Ján Ličko and Julia Ličko born Stiglitz
have been weighing the inhabitants of the town Trencin. Family Ličko is one of the oldest and most respected evangelical families in Slovakia. With it mutual kinship marriages linked and it comes from several evangelical religious figures, high-ranking officers of the army, senior representatives of economic and political life, not only in Slovakia. They are, for example, the nephew of Ján II. Ličko, First Lieutenant Air Force Karol Ličko of 1st Czechoslovak army the Slovak national uprising, M. Jakubóczyová born Ličková. (District Trenčín Chief Dr. Josef de Jakubóczy was known to be released from internment Colonel Georges Barazer de Lannurien (3) and other French army officers to ensure their free movement, to enable them to organize militarily, organizationally connected to a totally deployed in the French armament factories in Dubnica and Považská Bystrica, subsequently engaged in armed fighting in the Slovak national uprising, on the 1st Czechoslovak army. Dr. Josef Jakubóczy was therefore deported to a concentration camp in the German Reich - Mauthausen).
Music composer Juli (Júlia) Ličková born Stiglitz ; Greta Ličková (future champion Slovak Republic in the sport of swimming disciplines in the years 1941-42-43). Among other things, she won in international competitions in Rome, Milan and Budapest ; Elizabeth Ličková (the future bearer of high state awards) ; Robert Ličko and entrepreneur Ján II. Ličko (former Oberstabsbootsmann of k.u.k. Kriegsmarine, served among other things on the armored cruiser SMS Kaiser Karl VI, the fast cruiser SMS Novara, SMS Prinz Eugen and flagship battleship SMS Viribus Unitis) 1930 in the Trenčín.
JUDr. Jozef Jakubóczy releted of the family Ličko clarifyted of internation in town Trenčín Colonel Georges Barazer de Lannurien and more Frensch army oficers, securyted him free mobility, render a directly to military organisation, organizated conect to total settle Frenchmans in Slowak weapons factory in the town Dubnica, Považská Bystrica and after his conect to faith in in the Slovak National Uprising in side 1st Czechoslovak Army. JUDr. Jozef Jakubóczy was therefore transported to concentration camp Mauthausen in Germany).
Sisters of Ján II. Ličko, Adela Hromada born Ličko, (her husband Dr. Jozef Hromada was minister councillor of Ministery finance and Governamental, member of administration council for Tatra bank, commissioner of Slovak Bank in Bratislava and member of administration council Slovak film stock holding comp. "Nástup" ). Dr. Jozef Hromada, of Family was too holder highest empire military awards, welchen was Oberleutnant Joseph von Hromada RK 68. Promotion vom 30.04.1802 Military Maria Theresia Order).
Mária Kollárik born Ličko, (her mann was president of Tatra Bank in the Zvolen ing. Ján Kollárik, his son was primarius MUDr. Kollárik etc.).
Miroslav Ján Ličko was senior consultant to president USA (president Jimmy Carter). According informations affordet to autor with politic emigrant in Canada of fifty the years of mr. Smolnický, was persons what wisited Miroslav Ličko with his ride of USA to Canada Rudolf Fraštacký and Alexander Kerney.
Children of Ján II. Ličko. and Júlia (Juli) Ličko born Stiglitz are Elizabeth Ličko, Greta Lederer born Ličko, Alica Ličková (ing. Ervín Kellermann) and Robert Ličko. Father of Ján II. Ličko, Ján I. Ličko was reach inhabitle of Trenčín. Mother of Ján II. Ličko was Anna Ličko born Varga. (Too today she remembered with denks and respect famous persons of slowaks inteligence studys in this times in Trenčín, because him accommodated and boardted in his haus). Witnesses in marriage Ján Ličko and Juliana Stiglitz was mr. Ján Kollárik and mr. Alexander Maráky. (In the year 1818 become cantor parish Myjava Jozef Kollárik, in the year 1924 become cantor in parish Turá Lúka Gabriel Kollárik).
Small fire. Rapid cruiser SMS Novara where Stabs Bootsmann of k.u.k. Kriegsmarine Ján II. Ličko served with Admiral Miklós Horthy de Nagybánya at time of first World War.
; Colonel GST Alojz Ballay *25.02.1905 Považská Bystrica †23.02.1982 Bratislava, father Anton Ballay, mother Berta Ballayová born Kolárik ; Rodina Ličko bola príslušná k úzkej skupine farníkov ECAV v Trenčíne sústredenej okolo kňaza Dr. Karola Štúra. Pochovávaná bola na evanjelickom cintoríne na Hornom Šianci ; Podľa novej Ríšskej ústavy platnej od 7.marca 1849 o rovnoprávnosti všetkých národností boli zrovnoprávnené aj jazyky národnosti v Rakúskej monarchii ; Od roku 1849 boli v trenčianskej župe matriky ECAV vratáne šľachtických veďené v slovakizovanej češtine.
Pavol Kubicza (relative to the Ondrejkovič family through the Sandor de Szlavnicza family), after 1848 dismissed from his office as a comes of county Trenčín, a native of Kysuce.
Since 1849, Ladislav Vietoris of Vazska and Kiss Koválocz (a relative of the Ondrejkovič family through the Sandor de Szlavnicza family) was the government commissioner of the Trenčín county due to the disruption of the county's administration by the Austrian administration.
Údesný gotický tzv. Caraffov žalár v Prešove, kde kat mimoriadneho súdu talianskeho generála v cisárskych službách grófa Antónia Caraffu na jeho príkaz v beštiálnej vyšetrovacej tortúre umučil žeravým železom na smrť priameho predka autora vysokého hodnostára Zvolenskej stolice magnáta György IV Radvánszky of Radvány and Sajókaza. Na Caraffov príkaz mu po smrti 18. apríla roku Pána 1687 kat odťal pravicu aj hlavu a mŕtve zmučené telo bolo neslýchane zversky zhanobené.
Gustáv Osztrolúczky * 1800 † 1862 Served, general perceptor, from 1840 Vicecomes Trencin County, a relative and colleague of Trencin County judge István Sandor de Szlavnicza, as an inspector of the Evangelical Church choir in Zemianske Podhradie maintained close contacts with the local vicar Samuel Štúr in village Uhrovec. His younger brother, Ľudovít Štúr - one of the greatest personalities in Slovak history - was a frequent guest of the vicarage where he met Adelaida Osztrolúczky, niece of Gustav Osztrolúczky, who lived with her uncle.
