District Governor Dr. Ondrejkovič ( Aladár Ondrejkovics )
Study in Trenčín and Jourist faculty (his classmate and frend at the faculty was Dr. Ivan Milec (Milecz de Tarnó) after the year 1919 Czechoslovak diplomat, of 1939 ambassador to Romania and Yugoslavia) in Budapest. His place of work for revolution a praktitioner of police in Budapest. After revolution was Noble Judge (supremus iudex) Iudices Nobilium in Veľké Topolčany (processus/reambulatio, szolgabírói járás, Stuhlbezirk). Honourable citizen of town Zlaté Moravce, president more regionals culture and national associations. Have a merit for build and crounded towns Topolčianky and Zlaté Moravce. Agile worker for organization fire brigade in county. Are District leader fire association and holder golden and silber cross. Honourable president Footbal club of Zlaté Moravce.
District Governor of Zlaté Moravce Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič have of his District Governor of Zlaté Moravce Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič have of his competention too summer residence of the President Cs. republic Topolčianky. The estate Topolčianky was the beginning of the 20th century property of family Keglevich de Buzin of which was District Chief Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič consanguineous throught its milady mother Anna Sandor de Szlavnicza. (Gábor Kegevich de Buzin and Matild Sandor de Szlavnicza were married). His mother was consanguineous and gender Balassa (Anna Balassa and František Sandor de Szlavnicza were married), was once also the owner of the manor and castle Topolčianky. Here mr. president T. G. Masaryk and his children received with family atmosfer his frends and politics. District Governor Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič there, in possessiones, whetes formeres holder was his family count Keglevich, bad moust often to welcome with his familys, what was president of Highest Law court JUDr. Martin Mičura, private frend of all family first Czechoslovak president T. G. Masaryk.
Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič (Aladarus Franciscus Ondrejkovics): Military Levy August 8, 1910, assigned to the armed forces of October 1, 1910. Postponement of military attendance service. In 1912 he received his Doctorate of Law from the University of Budapest. October 10, 1912 presented to the active service of the 6th Infantry Regiment to the 12th Field Company. He graduated from the Secondary School for Secondary Officers and appointed second lieutenant. On September 30, 1913, he was allowed to take a permanent vacation in advance. Held to the 71st Infantry Regiment on October 1, 1913. He joined the practice at the police in Budapest. Due to the mobilization of K.u.K. 1 August 1914 presented at the 32nd Infantry Regiment in the rank of second lieutenant in reserve. On May 1, 1915, he was appointed Lieutenant in reserve. The 5th August 1916 fell on the Russian battlefield. ♫ Любо братцы, любо ...
He was a prisoner of war in the city of Krasnoyarsk in Siberia in World War 1 (WWI). The first world war ended on November 11, 1918, but the conditions at the prison camp in Krasnoyarsk changed only for a year when all the guards had left them leaving and leaving them without food. The guards had no one to say what was going on to die. Lieutenant reserve of 32nd Infantry Regiment Dr. Aladar Ondrejkovic and his colleagues left the camp and walked from the village to the village home. In each village, only the onions were eaten as the only thing the villagers could give them.
Prison camp 1 on the banks of the Yenisei Krasnoyarsk River. It took almost a year to get back from the prison camp to Budapest to the family in 1920 via Hamburg. He and the other went all the way to Hamburg. Aladár and his spouse Anna moved to Slovakia in 1922. He became Noble Judge (supremus iudex) in the district of Veľké Topolčany, for two years he became District Governor in Považská Bystrica, then in Zlaté Moravce. Jeho kolegom a spolupracovníkom bol aj Jozef Országh (*21. júl 1883 Abramová-Laclavá †28. december 1949, Bratislava) v r. 1920-1922 slúžny Zvolenskej a Hontianskej župy.
District Governor Dr. Aladár I. Ondrejkovič, his wife Anna Török and their daughter Gizelle.
Anna Ondrejkovičová born Török

President T. G. Masaryk by visiting Košice, accompanied by Minister for Slovakia in Bratislava Dr. Martin Mičura former Comes Tekov-Nitra County. To the post of Noble Judge in the Great Topolčany and then to the post of Chief District Považská Bystrica he appointed Dr. Aladar I. Ondrejkovič Minister Dr. Martin Mičura.
Vláda Československej republiky povýšila do VII. hodn. triedy; Balážoviča Štefana, okr. náčelníka vo Vrábloch ; Pelikána Eduarda, župného hl. notára v Nitre; Dr. Kovaříka Františka, žup. hL notára v Nitre; a povýšila do VIII. hodn. triedy dra Ondrejkoviča Aladára, s titulom hlavného slúžneho v Topolčanoch. Zdroj: Úradné noviny Nitrianskej župy č. 18 zo 15. septembra 1923.
Castle, Palace and estate of Považská Bystrica were in the mid-19th century property of family Balassa de Kekko et Gyarmat, marriage by blood and property directly connected with the family Sandor de Szlavnicza. In 1684 the castle besieged army of Emperor Leopold I, when it was occupied by troops shortly before Prince Imre Thököly, whether by blood and property-related with family Sandor de Szlavnicza. In the Považská Bystrica was in 1924 by the District Governor Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič. His mother was Domina Illustrissima Anna Sandor de Szlavnicza and father was District notary in the circumference of the Dolné Držkovce and then the notary perimeter Šimonovany Dominus Stefan I. Ondrejkovič.
Dr. Aladár I. Ondrejkovič was District Chief in Považská Bystrica since January 24, 1925. Until 1925, Iudices nobilium was in Topolčany (1). In the perimeter his post of Považská Bystrica was District notary Tomáš Kohút (Kohúth), too leader of and regiment. It was 23th Infantry Regiment " American Slovaks " in Trnava. Országh, Turzo of father side, Ruttkay of mother side. Ignác Országh his son Juraj Országh, one of brothers was Jozef Országh Land president and Slavo Országh landlord of Laclava. To have too brother Ján (dead) and sister Viera Kohútová. Ruttkay D.Ž. Anna Johana. PhDr. Danica Országhová. Advokat Dr. Jozef Kohút *1838 †1915. PhDr. Danica Országhová.
In the 1925 visited President T.G.Masaryk in the summer residence Topolčianky Crown Prince Carol II of Romania. During the visit to Slovakia in Bratislava also discussed with the mayor of the city, the Minister Plenipotentiary for Slovakia and officials of the Provincial Office. Later he served nephew of District Chief in Zlaté Moravce Lieutenant cavalry Aladár II. Ondrejkovič in Dragon regiment after the visit of His Majesty 01.11.1936 in Bratislava named in 11th Dragon Regiment King Carol II of Romania.
Committee of the Association of Slovak student in jubilee year 5.II.1928 - 3.II.1929. Anton Vašek Vice-president, E.B. editor Ml. Slovakia, Dr. Braňo Varsik President, Alojz Löbl Vice-President, Dr. J.K. Millo Vice of Zmierčieho Court, Jozef Lettrich Social Committee Chairman, Emil Nový President of Board, President Andrej Guoth secondary board, Fedor Thurzo secretary, John Belanská II.secretary, Michal Halaša Casier, Rudo Rajniak scheaf committee of press.
Bratislava in the period 1. republik Capital Slovak Earth, the seat of two political and two judicial districts. Census in 1930: 123 844 inhabitants (including 10 of Gypsy nationality, 60 013 persons of Czechoslovak nationality, 18 890 persons of Hungarian nationality, 32 801 persons of German nationality, 56, of Polish nationality, 12 of Romanian nationality, 199 persons of Russian nationality, 111 of Serbo-Croatian nationality and 4 747 persons of Jewish nationality).
