké Bielice, Bojnice (notari Bojnice be scope in the town of Bojnice, municipalities Dubnica, Opatovce n/Nitr., Kocurany, Lower and Upper Šutovce. Only larger location so they can afford ...) and City notary for town Prievidza. Mother Domina Paulina Balazsovics Turba was born *1859 in the Veľké Bielice in the familys manor-house (*1859 Velké Bielice †1914 Bojnice, maried 13.07.1879). Here accommodated, treated and feedet in the times Napoleon wars grand grand mother of Gejza Turba wounded, sick and hungrys french soldiers come back after defeat in the  Russia and after him pursued russian soldiers. Many of this dead. Many of them died for example when they eat. Listen to them and wait until the cold for their freshly baked bread alone it collected oven. In the period before the year 1910 are situated in the memories of Maria Turba Ondrejkovič to its aunt, Lady of the court to Empress in Vienna and virtuoso harpist. Father of Domina Pauline Turba was District notary in Veľké Bielice Stefan Balazsovics

Odorik (Balazsovits) - historian, priest (born in the 10.12.1810) Sládečkovce district Nitra - dead in the year 11.8.1875 Nitra). Graduated high school in the Nitra, here in the year 1832 get up to Order frantiskans, in the year 1839 was consecrate. Lector philosophy and theologhy in rehol theologian training institution, in the years 1856-59 chief slov. theologhy mission, superior in the Nitra, in the year 1868-69 province vicar order. At pedagogic work strived applyd national awareness. Author short history, tzv. marian province frantiskans in Hungary and religion beletry work. Work: Xenium amoris. Ba 1865, Brevis historia conventuum ordinis s.Francisci seraphhici reformatae provinciae Marianae Hungariae. Ba the year 1869. Literature Encyclopedia  of Slovakia A - Z.

First Lieutenant of artillery Josef Balažovjech was in 1943 commander of 14th easy batteries DPLP of Rapid Division. The 10th Battery July 1943 was replaced by fourth easy battery DPLP at Headquarters Squadron 13 in Anapa on peninsula Taman.

BALAŽOVIECH VOJTECH, born 25. 07. 1910 in the Bánovce nad Bebravou, ordinar 17. 05. 1936, dead 23. 05. 1977, 1938 - chaplain in the Šurany, 1938 - chaplain in the Suchá nad Parnou, 1938 - chaplain in the Piešťany, 1940 - administrator of Svätý Jur, 1941 - parson in the Svätý Jur, 1948 - parson in the Piešťany; ...; the year 1971 - administrator Bratislava - Jarovce, responsible to BRATISLAVA - TRNAVA  ARCIDIECEZIS

Mother to count Keglevich of Veľké Uherce, (First slovakian factory for cognac a. comp., Štefan Keglevich nást., Mnešice) after Topolčianky was born Balazsovics.

Balazsovics Bonaventura (1788-1798) rector of parish Szepsi
Sister Maria Ondrejkovics born Turba was teacher, her husband teacher chieff Stephanus II. Ondrejkovics
(vnuk trenčianskeho župného sudcu Stephana Sandora de Szlavnicza). Brother Stephan Rudolph Turba was high post officer and member of town council in Bratislava, his wife was Maria Turba born Ondrejkovits 

Sister Maria Ondrejkovics born Turba was teacher (jej krstní rodičia Dominus Július Némethy and wife Júlia, krstiaci kňaz Ignatius Lukács, the year 1417: Ladislaus de Nemethy castellanus de Baymoch), husband  Stephanus Ondrejkovics  rector teacher.

Paulina Balazsovits *28.06.1857 Veľké Bielice č.53  rodičia Steph. Balaszovits a Anna Zavodszky krstní rod. Joann. Matula Ludirector a Anna Prokop uxor prioris ;

Clemens *22.11.1864 Veľké Uherce No 35. Rodičia Stephanus Androvics a Susana Balazsovics. Krstní rodičia Joanes Zsittnyan a Anna Balazsovics.