Adelaida Osztrolúczky (* March 31, 1824 Ostrá Lúka † March 18, 1853, Vienna), as well as her relatives, the mother of the Administrator Teacher Stephan II. Ondrejkovič Anna Ondrejkovičová born Sandor de Szlavnicza was great-granddaughter of a prominent representative of the evangelical saint of Zvolen, the chairman of the magnate György IV. Radvánszky of Radvány and Sajókaza tortured to death by the Caraffa court in Prešov on 18 April 1687. She was born in the family of the royal judge Nicholas Osztrolúcky de Osztroluka and Elizabeth, born Gosztonyi "de Gosztony and Krencs and Köves-Szarvi". The family seat of Osztrolúcky was from 1286 Ostrá Lúka (near Zvolen).
In 1874, a Jewish religious community opened a private high school in Trenčín. It disappeared after a few years. The religious community could not bear the costs.
Ličko Samuel, ev.a.v. senior of town Zvolen. Born 29.juli 1883 in Radvan nad Hronom. Study in Ban.Bystrica and Prešov. Senior of Zvolen seniorat, district. presbyter, member of district law court, president senat. support. Supervisor for leson religion in midle skool. Was president of Union evangelic young in Slowakia und secretar Union evanjelic cantor in the Slovakia. Shef of district organisation Republican party and member agency and councile of town Zvolen. Groundet Grocery cooperative of Lieskovec. Was caplan in Zvolen, in Nyiregyháza and candor of the Ľubietová.
Pavol Kubicza (relative to the Ondrejkovič family through the Sandor de Szlavnicza family) Comes of Trenčín county from 1867 to 1890.
Iľja Paulíny-Tóth de Tóre et Tóthmegyer, participated in the national cultural movement, in 1918 signed the Martin Declaration of the Slovak Nation.
Minister with Power of Attorney for the Administration of Slovakia MUDr. Vavro Šrobár together with Dr. Milan Ivanka de Draskócz et Jordánföld (1) (Stephanus Ivánka and his wife Anna Zsittnyan, Bánovce nad Bebravou 1845. Mother of District notary Stephan I. Ondrejkovič was Lady Antónia Zsittnyan) and other members of the government arrived in Žilina by train on 12 December 1918 shortly before 12 o'clock. Šrobár first sent JUDr. Ján Brežný from Prague to Zilina (December 10, 1918), which left twelve leading Hungarian and Jewish bourgeoisie to the name of the government. Brezhny concealed on the advice of F. Houdek also the arrival of the first Slovak government. Only was waiting at the Žilina station for the members of Šrobár's cabinet Brezhny with several co-workers.
The Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession of the Slovakia, Prešov. Dr. Pavel Fábry was elected the first guardian of the Slovak Church Corps 26 January 1919 - December 17, 1922.
Dobrodinci sa ujali študentov a udělovali sa im obedy, večere, poskytoval byt atď. Boli to pp.: J. Branecký, rektor Piaristov, Dr. E. Brežný, Fr. Bogyanský, R. Cicutto, G. Dohnányi, J. Diera, farár, A. Fuchs, kpt. Joz. Hamerle, G. Hass, Kláštor de Notre-Dame, Kat. jednota žien, Max Kaunitz, Ján Ličko (2), Fr. Maráky, kaviareň Moravia, J. Markovič, J. Országh, Dr. N. Pereszlény. (7) E. Polák, J. Reihel, Rudolf Scháner, Dr. A. Strechay, C. Štúrová, Š. Spiller, Dr. P. Toffier Tatra hotel, E. Weinerová, dr. J. Zaťko...Dôkaz: Zpráva o činnosti Podporovacieho spolku pri štátnom reálnom gymnáziu v Trenčíne za šk. rok 1924/1925 (do 4. června 1925).
VII. Ročná správa Čs. štátneho vyššieho reálneho gymnázia Ľudovíta Štúra v Trenčíne za školský rok 1924-1925, str. 12, II.A trieda 57. *Eva Baxová, Viedeň (Trenčianske Teplice).
Zpráva o činnosti Podporovacieho spolku pri štátnom reálnom gymnáziu v Trenčíne za šk. rok 1924/1925 (do 4. júna 1925), je krátená. Účelom spolku je požičiavať chudobným žiakom knihy, zaopatrovať stravovanie, byt, šaty, obuv, starať sa o bezplatné liečenie a udelovať peňažité podpory. Zásluhy o spolok si získali pp. V. Dellerue, riaditeľ súkennej továrne a I. Pietor, riaditeľ Tatra banky. Spolku darovali: po 1300 „ firma Wasserburg a spol. po 500.- „ Hunia tov., Dr. M. Ballegh. „ 300.- „ A. Bagin, Tatra banka „ V. Gerebenič, Št. Jančovič, 110.- „ M. Vlasatý. 105.- „ K. Dembovský, „ 100.- V. Barna, O. Buček-Šujanský, E. Eisler, Dr. P. Fábry, M. Hubocký, biskup ThDr. Karol Kmeťko (4), G. Ostrolucký, Sväz. čsl. dôstojníkov v Trenčíne, E. Polák, Telocv. jednota Sokol, R. Strýček, G. Šimko. 98 30 Kč: triedy I a, I b, IV B. Baán, Dr. M. Barényi, L. Grün, F. Hlobil, Firma Helios, M. Chlad, A. Kellermann (5), Dr. I. Lórant, Š. Omelka, E. Weil, 40.70 Kč: joz. Jirák. 40.65 „ po 30.- „ K. Cellhoffer, L. Coufalová, Dr. B. Fischer, J. Anděl, Z. Galócy, M. Holmík, R. Hecht, Just S, J. Janous, W. Löwy, A. Liko, J. Sedláček, O. Svatoš, Dr. Karol Štúr. po 25.- Kč: Dr. A. Gross, P. Kadlečík, 22.50 Kč: Fr. Hvižďala, po 20.- „ J. Artbauerová, J. Bauer, J. Bardos, B. Fantel, M. Flack, A. Horváth, Fr. Holúbek, J. Haas, Štefan Jakubócy, O. Knöpfelmacher, K. Kresánek, S. Löwenbein, J. Orel, J. Palic, E. Petrásková, A. Pelikán, J. Politzer, J. Pechanec, Dr. H. Rado, F. Rybníček, B. Reiss (6), J. Schlesinger, W. Tausová, Fôldváry po 15 Kč: Fr. Bařinka, Ján Donát, Jozef Jakubócy, J. Teren. 13 „ Fr. Zachystal, M. Opluštil. 10 „ J. Auský, C. Bodický, I. Breder, Moravská agr. a priemyslná banka v Bratislave, Prvá trenč. teplická banka v Trenč. Tepliciach, К. Bílek, E. Démant, M. Feldmann, z Bánoviec, J. Farka, Dr. P. Göncy, G. Grünwald, J. Hausmann, H. Hertzka, J. Chudovský, j. Chovančík, J. Klement, A. Káčer, N. Löwy, J. Smutný, J. Štefánik, M. Tochten, J. Thoma, Dr. V. Vámoš, M. Winter, Ľ. Vaniček. 8 Kč: J. Borovička, po 5 „ M. Biheller, R. Bacher, J. Berec, firma Rybář a Talský, Fr. Tiso st.t L. Uhliarik, Redakcia Považských, resp. Trenčianskych Novín a Trenčana bezplatne uveřejňovaly soznamy darov a príspevkov ...
