Andreas Ondrejkovicz (Ondrej Ondrejkovič)
Titular Provost of Liptovská Mara
Bearing, which holds the provost ThDr. Andreas Ondrejkovicz located in the Spiš chapter, patronage, church dignitary (born the year of our Lord *1621, in the village Spišská Štiavnica district Spiská Nová Ves - died on † 02.09.1697 in the town Spiš Podhradie - Spiš Chapter). Came from a yeoman family. The bearing of the provost is in the Spiš Chapter.
The Spiš Chapter and the Paneurope Union in the year 2005.
The existence of ore processing facilities (stupas) in the Banská Bystrica in 1495 is mentioned in the list of property purchased by Joannes Thurzo (relative of the author).
The complaint made before the Zvolen capital by the landowner Balthasar Radvanszký (one of the author's ancestors) shows that in 1514 he sent his miller along the millstones to the Holy Cross. At the same time, the toll booth in Ladomer charged a high fee to the miller, which caused damage to Radvanszky.
The pond, which retained water above the mill, is concerned with a complaint by Georgy of Mičiná against his relative János of Mičiná before the Zvolen capital court. According to the lawsuit, the accused János was to destroy and flood (probably in 1507) György's property. 926 This pond is also mentioned in the agreement on the division of property between the Beniczky peasants from 1570. Ferenc Beniczký (one of the author's ancestors) also released the pond to Benedikt and Martin Beniczký. János Beniczký released his share in all ponds to Ferenc. Ferenc also released his share in the family ponds to János.
In the year 1555, at the request of the prefect of the firm Fugger family (one of the author's ancestors family), Wolfgang Hohenwarter agreed to the establishment of a hammer in the Radvan area on the Radvaňský stream (in rivulo Radwan nominato) opposite the Hron river. They allowed the use of a stream flowing through the garden and through a pond belonging to the manor of the already poor Peter Radvanszky (one of the author's ancestors).
Dňa 20. júla roku Pána 1561 bol Georg Pravoticzky decurio vojenskej posádky (po páde Szigetváru poslednej kresťanskej pevnosti Zadunajska) Várpalota ktoréj velil viťaz 600 súbojov hradný kapitán Georg Thúry. Posádka 200 husárov a hajdukov nepoberala žold, žila aj so svojimi rodinami iba s toho čo ukoristila Turkom. Výstroj, výzbroj a kone si hajduci aj husári zaobstarávali tiež na svoje náklady.
On 2. september 1567 was in the Castle Lietava born György VII Thurzó (one of the author's ancestors family), †24. December 1616 in the Bytča.
On † June 21, 1621 was executed at the Old Town Square in Prague *1566 Ján Jessenius from Turčiansky Jeseňov (Johannis Jessenii a Jessen, he also studied at the University of Siena, Tuscany), in multiple relative of family Ondrejkovič.
Armorial deed family Ondrejkovics from 1622 (Banská Bystrica Capt l ..). Kempelen ;
rom the will of the palatine of György Thurzó (one of the author's ancestors family), the indivisibility of his property was revealed, so they were left to one heir and, in the case of his premature death, the testament retained the principle that did not allow the possessions to be shared; In the sense of the palatine testament, in 1626 a composorate of Orava was also built.
Canonic house of the titular Liptov-Mara provost Andreas Ondrejkovicz
The Sandor de Szlavnicza family acquired part of Thurzo's property by marrying Ferenc Sandor de Szlavnicza with Kata von Rottal, daughter of Felizitas Thurzo de Bethlenfalva and Jacob Barón von Rottal. Ferenc I. Sandor de Szlavnicza his wife Kata baroness von Rottal † 1638 (her parents were Johann Jacob von Rottal † 1622 and Maria Felicia Thurzó de Bethlenfalva † 1624).