In Life with joy and worry (S080). In September 1931 launched new skool year for 100 more boys in Šaštín. In addition to studying them, but after flying too mean every scalawags which keep Veselý spirits. One of the boys described as follows: "It's Monday. We have chemistry. We are in experiments. Frend Števo made today at noon, first attempt and succeeded him. Osmek cooks two slices of salami. Long live science!" A few days was the traditional grape harvesting in Horné Orešany. He invited us dignified Dominus Augustín Vávra. In Boleráz morning after we reviewed the strengthening factor for starch. We have now to remember too much willingness and obsequiousness lords engineers. Sandor had already two days cofee nice malt starch sugar, but the world is bad and it made a man strip ... After Holy Mass in Orešany came lunch. Evry you went out, his "vercajch" and whether "echcajch" and hens, ducks and geese had to undergo. And the plum Gül was truly in five tausend. Well and truly, we managed and old saying: Dry spill that you are not caught ... When we returned grape harvesting of, comes between us mr. inspector. Director was to be hen in the long beg morsel of bread, truly need, we are nice and stomachs rank us better function as the brains. The year was Benedict thoose sheet 40 cleric, lay people were given the vignette of the Virgin Mary's assistant Christians. After the ceremonies alls with burning candle hand to listen to sermon Joseph Bokor, direktor of Šaštín. Ceremonial Holy Mass was Msgr. Dr.Štanzel, bif frend and big supporter Salezian work in Moravia. Novitiate too filozofic students was when Pope Benedict in common with czekish Salezians. This year, in Benedict began with the construction of the chapel, which would straddle News together with students. Psáry benefactors of the chapel dedicated to the nicest statue of the Divine Heart. When the chapel was completed, as it hallow mr. bishoph Marián Blaha. Build the chapel was not only one building, which the old comunity in Benedik. Three days for a holiday nor held hallow "Cultural Haus Don Bosco" in Kozárovce. Hallow transferred dekan of Hr. Nemiec vdp.Dodek. Salezians Dr.František Sersen, who was chaplain of Kozárovce to hallow lighted the importance of the work. For hallow voice too bigest donators - District Governor Ondrejkovič and mr. Organist Bronislav Fajta. Day for hallow unexpectedly dead generale presented Salezians Don Philip Rinaldi aged 76 years. Salezians away, but work to create the immortalize souls will last forever.
Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič I also financed the first fire truck in the district of Zlaté Moravce, has been honorary citizens of all communities in the district. He's municipalities certificate posted on the corridor (source: Gizelle Kerney - daughter).
Newspaper "Slovenská krajina" of 14. october 1932. Mr. President T.G.Masaryk in the Lány. The president went on Tuesday, October 11 1932 at 21.30. with his entourage of Topoľčianky. At the train station in Topoľčianky they announced the President a provincial president Országh, provincial gendarme general Adamička and District Chief Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič. At the station it had too many audiences Topoľčianky and its surroundings. Mr. President came on October 12 at 8 pm. 10min. Topoľčianky to the Lány. At the station expecting the President's office Dr. Šámal.
Mauréry Rudolf became a priest on 18.06.1933 and began to organize in the district town Zlaté Moravce (source: "Religia Slovakia" of November 5, 2014).
The newspaper "Southern Pohronie" from 05.11.1933. In Zlaté Moravce 15th anniversary of the liberation country was mentioned very dignified. In the city decorated with national flags already celebrated the day before school single celebration. The high school was opening speech by Mr. Director Dr. Skovajsa hoisted the national flag, which was a tribute. In subsequent speeches said Professor Dudík progress since the beginning of independence, and pointed to the pettiness that divided our nation, and that can not be compared with the fact of our liberation. After reciting and singing prepared by Mr. Professor Bok was successful feast complete. Evening city lights spender. Illuminated shop windows were decorated images of our greats, for windows and candles lit chandeliers and walked through the city streets lantern sprievod with singing and music. October 28 was a festive divine service in the local church, Sokol academy evening at the cinema "Svornosť". In solemn speech District Chief Dr. Aladar Ondrejkovič appreciated the work done in the district for 15 years Zlaté Moravce independence and spoke about the purity of nature as the greatest backbone of our state. After the speech was transferred carefully prepared numbers gym, dancing, singing and musical rewarded with prolonged applause from the audience. Celebrating the Feast of Freedom in Zlate Moravce pretty successful.
Blood relative of Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič, after his old mother Esther Ivanka de Draskocz et Jordánfold, Imre Baron Ivanka de Draskocz et Jordánfold was the founder of the Red Cross in Hungary. The founding meeting of the Red Cross in Hungary took place on 16 May 1881 in Budapest. May 17 was the merger female league with a newly created organization of the Red Cross, Baron Ivanka became her manager. It was among the initiators of the construction of the hospital of the Red Cross for the purpose of training of professional and voluntary nurses).
Vráble. Since the thirties of the 20th century, in the event of bombardment, natural disasters or accidents was organized by the district chiefs (in the Vrábľe Stefan Balažovič in Zlaté Moravce Dr. Aladár I. Ondrejkovič) Rescue Services with the participation of the tests Firemen, gendarmerie, Samaritans Department of Red Cross Czechoslovakia (RCS) and Czechoslovak troops. The district chief in Vráble Stefan Balažovič was related of the District notary Stefan I. Balazsovics a related of oficiál District Court in Prievidza Gejza Turba, Director post to Slovakia Štefan Turba (burgomaster Bratislava) and teacher Maria Ondrejkovič born Turba. National Newspaper Volume: 1933, Issue: 08.12.1933. Stefan Balažovič was appointed Provincial Office in Bratislava as the new District Chief in Košice. He took office before Christmas.
The administration of the newspaper "Southern Pohronie" 12.05.1934. Štefánik celebrations on May 6, 1934 in Levice attended public and Czechoslovak high school Zlaté Moravce, Olym Kozárovce, together with the reformed grammar school Levice. Already at the start, taking the lead in the reformed gymnasium Levice that initial lead widened to 500 m. Since the mid-line, however, Zlaté Moravce added, and three-quarters of the track Levice dangerously near. Nice fight was broken indiscipline Levice student S., who despite warning colleagues stood in line already rechecked and thus spoiled the whole race, while seeming to gain leadership Levice. Additional Doraden Moravce competitor of the car, after finding an irregularity fight, things have not changed. Zlaté Moravce high school swimmers thanks for the kindness p. Directors of the two grammar schools, Member of Parliament Dr. Ravasz and District Chief Dr. Ondrejkovič (the Czechoslovak state grammar school "of Janko Kral" studied and graduated the daughters of Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič Ms. Gizela Ondrejkovičová and Ms. Kamila Ondrejkovičová).
The newspaper "Southern Pohronie" of 23.06.1934. Extraordinary general assembly ZFC. on June 16, 1934 it was very busy. Mr. Grunwald entrepreneur thanked the Presidency and Herr Meizlík of vice. According to the Articles of Association were elected by voting chairman Herr District chief Aladár Ondrejkovič and the place Herr Meizlík Herr notary Szánto. It was also submitted a proposal to dissolve the club, which is a minority, bearing in mind other goals than sports, failed. On the contrary, at p. District Chief Dr. Ondrejkovič is assured future of the club. For some athletes, it is recalled that the sports club must remain a sports club and not a place of friction different smýšľajúcich officials.
Regional Exhibition in Zlaté Moravce. On Saturday, September 8, the Regional Cereal, Animal and Industrial Exhibition was opened in Zlaté Moravce, organized by professional organizations of breeding, trade and farming. The protector was Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič, District Chief. The exhibition lasted from 8 to 10 September. The opening of the exhibition was a ceremony in the presence of a large number of people. The President Šabo of District Forestry and Economic Unity welcomed the attended representatives of the authorities and Senator Gaspar Rovňan. District Chief Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič of the District Administration, had a speech in the district. He was very pleased that the district of Zlaté Moravce was able to work diligently for the work of the hunters, craftsmen and industrialists to organize this exhibition, which is a demonstration of their work and progress. After him, Senator G. Rovňan, Jan Valach, Mayor Bauer, Secretary Laurinc read the minutes of the jury's committee on the award of the best groceries. The musical ensemble from Topolcianky played an anthem and after the final words of President Šabo, the ceremony was concealed. Source: Slovak Pravda weekly of 16 September. 1934 page 4.
Celebration in Zlaté Moravce to mark the handover of the first fire trucks in the district donated District Chief Dr. Aladár I. Ondrejkovič Firemen Union.