20. výr. zpráva Štát. čsl. reál. gym. Ľ. Štúra v Trenčíne za šk. r. 1937-38. Menoslov abiturientov (hviezdičkou označení složili skúšku dospelosti s vyznamenaním) VIII. A trieda. ....10. Mikuláš Dohnányi, 11. Rudolf Feldek, 12. *Juraj Fuchs (v roku 1946 asistent profesorky Gizely Ondrejkovičovej vo volebnej kampani za DS, neskôr redaktor) str. 50, III. A trieda... 20. Ervín Kellermann, Trenčín. 32. Alexander Pelikán, Trenčín. 34. Erich Pollák, Trenčín. 38. Robert Schlesinger, Trenčín. 43. František Veselý, Žarnovica (Trenčín) ...Ján Mališ, triedny profesor IV.B, Milada Formánková triedna profesorka IV.A ;
V roku 1874 otvorila židovská náboženská obec v Trenčíne súkromné reálne gymnázium. Zaniklo po niekoľkých rokoch, náklady náboženská obec nebola schopná znášať.
Júlia Ličko (Juli) born Stiglitz was born and used to live in Čičmany before she and her parents moved to Považská Bystrica. The village Čičmany belonged to the noble families of Rakovszky, Jesenszky and Kubinyi, relatives of the family Sandor de Szlavnicza, whose descendant First lieutenant Aladár de Ondrejkovič married her daughter Alžbeta in the spring of 1944. In 1598, the village had a mill and 43 homes, in 1720 had 42 taxpayers, in 1784 there were 126 houses where there were 230 families with 1275 inhabitants, in 1828 it was 127 homes and 1507 inhabitants. They dealt with agriculture, sheep breeding, briquette production and sale, later went to season work, sold slippers, were homebuilders and glassmakers.
Was musical very much gifted. Of his young years composed musical compositions. Aim, study of music conservatoire in Budapest must delayted in ineterest family and familys firm. Father Bartolomej (Bernad, Berthalan) Stiglitz enter to front I. World War and mother Sarlota (Charlotte, Sali) born Buchler importanced discordert. His sister Valeria and brother Pavol was very young, because burden of family firm, mother, brother and sister consisted in his girls hands to times back came father of front.
Julia has not given up her plans to study music, she has not yet even dreamed of leaving her family out of Považská Bystrica. The end for plane and to finished thing he reduced his 18 - years old sister Valeria maried with big marriage portion with Jozef Čevela. With old law youngst sister do not maried first. Father for Júlia that is why agrimented marriage with son of Ján I. Ličko, his business partner. Sisters to have marriage one day. Her husband Ján II. Ličko, was after second cooholder of firm Produktiva Stiglitz & comp LPs Limited partnership. Erste his cooholder was Bartolomej (Bernad) Stiglitz. Ján II. Ličko and Júlia Ličková born Stiglitz to have children Elizabeth Ondrejkovič born Ličko, Gréta Lederer born Ličko, Alica Ličko and Róbert Ličko. As a child Elizabeth (Alžbeta) had Ličková happy childhood, which no longer take long for the contradictions in her wider family. They were unfortunately only (or only) prosaic nature.
Dňa 24. augusta 1929 oznamuje firma "Herbária" Stiglitz, tov. aet. trestí a sódovej vody inzerátom v týždenníku "Trenčan", že v záujme rozšírenia podniku pribrala firma ako spoločníka do firmy p. Fr. Svobodu. Zdroj: týždenník "Trenčan" z 24. augusta 1929 str. 4.
Julia Ličková born Stiglitz was with muzic and his particularly piano compositions connected too with mores music composers and concert masters, was his frends and for his compositions traveled often against hers to Trenčín. (Was fiftieth years, the money was not forthcoming). One of them was too Janko Matuška Slovakian music composer. * 25.10.1897 Liptovský Hrádok † 16.8.1959 Bratislava. Was composer, piano-player and broadcast officer - 14 years was superior for division folk-music of broadcasting Bratislava and was leading a popular file Tatran and Matuška octets.
Her mother Sarlota (Charlotte, Sali) Stiglitz born Büchler, was coodirectorin and cooholderin LLC Elza and firm Herbária, her parents was riches Jacob Büchler and Netty Deutelbaum. Sarlota (Charlote, Sali) Stiglitz born Büchler was in Trenčín in the years 1939-1944 head of organisation (for he, daughter Juli and headly fot her cousines extra danger) illegal, finance and organisation help for jewish inhabitans of Trenčín and Country Trenčín. Was abducted in late October 1944 from an apartment on street Rázusová 2 daughters Juli in which is concealed in a concentration camp from which no return. To et the time september 1944 to have of president equenty of economic motives, reason too, that heve small granddaughters and grandson of of intermarriage. Used in Trenčín on Štefanikova street No 32. Here in the house dated to her son-in-law her often visited of the year 1939 more pursued persons, here was residence of firm Bertalan Stiglitz, Produktiva Stiglitz & comp LPs, LLC Elza and "Herbária" Liška and comp., Trenčín, here was illegal headquarters. In this house in the floor lived mr. Mikuláš Líška, new holder 1/2 of firm
"Herbária" Liška and comp. Repeatedly asked the members of her family (including First Lieutenant Aladár II. Ondrejkovič), to Sarlota (Charlotte) Stiglitz born Buchler was cautious. How brilliant and very experienced businesswoman known persons who can in this difficult times entrust more money for transport. That is why very high finance quantity therefore the amount transferred to Bratislava her granddaughter Elizabeth Ličková. Granddaughter disinterested risked her life (of the apríl 1944 marryd Ondrejkovič).
