Dr. Karel Baxa

Sedlačany * 24 June 1863, † 1938 5.január Prague, Czech politician, lawyer, chairman Czekoslovakian Constitutional Court and a longtime mayor of Prague. In addition to the President T.G.Masaryk he was the most defining personalities of Czech and Czechoslovak political life and statehood. His father was a teacher. JUDr. Karel Baxa nephew was revered by all Czechs - Karel Havlíček Borovský. He had four brothers and sister. Brothers, lawyer JUDr. Bohumil Baxa and doctors murdered Germans after the assassination of Reich Protector Reinhard Heydrich. JUDr. Karel Baxa was also known for his nationalist position (among other things, had a significant role in the trial of Leopold Hilsner). 


JUDr. Karel Baxa as a journalist attended the beginning of the 20th century Slavic Congress of Journalists in Opatija. On a cruise ship, the forty-years JUDr. Karel Baxa met a lady twenty years, which was Amelija Jurkovič, which is foreseen in 1904, despite the opposition of her father married in the church of St. Jacob in Opatija. Amelija family claimed that the marriage was defiance of a young maiden, when she let down her fiance Brnič sea captain. Although Amelija was from a rich family attorney, meant for her maried great social ascension. Opatija about it said that it was, "Fior di Abbazia" in Prague, Le plus Mondaine dame de Prague ". Time was believed that Ms primátor was the backbone of her husband in his successful diplomatic work.

The signatories to the Declaration Slovak Nation of St. Martin 30.10.1918 lawyer Juraj Mičura (wife Sidonia Rovnianek), Viennese financier Kornel Stodola (until 1918 was the representative of Slovak politicians in Vienna with the Czechoslovak orientation, Milan Hodža, Kornel Stodola, Anton Stefanik, Ivan Derer, maintain contacts with Czech mafia) and Trenčín County deputy attorney Dr. Martin Mičura. Politically collaborated with Dr. Karel Baxa with Juraj Mičura and Dr. Martin Mičura well before 1918. Marriage of Elizabeth Ličko to Fist lieutenant Aladár II. Ondrejkovič the spring of 1944 was subsequently brought into unrelated two most prominent Czechoslovak lawyers JUDr. Karel Baxa and JUDr. Martin Mičura. Before 1918 it was the political status of Mičura family significantly strengthened to marriage of Anna Ondrejkovič, the daughter (granddaughter of Trenčín county Judge Stefan Sandor de Szlavnicza) of a notarial largest family of Nitra and Trenčín County with the District notary Rudolf Mičura.

Mausoleum at orchards of Petr Bezruč in Olomouc, whose owner is still in the registration of the cadastral Olomouc entered the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. In 1919 it was based in Prague Yugoslav Commission. Followed by a series of meetings that resulted in the founding in January 1921 Czechoslovak-Yugoslav League. At the general meeting 13 April 1921 were elected as President of the mayor of the capital of Prague Dr. Karel Baxa, Vice wholesaler Roko Bradanović, university professor Dr. Viktor Dvorský and trainee lawyer Dr. Zdeněk Vavruch. In Yugoslavia with less delay has been established Jugoslovensko-Čehoslovačka League. The Constituent General Meeting held on 12 November 1922 in Prague, attended by 36 members, representatives of seven unions of the League. The company was also active in Slovakia, where its members were members of the family of an officer of 11th Dragon Regiment "King Carol II. Romanian" Lieutenant cavalry Aladár I. Ondrejkovič and families in Trenčín Alžbeta Ličková since spring 1944 Ondrejkovičová. In Czechoslovakia had 16 branches: Benešov, Bratislava, Brno, České Budějovice, Hradec Králové, Cologne, Kosice, Ostrava, Pardubice, Písek, Pilsen, Prague, Prerov, Příbram, Olomouc, Tábor and Uzhgorod. He was one of the founders of the League except the first mayor of Prague JUDr. Karel Baxa and his wife Amelija Jurkovičová.

Minister s plnou mocou pre Správu Slovenska JUDr. Martin Mičura doprevádzal v roku 1921 prezidenta republiky T. G. Masaryka pri oficiálnej návšteve Košíc jeho špeciálnym vlakom. Pána prezidenta doprevádzala aj jeho dcéra Milostivá slečna Dr. Alica Masaryková. Bola úprimnou priateľkou neprehliadnuteľného JUDr. Martina Mičuru. Bol nielen spojenec a priateľ tak isto impozantných biskupa ThDr. Karola Kmeťka, Obv. notára Stefana Ondrejkoviča aj Hlav. slúžneho Dr. Aladára Ondrejkoviča, ale aj strýko a birmovný otec ich vnukov a synovcov Aladára a Tibora. 