The course of the exercise of the District Fire Department of the Zlaté Moravce District in Topolčianky. More than 500 uniformed firefighters from the Zlaté Moravce District with six motorized syringes and one car participated in II. District Exercise in the presence of the Nitra, Prievidza, Vráble Fire Brigade. Country Fire Unity was represented by Dr. Ján Novák from Prievidza. At the training camp he celebrated the Field of St. the Baptist. mosque dean Ján Jakabovič. They followed the chorus tests. Afterwards, they were given lunch during fire-fighting camps in the training camp. A banquet was organized for the guests at the local National House, where Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič, District Chief, District Commander, Dr. Ján Novák, as representative of Land Fire Department, represented by Topolčianky village Jozef Vodrážka, ved. notary Fraňo Mojto, art. supervisor, dr. Karol Bulla, District commander, for fire unity. Prior to commencement of involvement, Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič, Dr. Jan Novák, Jan Jakabovič and Štefan Haspra, n. mayor. The exercise was led by district firefighter Alexander Rakovsky. Commemorative Commander of District Unity and District Chief of Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič transferred the collection of firefighting celebrations to individual corporations and wealthier factories and traders to the collection of 3000 czk, for which he was responsible for the whole firefighting. Celebrating telegrams were sent out of celebrations: to the President of the Czechoslovak Republic, to the Minister of the Interior and to the Land Force Unity. Source: weekly "South Pohronie" of 22 September 1934.
Honor of the Zlaré Moravce District Chief. District Chief - Policy Officer dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič in Zlaté Moravce for his merit in the field of fire fighting was the Land Union honored with the golden merit cross. To the rare honor of the popular Chief, his magazine is warmly congratulated! Source: Week "Pohronie" of 27 October 1934 page 4.
After carrying out the functions of head of the 1st and 4th Division 9th Infantry Division in Bratislava 02.15.1935 passed to Major. GST. Augustin Malár other features on the Earth's headquarters in Bratislava *18.07.1894 Reitern †DD.MM.1945 Flossenbürg, Concentration Camp.
County palace Pálffy in Bratislava, the seat of governor Count Pálffy, the provincial council building and later the seat of the District Chief Dr. Aladár I Ondrejkovič.
A former teacher, provincial deputy Milan Polák at a meeting of the Provincial council in Bratislava in the 1936.
Of yearly report KČST- depertment " Tekov " Zlaté Moravce of the year 1936 we hear, to funcion presidents was afresh electored prof. Bok, secretary mr Mokoš, member of committee is too Václav Felt. Decided build shelter in Velký Inovec and estabilish tourist dormitory in Zlatné and Zlaté Moravce. Of written documents and corespodence of this times next we know details with course build hostel. Was acquire finance 19 thausend crown and to offering of members. Most money gived District Governor Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič I.
On the 30th anniversary of June 29, 1938 Peter and Paul in Trenčín met the abiturians of the Trencin Catholic Grammar School from 1908, namely: Ľudovít Baltay, head of the Spišská Nová Ves station, Pius Fojtík, notary in Trenčín, Dr. Štefan Folkman, public notary in Galanta, Viliam Frankl, notary in Sedličná, Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič, District Chief in Zlaté Moravce, Dr. Aladár Perger, lawyer in Levice, Dr. Július Pokorný, District Chief of Ilava, Dr. Joachim Pollak, Doctor in Bratislava, Dr. Anton Skycak, Chief Justice Officer in Bratislava, Dr. Oscar Smetana, a doctor in Trenčín, Dr. Adolf Suss, a lawyer in Trenčín and Dr. Oscar Winter, a doctor in Považské Nové Mesto to a thirty-year-long meeting. They have graved the tombs of former professors and classmates, and they have honored their memorial. Then they went to the Piarist church and, after quiet devotion, visited the building of the former grammar school. After a joint lunch, they took a trip to Trenčianske Teplice and in the evening they were in a good mood with the fact that they would meet again in Trenčín for 5 years. ; Source: Newsweek "Trenčan" of 02. juli 1938 page No 4 ;
(Cottage) Hostel in Veľký Inovec was ceremonially put into service gived 11th 9. 1938 in the presence of more tourists, the various representatives and invited guests. Therefore, that was buildet in the 50th year Jubilee Foundation KČT in the Czech Republic and 20th Jubilee emergence of Czechoslovakia received an official name "Jubilee". Hostel to have buildted ground of stones, which was a common room and to the first floor of woods two extra rooms for Manns and women's with 20 beds. One nigt cost 5,- Kč. First chatár was mr. Ješko. In this time was KČST Zlaté Moravce very active and have 170 members. Turists of Zlaté Moravce marked paths to V. Inovec of Zlaté Moravce, Kozárovce and Nová Baňa. KST - Town organisation Zlaté Moravce
Son of a notary in Varšany, Levice district and a friend of notary families Ondrejkovič and Mičura, was minister without chair since 22 September, from 4 October to 1 December 1938 Minister of Industry and Trade Dr. Imrich Karvaš. Government Commissioner and Principal Servant in Levice were family members Ondrejkovič and Sandor Dr. Štefan Ravasz. JUDr. Martin Mičura introduced him to the regional policy and to his function after the Czechoslovak Republic.
In the years 1938-1939 was District governor in the Považska Bystrica Dr. Stefan Schurmann, blooth related of familys Ondrejkovič and Sandor ; In the years 1938-1939 was District governor in the Bánovce nad Bebravou Jozef Ország ;
District Governor Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič in the Zlaté Moravce District where he was for ten years. Note: He funded the first fire vehicle in the district and was given an honourary fire chief status from all the area villages. He had the certificates hung in the hallway. (source: Gizelle Kerney- daughter).
One of identifying best and most experienced officials of the Regional Office of Slovakia in Bratislava, was the District Chief Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič. In the years 1936-39 participated in the district Zlaté Moravce and district Prešov on the compilation units State Defense Guard SOS members of departmental gendarmerie, Finance Guard, State Police and military reservists residing around the expected deployment.
Elite armed forces SOS of the Czechoslovak State in exercises in southern Slovakia in 1937. Battalion SOS 28/ Nové Zámky (Nitra). Political districts: Starý Dalat, Hlohovec, Komárno, Zlaté Moravce, Nitra, Parkáň, Piešťany, Šaľa, Vráble, Nové Zámky. Commander: Lt. colonel Karel Jahelka (of 12th Infantry Regiment). Status: 1012 men (184 gendarmes, 48 policemen, 227 members of the financial guard, 553 army troop surge).
Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič In connection with the Munich Agreement was translated from Zlaté Moravce (where he was subject to residence of the President Czechoslovak Republic Topolčianky) to Prešov with the task of organizing the district dislocation and the work of national authorities which the Czecho-Slovak Republic forced to evacuate from Kosice and part of Slovakia and Ruthenia.
Secretary of the Swiss Chamber of Commerce in Vienna since 1934, since October 1939 the representative of the Swiss Headquarters for Economic Development (SHS) in Bratislava Dr Hans Keller has been a frequent participant of hunters in Carpathian Russia and eastern Slovakia since autumn 1938 with the approval of Dr Aladar Ondrejkovič. In Austria, in the spring of 1938, the Nazis removed the hunting ground in Wachau without compensation. In the interest of the state, Dr Aladár Ondrejkovič also supported the signing of commercial contracts for the supply of charcoal to Swiss local business entities with Dr Hans Keller.
JUDr. Imrich Karvaš sa stal priateľ rodín Ondrejkovič a Mičura ministrom bez portefeuille v úradníckej vláde generála Syrového 22. september - 4. október 1938. V druhej úradníckej vláde generála Syrového od 4. októbra až do 1. decembra 1938 zastával syn notára vo Varšanoch Okres Levice JUDr. Imrich Karvaš post ministra priemyslu, obchodu a živností.
After November 2, 1938 in connection with the Vienna arbitration he was evacuated its office in Prešov and its subordinate office of the District Chief Dr. Aladár I. Ondrejkovič. Brigadier General Oleg Svátek was DD.10.1935 DD.09.1938-commander of the 12th Infantry division, HQ in Uzhgorod, DD.09.1938 DD.12.1938 commander of the Border area 42 Slánske vrchy - border with the Kingdom of Romania for a state of emergency, HQ in Uzhgorod, DD.12.1938 DD.03.1939 12th Infantry division Commander, HQ in Svaljava.
Dictate forced evacuation of the Provincial Office and Czechoslovak Army of the Košice after the Vienna arbitration after November 2, 1938.