Väčšinu tržieb firmy "Herbária" Liška a spol., Trenčín tvorila výroba liehovín polostudenou a studenou cestou. Bez dodávok liehu na regulovaný prídel z liehovarov nemohla vyrábať a zamestnávať do októbra 1944 bývalých konateľov fy "Herbária" Sarlotu Stiglitz rod. Buchler a jej syna Pavla Stiglitza.
V období druhej svetovej vojny bol riaditeľ Kvasnicovej továrňe v Trenčíne Josef Tiso, manžel Renky Tausovej (spolužiaci nadporučíka zál. Aladára II. Ondrejkoviča na gymnáziu). Vzhľadom na direktívy guvernéra Národnej banky a predsedu Najvyššieho úradu pre zásobovanie JUDr Imricha Karvaša (kolega JUDr Martina Mičuru z ilegálneho odboja) a generálneho riaditeľa Cukorspol a.s. Rudolfa Fraštackého (jeho spolupracovník z ilegálneho odboja Alexander Korhauser (Kerney), po 1945 manžel Gizely Ondrejkovičovej šéfky volebného štábu za Demokratickú stranu, dcéry Dr. Aladára I. Ondrejkoviča) v roku 1941 prešla Kvasnicová továreň Trenčín pod "Družstvo hospodárskych liehovarov" Bratislava. V "Družstve hospodárskych liehovarov" mal rozhodujúce slovo pri hlasovaní a uplatňovaní ich nariadení na rozdeľovanie štátom regulovaných prídelov liehu výrobcom alkoholických nápojov (v súlade s ich daňovými priznaniami) t.j. aj firme "Herbária" Liška a spol., Trenčín Okresný náčelník v Bratislave Dr Aladár I. Ondrejkovič. Source: aj Fond Krajský súd Prešov, Firemné oddelenie, i. č. 592. B II 272. kr. 53. 49/1942 ; CzechFolks.com PLUS » Josef Čermák: Dvojice slavných narozenin ;
Good girlfriend and kindred spirit was too her classmate of Považská Bystrica Irena Blühová *02.03.1904 Pov. Bystrica †1991 (her husband painter Imro Weiner-Kráľ daughter Zuzka). Husband of her sister was Dr. Viktor Pavella, head adviser in the minster Office (both sister protect before deportation) and svedok in wedding his friend First Lieutenant Aladár II. Ondrejkovič and daughter her girlfriend music composer Júlia Ličko, Alžbeta. Irena Blühová was friend too of Marta Hladká born Rais (both was visited autor ako soldier prísahe in the time výkonu his ZVS in the year 1966 in 62. automobile troop Ostrov nad Ohří ( VÚ 4404 ).
her mann Ján II. Ličko, was second cooholder of firm Produktiva Stiglitz and comp LPs, limited partnership. First cooholder was his father-in-law Bartolomej (Bertalan, Bernad) Stiglitz. His children Alžbeta Ondrejkovič born Ličko, Gréta Lederer born Ličko, Alica Ličko and Robert Ličko
her sister was Valeria Stiglitz (maried Čevela) her husband was Jozef Čevela, son was Juraj Čevela (given the reliability of state family Stiglitz was at her home in Trencin on Kukučínova No.3 housed since 1935 in September 1938 Commander V. Army Corps of Trenčín Division General Alois Eliáš. As President of the Protectorate Government was executed by the Nazis 19th Juni 1942nd)
her brother was Pavol Stiglitz, cooholder of firm ,,HERBARIA" Stiglitz and comp., PRODUKTION LIQUEURS Trenčín (after the year 1945 changed his name to Pavol Slávik).
her father was Bartolomej (Bernad, Bertalan) Stiglitz, holder to firm STIGLITZ BERTALAN, PRODUKTION SPIRITS and LIKORS, cooholder and cooshef of firm Produktiva Stiglitz and comp LPs, LLC Elza (produktion bukus, triestí) and firm Herbária. Mother of Bartolomej Stiglitz was July Grün (maried Stiglitz). (Dead when even was his son small). Father of Bartolomej (Bertalan, Bernad) Stiglitz was wealthy Wilhelm Stiglitz.
Bernad Mar 19 1872 M Willhelm Stigliz July Grün Zlicho Marcus Stiglitz
The first Slovak ambassador of the Slovak Republic in the Bulgarian Kingdom was Dr. Ján Spišiak. Was the Slovak ambassador in the Kingdom of Hungary, from November 1939 he was entrusted with the leadership of Slovak Embassy in Sofia. In the morning on 9 Dec. 1939 Envoy Dr. Ján Spišiak adopted in Sofia Tsar Boris III in person. who shall transmit credentials. Slovak military attaché in Budapest and Sofia was Major infantry Alojz Androvič (related families Ondrejkovič and Turba), which was also adopted by the Bulgarian Tsar Boris III.
Social events in the castle St. Antol Bulgarian Tsar father Ferdinand Coburg-Koháry during the years 1939-1944 participated in only Magda Ondrejkovičová (until 1943), but also a Greta Ličková, swimmer of TTS Trenčín and ŠAC Banská Štiavnica.
In September 1941, Tuka with members of the Deutsche Partei and HG crucially involved in the elaboration and adoption of government regulations on the legal status of Jews, which de facto redefined medieval discriminatory measures. They are, in practice extended beyond regulation and towards Jewish communities, which in 1943 the Supreme Administrative Court under the supervision of a relative families Ondrejkovič JUDr. Martin Mičura described as unlawful and invalid.
Second cousens of Júlia Ličko born Stiglitz was members of Czechoslovak Military Air Force in France and after to Great Britain in Cholmondeley (in the wars yars 1939-45) in service to RAF Bomber Command - cpl. ing. Bernard Büchler, engineer an the ground of Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve and before volunteer in Guerra civil española (brother's sohn, mother und cousine Julia Ličko and Ján Büchler).
Jozef Politzer, Sergeant aspirant born *17/04/1913 in Považská Bystrica - Stupné, Sergeant No 787875, 311 Squadron, wireles operator - guner WOP/AG Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve † 11.04.1942 Sergeant/R/Colonel. Dont came back of night flight to Essen with bomber airplane Welington KX - 2, 28836, over target hard injured of germans fires. Airplane to back flight crashed and all manns of airplane founded dead in flame his machine. Burred in military bureal Bergen - op - zoom (Holland), 31 - A - 11. Crashed taking off for French operation Frensham. Died Tuesday 10th March 1942. Age 22. Repatriated to Czechoslovakia (cremated at Cambridge Crematorium). Commemorated in REPATRIATION REGISTER, Civilian War Dead.