Tombstone of the titular Liptovskomarský provost Andreas Ondrejkovicz in the Spiš Chapter in the year 2005
The bearing of Andreas Ondrejkovicz and inscription under entry to Canonic house of Andreas Ondrejkovicz
Canonic mansion of the provost Ondrejkovič Andrew (Andreas Ondrejkovicz) in Spiš Canonry, the state in spring 2005
The bearing of Andreas Ondrejkovicz and inscription an the Canonic house No 13 of Andreas Ondrejkovicz
The tombstone of Liptovskomarský provost Andreas Ondrejkovicz in the year 2005
György Lippay (George), Archbishop of Esztergom, Primate of Hungary and the related genus Ondrejkovics died on January 3rd year of our Lord 1666.
Praenobilis et Generosus Dominus Casparus Sandor de Slaunicza, Sacrae Caesareae Regiaeque Majestatis Praesidii Selliensis Capitaneus Tyrnaviae † 24. Mai 1673 in the fight against Turks.
Members of the family Ondrejkovič fought in the battle 11 to 12 September 1683 in Vienna on the Catholic side. Even in 1943 it claimed to gracious Miss Elizabeth Ličko against her fiance First lieutenant cav. Aladár Ondrejkovič colleagues and friends (eg. Mgr. Fritz L.) of Member of the Slovak Parliament Count János Esterházy and with to the Catholic religious orientation of his parents.
Dignified sir Mikolaus Ondrejkovič, cantor in the small town Dechtice in the years 1686-88. Martin František Martinkovič was parson of the Dechtice in the years 1674-1682 (10.02.1675-06.02.1682), teologic studies finished in the year 1652. In this year was parson in the Malé Topolčany, where in the year 1657 performed canonic visitation Andreas Szily. In the protocol od he noticed, that have 31 years and in the vicarage was five years. In the 24.april 1663 was parson in the Hlohovec. In the 14.march was in the Germans (Partisans) Ľupča first catolic parson after notice to the exile vor evangelic senior Šimon Frivaldský, realisated with provost György Bársonyi, who of evangelics take away both churchs - one of the squar, second of the suburb.
Of here was 10.februar 1674 appointed to catolic parson to the Dechtice. Here was to 6.februar 1683, in the years 48-57 sis live. Of the 21.april came to the parson in the Dolné Orešany, where was to the year 1694.
Bishop Joanes Szily (1777-1799) established in the Szombathely grammar school St. Norbert. Major Szily Anton, RK, 73.bis 86. Promotion in the years 1809-1810. Administrator Roman Catholic parish of St. Stephan Piešťany in 1778-1780 was Ignatius Mihalovics. Dominus Vilhelm Szecsányi, canonic of Esztergom, dean and parish priest in Prašice, became a priest in the Great Topoľčany (1890: 61).
ThDr. Ondrej Ondrejkovič (Andreas Ondrejkovicz) completes his studies Doctor of Theology in Trnava. Subsequently, he was a priest in Zehra. In 1659 he was appointed canon of Spis. In the years 1661-1669 he was the dean of the Chapter and in 1675 became titular Liptov - Mara provost.
Provost, squire, patron ThDr. Ondrej Ondrejkovič organizationally and financially supported not only save the artistic treasures, but also new art works of high artistic value. He gave example renovate precious wall paintings from the 14th to the 16th century in the church
in the Zehra, where in 1656 was built the early baroque main altar. In 1673 he donated to the church in the Liptov Mara pulpit, where in 1677 he built the side and in 1678 the main altar. In Spis the Chapter took care of the restoration of the oldest object rotunda Virgin Mary and St. Valentine restored and complete the house and put the canons make your own gravestone.
Recollection Franciscans to Humenné already want to return and according to contemporary reports, decided to head to Stropkov. Along the way, however, they fell Rusyn bandits who robbed a pair of horses and clothes. In 1676, Humenné monastery burned Thököly insurgents. Into captivity got guardian György Kulcsar and his vicar Gerard Kecskemeti. Religious tied and thus under constant flogging, done in Kosice, where remained in captivity until payment of ransom. The following incidents reported guardian Leonard Ondrejkovič in its Report of 1691.