You are told Prešov ! Source: newspaper "Slovenský hlas" of November 18, 1938 p. 4. Evacuation of the Košíc has broken links with the Slovak East. New District Chief Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič took office. Today we are again in written contact with the dealers of the Slovak East. The first is the metropolis of the Slovak East - Prešov, which became the largest city in Slovakia after Bratislava after the Vienna decision. With the evacuation of Košice and southern Slovakia, Prešov became the East Slovak center, in just a few days 10,000 inhabitants came. The Prešov Regional Office in Bratislava translated the Košice Police Directorate, its new boss is Dr. K. Bielický. The establishment of the Police Directorate was welcomed by the population, because after Šariš there was a very dangerous action of suspected individuals, whose activity is so hurt. In Prešov, the District Financial Directorate and the Supreme Court will also be established. The propaganda office sent to Radiojounal Secretary Anton Prídavok to organize the Prešov radio. Radio broadcasts temporarily every day from 18.00 to 18.45 O clock hour on the Banska Bystrica waves from the Savoy Hotel. One week we can expect to mount a 2.5 kw power station, the impact of radio broadcasts from Budapest paralyzes.
Battalion SOS 32/Košice (Prešov). Political districts: Gelnica, Košice, Košice-rural, Moldava nad Bodvou. Commander: Lt. colonel Jaromír Libánský (of 32nd Infantry Regiment) from 15 February 1939 major Václav Tichna (of 14th Infantry Regiment). Condition: 616 men (120 gendarmes 180 policemen, 177 finace guard, 139 military reinforcements). Losses: Supervisory František Blecha (12 November Hirn ; the day hospital Prešov), the supervisor Josef Hrdina (December 19 Slanec).
Battalion SOS 34/Spišská Nová Ves. Political districts: Bardejov, Giraltovce, Kežmarok, Levoča, Stará Ľubovňa, Poprad, Prešov, Sabinov, Spišská Nová Ves, Spišská Stará Ves. Commander: Lt. colonel Josef Krejci (of 37th Infantry Regiment). Condition: 473 men (104 gendarmes, 227 Financial Guard, 142 military reinforcements).
The evacuation of the Czechoslovak state property military transport vehicles Tatra T28 of 3th army Štefanik to the Prešov.
Since December 1938, the outpost of the Czechoslovak army PAÚ office, which was abolished in Košice, operated in Prešov under the control of the Prešov District Chief Dr. Aladár I. Ondrejkovič.
Gendarmerie was officially conceived as militarily organized and armed security corps. Gendarmes entered the service voluntarily,composed gendarme oath and committed to the service of four years. Gendarmerie received the rank system consistent with the military, there were only certain modifications in names, ie. generals, officers, team (receipt of salary without class rank).Gendarmerie was apolitical organization. [38] The gendarmes were forbidden activity in political parties, the entrance to sports andleisure organizations. Marriages were permitted after 4 years of seniority, and soon after reaching 30 years of age. Marriage may not be approved if it threatened the interests or reputation of the gendarmerie. Since 1927, members of the gendarmerie had no right to vote.
At the beginning of February 1939 Slovak Matica in Prešov had a General Assembly at which she elected a new committee. The new functionaries were elected as follows: Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič, District Chief, I. Vice-Chairman R. Mereš, School Inspector, II. Vice-chairman M. Trnovský, professor of Evangelical grammar school, secretary L. Šmelík, professor of state real grammar school, treasurer Št. Hedera, the procurator of the Tatra banka in Prešov, the writer L. Repčák, the librarian of the city of Prešov, the lawyer M. Klč, a lawyer. Source: newspaper "Slovák" of 21 February 1939 page 7.
District Governor (Sheriff) Dr. Aladár I. Ondrejkovič of Prešov (Member of the Management Board of the company - Prešov refinery alcohol account. Comp., Prešov) calls in the days 20-22 February 1939 to the President of the Autonomous Government Dr. Jozef Tiso help border communities, the construction of railways, Prešov - Strážske, regulation Torysa river basin, improving the transport system in east Šariš and modification of land. In the years 1938-39 was District Governor of Žilina Dr. Tibor Jesenský, blood relatad of family Ondrejkovič - Sandor.
Lt. colonel GS. Ferdinand Čatloš was on March 14, 1939 at the head of the Regional Military Command - KVV, where he was subordinate to the President of the Land Slovak, that is, he was a colleague of District Chief Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič.
Since its transfer, the military PAÚ (Preceded Agency Headquarters) in Prešov with its focus on Hungary has been under the control of the autonomy. District Governor Dr. Aladár I. Ondrejkovič was forced to face the Marauders who are armed to the territory of the district of Poland and penetrated part of the territory occupied Hungary. Even more working and organizational burden was exposed Dr. A. Ondrejkovič after March 14, 1939 when the district Prešov found himself in a war zone in the context of fighting troops (and their evacuation with the authorities and civilian persons) non-existent Czechoslovak state in Ruthenia with the Hungarian army.
Štrnásteho marca 1939 dorazili zo železničnej stanice Veľká Sevljuš do kasární kombinovanej roty útočnej vozby dva tanky LT vz. 35 (prototyp Škoda 13620 a armádny tank 13903), vracali sa s predvádzania firmou Škoda a.s. v Sovietskom zväze cez Rumunsko s firemnými montérmi. Tank 13903 bol zapožičaný za tým účelom čs. armádou. Dôstojníci roty tanky zabavili a zaradili do stavu. Montéri sa ponúkli, že sa s nimi zapoja do bojov. Oba tanky boli použité v protiútoku na prístupoch do Svaljavy u Fančíkova, kde jeden z nich (13903) zasiahol maďarský protitankový kanón. Dobrovolník vodič, škodovácky montér Antonín Seidl padol. Opustený vyhorelý tank bol ukorisťený protivníkom. Niektoré jednotky Stráže obrany státu brániace tzv. stredný smer sa už nemohli stiahnuť na Slovensko a ustupovali východným smerom, kde sa bránili prápory I/45 a II/45 pešieho pluku 45 (veliteľ pluku bol podplukovník František Václavek) a oddiel III/12 delostreleckého pluku 12. Tieto jednotky ustupovali z Chustu cez Ťačov k hranici s Rumunskom, ktorú tvoril hraničný most cez rieku Tisu. Maďarské vojsko už 22. marca napadlo aj územie Slovenska. Hungarian army, which have already occurred on March 22 and the territory of Slovakia.
The town of Cigeľka was an important bathhouse near the border with Poland above Prešov. Nearby there were barracks in which a strong detachment of well-armed finance with its own ammunition depot was stationed. They refused to hand him over to the Germans. They were commanded by Moravák. After March 14, 1939, the Polish army unsuccessfully tried to bomb their barracks, but they hit the town in full.
The son of a notary in Varšany, the district of Levice and a friend of notary families Ondrejkovič and Mičura, former minister Dr. Imrich Karvaš, was in March 1939 appointed governor of the National Bank.
Colonel Brigadier Roger Masson Chief of the Swiss Military Intelligence Service. Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič had close relations with both the Swiss Red Cross and Switzerland, not only because of his family's position in the IRC, but he deepened and expanded them during his acting as District Chief in Zlaté Moravce. Where he had been meeting with Son in law of President T. G. Masaryk MUDr. Henri Revilliod in the Chateau Topolčianky for a year. As Alica Masaryk, he also engaged in the favor of the International Red Cross. These relationships led to Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič on Colonel-Brigadier Roger Masson.
The Swiss Confederation recognized the Slovak Republic as the sixth state on 19 April 1939. Diplomat of the Swiss Confederation Hans Keller served as Deputy (Secretary of the Swiss Chamber of Commerce in Vienna since 1934) of the OSCE in the Slovak Republic in Bratislava since 1939. He was living in the Carlton Hotel in one room, which was also an office. His wife, graduate of the Zurich Business School, also worked there.
From 15 May 1939 commander of the 3rd Cavalry Battalion, as of May 15, 1939 the commander of the 3rd Cavalry Reconnaissance Section in Michalovce, falling under the 3rd Division district of Prešov Major cavalry Ján Malár (in the Motešice his nephew's lieutenant cavalry Aladár II. Ondrejkovič colleague), also performed special tasks for the District Chief of Prešov Dr. Aladár I. Ondrejkovič.