Airman sergeant aspirant Joseph Politzer is third from left on the slide a soldier speaks President of the Czechoslovak government in exile in London Dr. Edward Beneš. (Camp militaire in Cholmondeley of England 26/08/1941). Image of the book the author sent his cousin, Mr Stephan Klement, photos sent the author on 13/02/2010.
His brother Maxmilian Politzer, Sergeant born *22/08/1919 Koryčany, Sergeant No 787688 138 Squadron, pilot, rtn./R/col. Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve. †10/11 March 1942 rtn./R/Colonel. Dead founded in flame with crash bomber airplane Whitley Mk.V., Z9125 after start of airfield Stradishall to night operate flight. At the same time dead too tree members crew airplanes. Cremated at crematory of Cembridge day 14.03.1942. Ashes of both brothers was after war transported to CSR. Both his urns is today deposit in hall of killed fighters in National monument of peak Vítkov in Prag.
138 Squadron RAF Whitley Mk.V.
In this way the author sincerely thanks the Embassy of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Bratislava for some information about RAF Sergeant Joseph Politzer.
Gréta Lederer born Ličko
former championin of Slovak republic and victor more international championchip of swimming race in the years 1940-44. Born in Trenčín. On 18.09.1942 traveled to the European Youth Sports in Milan. Was held 21-28.09.1942. It was attended by 15 nations. Slovakia were 40 participants, including 8 swimmern and 9 swimmers. In the war years join in democratic society live (and ilegal transported security post of Slowakia to second land) as well known as famous sportstar. His sports career was detailed watch with press and in films weekly. Was imanigable supported with demokratic part of Slovak society and with knowns Slowak sportsmans. His sport cariére was detailed observe at thet time day press and in news-reel move ,, Nástup ". After the year 1946 successfuly journalistin and editorin in Budapest (Új Tükör). Father Ján Ličko II. businesmann, mother Juliana (Juli) Ličko born Stiglitz, music composer. His sisters Alžbeta (Elizabeth), Alica Ličková and brother Robert. His fiance and later hausband (1946).
Dr. Fritz Lederer (Fridrich František Lederer) finished Jourist fakulty UK in Bratislava, military service in army sports club, was known table tennist - player in Troop army sportsmans OAP Bratislava 1940-1944 (z tejto rodiny pochádzal tiež LEDERER Ignaz Freiherr RK Feldmarschalleutnant 88. bis 144. Promotion in den Jahren 1813-16 Miliitary Maria Theresia order).
On 10.12.1939 of the Slovak table tennis federation (General Assembly Slovak clubs in Bratislava in Café Metropol). As President SSTZ was elected Gejza Azor, the Federal captain became Dr. Lederer. In 1940 he was admitted to the ITTF SSTZ.
Most successful player of PTE was Fritz Lederer, who became the Slovak champion in 1943 in doubles (Guard Homeland, 1943). In 1944 they became the Slovak champion in the women's singles Ursznyicková of MTE and Ursznyicková in the mix along with Lederer (Gardista, 1945). In this period, the Lederer military service in Section military competitors (Slovenská Pravda, 1943).
In the broken year of 1943, the international Slovak championships in Reduta were held in Bratislava.
After war remove to Ungarn, when was one of moust respescted journalist and diplomats in Hungary. (Ataché in Prag of the yaer 1948, Ambassador in Rabat after Paris). Children: Kate Lederer and diplomat in Canada Daniel Lederer, when his mother Greta seriously ill immediately returned to Budapest to be able to take care of her.
Small silver badge Section military athletes OAP.
Table TENIS Champions ČSR – SLOWAK PLAYERS 1939 – 1945
1927 | Scher, Fleischmann (Austria) | |
1929 | Szabados, Barna (Hung.) | Mednyánská, Síposová (Hung.) |
1930 | Szabados, Barna (Hung.) | Mednyánská, Séposová (Hung.) |
1932 | ||
1933 |
Hrankovič, Šimboch
(Ymca, ŠK Bratislava)
1934 | Lénert, Wolf (Austria) | Paulíková, Veselá (PTE Bratislava) |
1935 | ||
1936 | Váňa, Pivec (Prag) | Loydlová, Mejlonová (Sl.Prešov, Žilina) |
1939 | Puha, Kováč (MTE Bratislava) | |
1940 | Puha, Kováč (MTE Bratislava) | |
1941 |
Štrebinger, Kollárik (his reladed was Ján Ličko),
(Piešťany, ŠK Baťovany)
1942 | Tokár, Bořuta (ŠK Ružinov) |
Adelsbergerová, Sergovitsová
(SV Dyn.Nobel Bratislava)
1943 | Kollárik, (his related Ján Ličko), JUDr. FritzLederer (OAP Bratislava) |
Sergovitsová, Wipplerová
(SV Dyn.Nobel Bratislava)
1944 | Marinko, Tokár (ŠK Bratislava) |
Sergovitsová, Wipplerová
(SV Dyn.Nobel Bratislava)
1945 |
Kollárik, Türk
(Šimonovany, Handlová)
Silver badge Section military athletes OAP Slovak table tennis in 1943
Annotation: János Count Esterházy, member of Parliament and president councillors of bank - First Bratislava save up bank, act. comp. Bratislava and founder of the political party "Szlovenszkói Magyar Párt" ; music composer Julia Ličko born Stiglitz (Júliana, Juli) ; Sarlota (Sali, Charlotte) born Büchler ; Valéria (1901-1958) Stiglitz ; BUCKLER, Joseph (Büchler) *Považská Bystrica, beloved husband of Tessie (nee Rothschild), devoted .... Tessie (Rothschild) Büchler was born in Germany on 10 October 1883...Descendants of Judel (Yudel) KNOPFLMACHER...
Rabbi David OPPENHEIM (b. 18 December 1816, d. 21 October 1876) married Johanna BELLAK (1825-1889), Rabbi Joachim Heinrich OPPENHEIM (b. 10 April 1848, d. 7 October 1917) married Ernestine KAUFMANN, David Ernst OPPENHEIM (b. 20 April 1881, d. 18 February 1943) married Amalie POLLAK (b. 1878), Johanna OPPENHEIM (b. 29 October 1896, d. 4 June 1982) married Sandor KUNSTADT (b. 9 September 1882, d. 24 February 1964), Gertrud KUNSTADT (b. 5 November 1918) married Joseph Büchler b. 25 August 1912, d. 1994), Thomas BUCHLER.