The terrifying medieval so-called Caraffa dungeon in Prešov, where the executioner of the extraordinary court of Imperial General António Caraffa tortured the direct ancestor of the high-ranking elector of Zvolen, the magnate György Radvanszky de Radvany and Sajókaza, with a hot iron to the death of a gentleman. At Caraff's command, after his death on April 18, 1687, the executioner cut off his right hand and head, and his dead, tortured body was disgraced unheard of.
Prešov slaughterhouses from 16 February 1687 to 12 September 1687. The executions of esteemed evangelicals took place: 5 and 22 March, 16 April, 6 and 14 May and 12 September 1687. On April 18, 1687, the direct ancestor of the magnate György Radvanszký of Radvan died on the torture of the authors. His body was quartered and hung on hooks with the remains of another 24 executed on four roads from Prešov on the gallows. Their severed heads were struck by forged spikes, nailed with wheel studs, and displayed next to them as a warning to everyone.
Guardian Ondrejkovič left a message on the state of the church from 1692, according to which " the Church of sanktuáriom is currently good, partly due diligence floor, but mainly because of the assistance Moust illustrissima Domina founder, who takes care of building the church was built a large altar, the organ donated 100 florins and the remainder being helped ". Anti-Habsburg uprisings represented a period of time Franciskans town full of uncertainty and danger, the Humenné never for a long time have not left. From the year 1531 we know the names of the superior monastery. On 5 July 1725, Mary Countess Perenyi gave the monastery 400 gold coins to the Gvardian Peter Róll and the monks Bruno Mesko and Hipolito Martiri. Franciscan Monastery in 1760 Dr. Michael Vály (a relative of Sandor de Szlavnicza and Perényi) donated a mine in Kremnica. Source: Short, Franciscans in Humenne until the end of the 18th century. Adrián Džugan.
The statement of a nobleman from 1709. ... the age of living conditions began to deteriorate - and this also applies to part of the nobility - then they became unbearable for the vulnerable sections of society who turned against the war and wanted to end it. The case described below, recorded in an interrogation report from the end of 1709, was not an isolated phenomenon in the last years of the war. The prisoner, the nobleman György Ondrejkovics from Spiš, testified that the peasants in Saros county pass through Gölnice to the enemy and encourage the Germans to "just come, defeat a few phallus, help kill the chickens". The testimony of the nobleman György Ondrejkovics proves serious social problems. The economic situation of the population is worrying. The crisis phenomena manifested themselves not only in tax and financial matters, but also in production and trade. We know that in mining and ... Source: Szatmárnémeti Conference (Nyíregyháza, 2003).
Mayors of Kapitulská Street in Nitra: 1699-1700 Stefan Baranyi, 1751-1753 Jozef Protivinszky, 1890 Ján Ondrejkovič, 1890-1891 Stefan Plathy.
Count István Illésházy, a hereditary Trenčín and Liptov mayor, confessively and interestingly connected with the Trenčín branch of the Sandor de Szlanicza family, was born in Bratislava * on April 30, 1762.
Orechó (Alsó). Par. ant. erecta Anno 1781. Ecclesia S. Stephanum R. H. Parochus. D. Samuel Andrejkovics, Infirmarius Districtualis.
Priest of Banská Bystrica diocese catolic priest Carolus Pravoticzky, spiritual ministry at parish Čabradsky Vrbovok from 14 August 1779 to 22 April 1782. Spiritual ministry at parish Hokovce from 22 April 1782 to † 30 March 1803.
(1) Paulus Andrejkovits (Ondrejkovics) and wife of Catharina Pravoticzky. Their son was Petrus Ondrejkovics (Andrejkovics, Ondrejkovits) * baptism in Bánovce nad Bebravou 23.05.1804, his baptized parents were Joannes Dubniczky (the oldest noble family of the Trenčín county) and Anna Morvay.