Stephanus Rudolphus *15.04.1880 Šišov No 18, parents Dominus Michael Turba and Domina Paulina Balazsovics,

Jozef Skladaný *28.12.1888 Ružomberok served in 7th Rifle Regiment Czechoslovak legion in Russia 

František Xaver Turba was round the year 1700 chancellor of Malta order (Knight of the Order of Malta (Sovereign Military Order of St. Joannes of the Hospital in Jerusalem, Rhode and Malta, SMOM was Rudolf Fraštacký was Rudolf Fraštacký in Canada many years later) in Prag and rector of Carolus univerzity († On June 21, 1621 was executed at the Old Town Square in Prague *1566 by the Rector of Charles University Ján Jessenius of Turciansky Jesen (Johannis Jessenii a Jessen), from families in the  related genera Ondrejkovič). In his palace in Prag  in Mala strana is today Japan embassy. Family have palace with vineyards too in  vilage  Turbovice next estates of family  Lobkowitz next Mělník.  František Xaver Turba was have persons end work contact with family Lobkowitz  Turbová (No p.1066) Small history of Smíchov and Košíř       Turbová   Turbová - places with us    

Palace in Kostelní Bříza

Published RF 20.2.2004 in Cultural monuments and All articles
Complex of palace No.p. 1: palace, park, barn, stables I, stables II, fences ; 25.6.1997 in the Central list cultural monuments - r. No. 619.     palace, park, barn, stables I, II sheds, fences 

Atentat to Hitler

Of new times history is said that in the so-called. blue room was in the year 1944 meeting of germans nobility, to which was agreed to assassinate Hitler. Figure is hardly manage to prove, because it was a strictly security for participants and dangerous conduct.

Dominus Michael Turba and his son  Gejza to have work end persons contact with family Pálffy. District notary Michael Turba was famous in 19. century in Prievidza and Bojnice with his extra energy and noncompromise.

Chief Justice Officer Gejza Turba often visited in Bratislava to son his sisters Maria Ondrejkovics born Turba to his grandsons tell o his archeological found property and familys history. Contacted with his brother-in-law District Governor Dr. Aladár I. Ondrejkovič, former minister Dr. Martin Mičura, founder of Slovak Liga (Dominus Rudolf Mičura was District notary from Dlhé Pole and husband to Anna Ondrejkovics) and in those days bishop his Eminency ThDr. Karol Kmeťko. In common interest cooperated with Stefan II. Ondrejkovič, husbad his sisters Maria Turba. Cousins of Chief Justice Officer Gejza Turba was too Ladislaus Wunder, president cooholder Prievidza bank, his son MUDr. Ladislav Wunder (father Ignác Wunder, mother Anna Kedrovič) was primarius Gynecology Clinic in the Jewish Hospital in Šulekova street in Bratislava. (Štefan Wunder, Radiocommerce, Prievidza and member councilor of firm - First Prievidzian spirit factory a.c. Prievidza).

Michael Botta *28.09.1771 Bošany, parents Andreas Botta and Domina Theresia Botta. Baptismal parents Perillustris Dominus Andreas Bossányi de Nagybossány et Nagyugrócz cum filia Theresia Bossányi.

In 1898 the participating company P.V.V.V. - "Pozsonyi villamossági részvéntyársaság", took over Bratislava City Electric Railway. After the entry of the Swiss company EWAG Holding AG from Zurich in 1923 it was renamed to the Bratislava Electricity Participating Company (BEÚS).

Do obdobia pred rok 1910 sú situované spomienky Márie Ondrejkovičovej rod. Turba na jej tetu, dvornú dámu cisárovnej vo Viedni a virtuóznu harfistku.


Mons. ThDr. Pavol Beňuška, filozof a teológ, katolícky publicista, prekladateľ, krajan rodín Balazsovics a Kedrovich sa narodil * 25. januára 1911 v obci Veľké Bielice.


Zoznam mariatálskych farárov a správcov od roku 1791 do roku 1927: ....1839 - 1860 Alexej Ondrejkovič, farár ......1911 - 1916 Jozef Závodský, farár.

Members of the Turba family and a branched notary family Ondrejkovič - Sandor with relatives ties with all important noble families of the Trenčín and Nitra counties in 1912. In the picture, she is standing right between her sister Mar. Turba and wife Maria Turba genus. Ondrejkovič and notary Stefan Rudolf Turba, later director of post offices in Slovakia and burgher Bratislava. On the left stands the later Minister with the power of attorney for the administration of Slovakia and the President of the Supreme Court of the Slovak Republic, JUDr. Martin Mičura. Sp. Da Anna genus Sandor de Szlavnicza and her husband District notary Stephan I. Ondrejkovič, next to him sits teacher Maria Anna Ondrejkovičová family. Turba and her husband Administrator teacher Stefan II. Ondrejkovic with their sons Stephan III. and Aladar II.