James Büchler: - Marr: 28 FEB 1819 - Preble Co, OH Died: - Father: Mother: Wife: Sarah Sally Lincoln. Born: ABT 1802 - Ky Died : -
Father : Thomas Jefferson Lincoln. Mother: Martha Gee
In the absence of spouses First lieutenant of Reserve Aladár Ondrejkovič and his wife Alžbeta in Trenčín were revealed to the neighbors hiding Sarlota Stiglitz born Buchler in the apartment of her daughter Júlia Ličková at Rázusová in Trenčín. Sarlota Stiglitz born Buchler was residing at Štefánikova 32 in the house of her son-in-law Jozef Čevela and daughter Valérie Čevelová born Stiglitz. At the end of October 1944 she was arrested by HG soldiers and her daughter Julia and her children and subsequently deported to the Auschwitz concentration camp via Žilina.
(Just for his countryman and friend of his father Dr. Anton Neumann successfully intervened personally in favor music composer Júlia Ličková born Stiglitz with family her son-in First lieutenant Aladár II. Ondrejkovič).
... Deserve the attention of two sections, namely § 255 and 256 in the original context and lacking in it were imposed by President Tiso. 82 The president could give them to individual Jewish citizens of full or partial exemption from the provisions of the Code. Mostly this is related to the baptized Jews. The exact number of exemptions granted is still unclear. The applications for exemption with the statement of the applicants presented to the decision of the President Office of Chief Dr. Anton Neumann (just for his countryman of his father Dr. Anton Neumann successfully
intervened personally in favor music composer Júlia Ličková born Stiglitz with family her son-in law First lieutenant in reserve Aladár II. Ondrejkovič. Dr. Neumann could not decide, that will not be deported because it was not in his jurisdiction, but artificially prolonged the time until clearance was received in Slovakia Soviet army). President Jozef Tiso then rule on each application and determine the amount of benefits an official capacity. According to estimates, there were moderate in 1944, issued about 1000 and as cover for family members to protect about 5,000 people. 83 Even before the code started to spread on the measures against the Jews, among others ....
The last testimony of Sarlote Stiglitz born Buchler was brought to Trenčín in May 1945 by a relative of poor Bartolomej Stiglitz Štefi Eisler, a tailor after returning from Auschwitz. According to her testimony in January 1945 she was alive.
Deletion of companies Produktiva 10.02.1950 e.g. 14 years after the death of Bartholomew Stiglitz. This fact is a former People's Court in Trencin in the year 1953 in a criminal trial case number 2 T-399/53 against Joseph Čevela and Valeria Čevelová born Stiglitz intentionally omitted.
Deletion of the company Stiglitz Bertalan May 20, 1946, ie 10 years after the death of the owner. His daughter and heiress Julia Ličková born Stiglitz deletion of the company his father had not been informed and was not invited promptly to the deletion.
In resolution 13 jan.1948 Trenčín District Court case number M 155/1947 (pronounced dead Charlotte Stiglitz nee Büchler at the request of the applicant) is misleadingly referred to as a married Bernard Stiglitz. In fact, the widow since 1936. The record Registers 06.10.1994 Trenčín District Office stated birth order declared dead Sarlota Stiglik born Büchler and the survivor (widow was from 1936) after Bernard Stiglik. In fact, her late husband called Bartholomew Stiglitz.
After transferring 15.01.1947 to Přelouč in Bohemia Captain tank Aladar II. Ondrejkovič, adjutant of commander of the 4th Military District in Bratislava Colonel tank Ján Malár on 10.03.1947 Police Penalty Judge Dr. Aladár I. Ondrejkovič personally took part in Trenčín, Štefanikova No 32 on the connection of this transfer with the survivor of Sarlote Stiglitz born Büchler, both legally and illegally interested third parties, their activities against the Democratic Party for the benefit of the Communist Party and their possible connection to commander of one of the sections of the intelligence service of the Interior Ministry in Prague Major Bedrich Pokorny and his agent Valerij Vilinsky and comp.
Picture authored Imro Weiner Kráľ, related of Charlotte Stiglitz genus Büchler and husband of Irene Blüh. Some pictures painted during his imprisonment. At the borders with Germany he was arrested. Remand was from 7 September 1951 to 29 11, 1951. In detention he was allowed to paint - there created 45 paintings including 22 oversized canvases. Paintings were mostly painted by detailed instructions guards and senior police officers prison in Prague and Bratislava.
Ličko Antónia Dr., judge of Prievidza. Born in Dechtice. Study in Bratislava. Place of work General finance directory in Bratislava and in the year 1931 place of work of jourist service in Ban.Bystrica. Place of work in Trnava and of the year 1935 in Prievidza. Was member of Union undregraduate educatione womens, Judges union and disinterested work of district charitables associations.
Ličko Július, comisar of politic menagemnt of town Prievidza. Born in the yaer 1893 in Meretice. Study in Prešov, Spišská Nová Ves and jourist in Košice. Agent of District sheriffs, referent of District office. First member of Matica Slovenská, Slowakian liga, Distr. enlightenmenten committee, Care for young people and Protective hunting club. Place of work in Lipt. Sv. Mikuláš, Stará Ľubovňa, in Spišská Nová Ves and in Prešov . In the years 1938-1939 was Július Ličko Chief of District Spišská Stará Ves.
In 1946, the presbyter of the Evangelical Augsburg Confession of the Trenčín congregation was 13. Ing. Ľudovít Šlahor, Hurbanova 33. Members of the Presidency of the Evangelical Augsburg Confession of Women. Association in Trenčín: 13. O. Černová, 17. K. Šlahorová, Hurbanova 33.
Podľa nariadenia ministerky výživy č. 236/1949 Zb. z 27. októbra 1949 Družstvo hospodárskych liehovarov, Bratislava, zaniká. Platnosť od 11.11.1949. Účinnosť od 31.08.1949. Ministerka výživy nariaďuje podľa § 11, ods. 1 zákona zo dňa 2. decembra 1948, č. 278 Sb., o Ústredí pre hospodárenie s pôdohospodárskymi výrobkami.
Zápotocký v. r. Ing. Jankovcová v. r.
Joseph Buckler (Büchler) Birthdate: 18. Február 1879, Birthplace: Považská Bystrica, Trenčiansky kraj, Slovakia. Death: 26. Február 1954 (75) New York, NY, USA. Najbližší príbuzní: Syn týchto osôb: Leopold Büchler a Rosa ("Rosi") Büchler. Manžel tejto osoby: Tessie Rothschild. Otec týchto ľudí: Private. Brat týchto osôb: Jacob Büchler; Herman Buchler; Fani Büchler; Sarah Schneider (Büchler); David Büchler a 10 ďalších (-ích).