Military Almanac No XVI for year 1805: Hussar Regiment No 6, Hadik Andreas, Staff: Brandeis in the Bohmen. Blankenstein, Ernst. First-Lieutenant Johannes Ondrejkovits, Ober-Lieutenant Zaborzky (Casp.) Ober-Lieutenant Bernolák (Ignatia amara), Unter-lieutenant Bossanyi (Joh.), Révay (Bar. Georg.) ; Hussar Regiment Erdödy Johann in the year 1783 Unter-lieutnant Josephus Sandor de Szlavnicza, staff : Essegg in Slavonien.
Military Almanac No. XX. fur das Jahr 1810 Hussar Regiment no. 6, Blankenstein Ernst. Staff: Rzeszow in Galicia. Seconds-Rittmeister Ondrejkovits Job., Farkas Georg., Revay Baron Georg., Ober-Lieutenants. Keglevits Graf Alex., Zapary Graf Mich., Bossanyi Joh.
Ungar. I. R. No 51 Staff : Muhlbach in Siebenb. Gyulai, Franz, Spleny, Gabr. Unter-Lieutenant Sandor (Paul.) ; The year 1814 Hussar regiment No 10 Stipsicz Jos. Friedrich Wilhelm III., König von Preußen. Premier-Rittmeister Adalbert Sandor v. Slavnicza; I.R. No 51 the year 1814 Hauptmann Sandor (Paul); Hussar regiment No 5 the year 1814 Premier-Rittmeister Carl Sandor ; Militär Schematismus for years 1815-24, Hussar regiment No 7 Lichtenstein Johann, saff in Vukovar of Slavónia, Second-Ritmeister Michael Sandor v. Slavnicza; Beym Iten Szekler GIR. No 14 year 1824 Sandor Greg. wurde Cadet ;
D. Joannes Domaniczky - priest serving in the Diocese of Nitra, was a priest in the parish: Jasenica, before the year 1836.
A.R.D. Elias Pravoticzky *1768 (a relative of the Ondrejkovič family) was a catholic priest of the Nitra Diocese. In the year 1791 he was consecrated and in 1836 he was a pastor in the parish of Velké Bielice. Member of Learned Slovak Manufacturing † 1839 Veľké Bielice.
The tombstone of related with family Ondrejkovics, District notary of the Dolné Držkovce Pavol Kmeťko, father of first Slovakian archbishop ThDr. Karol Kmeťko.
Virtual view of the Cathedral of St. Martin in Pressburg in the late nineteenth century, which dealt with church judge Joannes Ondrejkovič (Ondrejkovics) last ecclesiastical court with heretics in Hungary.
On November 1, 1822, the Evangelical priest Augustín Horislav Krčméry was born in the village of Horná Mičiná near Banská Bystrica in Zvolen County.
Abandoned mansion of family Beniczky in Dolná Mičiná 6 km from Banska Bystrica currently. Vicecomes of Zvolen County Thomas Beniczky bought a house No.22 (25) on the square in Banska Bystrica in the year 1656 from Palatine Paul Pálffy. Family Beniczky was by blood and multiple property-linked to gender Sandor de Szlavnicza. This confirms marriage Sigmund Sandor de Szlavnicza and Maria Beniczky *08.08.1814 Tótgyörk †23.07.1882 Tótgyörk, but the marriage concluded by Stephanus Sandor de Szlavnicza * Uhrovec and Theresa Beniczky, son of Paul III. Sandor and Anna Dóbay. Sons: Thomas, Michael and Ladislav. Siblings: László, Michael, Paul IV, Charles, Louis and Barbara. Municipalities Upper and Lower Mičiná during the existence undergone a complicated development and family were landowners Beniczky, who held hereditary office of Zvolen county council and the county seat of Banská Bystrica, the meaning becomes the center of Zvolen county.
In Horná Mičiná housed the family Ondrejkovič (from the late 19th century cousin by marriage of the genus Sandor de Szlavnicza), whose member Max von Ondrejkovič was the owner of a chain of unique house on the square in Banská Bystrica.