Finally the Samaritans courses and exams held in the Black Eagles in the Prešov from 28.8 to 09.24.1939 with the participation of 28 men and 175 women. Front row from left: Police Captain Kováč, eastern Slovak division commander Colonel Augustin Malár (Lieutenant of Cs. legions in Italy to 1919) in a statement Slovak independence he became commander VI. Army Corps and commanded him all the time fighting with Hungary in East Slovakia, Minister of National Defence General Ferdinand Čatloš (Captain of Cs. legions in Russia, returned home on Sept. 12, 1920), District Chief and Commander of the Firemen in the District No.5 in Prešov Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič and District doctor and chairman of the department of the Red Cross Samaritans in Prešov Dr. Anton Frič.
After the attack of Poland 1st sept. 1939 on 3 September 1939 denounced the United Kingdom and France the German Empire War. First Lieutenant in the reserve Dr. Hans Keller enlisted from Vienna to TerKdo 6 to Wollishofen near Zurich. Colonel Stadler of Uster, commander of the Ter unit, ordered him to report in uniform with the then deputy vicedirector of the Department of Trade of the Department of Transport and Energy Management, Dr. Jean Holz. After instructing him, Dr. Jean Holz sent to Slovakia with the task of agreeing supplies of a range of goods and raw materials to the Swiss Confederation's war economy due to the impossibility of obtaining them from the original suppliers.
The solemn installation of Prešov Bishop S.E. Jozef Čárský. On Sunday, it was attended by both Prešov and the surrounding population. The celebration was broadcast by transmission to all radio stations. The most eminent bishop Jozef Čársky was established by the Pope's office as the apostolic administrator of those parts of Košice, Rožňava and Satmari diocese who are in the territory of Slovakia. For its seat S.E. elected the metropolis of eastern Slovakia Prešov. Mr Germušek, the city's official, welcomed S.E. the Bishop of Čárský and the speech of A. Ondrejkovič, who was on behalf of the district chiefs of eastern Slovakia. Source: newspaper "Slovak" on October 15, 1939.
Eastern Slovakia is building its Air Force. On Saturday night there was a general assembly of the branch of the Slovak Aeroclub in Prešov in the room of the "Black Eagle". This important act has been attended by many audiences with both Prešov and the surrounding area. The meeting was opened by the Chairman of the Preparatory Committee ing. Babjak. After the election, the election of Augustin Malár, the Colonel of the General Staff, was elected president. Vice-Chairs were elected District Chief Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič, Ing. T. Bosňák, advokát dr. K. Mačuha, Director of J. Bruoth and Ing. J. Kubišta. Source: newspaper "Slovák" of November 8, 1939.
The new member of the board of directors of the Prešov distillery at the end of 1939 became the Prešov District Chief Dr Aladár II. Ondrejkovič. On 9 December 1939, at the general meeting of shareholders, it represented 300 participants. Source: Annales historici presovienses number 1/2011, year 11, Patrik Derfiňák: Industrial refinery of spirits in Prešov and its activities in 1903-1945 page 121, State archive Prešov. Fund Prešov Regional Court, Business Department, Prešov Refinery of Spirits, i. no. 592. B II 272. box 53. 40/1939.
Volunteer work in favor of Slovak Red Cross also included the daughters of Dr. Aladár I. Ondrejkovič Gizelle and Kamila and wife Anna.
Registrar of the Board of Directors of the Prešov Refinery of Spirits, Participating Society, November 6, 1940. J Bujanovics remained the Chairman, new members of the Board of Directors and Supervisor Dr Aladár Ondrejkovič became Deputy Chairman, Dr. Š Fritz, Dr B Germuss, A. Ketzer, and A Bakajsa. Less active were members of the board of directors A Ardo, L Ghillányi, G. Hedra, I. Péchy and dr. D. Piller. The members of the Supervisory Board were E. Lábaj and G. Pulszka and the director of E. Arje. The chairman reported on the economic results, the director informed about the operation and its security. He suggested that even this year management would pay for the unemployed 2000 Ks. It was agreed. The Director did not participate in the further discussion, 256 of October 1, 1940, on the employment of Jews in enterprises in the territory of Slovakia. Following the discussion, a decision was made: "... Under the Government Decree, a request is made to the Central Economic Office for a work permit for the Jewish staff of a distillery. Prematurely everything remains unchanged. Eugene Arje's monthly salary is fixed at 3500 Ks, and he remains eligible for the examination. The possibilities of maintaining the state were handled personally Dr. A. Ondrejkovič with the minister of right-thinking Dr. G. Fritz, confirmed the condition. Satisfaction was also expressed by E. Lábaj, representative of Ľudová banka in Ruzomberok. The major changes in operation were not ascertained, as evidenced by the results presented at the General Assembly in April 1941. Profit of Sk 257,010.55, probably as in the previous year, partially improved the position of the company. It was able to increase the volume of cash, it was at the cash desk and reduced the securities item. A portion of receivables was collected and settled at Sk 2.6 million. The rising trend kept operating costs, exceeding 1.1 million crowns. The company, despite being able to settle part of its older obligations, contributed Sk 23,872.25 to the golden treasure of the Slovak Republic .... Source: Annales historici presovienses č. 1/2011, roč. 11, Patrik Derfiňák: Industrial Refinery of Spirits in Prešov and its activities in the years 1903-1945 s.122. SA Prešov. Fund Prešov Regional Court, Corporate Office, i. no. 592. B II 272. Box 53. 42/1940. Box. 53. 45/1941. Final accounts for the business year 1939 - 40th XIX. year. Prešov 1940.
The first ambulance Tatra 57L for Red Cross Czechoslovakia (RCC), Slovak Red Cross (SRC) introduced in Prešov District Chiefs Dr. Aladár I. Ondrejkovič.
Provincial House in Prešov today after 75 years. In the meantime, they topped irreversible political, social and economic changes, along with the liquidation capital and numerically poor Slovak bourgeoisie. It has been eliminated, the whole rural intelligentsia under any possible pretenses. The land on which the County House was built was, until 1760, the commissioner of the University Library of Buda Paracels of Prešov and the family of Mednyánszky, a family member of Ondrejkovič family. They worked in this building Ferencz I prince Rákoczy, Ferencz II prince Rákoczy, baron František Klobušický, Count Ján Pálffy, Count Mikuláš Esterházy and after the establishment of the First Czechoslovakia also Dr. Pavol Fábry.
Pamätník 24 barbarsky umučených pri tzv Prešovských jatkách v roku 1687. Okresný náčelník Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič mal v Prešove mimoriadnu autoritu aj nakoľko verejnosť bola informovaná, že bol v priamej línii potomok po magnátovi Jurajovi Radvansky de Radvany ktorý zahynul na mučidlách mimoriadneho súdu tialianského generála v cisárskych službách Antónia Caraffu.
Guvernér Národnej banky a predseda Najvyššieho úradu pre zásobovanie Dr. Imrich Karvaš si vyhradil už pri svojom menovaní v personálnych otázkach voľnú ruku. V roku 1940 vymenoval nového Okresného náčelníka v Bratislave Dr. Aladára I. Ondrejkoviča za predsedu správnej rady novokonštituovaného Družstva hospodárskych liehovarov. Podradil mu všetky slovenské produkčné liehovary. Po tomto rozhodnutí reguloval Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič dodávky liehu (na prídel) producentom alkoholických nápojov studenou a polostudenou cestou aj výrobcom pohoných hmôt Bi-Bo-Li pre motorové vozdlá v zmysle inštrukcií guvernérom NB. Tak si Dr. I. Karvaš prostredníctvom Dr. Aladára Ondrejkoviča podriadil aj všetku dopravu motorovými vozidlami na Slovensku a nepriamo aj motorizované jednotky Slovenskej armády, nakoľko lieh bol 50% zložkou pohonných látok Bi-Bo-Li.
JUDr. Jozef Lettrich have known good and established advokat cancel in Bratislava, as advocate for Union of Cooperatives. JUDr. Ján Mikula was president of the Association of industry, business, trade, banks and insurance companies.
Mrs. Irena Blüh, a photographer and publisher of political literature known to the Slovak cultural and world community, according to her statement, managed after 1940 illegally under the false name Elena Fischer an enterprise important for the defense of the state in Humenné. It produced BiBoLi propellant mixtures for motor vehicles. dr. She also knew Aladár Ondrejkovič and her husband Imro Weiner-Kráľ from Považská Bystrica, where he was the District Chief until he was transferred to Zlaté Moravce. According to Viliam Kamenicky and the landowner Reich from Seredi, she also knew his nephew Lieutenant Aladár Ondrejkovič before 1940.