Maria Ondrejkovics born Turba *31.03.1885 in the Bojnice, married into the family Ondrejkovics-Sandor de Szlavnicza, which was compossesor of Real Estate nobility with familys Pálffy, Erdódy, Sóky, Majthényi etc. (composesorate) and who with him was moremal reciprocal weddings fastened. Up to visit the archives in Bojnice, the author often wondered about that after whom some of his old mother, Maria Turba inherited traits complicating her life in the fifties, and certainly its descendants. For example, around 1942, two residents looking for a State security police Galvánek and Ščastný, her son army lieutenant Aladár at her apartment in Bratislava. They came unannounced, was insistent, even though her ​​son had resided elsewhere. Grandma Maria took him two and potty doused. They complained to the military barracks of her son. Son Lieutenant told them only for what you\'ve climbed there!,,. His colleagues then they laughed at on Main Street that the efforts of shame coat. 

Správca učiteľ v zemianskej obci Dolné Držkovce v rokoch 1900-1918 (v tom čase bol v tejto obci Obvodným notárom D. Stefan Ondrejkovič) bol Juraj Balažovjech rodák z Bánoviec nad Bebravou.

Vláda Československej republiky povýšila do VII. hodn. triedy; Balážoviča Štefana, okr. náčelníka vo Vrábloch ; Pelikána Eduarda, župného hl. notára v Nitre ; Dr. Kovaříka Františka, žup. hl. notára v Nitre ; a povýšila do VIII. hodn. triedy dra Ondrejkoviča Aladára, s titulom hlavného slúžneho v Topolčanoch. Zdroj: Úradné noviny Nitrianskej župy č. 18 zo 15. septembra 1923.

On 06.07.1926 has Gejza Turba and enthusiasts from among the intelligentsia Upper Nitra museum association, which began publishing a magazine for children in the Upper Nitra ; 

Coat of arms Bossányi of Nagybossány and Nagyugrócz multi directly by blood and property associated with family Ondrejkovics-Sandor de SzlavniczaBetween 1906 and 1926, the blood-related relative of Sandor de Slavnicza

catolic priest Josephus Bossányi de Nagy-Bossány et Kisprónawas a member of the supervisory board of the Prievidza reeves bank.

Dr. Martin Mičura Excellency the President and member of the Czechoslovak Peoples Party in Slovakia and confirmation father of Aladár II Ondrejkovics. With his brother, Tibor took to the Vysehrad and the temple of St. Vitus Horch car in one thousand years opportunity since the death of St. Wenceslas. Both brothers, nephews of Chief Justice Officer Gejza Turba and Stephan Turba, the sons of their sisters Maria received from him a commemorative gold medal minted on the occasion of St. Wenceslas Millennium 28 September 1929th

Cousin was too MUDr. S. Botta (Wallaschich Illirisches Infantery Regiment in the year 1767 kadet Botta (Xtian.) Staff : Caransebes in Banat), holder of Ear throat clinic in Bratislava Zochova street No 25 and father to primarius of Urologhy in the Bratislava  Hlboká street MUDr. František Lábady and  colonel Alois Androvič of 2. section Head staff in Prag, his son was chief  Neurologhy clinic in the Trnava MUDr. Alojz Androvič- Vážsky religion poet, nephew colonel cavalry Aladár II. Ondrejkovič.

Grandsons of sister Gejza Turba si too today remebered his big haus with towers in Prievidza full valuables collections too his lineage of house Balazsovics, Ondrejkovics-Sandor de Szlavnicza, Szily, Skladányi, Turba  etc. The chief judicial officer of Gejza Turba, in addition to the leading disciplines of archeology and history, has also achieved significant success in the field of paleontology. Round year 1985 moved Slovak television in thoose haus and editors admired his stucco decoration. According to documents just before his death was sold to foreign persons Gejza Turba this luxury villa in Prievidza with precious movables for 4,000 crowns, a sum difficult to understand museum of Prievidza to the public. Allegedly took place in the main proceedings and the proposal of his blood family.