Neosolii Schola Capitalis. Director. D. Maximilianus Ondrejkovits, Senator, et I. Com. Zolien. T. I. Assessor.
D. Stephanus Ivanka and his wife Anna Zsittnyan, Bánovce nad Bebravou 1845. The honored mother of the District Notary Stephanus I. Ondrejkovič was Antónia Zsittnyan.
Adela Ostrolúcka (* March 31, 1824 Ostrá Lúka † March 18, 1853, Vienna), a friend of Ľudovít Štúr, she was an educated aristocratic daughter. Like her relatives, the mother of the Administrator of the Teacher Stephan II Ondrejkovič, Anna Sandor de Szlavnicza, was the great-granddaughter of an important representative of the evangelical nobility of the Zvolen capital dignitary magnate Georg IV Radvanszký of Radvany and Sajókaza tortured to death by the Caraffa court in Prešov on April 18, 1687. She was born into the family of the royal judge Mikuláš Ostrolúcký de Osztroluk and Alžbeta, born Gosztony "de Gosztony et Krencs et Köves-Szarva". She was baptized in the Evangelical Church on April 3, 1824. The family seat of Ostrolúcky has been Ostrá Lúka near Zvolen since 1286. In addition to German and Hungarian, she spoke English and French, and learned Italian. Her music teacher was the opera composer František Erkl.
In the spring of 1850, lawyer Juraj Daxner de Tótzabar (*23.4.1811 †11.8.1880) became the chief servant in Horný Malohont.
Twenty-three-year-old Stephan I Ondrejkovič from Bánovce nad Bebravou, already as a student of the Catholic grammar school, closely followed the publications of high church representatives such as Alexander Rudnay and Stephan Moyzes. They pointed to insurmountable cultural paradoxes throughout the Danube area. The day of the Austro-Hungarian settlement (February 8, 1967) definitively decided on its political orientation.
Josephus Marko * 07.12.1877 Bošany, his parents Josephus Marko and Mária Korec ; Joannes Korec * 17.04.1879 Bošany, his honored parents Joannes Korec and Anna Marko (relative Sp. D. Márie Sandor Szlavniczai born Marko, mother-in-law of District Notary Stefan I Ondrejkovič).
From 1857 to 1889, Spectabilis Dominus Martinus Schnirtz was a pastor in the village of Drietoma in the Trenčín County. A relative of the District Notary Stefan I. Ondrejkovič through his wife Anna Sándor de Slavnicza Perillustris Dominus Ján Ivánka de Draskócz et Jordánföld was married to Spectabili D. Augusta Schnirtz.
Mutual weddings with the family Ondrejkovics (Ondrejkovič, Ondrejkovicz, Ondrejkovits) was blood-related too the house Kedrovič (Kedrovich, Kedrovics) and Wunder, who was to position in 19 and 20 century of the Horná Nitra. Internatianal acquaintance was headly Colonel of K.u.K army Kedrovič, who crushed an uprising of the Horná Nitra on last people´s rebellion at that time area od the Slovakia. His resourcefuly and this, that have to region family bindings is it to without any humans victims. Simultaneously therefore for this rebellion nobody was punished.
Ján Petrikovič and Ivan Ratkovský, both relatives of the genus Ondrejkovics-Sandor de Szlavnicza. The District notary Stephanus Ondrejkovics and Anna Sandor de Szlavnicza had a marriage 13.03.1880. Witness the bride was noble lord Carolus Vály, his wife Anna baroness Mednyánszky, witness the groom Adalberthus Nessel marriage took place priest Aloysius Honza of parish in Malá Hradná. Their first-born son of an administrator-teacher Stefan Ondrejkovič Sandor was born in *1882, his godparents were Dominus Casimirus Horvath and wife, baptizing priest Aloysius Honza.