(3) Lieutenant colonel of cavalry Georges Barazer de Lannurien commandant 1er Régiment Etranger de Cavalerie de 1961-1962 ľ Algérie ;
On September 1, 1970, the translator and journalist Pavel Ličko was arrested, whose name has been connected in Czechoslovakia since 1967 and the world with the name of Alexander Solzhenitsyn. His report on Solzhenitsyn became the most cited article of the magazine "Cultural Life" in the world.
Slovenský vojenský ataché v Berlíne do septembra 1944, následne vo vojenskom zajatí v Nemecku plk. gšt. Alojz Ballay *25.02.1905 Považská Bystrica †23.02.1982 Bratislava, otec Anton Ballay, matka Berta Ballayová rod. Kolárik ;
According to mr. Alexander Bachnár, former editor of newspaper ,,Práca" whoose tell to author - prabable most of infomation reporters in Slowakia are mr. Juraj Fuchs. With accidental known thoose born of town Trenčín editor Juraj Fuchs - chief vaal team of the Democratic party in the year 1946 gived information to author in the year 1999, that journalist and translator Pavel Ličko was first of the world, who transported security materials of security concentration camps in USSR and first handwrited exemplares of Solženicyn ,, Archipelag Gulag " to West long time before the year 1968. Pavel Ličko was in the year 1954 interalia editorchief publishing house " World of socializmus ".
(This one report was here in the day 09.12.2006 first mal published of the year 1968).
Miroslav Ján Ličko bol poradcom presidenta USA (Jimmy Carter). Podľa informácií poskytnutých autorovi politickým emigrantom v Canade od päťdesiatych rokov pánom Smolnickým, boli osobnosti ktoré navštevoval Miroslav Ličko pri svojich cestách z USA do Kanady Rudolf Fraštacký, Alexander Kerney a jeho manželka Lady Gizelle Kerney rod. Ondrejkovič.
The Church Choir of the Evangelical Church of Augsburg Confession in Slovakia was commemorated at 9:00 am on 5 March 2017 at the main services of God in the Holy Trinity Church in Prešov. the memory of the martyred and executed. At the Holy Trinity Church, after the service of God, believers in the crypt commemorated four executed in 1687. The remains of four: Andreas Keczer, the author's direct ancestor magnate Gyorgy Rádvánszky of Radvány and Sajókaza, János Bertók and Gabriel Pálašty were found during the repair of the church in Svinná in 1930 and were transferred to Presov and stored in a copper coffin. Believers stopped in prayer at the memorial where the martyrs were read. In addition to the invitation to God's services and the coffin and memorial stop, the Presovians attended a lecture at 5 pm at the Hall of the Episcopal Office of the Eastern District of ECAV in Slovakia (Evangelical College) on the topic: "Prešov Slaughterhouse and Reformation in Prešov".
As part of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, believers commemorated the Holy Trinity Church in Presov (June 11, 2017 - 370 years), the opening of the Evangelical College (October 15, 2017 - 350 years) and the Monument of the Reformation (October 31, 2017 - 500 years).
V rámci 500.výročia Reformácie, si veriaci pripomenuli pamiatku posvätenia Chrámu Svätej Trojice v Prešove (11.6.2017 - 370 rokov), začatie činnosti Evanjelického Kolégia (15.10.2017 - 350 rokov) a pamiatku Reformácie (31.10.2017 - 500 rokov).
Notes: (1) Eszter Ivanka bola stará matka Anny Ondrejkovičovej rod. Sandor de Szlavnicza ; (2) Starý otec Alžbety Ondrejkovičovej rod. Ličkovej ; SMS Kaiser Karl VI, SMS Budapest, SMS Habsburg, SMS Novara, SMS Prinz Eugen, SMS VIribus Unitis ; (4) Nitriansky biskup ThDr. Karol Kmeťko ; (5) Otec Ervína Kelermana ; (6) Otec JUDr. Štefana Raisa ; (7) Otec spolužiaka Alžbety Ondrejkovičovej, ktorý je pochovaný v Jeruzaleme na Olivovej Hore ; Ľudovít Ličko *03.07.1914, Čadca (SR) †died in battle next the river Loire) ; 1083. (820.) Július Pavella ; Colonel gst. Alojz Ballay born 1905 in Považská Bystrica from catolic family. His father was Anton Ballay and mother Berta Koláriková ;
Sources : The State district archive Trencin, Juliana Ličková born Stiglitz, Alžbeta Ondrejkovičová born Ličko, General of Slovak air force Teodor Obuch, editor Juraj Fuchs from 1999, Alice Ličková ; Lt. Col. Aladár II. Ondrejkovič ; Dr. Aladár I. Ondrejkovič, Kamila Csúzyová, ing. Janiček, Dr. Vojtech Novák year 1970, Dr. Eva Raisová born Baxa, Registrar Trencin, elementary school director Ján Dianovský 1960 ; archive District Court Trencin, Archive of the District Court Bratislava, Bratislava SNA, Stefan Clement, Fritz Lederer 1969, Martha Hladká in year 1967, Irena Blühová 1966, Alexander Bachnár credibility source from 1999, Josef Mudrik of NBS, NBS archive Marian Tkáč, Olga Grellová family. Slezáková 1973 ; Milan Neuschl 1970 ; Konšt. Štv. ; Smolnický year 2001, 1975, Milan Brinzík, A. Ličko in the year 2001; arcibiskup Ján Sokol 19.01.2001 Bratislava ; Bytča District Archives, District Archives Považská Bystrica, Trenčín Land Management ; Slovenská Pravda, 1943 ; Gardista, 1945 ; Air Force third year, the years 1938-9, Pavol Kučera ; Irene Ciho born Rotbauer ; Ambassador of Czek republic in Bratislava Rudolf Slánský II ; Jan Tuček - Superb - : ThDr. Karol Kmeťko, významný hodnostář římskokatolické církve, jehož papež Pius XII. jmenoval v květnu 1944 osobním arcibiskupem ;
; Old movies - Trenčín in the year 1929 ; Trenčín in the year 1940 ; ♫ Nessun Dorma ;
90. jubilee of the swimming sport in Slovakia

As the first in our discipline putting women comparatively rare enough traf 100 m freestyle women. In this discipline this year has already surpassed three times Slovak record. Twice swimmer Ličková TTS Trenčín and once Šándorová of DSK. Although she won the championship Šándorová of DSK time of 1: 28.4 minutes, Ličková improved twice in a row record, at 1: 28.1 minutes, and at 1: 2 * 8 minutes. 1. Ličková of TTS Trenčín, 1: 23.8 minutes (Slovak record). 2. Šándorová. DSK Bratislava. 1: 04.28 minutes. J. Hrušková. SPK Bratislava, 1: 32.2 minutes.