Pictured in the middle of His Excellency the Mayor of Prague JUDr. Karel Baxa, reading his wife, no doubt very stylish, Ms. Amelija Baxa born Jurkovič and their only child, daughter Eva Rais born Baxa.

Putovná cena primátora Hlavního města Prahy pro závody plachetních člunu 

His Honor JUDr. Karel Baxa, Mayor of the Capital City of Prague on December 9, 1920 married new husbands, who were MUDr. Henri Revilliod, a Swiss citizen and Miss Olga Masaryková, daughter of the First President of Czechoslovakia, His Excellency T. G. Masaryk. 

Annual Report of the Czechoslovak State Higher Grammar School "Ľudovít Štúr" in Trenčín for the school year 1924-1925, page 12, II.A class 57. * Eva Baxová, Vienna (Trenčianske Teplice). 

The glass elevator shaft at the residence of the Mayor of Prague JUDr. Karel Baxa.

The Prague based King Alexander I college, in which many students find refuge from the former Yugoslavia, who studied in Prague.

Ms primátor receives Order of Saint Sava, which honored her royal court in Beograd. This distinction after her dead was then blessed a family in Canada. Ms Amelija lived in Prague 60 years, but the coast with her husband never forget. At the end of life is already a widow returned to Opatija, where he died.

The family heritage in Opatija is still preserved coffee mugs with the coat of arms of Prague. Although the wife of Dr.. Karel Baxa Amalija Baxa genus. Jurkovič since it was much younger, they were rarely harmonious marriage. Their only daughter is JUDr. Eva Rais born Baxová á married (her husband was later Minister JUDr. Stefan Rais. When study the PF UK in Prag are often met with the author grand mother Charlotte Stiglitz and mother Alžbeta Ličková in Trenčianske Teplice and Trenčín. Eva inherited from his mother, Amelia, at least intelligence, extraordinary courage and resolute opposition to parental authority. The period of extraordinary threat to the Republic of German fascism in the Charles University contacts while politically especially with left-wing students, despite the categorical opposition of their parents. Just before Heidrichiáde escaped Gestapo from the protectorate in the last minute with hands on my son little Ivanko directly guarded borders).Rok 1953 postihol časť príbuzných Rok 1953 postihol časť príbuzných.

Putovní pohár primátora hlavního města Prahy p. Dr Karla Baxi na mezistátní utkání plachetních lodí Českoskovensko - Jugoslavie ve Splitu. Skoro po skončení prvej svetovej vojny bolo založené niekoľko závodov jácht tiež na mori. K najvýznamnejším patrila od roku 1935 mezištátna námorná regata ČSR – Jugoslávia o Pohár pražského primátora, ktorý venoval Dr. K. Baxa. V prvej regate zvíťazila československá loď Vltava, majetok Českého Yacht Klubu. Jej posádka  získala titul majstra Adrie a brúsený sklenený pohár. Nasledovali závody v rokoch 1936 a 1937. 

Since 1921 was also the President of the Constitutional Court has pursued for several important functions, was a member of various other associations and institutions (as Chairman of the Board of the Czech banks, or the President of the Czech ski club and the Rotary Club). At the time called. insigniády stood as the mayor of Prague in the Czech students who are seeking the implementation of Act 135/1920 Coll. the proportion of Prague university, which provided that in Prague, Czech univezita is a continuation of the old Charles University and, therefore, Longman, university archives, insignia, books and other relics of the university are the property of Czech Charles University and have it be returned to Germany Prague University. When Germany took over power in 1933 Hitler demanded by JUDr. Karla Baxu issue documentation of the process in which the main accused a Jewish boy and Hilsner which Hitler planned to use to their Semitic goal.

Winter Garden at the residence of the Mayor of Prague Karel Baxa. His only child JUDr. Eva Raisová born Baxa grown up in such an environment.

From 17 November 1921 to 5 January 1937, His Honor JUDr. Karel Baxa and the President of the Constitutional Court of Czechoslovakia, whose seat was at street Dušní 17 in Prague. The judges of the Supreme Administrative Court of the Czechoslovak Republic also participated in the activities of the Constitutional Court of the Czechoslovak Republic. JUDr. K. Baxa performed several important features. He was a member of various clubs and institutions, such as the chairman of the board of directors of the Czech bank, or the chairman of the Czech ski club and the Rotary club. In the so-called " insignia stood as the Prague Mayor on the part of Czech students who demanded the implementation of Act 135/1920 Coll. a ratio of Prague universities, which stipulated that Czech Univision in Prague is a continuation of the old Charles University and therefore Karolinum, university archive, insignia, books and other monuments of this university are the property of the Czech Charles University and are to be returned to Germany by the University of Prague. When he was taken over in Germany in 1933, Hitler asked JUDr. Karel Baxa to issue documentation of the trial in which he was the main accused Jewish youth, Hilsner. He wanted to use it for anti-Semitic purposes.