The captain of the Czechoslovak legions in France, Josef Honza (Dubnický), a native of the Chtelnice (the village was originally the property of the Erdödy family, families and compossesorate closely linked with the family Sandor de Szlavnicza) nationally thinking, he served as incurred in the United States. His attitudes were seen as a youth, when he participated in the organization of national life in the village. Slovak readership based organizations, was therefore the suzerain unwanted person. Problem was for her and Honza's cooperation with the Slovak magazine. Josef Honza after completing his military service, where he had often heard a curse "Pánszláv Kutya", emigrated to the United States. There he directed his commander Captain Jozef Sandor von Slavnic (1) despite its noble ancestry "politicize rarely, never in the service, however. I advise you to immediately after completing his military service slipped to America. Thus I give you advice, for which I'm grateful you in the future. " The young patriot traveled to the US and joined the emigré circles in which a lot of talk about the future of the non-Magyar nations in the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the inability to remain in the state unit with the Hungarians.
Schematismus für das k. u. k. Heer und für die k. u. k. Kriegsmarine für 1907 (Wien, 1906). Seite 1029. Stab: Mezőhogyes. Major u. Kmdt. Podmaniczky Béla Freiher v. (M). (D3) ; Rittmeister 1. Klasse Szirmay Julius v. (D3) ; Rittmeister 2. Klasse Sándor de Szlávnicza Joseph (M) ; Kovácsnay v. Kovácsna Stephan (M).
After the annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1908, the number of young men of draft age increased sharply, who, faced with the prospect of full-time service in the K.u.K. they voted for emigration. Jozef Honza also joined them after completing his military attendance service in Mezőhogyes. This alarming trend peaked at the time of the so-called Balkan Wars. Young men from the territory of Upper Hungary refused to join the military service. The authorities were convinced that they were subject to pan-Slavist propaganda. The situation was so critical at the end of 1912 that the state authorities issued a ban on leaving the country for this target group. The situation did not change even in the following year 1913, when 12,000 young men left Austria-Hungary. This number represented the annual number of conscripts intended for service in the Hungarian homeland defense.

The Piarist Grammar School in Trenčín, where Dr. Martin Mičura and Stefan II. Ondrejkovič was studying, in 1908 Aladár I Ondrejkovič. In the 1918 was renamed the Czechoslovak State Higher Grammar School of Ľudovít Štúr, and moved to a building of a higher girls' and business school, which was new and more modern. Here were his classmates of Aladár II Ondrejkovič his relative Pongrácz and for example brothers Bútora.
The cemetery in the Veľké Bielice a tombstone District notary in the village of Dolné Držkovce and later in the village Šimonovany Dominus Stefan I. Ondrejkovič. Beside him is tombstone his mother in law milady Maria Sandor Szlavniczai born Marko.
Comes of county Nitra Dr. Janko Jesenský translated Mr. Notary Vojtech Ondrejkovič from Andod (Andovce) to Tardšked (Tvrdošovce). Source: Official Journal of the Nitra County of 15 September 1923 No.18.
On October 15, 1923, the Local Union of the Czechoslovak Legionary Community was established in St. Jur, and officials were elected. The following were elected: Chairman Ján Gubiš, Deputy Chairman Ján Chrappa, Representative Fráňa Vanek, Writer Ján Uher, Treasurer Antonín Ondrejkovič. The entertainment committee: chairman Otto Svoboda, vice-chairman Ľudovít Fiala, educator František Fruhauf, account reviewers Čenek Pečka and Antonín Sedláček. Source: Journal "Légionár" of 19th Oct. 1,923.
First lieutenant of the 17th Infantry Regiment in Trenčín Alojz Androvič was promoted to captain. Source: Trenčan weekly from November 3, 1928 p. 2.
STK. Bratislava, May 17, 1939. Dedicates Juraj Mičura and his Wives - dr. Martin Mičura, Rudolf Mičura (husband of Anna Ondrejkovičová), Andrej Mičura and brothers Malobický handed over to the National Bank of the Slovak State from 160 golden ducats, among which there are more than half of the valuable ducats that have a nuzmatic value. Source: Newspaper "Slovak" of 18 May 1939 page 2.
