Tvrdomestice - History


The Village Tvrdomestice is supported of the year 1280 how Turdemech, later Turdemyz (1330), Tordamez (1393), Thordamyz (1441), Thwerdomesth (1520), Tordomesticze (1773), Twrdomestice (1808), hung. Tardomesztic, Tverdomestic. It was nobolity vilage. In 16 century of Solymosi, in 18 century of family Neffeczer, in  19 century family IllésházySandor de Szlavnicza and Sipeky.  In the year 1715 to have vineyarden and 17 householden, in the year 1787 to have 88 hauses and  599 inhabitens, in the year 1828 have 56 hauses and  386 inhabitens. Inhabitants work in the agricultere and fruitydet. In the year 1847 to have property in the vilage Stephanus Sandor, Tamás Sandor, László Sandor a Kálmán Sandor.  In the year 1871 where was 15 potters, which made too clay pipe. After the year 1918 inhabitens work majority in the Lorship A. Lindeman and  in  spirit factory (get lost in the year 1946). In the year 1946 was big manor ividet.

The Source: Own discipline dictionary of Slowakia, 3. part

Mária Sandor de Szlavnicza, born Marko was born in the year 1828. Anna Ondrejkovics born Sandor de Szlavnicza was born in the year 1861 in adress Tvrdomestice No 23. Her baptismal parents was Gentlemanlike Lady Carolina Pirott and Gentlemanlike Lord Josephus Mihalovics, compossesor. Baptizing priest was blood related of father baptizited parson Wilhelmus Szecsányi.

 Manor House of family Sandor de Szlavnicza village of Luka nad Váhom.

The dominant feature of the village itself is today a Renaissance manor house built in the family Sandor 1674. Praenobilis et Dominus Generosus Casparus III. Sandor de Slaunicza, Sacrae Caesareae Regiaeque majestatis Praesidio Selliensis Capitaneus Tyrnaviae 24th † May 1673 to fight the Turks, reportedly just Gaspar III. Sandor de Szlavnicza he produced a sheet with the words: "Woe to the Court which orders the cow ox" because his wife Kata Szluha often interfere in its affairs. Trebatice in nearby from 1929 to 1938 he was still here weighted Manager - teacher Stefan Ondrejkovič-Sandor, a direct descendant of the family Sandor de Szlavnicza. He was a teacher in the village administrator of the State\'s school teacher is also a trustee of the People\'s school.anor House Sandor de Szlavnicza village of Luka nad Váhom.

The Brunovce courtyard of the castle today, which was the first third of the 18th century, owned by the family Sandor de Slavnicza.

Parts of the castle interior in the Brunovce currently. Its original owners were a family Sandor of Slavnica which worked initially mainly in the Trencin and Nitra county.

Renaissance fireplace with the coat of arms of family Sandor de Slávnica the mansion Brunovce.

The castle and manor Tematín king had in 1638 in advance Joanes baron Rottal and his siblings were in kinship relations with the family Sandor de Szlavnicza oi through Baroness Catherine Rottal, wife of Franciscus I. Sandor de Szlavnicza. Her father Joanes Jacob Rottal and mother Maria Felicia Thurzo release some of the assets Tematín to Staphanus Count Csaky and his wife Eve, Countess Forgách. Sister of Baroness Catherine Rottal Suzane von Rottal its share of leased the year of our Lord 1653 Georgius Freiherr Mr Berényi of which were family relations over family Sandor de Slavnicza, Szluha and Nyáry. In the year 1658 the owner of Tematín become genus Bercsényi, acquired the property in Brunovce. For Tematín was born in 1665 Mikolaus Bercsényi † 1725 commander of the army of Prince Franciscus II Rákóczi. Mikolaus Bercsényi was family ties with Count Csaky also by his wife Christine Countess Csaky. Stephan II Csaky holder Tematín, confiscated property for their participation in the uprising Imre Thököly in 1684 † 1705th The document on the division of the estate Tematin 1687 are registered as users of the castle Gaspar IV Sandor de Szlavnicza (Kuruc envoy at the court of the French King Louis XIV of France Bourbon) and his wife Elisabeth Thököly. 

François Michel Le Tellier, Marquis de Louvois, French Secretary of State for War during the period when there was King of France Louis XIV. He was the chief spokesman for the military personnel and material aid to the envoy Gaspar IV Sandor.

In the year 1704 Gaspar IV Sandor received a financial contribution to his regiment Count Simon Forgách. Amount contributed his brother vicecomes of Nitra County Adalbert Sandor de Szlavnicza. Most of the castle and estate owned genus Bercsényi who started the construction of the manor house in Brunovce. Uzhgorod comes Miklós Bercsényi during the insurrection of Ferenc II. Rákoczi gave fix Castle.

Countess Ilona Zrínyi (Jelena Zrinski *1643 Ozalj, Croatia †1703 Nicomedia, Turkey). In 1666 married Ferenc I. Rákóczi. Had children with him: Georgius (died as a child), Juliana and known Ferenc II Rákoczi. After the death of her husband held out a message of Rákoczi property Regec, finial and Mukachevo. In the year 1682 married leader Habsburg uprising Imre Thököly and actively participated in the uprising and insurgent bastion of defense of the castle Makovica in Zborov. Famous for the defense of the castle Mukachevo. Before the imperial army defended it three years. After the betrayal in the imperial army was outnumbered 14 October 1688 the castle was conquered and razed. She was interned in Uršulín monastery in Vienna. After three years it Imre Thököly in exchange for captured General Donat Heissler.