Chief Justice Officer Gejza Turba, one of the founding members of the museum ring in Prievidza, in the journal northern Nitra - Our region already in 1930 wrote:

"Under the Calvary around the house Rudnay (in Bojnice) we seabed of Eocene period (63 1/2 million per year fauna). You know Bojnice petrified money in general. They are sea snails, great deep sea eozäe; Nummulite. When I started these layers survey, I found over one year about 40-50 ranges of marine animals. I have a beautiful collection there almost all of the elements of eozäne times .... clams - all sorts that Ostriga the Mediterranean and now eat; Pecten ... Cardium ...

Coral eschar - different ranges (those red beads know to give neck as a decoration), ... Thamnastrea (large head with themselves as beautiful starfish), Hexacoralls, Turbinoids ... These beads are so beautiful as sea lilies ... "

Provost Karol Anton Medvecký (from an old aristocratic family Medvecký of Medvedzie and Small Bysterec), the administrator Bojnice Roman Catholic parishes and Bojnice mayor was a close friend and collaborator of museum co-founder of the Association of Upper Nitra Gejza Jacobus Turba. He was a leading representative of the Czechoslovak People\'s Party chairman in Slovakia JUDr. Martin Mičura. He was a friend of the bishop of Nitra ThDr. Karol Kmeťko and the family Ondrejkovič. Editor of the press body of the Czechoslovak People\'s Party "People\'s Politics". Signatory of the Martin Declaration.

Museum of the Prievidza. Article in the daily newspaper Slovak of October 15, 1939, about the Chief Justice Officer, the amateur archaeologist and donor Mr. Gejza Turba.

Teeth with mastodont jaws, prehistoric elephants dedicated to the Slovak museums by their great donor, brother of the author\'s old mother, Mária Ondrejkovičová, Mr. Gejza Turba. A photograph of the findings he gave to the museum in Prievidza and Martin Mr. Gejza Turba. He wrote to Csaba Tóth, the Central Slovak Museum in Banská Bystrica.

Klátová Nová Ves. In the year 1885 firm Fischer in the Trnava made 3 church bells consecrated for Jozua, Saint Aloisius and Saint Ignacius. Thoose gottregret, in the time First world war (13.06.1916), Austro-hungarian state take away for war purposes. After war local administrator of vicarage, Michal Balažovič (1919-21), received permission sacreted new bell (05.11.1920),  who served to today. Was made in the year 1919 in Vítkovice ; MD. Hans Turba belongs without doubt the most important personalities in the history of Mariánske Lázne. After studying medicine in Prague and Vienna in 1899 settled in Mariánske Lázne. In 1903 began construction of his villa, the architectural project drawn up by architect Ignaz König. The ground floor room situated the surgery waiting room and spa. Among the patients belonged to Hans Turba Sigmund Freud, was observed during treatment in 1913 has provided shelter villa. The history of Marianske Lazne, Hans Turba wrote in indelible characters in the First Republic, held the post of mayor (since 1919). His special thanks to achieve prosperity ; Son of notár in Varšany distrct Levice and frend of familys Ondrejkovič and Mičura was too governor National bank Dr. Imrich Karvaš ;

Alexander Jaroslavus *07,08.1856 Púchov parents Sp. Dominus Alexander Androvič E.R.Judex Nobilium Da Antonia Kolkovič R.Cath. Bapt.parent Franciscus ... ovič and Theresia Kolkovič E.R. offio Vidna Arigo ;  Alexander Josephus Antonius *20.02.1867 Trenčín No 73 parents Alexander Androvich Sedria Cott. Trenčín A. and Francisca Kornhoft Bapt. parents Joseph Kamin. Capitanus and Antonia Vidna Vavreczky nata Androvic ;

Dr. Ján Benka, general director Handlová coal mine, was in time existention first ČSR politicle active agrarian in the year 1944 come to uprising with Trnavas garrisan as first lieutenant of Slovak army in reserve. First lieutn. J.Benka talk to assembled soldiers in military quarters: "Slovak soldiers, Germans occupyd Slovakia, ceased exist Slovak Republic, Slovakian governing and president to be under control Germans. You own to range - take up disarm with Germans and go to concentrtion camps, where in and war you die, or sa conect to uprising against Germans and with  victorious soviet army as come in short time in home, glorious as winners ! "

Around 1929, the fire stocking voluntary fire brigade in the Veľké Bielice contributed Helena Balazsovics daughter of retired District notary Stefan I. Balazsovics, Gustav Kedrovič, Salzberger brothers, Stephan Országh etc.    