In the mid-30s of the 20th century, Prague\'s policy on rusian issues was changing, which largely took into account the wishes of rusofil. In this connection, the proceedings of the Supreme Administrative Court of the Czechoslovak Republic, which on 26 June 1935 adopted Resolution No. 5.136/33, that the official language of the Slavic population of Sub-Carpathian Russia is Russian, Russian (Malorus), and the nationality of that population is as Russian (Malorus). The court has ruled that any other designation, such as the Ukrainian language, is inconsistent with the legislation. A Rusophile company, which did not expect this development, welcomed the ruling of the Supreme Administrative Court of Czechoslovakia. The American-Russian newspaper referred to the decision as "sensational" to point out its extraordinary significance (8). 

Pictured from Zlin Prague Mayor Dr. Karel Baxa in an interview with the Mayor D. Čipera in the year 1936.

JUDr. Karel Baxa defendant was Hitler\'s intentions to annex the Sudetenland to Germany and refused to issue the required documentation. JUDr. Karel Baxa Cévennes hand in the book described his disapproval of Soviet communism. Relatives commented on his political statements by saying that if they died, it destroyed by the Germans, Russians or, as it did his brother. JUDr. Karel Baxa 5. january died 1938 in Prague, was buried in Jíloviště 20 km from Prague, where he had a villa. Family JUDr. Karel Baxa after World War II sought to move his remains to Prague, it was permitted. His casket was solemnly transported to Prague in 1992 and stored in the Alley of Czech greats. 


Baxa Bridge, named after the Mayor of Prague Dr. Karel Baxa. Today Libeň Bridge.

A tea room in the residence of the Mayor of Prague Dr. Karel Baxa Public Library building in Art Deco style. The library building is the creation of architect František Roith in the years 1924-29 and not coincidentally was built on the site to book tradition. The project of the new library was co-Thon Jan, literary historian and poet, her future manager. The building is tied to personalities mayors should have a representative there be. The residence is outside the other fountain. The entrance to the residence is the right of the main entrance to the library. The residence had been only lasted Mayor Dr. Karel Baxa. Sometimes there tend to be official guests of the City of Prague.

Malé Ostratice (Kissztrice, Kissándori). One of the mansions known Hungarian high noble family Sandor de Szlavnicza. From this family came after his grandmother Anna Sandor de Szlavnicza Lt. colonel Aladár II. Ondrejkovič Sandor, marriage (wife and her wider family by protecting against racial persecution and confiscation of property) to Elizabeth, daughter of Julia Ličko nee Stiglitz in spring 1944 in the Lutheran church on the street in Legionnaires\' Bratislava got to a family relationship with Dr. Eva Rais born Baxa and her mother Amelia Baxa born Jurkovič. After the rejection of the parish priest Blumental despite their married state ban on the basis of senior pastor exceptions Dr. Ladislav Jurkovič, nephew of the famous Samuel Jurkovič the intercession of the Evangelical editor Andrew Vrbacký (*16.04.1908 in Bedford USA), brother of the groom. Dr. Karel Baxa paradoxically subsequently got into this marriage and family relationship with Dr. Martin Mičura president of the Supreme Court and confidential friend of President T. G. Masaryk and his children. The Yugoslav-Czechoslovak League was supported by King Alexander. Andrej Vrbacký, regular contributor of the Czechoslovak-Yugoslav Revue, was also its function.

Mayor\'s Residence of His Honor JUDr. Karel Baxa (father-in-law of the Minister of Justice of the Czechoslovak Republic JUDr. Štefan Rais) in the building of the Municipal Library in Prague.

Prague Mayor Dr. Karel Baxa had one of the keys to the Czech coronation jewels.

Villa property in the capital city of Prague in the Havlicek orchards served until 1939 under the name villa Baxa at the expense of the city to accommodate children Homeland Baxa tours that arrived at excursion.


Minister of Justice Dr. Štefan Rais in Bratislava. Right behind him with the camera probably related to Minister of Defence Dr. Alexei Čepička, later director of the CSP ing. Čepička.

Automobil Škoda Superb 919 of the same type owned Valéria Čevelová born Stiglitz, cousin of JUDr. Stefan Rais at the time when she attended JUDr. Eva Baxa her family in Trenčín. Was both her ​​husband confiscated (even Skoda Rapid 420), together with a movable and immovable property in the 1953 judgment sp. No 2T 399/53 of the former People\'s Court in Trenčín.