Within the jurisdiction of the district Chief of District Administration, Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič, the BEÚS transport company also operated another Swiss owner (since 1923) of Ewag Holding AG from Zurich.
The second Swiss company in Switzerland, owned by the Swiss citizen, Mr. Wrubel, in the disadvantageous sale of the Hermann-Göring Werke concern was Kovohuty Werkzeugmaschienen fabrik Öerlikon Bührle et comp. Krompachy district of Spišská Nová Ves. In Spišská Nová Ves, the public notary was the brother of General M. R. Štefánik Dr. Ladislav Štefánik. Together with the District Chief in Prešov Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič had contacts with Mr. Wrubel and
Hans Keller, the secretary of the Swiss Chamber of Commerce in Vienna, with an office in Bratislava. Dr. Hans Keller mal efektívne obchodné a spoločenské kontakty aj s Okresným náčelníkom v Kežmarku Dr. Alexandrom Lučšekom, švagrom generála M. R. Štefánika.
The Palace of Csáky (formerly politically, family and property-related composesorates Couple Ondrejkovič-Sandor de Szlavnicza) on Panská street No. 33 in Bratislava. Their professional interests were linked in the years 1918-1945, Dr. Gustav Count Csáky was Vice President of Slovak spirit industry acc. al. Levoča-Malacky and president Spiš historic community.
Pictured from left winegrower from Kalova Ves Fronc, ing. Fodor, District Chief of Bratislava Dr. Aladár I. Ondrejkovič, painter Stefan Polkoráb, Lt. Colonel spiritual service Albin Krosna and spine Accurs. Standing left Šára Ms. Alexis-Buganová, lady. Polkorábová, Ms. Gaburová wishes, Mrs. Rusňáková, Dr. Rusnak, Bohunský innkeeper of Karlova Ves, Mrs. Bučková, Dr. Alojz Bucek. Two ladies in the second row from right are daughters of Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič, school teacher Gizela and student Kamila.
Diplomat of the Swiss Confederation Hans Keller has served as an OSCE delegate of Vienna in the Slovak Republic in Bratislava since 1940 to 1943.
County Provincial Fire Unity had September 15, 1940 meeting. Appointed county firefighting commanders and guards: the County Council Head of the Bratislava Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič, District Chief of Bratislava, overseers Samuel Malárik of Bratislava, for the Nitra County Council Head of Fraňo Mojta II, Spec. teachers from Nitra, overseers Jozef Sykora II, and from Nitra to Trenčín County Council Head of Cyril Svoboda, director of the political administration. v. v. from Trenčín and overseers Clement Ondrášik administrator of the Dobrá, Teacher in Trencin, the County Council Pohronska Commander Michael Majerský administrator teacher in. v. v. and overseers Joseph Krippner, tradesman, both from Banská Štiavnica, the County Council Podtatransky Commander Joseph Hyrošš, administrator teacher from Sliač a castle and guard Stephen Hajdučko, school administrator from Gelnice, the County Council Šariš-Zemplén Commander Bela Korybský, county accountant from Presov and overseers John Huray, teacher administrator of Velký Saris, district. Prešov. Fire day in Vajnory.
The voluntary fire brigade in the Vajnory hold on Sunday, September 22, 1940 to celebrate 50-year anniversary under the protectorate Dr. Ján Obrcian, county governor of the Bratislava, and Dr. A. Ondrejkovič head of district Bratislava and county fire commander. - Arrive on Sunday to the Vajnory, there will be pleasant and cheerful. County advisory board based SRS. Chairman was District Chief of Bratislava Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič. SPA, October 30, 1940. On Tuesday afternoon about 16 hours it was in the room of the Association of Slovak Red Cross Bratislava constituent meeting of County Advisory Council Slovakian ambulance to be head of the organization providing .first aid in the Bratislava county. Constituent General Assembly attended by the leaders of the organizations concerned, as well as representatives rom.- cat. Church, opened by the President Branches of SRC Dr. Jozef Španka. Department of Slovak rescue services and the activities of County Advisory Council made a central referent Šimanovský in the present treatise informed of the details relating to the SRS. Activity of County Advisory Councils should be based on co-operative component, the county and the county master instructor and has to supervise the training of a unified powerful Samaritans, the single registration and turnout gear. Specifies the program at the same time, to be followed by the District Advisory Councils.
For the County Advisory Councils SCP was unanimously elected Bratislava District Chief Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič and county commander of the Fire Slovak Union delegate Dr. Straka from the Malacky. Place the county instructor has not yet been filled. After converting the elections rozpriadla between the present debate on SRS. The picture of the ŠKODA Rapid 1500 OHV (type 922) sanitary vehicles purchased by Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič for the Slovak Rescue Service in Bratislava.
STK December 21, 1940. Completion of the practical dietary course. In November and December, the city of Bratislava organized a course for the preparation of dietary meals. The course was led by MUDr. Andrej Galko, City Chief Physician. They lectured Dr. Ferdinand Dragula, Assistant of Internal Clinic and Dr. Drgun, Assistant of the Children's Clinic. They lectured on German Dr. Rudolf Halmos, vol. Doctor for Internal Diseases and Dr. Karol Bohm specialist doctor for children's diseases. At the ceremony on December 17, Dr. Belo Kovac, Governor of the City of Bratislava, Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič, District Chief, Dr. Ján Novák, min. councilor, head of the political office of the city of Bratislava, Dr. Ed. Commander, County Chief Doctor and Dr. Eduard Zimprich.
The Cooperative of Commercial Spirits from Bratislava represented on 29. September 1941 at the General Assembly of the Prešov Refinery of Sirits Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič. At that time, he was presenting documents in the capital and the General Assembly, authorizing him to vote for 1250 attendances. SA Prešov. Source: Annales historici presovienses č. 1/2011, year. 11, Patrik Derfiňák: Industrial Refinery of Spirits in Prešov and its activities in the years 1903-1945 page 123. Fond Prešov Regional Court, Business Department, Prešov Refinery of Spirits, i. no. 592. B II 272. box 53. 49/1942.
Rozdelenie Československej republiky ovplyvnilo osud likérok v Trenčíne. Takmer všetky patrili majteľom židovského pôvodu, boli arizované. Továreň v Istebníku, patriaca rodine Pick sa ocitla vo vlastníctve Rudolfa Womela, komisára Nemeckej Ríše v protektoráte Čechy a Morava. Po dohovore s guvernérom Národnej banky Dr. Imrichom Karvašom v roku 1941 bratislavské Družstvo hospodárskych liehovarov iniciatívou predsedu jeho správnej rady Okresného náčelníka v Bratislave Dr. Aladára I. Ondrejkoviča továreň od zástupcu Nemeckej ríše odkúpilo. Zabezpečilo sa pokračovanie vo výrobe so zabehnutých výrobným programom. Odkúpením továrne v Istebníku sa dostali všetky produkčné liehovary na Slovensku pod kuratelu Okresného náčelníka Dr. Aladára I. Ondrejkoviča a bolo umožnené zamestnávať židovských majiteľov p. p. zamestnancov.
District Governor of Bratislava - Town Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič I was in the years 1940-1942 in the Slovak Parliament interpelated for his intervention for the benefit politicly and racially victimized fellow so-called. Jewish king, who was Anton Vašek. (*1905 Gross Borša +1946 Bratislava).
This brought him and his cousin lieutenant Aladár Ondrejkovič II indictment in this case, when with him personaly jointly intervened for the victimized.
The consequence of this was Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič I transferred to the District Governor (Sheriff) Bratislava - Country. Similarly, the lieutenant Aladár Ondrejkovič II terminated service in the army and his service Slovak ratio was kept as an asset not an active officer, but only as a reserve officer in the next serve.
Anton Vašek graduated secondary and university studys in Bratislava, officer in youth and higher education associations (Slovak vice president of Student Union 1928-1929), member HSĽS and Hlinka Guard. After the year 1927 was general secretary Slowakian union countrus land, towns and districts. Activ publicist, 1930-1938 News editor in charge of town Bratislava and Voice slowaks government. 1939-42 Head of Audit and Review Division of Municipal Office in Bratislava. Of 3.04.1942 to 1.09.1944 superintendent 14.anti Jewish Department of the Ministry of Interior. Organizer persecution and persecution of the population of racial reasons. Prakticle manage and implement measures to ensure deportátions, ideologicle and their propaganda argued. The office of Chief Notary Bratislava Municipal Office of AP in September 1944 to April 1945 with colaborated Germans occupying authorities. In the year 1946 National law court sentenced him to punishment dead hanging.