Vráble. Since the thirties of the 20th century was the case of the bombing, natural disasters or accidents organized by district chiefs (in the Vrábľe Stefan II. Balažovič, in Zlaté Moravce Dr. Aladár I. Ondrejkovič) rescue services with the participation of the tests Firemen in, the gendarmerie, the Samaritans Department of the Red Cross Czechoslovakia (RCS) and Czechoslovak army. The district chief in Vráble Stefan Balažovič was related of the District notary Stefan I. Balazsovics and of Chief Justice Officer in District Court of Prievidza Gejza Turba, Director post to Slovakia Stefan Turba (burgomaster of Bratislava) and teacher Mária Ondrejkovič born Turba.


Ambulance Praga Lady were purchased by the District Office in Košice in the year 1935. National newspapers Volume: 1933, Issue: 08.12.1933. Stefan Balažovič was appointed by the Regional Office in Bratislava as a new District Chief in Košice. Office came before Christmas. To relieve the funds for the purchase of sanitariums for Košice, his relatives through marriages, the National Assembly deputy and the president of the Main Court JUDr. Martin Mičura. Bedřich Pokorný graduated in 1934 at the Land Military Command (ZVV) in Košice News course. 

District notary Stefan I. Balažovič was grandfather of primarius MD. František Lábady. Prof ing. Vojtech Balažovjech *13.04.1908 Dolné Držkovce †06.12.1976 Bratislava. Lady of the court Empress. Professor University of Vienna Dr. Gustav Turba (Die pragmatische sanktion Published in 1906, Manz (Wien) *1864 - ?. In April 1729 he bought Skuhrov and vineyards which belonged to him, Knight Jan František Turba. Belo Turba *23.02.1914 Mlynárce, today part of Nitra †19.08.1980 singer (tenor).

The first anniversary of the Slovak Post in 14.III.1940. The director of post offices in Slovakia, Mr Štefan Turba brother of Chief Justice Officer Gejza Turba and Maria Ondrejkovič born Turba. His wife was also the sister in law. Dr. Hans Keller sa stretával s pánom Štefanom Turbom aj ako zberateľ známok.


Mr Štefan Turba with whom she worked while studying at the State Conservatory of his niece Miss Magdaléna Ondrejkovičová was not only the director of Posts and Telegraphs, but the mayor of the capital Bratislava. 

In 1939, the State Archaeological Institute was founded, with whom Chief Justice Officer Gejza Turba worked. Patrol since 08.05.1942 under the administration of the Ministry of Education and National Enlightenment.

Old Town Hall in the Bratislava at the time when he was mayor Chief Dr. Belo Kováč and subsequently Dr. Štefan Ravasz (mayor Štefan Rudolf Turba). The first diplomatic representative of the Kingdom of Denmark in Bratislava became the Honorary Consul Dr. Štefan Ravasz, the Slovak Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs officially accepted in this function 11.01.1941 (Slovák 11.01.1941 p.3). Newspaper National Policy dated 15.09.1928. Bratislava fight against tuberculosis. The Bratislava City Hall held a major conference to combat tuberculosis from sitting to which the Mayor of Bratislava dr. Okánik, head of the Rockefeller Institute in Geneva dr. Forestier, secretary of the League of Nations Hygiene Institute dr. Tomanek and district chief physician Dr. Balažovič and dr. Kováč. In Bratislava it is to be founded by the great modern anti-TB Institute, which is largely supported by the Rockefeller Fund.

Ambulance Škoda Popular 1939-1944. Blood relative of Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič Baron Imre Ivanka was the founder of the Red Cross in Hungary. The founding meeting of the Red Cross in Hungary took place on 16 May 1881 in Budapest. May 17 was the merger female league with a newly created organization of the Red Cross, Baron Ivanka became her manager. It was among the initiators of the construction of the hospital of the Red Cross for the purpose of training of professional and voluntary nurses). Chairman of the advisory board of the Bratislava County Slovak Ambulance Service became the District Chief Dr. Ondrejkovič on 30 October 1940th. 