On September 4, 1942. Swim team appointed. Italy will go to 15 swimmers and swimmer. After decommissioning championships that were this Sunday in Piešťany spa EVA, was named pools which team will represent us on the international European Youth Games, which will be 24 to 27 September Boys that will go quite certainly represent us, will be about 8, namely: Warm (SPK), black (SPK), Balážik (PPK) Hromec E. (SPK) gles (PPK). Murgas (PPK), Komadel (PPK), Korbel (SPK) and Jančina (SPK). Of these borcov me the most hope to honor miesten warm to crawl, black on the breast and Balážik character. Do decisive battle also has a chance to hit the 400 m voľ. sp. Gles of PPK Piešťtany, who represent us in Bratislava against Croatia (combined heat and swim in a relay race and achieve better times than Dr. Kovárik and Tezner, t. J. 1: 06.4!).
he jewels of our girls do not know anything sure, but certainly do not have such strong competition as boys. After Sunday were named the following swimmers: Rafková (SPK), Greta Ličková (ŠAC), Ujcová (ŠAC). Žlnayová (PPK), Gyamiathyová (HM Nitra) and Urbanovičová (SPK). Here also, our girls hit the best, especially Ličková and Žlnayová. Disciplines for boys are: 100 m freestyle, 100m backstroke, 200m breaststroke, 400 m freestyle and 4x100m free style. Girls swim in the following disciplines: 200 m breaststroke, 100m backstroke, 100 m freestyle relay and either limit or 4X100 freestyle. (6).
We have excellent swimmer puppy. Compared to last year and Senior Championships took place this year Puppy. Bratislava, July 23, 1943. Two days ago we brought povovnanie results of the previous three youth teams swimming championships. Puppy results can be compared only and the results of last year\'s championship Senier. While this is disproportionate to compare the results with the results puppy seniors, but as we will see our Youth Women will hold very well even in this comparison. In two disciplines are puppy better by women.
100 m freestyle: 1942 Ličková (TTS Trenčín) 1: 24.4, 1943 Račková (SPK) 1: 81 *. 100m backstroke: 1642 Hrušovská (SPK) L: S2, lines. 1943 Račková (SPK) 1: 38.2. 190 m breaststroke: 1942 Žlnayová (TTS Trenčín 8: 36.8, 1943 Holubeková (PTE) 3: 37.5. HXIOO m medley relay: 1841 SK 4: 38.0, 1943 PTE 4: 49.4. 4X100 m breaststroke: 1942 SPK 7: 01.8, P ti 1943: 7: 01,7. In addition to these disciplines dodellly plavkyň- PTE in the 4x100m relay event free apôtob very good time of 6: 21.8, 00 * vykasujs the crews. 1:35, fifth
Swimmers swimming meeting with Croatia in Bratislava Tehelne pole 13.aug.1943. For our women starts: the 100m backstroke -Hrušková (FIPK) and Zelinková (PTE), the 200 m breaststroke: Žlnayová (PPK) and Rolubeková! (PTE), the 100 m freestyle: Zelinková (PTE) and Greta Ličková (ŠAC). In 4x100m Relay Freestyle Starts Zelinková, Hejtatamová and Kovácsová (all PTE Bratislava), Greta Ličková (ŠAC). On the Relay 4x100 m breaststroke starts: Žlnayová (PPK), Neumanová (SPK), Urbanovičová (SPK) and Holubekova (PTE) (6).
Swimming clubs formed:
Club racers OAP of army, Deutscher Schwimmklub CSP Bratislava, Slovak swimming club SPK Bratislava, Hungarian club PTE, PPK Piestany, Trnava TPK, TTS Trenčín, ZZ Trencianske Teplice, Vrútky, ŠAC Banská Štiavnica. Slovak Swimming Association organized in the following years, winter and summer Tel. New. Sport, 1 Slovak Championship, League and international swimming meeting with Croatia, Hungary, the German empire, Italian, etc.
Construction of the regulation of the swimming pool of the Military Recreation Center for front soldiers and their families at Železná Studienka in 1944.
Construction of a swimming pool in the Military Recreation Center for front soldiers and their families at the Iron Curriculum in 1944. The work was carried out by the Labor Force NO.
In 1946, again based Czechoslowakische Amateur Swimming Federation, which has again become a member of FINA.
In 1946, leveling Ľ. Komadel from Piešťany world record in the 400 m breaststroke time of 5:43,8. The integration of swimming clubs in the JTO Sokol was held in 1948. At the Olympic Games in Helsinki in 1952, three Slovak start swimmer: Komadel, Bačík from Piešťany and Vladimir Skovajsa of Bratislava. Komadel fill in the 200 m breaststroke 8th 2:38,8 point in time what was the best location in Olympic game.
Daughters of the then Capt. tank off duty Aladár II. Ondrejkovič raced for sport swimming club Slávia UK Bratislava. Tanja has been in an accident at gym in the JSS in the year 1960 junior champion of the Republic. The younger daughter Eva was the first among schoolgirls in Slovakia. The members of the swimming sports club Slavia UK were also classmates from elementary school Vazovova 4 Pavel Ondrejkovič, Marian Benkovič and son of publishing Pravda editor Ms. Viera Husak - Miller, later wife of the President of the Czechoslovak Republic Dr. Gustav Husák. Their coach was an Olympian Vlado Skovajsa. Grandson of Elizabeth Ondrejkovič (sister Greta Ličko) is Michael Ondrejkovič. In the years 1998 - 2005 deal with the judo sport. He was a member of the club Slavia STU Bratislava, which in the 2003/2004 season he became Champion of Slovakia in the 1st Slovak League Judo Association.
Notes : Klementína ? Ondrejkovič born Šumichrastová ;
Resources: (5) Newspaper Slovák 9.augusta 1940 ; (4) Newspaper Slovák 18.augusta 1941 ; (6) Newpaper Gardista 04.09.1942, 24.07.1943, 14.08.1943, krátené ; Robert Ličko ;