List of donors who have contributed to the Christmas Holiday event: Dr. Koloman Bielický, Trenčín 10.- Sk, Jozef Bezák, inspector SZ 20.- Ks, Dr. Imrich Čermanský, district chief of Považská Bystrica 50.- Sk, Dr. Ladislav Gažo, councilor of the Supreme Court 10.- Ks, Dr. Tibor Jesenský, Chief Adviser of Public Administration, Žlilina 50.- Sk, Dr. Martin Mičura 1st Chairman of the Supreme Court 500.- Ks, Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič Chief Counsel of Public Administration 100.- Ks, Vojtech Plechlo, Deputy of Dolné Dubové 50.- Sk, Viktor Pätoprstý, District Chief of Dobšiná 25.- Sk, Július Šchráter, Counselor, Bratislava 25.- Sk, Jozef Šrobár, Deputy 25. - Sk, Thonet Mundus Comp 25.- Sk, Dr. Adolf Záthurecký, 2nd Chairman of the Supreme Court 25.-Sk, Source: October 1941 "Nová Mládež" p. 22.
Slovak Press Office on December 31, 1941. Contributions to Poor Children: General Ferdinand Čatloš, Jozef Drobný, Ing. Vladimir Droppa, Director General of Slovak Dunajplavba, Dr. Pavol Fábry, attorney, Dr. Imrich Karvaš, Governor of the National Bank, Dr. Martin Mičura, President of the Supreme Court, Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič, District Chief, Kornel Stodola, Ing. Ivan Viest, etc.
Check delegate, member of the International Committee of the Red Cross Lieutenant Colonel Edouard Chapuisat (in bright coat) at the Bratislava railway station.
During the Second World War, Josef Tiso, manager of Yeast factory in Trencin, a husband from Renka Tausova (both former classmates of lieutenant cavalry Aladar II Ondrejkovič at the grammar school in Trenčín). Limiting production of margarines was the allocation of oil for the import of oil raw materials, although the production of yeasts, spirits and spirits contributed to exports to Switzerland. The factory employs more than 200 workers and 30 officials. Due to the directives of the Governor of the National Bank and the Chairman of the Supreme Supply Agency, Dr. Imrich Karvaš (colleague Dr Martin Mičura) and the General Director of Cukorspol AG Rudolf Fraštacký in 1941, the Yeast factory Trencin went under the "Cooperative of Commercial Spirits" Bratislava. The "Cooperative of Commercial Spirits" had a decisive say in the voting and application of their dispositions to allocate state-controlled alcohol allocations to producers of alcoholic beverages (in accordance with their tax returns) District Chief of Bratislava Dr. Aladár I. Ondrejkovič. Source: also Fond of Prešov Regional Court, Corporate Office, i. no. 592. B II 272. Box 53. 49/1942.
The Trade Agreement between the Slovak Republic and the Swiss Confederation was signed on 14 June 1941. On January 1, 1942, the Stupava Cement Company, a participating company, Bratislava. On 01.01.1942 the members of Dr. Ing. Milos Kianička, Director, Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič and Lt. Colonel Karol Peknik in Bratislava. Since May 29, 1942, members of the Board of Trustees of Stupava Cement District Chief Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič and Chief of Staff of the Ministry of Defense Lt. Colonel GS. Karol Peknik. Concerns provoked transit traffic across Austria. Slovakia was forced to borrow a third of the freight wagons of the German Empire. Switzerland had to send its empty wagons to Slovakia to transport the purchased goods to Switzerland. So it was for example even from the huge quantities of cement that Slovakia sold to Switzerland but could not transport itself for lack of wagons.
Slovak producers and authorities supplied mainly sugar, malt, alcohol, cement, charcoal, cellulose, mineral oil and other commodities to Switzerland. Switzerland has supplied traditional products to Slovakia.
On 03.02.1942, the Consulate General of the Swiss Confederation in the Slovak Republic was opened in Bratislava. Its seat was at Franciscan Square No. 5 in a Swiss citizen's home of town Bern. The Consul General from 3 February 1942 was Max Grässli. Since May 1, 1942, the secretary of his office, Teodor Meyer.
From the first months of 1943, Rudolf Fraštacký, whose father in law was dr. Aladár I. Ondrejkovič has long been a social and professional relationship for a time even the only binder of the resistance groups of Bohemia and Moravia with the exile government.
From 1943 he worked at the Consulate General of the Swiss Confederation in Bratislava as Vice-Consul, Dr. Hans Keller, who until then worked in Bratislava as an OSCE delegate.
Bratislavské Družstvo hospodárskych liehovarov iniciatívou predsedu jeho správnej rady Okresného náčelníka v Bratislave Dr. Aladára I. Ondrejkoviča investovalo sa do výroby destilátov a roku 1943 bol vybudovaný vzorový ovocný liehovar na statku v Hanzlíkovej.
Following the reform of the municipal administration during the first Slovak Republic (1943-1944), which was completed the de facto nationalization of the municipal council, headed the city mayor with one or two representatives of the burgomaster. In Bratislava it was the main mayor, representing the mayor. Mayor were elected, but appointed in their district headquarters Comes in other seat of Government Chief in Bratislava. The appointment was on a partys principle to the proposal HSLS or national parties.
The solemn installation of Mayor Jozef Mutkovic in the nearby village of Čeklis, June 11, 1944. He was executed by the District Chief of the Interior Policy Chief Counselor, Dr. Ondrejkovič. His representative, Mandelik, the chief notary secretary Škovránek, the director of school Hricko, V. Horak was also present (2).
Riport on events in the Slovak Republic in particular of Bratislava and Nitra 28.august after 1944 brought the Swiss to their emissary Eyewitness R. Eckenstein, Swiss statesmann already 16.September 1944. Applied to the actual journey to Nitra his old contacts with District Governor in Bratislava Dr. Aladár I. Ondrejkovič.
Associate of Dr. Aladár I. Ondrejkovič from the Board of Trustees of the factory Stupava Zement Colonel GS. Karol Peknik (until 01.06.1944 commander of the 1st Infantry Division in which First lieutenant reserve Aladár II. Ondrejkovič was ranked) was appointed as commander of the Defense Area, since September 4, 1944 Chief of Operations Department. Headquarters of the 1st Czechoslovak Army in Slovakia. November 1, 1944 was captured by the members of 14th Einsatzkommando near St. Ondrej nad Hron and shot on the same day when trying to escape (7).
Dr. Hans Keller in 1985 (Geschichte historisches Magasin No. 69, March-April 1985, pages 14-23) stated that the amount of Swiss goods imported between 1939 and 1945 into the Slovak Republic found its way not only to the protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, but also to Austria and occupied Poland.
After 1945, Slovakia had renewed Provincial establishment without competence. After 1948 it was canceled until the formal functioning county hall and replaced by Regional National Committee. In the year, the District chief in Bratislava Dr. Aladar I. Ondrejkovič named after the abolition of the district authorities in 1945 police criminal judge in Bratislava.
Podľa nariadenia ministerky výživy ing. Ludmily Jankovcovej č.236/1949 Zb. z 27. októbra 1949 Družstvo hospodárskych liehovarov, Bratislava, zaniká. Platnosť od 11.11.1949. Účinnosť od 31.08.1949. Ministerka výživy nariaďuje podľa § 11, ods. 1 zákona zo dňa 2. decembra 1948, č. 278 Sb., o Ústredí pre hospodárenie s pôdohospodárskymi výrobkami.
Zápotocký v. r. Ing. Jankovcová v. r.
Bývalý krajinský poslanec, povereník zdravotníctva Milan Polák zahynul za nevyjasnených okolností 2. augusta 1951 pri autonehode neďaleko Trenčína.
Post he held until retirement in 1957, despite the fact that his daughter Gizelle which worked very successfully in a major campaign staffs in the Democratic Party after 1948 went into political emigration. His brother-in-law Dr. Karol Reindl was head of the Commissariat of Internal Affairs ZP Slovak National Council until his retirement in connection with the criminal trial against the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of the Slovak National Council and the Commissioner of the Interior of the Slovak National Council Dr. Gustav Husak.