Na jar 1940 sa Splnomocnenec švajčiarskej centrály pre rozvoj hospodárstva (SZH) v Bratislave Hans Keller z hotela Carlon presťahoval do priestorov s výhodnou polohou v centre mesta. Pri príležitosti už oficiálneho otvorenia svojho úradu navštívil splnomocnenec Hans Keller radnicu. Hlavný mešťanosta, katolícky kňaz Dr. Belo Kováč mu pomohol s oficiálnymi aj neoficiálnymi kontaktami na vplyvné osobnosti ktoré mu poskytovali až do roku 1945 veľkú, najmä politicky motivovanú pomoc.


Štefan Turba  Brother D. Stephan (Stephanus Rudolphus) Turba high postal clerk (former District Notary) and Bratislava citizen (The main burgher of Bratislava was ThDr. Belo Kováč and from spring 1944 a relative of Gejza Turbu, consul of the Swedish and Danish Kingdom in Slovakia known Bratislava attorney Dr. Štefan Ravasz), wife of Maria Ondrejkovics. Their seat was on Kapitulská Street No. 5. Mr. Štefan Turba and his wife Maria Turbová family. Ondrejkovičová were probably the owners of this building. 

Štefan Rudolf Turba was initiator and realized construction building of New post in the contemporary Square liberty in the Bratislava.

Nová pošta   

Begin sa upright in the years 2.w.war and not finished was given to go about. Lower wing was finished for lack finance resaurce and problems with static until 50-tys years.  

Najnovšie výskumy slovenského paleolitu. Aj Zamarovce pri Trenčíne poskytli nový materiál. V najnovšej dobe zistili pp. Turba a Králiček v Prievidzi ...   Zdroj: denník Národná obroda z 13. októbra 1946. 

In August 1947, 6 new FBW - Oerlikon made in Swiss trolleybuses were placed in operation at BEÚS by the owner of EWAG Holding AG in Zurich.

Known amateur archaeologist Sir Victor Jacobus Gejza Turba was Chief Justice Officer of ground the book department of the District Court in Prievidza until his departure into retirement. 

Notes: Since the year 1586 management of the Bojnice castle remained youngest brother Alexei II. Thurzo (1550-1594) ; Stanislaus III. Count Thurzo was born July 24, 1576 at the Bojnice castle as the son Alexei II. Thurzo and Barbara, née Zrínyi (1551-?). He had three brothers, Nicholas II. (? - 1609), Christopher III. (1583-1614), Alexei III. (? -1597), and three sisters, Magdalene, Maria Felicitas and Szuzanna (? - 1608) ; engineer architect Stefan Androvič was the son of Stefan Androvič brother of colonel infantry Alojz Androvič ;

Sources: 1862 Sokol ; State Archives in Nitra - branch Bojnice 972 01 Bojnice ; Archive of District Court in Prievidza ; Mária Ondrejkovičová born Turba ; Chief Justice Officer Gejza Turba ; National newspapers Aug. 3, 1928/1, April 18, 1931/2 ; Národní politika 15.09.1928  časopis "Náš Kraj" 3.júla 1937 ; časopis "Nový Svet" december 1937 ; Slovák 11.01.1941 s.3 ; STV 1; The Upper Nitra museum in the Prievidza ;  Archive DÚ ; Almanac AMV 2/2004 Jiřina Dvořáková ; 

♫ Gori, gori, moya zvezda, Shine, Shine, My Star !  ; Video Last parade of White army Vladivostok 26. mai 1922 ;  ♫ Metamorphosis ;   Virtual tour Maltese Square ; Viacúčelové zariadenie pre všetkých - Pošliapaná história ; ♫  Oh God - František Zvarík ; 




Návrat loďou

before collapse Russia

Maltas square

Palace knight Turba


Keglevich, Bratislava


count Keglevich


Count Keglevich

Michael Turba

Bojnice Joanes Pálffy

Mělník Fr. Xav. Turba

Vladivostok year 1918

Veľké Bielice

Botta Sanatorium


Updated: 28.10.2024