The year 1953 has affected the wider part of the remaining relatives residing in Slovakia prewar civil servants and relatives from among the officers from CSLA after the event Slovak army.

Po roku 1960 podal odsúdený pán Jozef Čevela, rodák z obce Babice na Morave žiadosť Okresnému súdu Trenčín o obnovu trestného konania býv. ĽS TN sp.zn. 2T 399/1953. Vo veci rozhodovala opäť sudkyňa JUDr. Ružena Brtková a jeho žiadosť zamietla.

The color is a red and white, my password is: honesty and strength.

Urn in which the ashes deposited first Mayor of Prague and President of the Constitutional Court JUDr. Karel Baxa.

The fourth report of the Czechoslovak State Higher Grammar School "Ľudovít Štúr" in Trenčín for the school year 1921-1922, pages 10 and 11. The report contains on page 11, 12 pupils II. classes Reis Štefan, Zliechov (Trenčianske Teplice) and Tiso Jozef, Trenčín, on page 13 pupil IV. classes Kočiš Oldřich (future editor-in-chief and minister Aladár Kočiš), Trenčín. Pupil 1 and Class Ružena Martinová (future judge Dr Ružena Martiny-Brtková, issued a conscientiously mistaking District court Trenčín Resolution "Declared for Death" file M 155/1947 dated 13.01.1948 damaging and disparaging families Stiglitz, Buchler, Ličko, Ondrejkovič , Lederer, Kellermann), born in Budapest (Trenčín), Ladislav Kellermann, Trenčín and 1.b class Oldrich Ondrejkovič (in fact Aladár II Ondrejkovič) were born in Čierna Lehota (Lednické Rovné). Gymnasium staff changed the name Aladár II. Ondrejkovič to Oldrich. His childless (or those who only had daughters) family members with high status in the Trenčín and Nitra districts, who were identified as the future head of the family, objected to it. According to party no. 4th grade Professor of Aladár II. Ondrejkovič was Vladimír Němec, X., Ch, P, taught Ch, in cl. IV, V, VI, P in L.a, I.b, V, VII, Cs. in I.b, 20 h, in II. half a year also in Z at III, 22 h, classes in I.b, administrator sb. Chh, game surveillance.

VIII. Annual Report of the Czechoslovak State Higher Grammar School "Ľudovít Štúr" in Trenčín for the school year 1925-1926, VI.A Class 21. * Štefan Reis, Zliechov-Gápel (Trenčianske Teplice). 26. Jozef Tiso, Trenčín ; 

Notes: Evangelical senior Augsburg Confession Dr. Vladimír Jurkovič, the father of the Lutheran pastor Dr. Ladislav Jurkovič ; Trenčín county judge Ilustrissimus Dominus Stephanus Sandor de Szlavnicza, Anne\'s Ondrejkovičová born Sandor de Szlavnicza father was a Lutheran ; In Yugoslavia were members Jugoslovensko-Čehoslovačka League and editor of "Lidové noviny" in Belgrade and prof. in the grammar school "T. G. Masaryk" in Petrovac Andrej Vrbacký (future husband of Editka Ondrejkovičová and holder of the prestigious Centre of the Yugoslav PEN club) and prof. high school in Petrovac Andrej Sirácky ; In the Trenčín Štefánikova  No 33 in the families Villa Alžbeta Ličková had been in occupation of Yugoslavia in 1941, the son of an aide of King Petar I. of Yugoslavia Prince Božko. After the abolition of university in pretektorate Bohemia and Moravia, where he studied at the Faculty of Mechanical and Textile of ČVTU placements in firms Tibergien fills, Managing in Trenčín. Alžbeta Ličková used to play tennis with him on the courts of their villa. Just before the occupation of Yugoslavia, the young Prince Božko farewell to host families of those that goes to the West by a decision of the royal court ;        

Source: District archive Nitra, Ivanka next Nitra ; Národné noviny Volume - 1933, Issue: 08.12.1933 ; Lt. colonel Aladár II. Ondrejkovič ; JUDr. Eva Raisová born Baxová ;  Marta Hladká born Raisová 1966 ; Alžbeta Ondrejkovičová born Ličková ;  Andrej Vrbacký ; Janko Sirácký ; Sidónia Hutarová ; editor Alexander Bachnár ; Viliam Kamenický ; Archive of District court Trenčín ; (8) Amerikansky Russky Viestnik. Homested, PA. August 8, 1935. No 32  ;  


Updated: 28.10.2024