The document of the Veľká Bytča estate states that the year of foundation is 1598, when the territory belonged to the Thurzó family. Šoltýs of the Turzovka settlement was Adam Bonec and 40 settlers from the nearby Dlhé Pole, who were exempt from taxes for 12 years. The delimitation of the boundaries of Turzovka was published in a location document in 1602 by the palatine Georgy Thurzó (son of Ferenc I. Thurzó and Kata Zrínyi), while in the first century the name Turzovka, aliter Predmir dicti (Turzovka, otherwise called Predmier) was used. After the death of the palatine Georgy Thurzó and his son Imrich, the Bytča estate fell to Miklós Eszterházy. The Eszterhazys divided the estates into districts administered by the prefects of the mayors. The administrator of Turzovka was based in Bytča. In addition to compulsory work on the manor, the main form of livelihood of the inhabitants was shepherd breeding of sheep, work in the forest and rafting wood. There were 15 mills and 16 sawmills in Turzovka, which sawed boards and made shingles from the harvested wood. The Eszterhazys sold ?! The Bytča estate in 1868 to Leopold Popper, who leased a large part of the property. Very tragic for Turzovka during the First World War, in which about 500 inhabitants fell and the epidemic of typhus and Spanish flu claimed another 450 victims.
Bloody events in Kysucie. One more severe and two lighter wounded. Five arrested - they were logging in a foreign forest. There have been riots in Kysucie these days. During the war, the inhabitants of Kopanice Turzovka bought more than 7 acres of forest from the former Count Balaestrem. The sales contract for women (men were in the war) was concluded by notary Rudolf Mičura and pastor Jozef Diera. It was written in Hungarian, and it was this event that caused a misunderstanding, which could have had bad consequences several times and which has now caused bloodshed. People thought that they owned not 7, but 14 acres of forest. Some communist agitators convinced people that they had the right to the forest to just cut it down - and people started cutting down on all 14th jutras. The forester Planetovec came to them and called on the people to stop felling. They answered with sticks and axes. The forester was not armed, the defenses Mustik and Gajdoš stood up for him. The first was lightly wounded, but Gajdoš's injury is very serious. The events are now being investigated by gendarmes. They arrested the following: Tomáš and Ján Nehoranc, Pavel Kolesár, Pavel and Ján Merec. They took them to the prison of the Trenčín Regional Court. Source: newspaper "Slovenská pavda" from February 17, 1935 p. 3.
STK. Bratislava, May 17, 1939. Heirs of Juraj Mičura and his wife - dr. Martin Mičura, Rudolf Mičura (husband of the poor Anna Ondrejkovičová), Andrej Mičura and the Malobicky brothers handed over 160 ducats from the estates of the estates of the estates, including half of the valuable ducats of nuzmatic value. Source: daily "Slovák" from May 18, 1939 p. 2.
Parish priest, canon Rudolf Oravský, vice-archdeacon, nephew of District Notary Štefan I Ondrejkovič was born * 1859, Bánovce nad Bebravou † August 1, 1939, Drietoma, district of Trenčín. After completing his studies in theology at the Episcopal Priestly Seminary of St. Ladislav King in Nitra, he was ordained a priest in 1882. In the years 1882-1883 he was a chaplain in Valaská Belá, in 1884 in Beluš, in the years 1885-1886 in Rajec. In r. In 1887 he was a temporary administrator in Fačkov, in the years 1888-1890 in Rajec, in 1891 in Dolný Hričov and a chaplain in Veľký Rovno. Since In 1900 he worked in the parish of Valaská Belá as an administrator. In 1908 he composed the prosynodal and became vice-archdeacon. In 1909 he moved to the parish of Drietoma, where he worked for thirty years until his death. Sources: Schematismus cleri dioecesis Nitriensis 1913, Nitra 1912, s. 148-149.