The first issue of the newspaper Mercurius Hungaricus issued Antal Count Esterházy in 1705, the second the same year in May, the August number Mercurius was released under the name Mercurius Veridicus ex Hungaria.

Countess Ilona Zrínyi lived 12 years with her husband prince Imre Thököly until his death in Turkish exile, where he worked with them and their close relative diplomat Gaspar IV Sandor de Szlavnicza. 

Lyceum and St. Benedict church complex in Istanbul. Countess Ilona Zrínyi was buried in the church of the French transcripts lazarist de Saint Benoit in Istanbul.

Virtual view of the castle of the genus Sandor de Szlavnicza in the village Lúka.

Count István Illesházy, an inherited Trenčín and Liptov county comes, and Stephanus Sandor de Szlavnicza, a county judge in Trenčín, a compossessor, related by marriage, property and confessional connections, were co-owners of the village of Twrdomestice in the nineteenth century.

Thomas Sandor de Szlavnicza and spouse Esthera Ivanka de Draskócz and Jordánfold. Their son Stephanus Emericus had *baptism in Malé Zlievce 16.11.1806, his brother Sigismundus Martinus if they are resident had Tvrdomestice * baptism in Horné Ozorovce 15.11.1810. His baptismal parents was Joanes Krus, cum Sp. Dna Conforte Elisabetha Berzseviczy (related of family Ondrejkovič)  and Sp. D. Sigismundus Ottlík. Daughter Emília Apolonia Petronella had  *baptism in Horné Ozorovce 21.05.1812. Her. baptismal parents was Joanes Krus OrJudium, cum Sp. Dna Conforte Elisabetha Berzseviczy and Sp. D. Sigismundus Ottlík de Ozor and Kochanoz, daughter Suzanna Theresia had  *baptism in Horné Ozorovce 16.11.1808. Her baptismal parents was Joanes Krus, cum Sp. Dna Conforte Elisabetha Berzseviczy and Sp. D. Sigismundus Ottlík, cum Anna Sandor. Son where they have resided in Malé Ostratice Ladislaus Joannes had  *bapism in Horné Ozorovce  06.06.1814. His baptismal parents was Joanes Krus OrJudium, cum Sp. Dna Conforte Elisabetha Berzseviczy and Sp. D. Sigismundus Ottlík cum Dna Conforte Anna Sandor. Where they have resided in Malé Ostratice son Thoma Alexander had *baptism in Horné Ozorovce 18.02.1816. His batismal parents was Sp.D. Sigismundus Ottlík, Sp.D. Francisus Sandor Splis Da Elisabetta Berzseviczy nupta Knuss. Where they have resided in Malé Ostratice daughter Eugenia Elisabetha Anna had *baptism in Horné Ozorovce  03.06.1820. Her baptismal parents was Spectabils Dominus Sigismundus Ottlík, cum Dna Conforte Anna Sandor cum Spectabilis Domina Elisabetta Berzseviczy.

Captain of the Hussars Guard Adalbert Sandor de Szlavnicza * 12.04.1777 Aleksince (Elecske) † 22.02.1837 Sempte (Šintava). His wife was Zsuzsana Szöllőssy * 29.12.1737 Trnava (Nagyszombat) † 26.04.1812 Lukáčovce (Lakács).     

Countess Ilona Zrínyi remains were moved in 1906 to the Košice. Buried is the son of Ferenc II Rákóczi in the crypt of the Cathedral of St. Elizabeth.        

In 1906 he transferred the remains of Prince of Transylvania Imre Thököly from Izmir in Turkey to Kežmarok and placed in the mausoleum of the New Lutheran church.    

Gravestones District notary Stefan I. Ondrejkovič and his mother in law milady Maria Sandor de Szlavnicza born Marko.

The chapel at the cemetery in the village Slávnica, Ilava district of the Trenčín county in the current period.                  

Notes: Stanislas III Count Thurzo was born July 24, 1576 at Bojnice Castle, the son Alexei II. Thurzo and Barbara, nee Zrínyi (1551-?). He had three brothers, Nicholas II. (? - 1609), Christopher III. (1583-1614), Alexei III. (? -1597) And three sisters, Magdalene, Maria Felicitas and Susan (? - 1608). He studied in Augsburg and two years at the Universities of Padua, Venice and Rome. Speaks German, Hungarian, Latin, Slovak and Czech. In 1594 his dad died, he had to return to manage the inherited property (caste and dominions Spis, Bojnice and Hlohovec). He married Anna Rozália Listius of Kitsee, with whom he had three sons, Stanislas IV (1599-1627), Adam (1600-1635), Michael (? - 1636) and daughter Eva (? -1627). His wife after escaping one of his victims was a investigation on the initiative of palatine Nicolaus Esterházy. Were it proved thuggery and murder trial it denounced the loss of head and assets. Vinnytsia not executed, received a pardon from Ferdinand III, In what helped her influential relatives at royal courts.

Source: www. Veridicus ; archbishop Ján Sokol 19.01.2001 Bratislava ; cadinal Ján Chryzostom Korec in the 19.01.2001 Bratislava ; 

Voice of an Angel ; ♫ Veje vetrík po doline - František Zvarík ;



Updated: 13.09.2024