PhDr. K. Ivan said he came from a family of teachers in Skalica in western Slovakia. No member of his family ever belonged to the Communist Party; on the contrary, his grandfather was sentenced in 1950 to life in jail on a charge of " armed resistance to the liberating forces (Soviet Union troops) " . He was the leader of a 23th Infantry Regiment of American Slovaks in the Second World War, and as a notary of Považská Bystrica and a senior officer he was later conscripted to fight for the Soviets. As a political prisoner he was confined to the Jáchymov uranium mines in the Czech lands. In 1964 he was released under an amnesty covering all political prisoners." Milecová-Kohútová Hela (Mileczová).
More About Aladár I. Ondrejkovič: Degree: 1912, Doctorate of Law from the University of Budapest.1 More About Aladár Ondrejkovic and Anna Török: Marriage: 1914 Children of Aladár Ondrejkovic I and Anna Török are: Gizelle Kerney born Ondrejkovič *25.02.1916 in Budapest and Kamila Csúzy born Ondrejkovic *25 Mar 1926 Budapest †1991 Toronto, multiple sclerosis. Land President Dr. JosephOrszágh was related family Ondrejkovič through families Ruttkay and Sandor de Szlavnicza ; Sons in law of Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič Iwere brilliant entrepreneur in the steel industry Alexander Kornhauser (Kerney) and lawyer Dr. František Ervín Csúzy ;
Lady Veronica Cowling Kerney, daughter of the District Chief Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič and granddaughter of Anna Sandor de Szlavnicza Lady Gizelle Kerney born Ondrejkovič and sir Peter Kerney in Toronto. Gizelle Anna Kerney Ondrejkovič *Budapest 25.02.1916 † Toronto 05.09.2015. Gizelle Anna Kerney Ondrejkovič * Budapest 25.02.1916 † Toronto 05.09.2015. According to the written testimony of Lady Gizelly, Kerney born Ondrejkovič, according to the last will of Dr. Aladár I. Ondrejkovič, was the heir of the gender sealing ring held by his oldest nephew of the male line Lt. colonel tank Aladár II. Ondrejkovič.
Pictured from left to right - Honorary Lieutenant Colonel Richard Cowling CD ; Mrs. Veronica Cowling Kerney ; HRH Princess Alexandra KG, GCVO ; Mrs. Kathryn Kelly ; Mrs. Bev Hughes. Lady Veronica Cowling Kerney is the granddaughter of District Chief Dr. Aladár I. Ondrejkovič, the daughter of the cousin Lt. colonel tank Aladár II. Ondrejkovič (the heir of the birth seal ring of Dr. Aladár I. Ondrejkovič), his old mother is Domina Illustrissima Anna Sandor de Szlavnicza married Ondrejkovič. Father of Anne Sandor de Szlavnicza was Trencin County Richter Stephanus Freiherr Sandor von Szlavnicza.
Princess Alexandra, The Honourable Lady Ogilvy LG GCVO (Alexandra Helen Elizabeth Olga Christabel, born 25 December 1936) is the youngest granddaughter of King George V and Queen Mary ; Colonel-in-Chief of The Queen’s Own Rifles of Canada from 1959 to 2010 was Her Royal Highness Princess Alexandra of Kent, the grand-daughter of Her Majesty Queen Mary ;
Friendship Lady Gizelle with head of state in a slightly different form repeated in the life of her daughter Veronica. Veronica married a second husband, Colonel of the Canadian Army. Honorary commander of his regiment was until recently (this year took over the function of the wife of heir to the throne, Prince Charles), Princess Alexandra and with this he befriended Veronika, to the extent that she was invited to her and with her husband in England visited. A visit. A beautifully were recruited. Last year, Slovak television STV in Bratislava several times projected film "Slovaks in Canada", which had already been aired in Canada as well. Film shot Slepčíková Margaret and her husband Igor Rešovský. One Canadian personalities of Slovak origin, those portrayed in the film is Gizelle Kerney.
Satellite Joseph Čermák
District Chief Dr. Aladár Ondrejkovič and his daughters Gizelle and Kamila have been friends with the family of Schaner from Trenčín. The renowned lawyer JUDr. Brezhny from a well-known lawyer's family. From this family is also the Swiss writer Irena Brežná. According to author's knowledge, Rudo Schaner married Daughter Brezhny and emigrated to Canada in 1968, when emigrated to Canada by JUDr. František Csúzy, his wife Kamila Ondrejkovičová and Anna Ondrejkovičová born Török.
Officer of the Czech-Slovak Communist State Secret Service Miroslav Pich-Tůma. On the day of finding March 10, 1948 the body of Jan Masaryk he moved at 7 o'clock in the morning at the crime scene. After 1953, Tůma was condemned in another connection. He returned to his ties again between 1968-1969. He returned to the Military Court in Příbram in 1990 and rehabilitated him in July 1991. In the first half of the 1990s, his new investigation was being prepared..
Sources : Lady Gizelle Kerney ; Aerospace grade 3, 1938-39 years ; Lady Magda Suchánek ; The Golden book of Slovakia 1928 ; Representative lexikon of Slovakia and Ruthenia 1936 ; Letectvo 3 ročník, the years 1938-39 ; Mária Turbová ; Alžbeta Ondrejkovičová Ličková ; Colonel tank Aladár II. Ondrejkovič ; Marek Marko 2002 ; Juraj Fuchs ; General consul Max Grässli ; Ataché of Swiss Konfederation in Bratislava Hans Keller ; STV 2 ; Tribal letter JUDr. Aladár I. Ondrejkovič, VHA Prague, 10 October 1912 presented to the active service and was posted to 12 Field Company of Infantry Regiment No. 6 and to 30 September 1913, he attended school for reserve officers ; Viliam Kamenický ; Journal "Trenčan" of 25. jan.1925 page 2 (1) ; Newspaper Národní politika 17.08.1928/5, 12.10.1929/4, 13.10.1932/3 ; Newspaper Český deník 07.08.1930/3, 03.09.1936/2 ; Newspaper Lidové noviny 05.04.1927/4, 06.09.1932/3, 17.08.1928/5, 11.09.1932/5 ; Newspaper Národné noviny Volume: 1933, Issue: 08.12.1933, 1928/1, 03.08.1928/1, 18.08.1928/6, 1930/3, 05.11.1930/3, 14.10.1932/3, 07.09.1937/2, 08.09.1937/2 ; Newspaper Národní listy 06.08.1930/2 ; Newspaper Našinec 07.09.1932/2, 19.08.1933/1 ; Newspaper Slovenská krajina 07.09.1932 s. 2 ; Južné Pohronie z 22.sept. 1934 str. č.2 ; Magazin Nová Mládež 1941 ; Slovenský staviteľ č.1 z r. 1942 str. 24 ; Newspaper Gar. of 13. juni 1944 page 5 (2) ; Iľja Paulíny-Tóth de Tőre et Tóthmegyer ; Jozef Jablonický Historical Studies, no. 25, year 12, July 1989, Prague, p. 53-71 (7) ; Sattelite Jozef Čermák ; Matrika Bratislava-Staré Mesto ; Annales historici Presovienses No 1, 2011, page No 89, pdf - Prešovská univerzita ;
Explanation: The son of a notary in Varsány distict Levice a friend of families Ondrejkovič and Mičura was also governor of the National Bank Dr. Imrich Karvaš ; director petroleum company "Unirea" Alfred Gardyne de Chastelain ; Princess Alexandra, The Honourable Lady Ogilvy LG GCVO (Alexandra Helen Elizabeth Olga Christabel, born 25 December 1936) is the youngest granddaughter of King George V and Queen Mary ; The Queen's Own Rifles of Canada ; Colonel-in-Chief of The Queen’s Own Rifles of Canada from 1959 to 2010 was Her Royal Highness Princess Alexandra of Kent, the grand-daughter of Her Majesty Queen Mary ; Katarína Ondrejkovičová born Malár *1926 †1992 ;
♫ Когда мы были на войне ; ♫ Борис Штолоков - Эх, ты ноченька из к/ф Тихий Дон ; ♫ Борис Штолоков - Эх, ты ноченька из к/ф Тихий Дон ; virtuelle Travel Hurban Square - Bratislava - Slovakia ;