A brilliant rider from the most famous Slovak family, Lieutenant cavalry Pavel Štefánik, an active officer, was not only an opponent in the race of a military lieutenant of the cavalry in the active service Aladár II Ondrejkovič, but also his friend. He was in the saddle for six hours a day. Commander of the Technical Squadron, First lieutenant cavalry Pavel Štefánik, son of a public notary in Spišská Nová Ves Dr. Ladislav Štefánik and nephew of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik inherited the aristocratic coat of arms from the Prokopovič family, which acquired it from Emperor Leopold II.
Bratislava, mestská časť Záhorská Bystrica; Námestie svätého Petra a Pavla, pamätník nezvestným v 2. sv. vojne pred kostolom Rudolf Ondrejkovič *1920 †1945.
On Friday, March 23, 1945, in the crowded and externally besieged St. Martin's Cathedral in Bratislava, he celebrated Mass for saving the city from the approaching front, Mayor Dr. Stefan Ravasz. .... after the song Stabat Mater moved Dr. Stephan Ravasz offered an initiating prayer to the Virgin Mary, paid tribute to the Seven Sorrows on behalf of the inhabitants of Bratislava. He pleaded guilty to God's punishment and begged to save the city and avert the horrors of war. He promised the people's respect for the Seven Sorrows, fidelity to the faith ...
Professional Officer of the renewed Czechoslovak army Captain tank Aladár II. Ondrejkovič (Ondrejkovics-Sandor de Slavnicza) in the April year 1945. The seal ring of Trencin County Judge Stephan Sandor de Szlavnicza (1), compossessor taken over by his grandson District Chief Dr. Aladár I. Ondrejkovič, brother of Stephan II. Ondrejkovič and Anna Mičurová born Ondrejkovič. According to the last will of Dr. Aladar I. Ondrejkovič took over this sealing ring his nephew Lt. colonel tank Aladár II. Ondrejkovič. Source: Lady Gizele Kerney genus Ondrejkovič.
ThDr. Violand Pavel Ondrejkovič, Lieutenant colonel, *01.10.1894 in the Sečovce, marriages Elena Ernő, †11th 06. 1974, is buried in Banská Bystrica. Užhorod Greek Catholic chaplain, a military Chaplain Chust, 192? - Mukačevo, 1936 - Brno, 1939 - Prešov, 1940 - Zvolen, 1941 - on the spiritual front, 1942 - Bratislava, 1944, during the SNP - the head of the Roman Catholic spiritual messages 1st Čs. Army in Banská Bystrica ; In 1947 he faced Lt. col. spirit Violand Andrejkovič disciplinary action - banned awareness and ideological activity. It was led by the commander of the Military Area 4 Bratislava ; from 1950 to 1955 - outside the pastoral 1955 - officer in the firma Mototechna Banská Bystrica, 1956 - administrator of the parish of Tŕnie, from 1963 to 1970 -? - The rest of Banská Bystrica, Banská Bystrica diocese to concerned.
Notes: Ondreikovich de Osztravicza et Harakvíz ; (1) Manžel Márie Dubniczky bol Gaspar Mednyánszky ; On 01.11.1822 was born in Horná Mičiná Evangelical pastor Augustin Horislav Krčméry ; zakladajuci člen MS 969.(706) Anton Žitňan ; zakladajúci člen MS 1330.(1067) Ľudovít Ondrejkovič ; Registrar in Dolné Držkovce in the year 1941 Štefan Ondrejkovič ; Baroness Hedviga Lederer born Mednyánszky ;
Source: Militär Alamanach Nro XVI for year 1805 ; Mária Ondrejkovičová born Turba ; Alžbeta Ondrejkovičová born Ličková ; Milan Neuschl ; Cardinal Ján Chrizostom Korec 19.01.2001 Bratislava ; Archbishop Ján Sokol 19.01.2001 Bratislava ; (1) PhDr. Ferdinand Vrábel "Zápisky légionára" ;